1995 April
Editorial – Our Need of Superior Wisdom, part 2
The consistent life, the long forbearance, the spirit unruffled under provocation, is always the most conclusive argument and the most solemn appeal.
When one turns away from human imperfections to behold Jesus, a divine transformation takes place in the character. This was the experience of Isaiah.
Let us pray earnestly before the Lord and plead with Him for that special grace that will prepare us to accept the high calling which has been presented.
Children's Story
Children’s Story – Hurricanes and Shredded Sails
This months children's story follows the faith-testing experience of a group of missionaries on their travels across the Atlantic Ocean.
Food for Life – It’s Springtime! Time to think about a Garden!
It's springtime! Many of you will be blessed to have gardens this year. So you'll need to consider an approach for preserving the foods for next winter.
Getting Out of a Bad Marriage, part 2
We commit ourselves to God, God commits himself to our case. That is our assurance of salvation. We must decide to side with God in the plan of salvation.
Martin Luther, part V – Called Before The Council
A mightier hand than that of Charles was directing in the affairs of the empire. Instead of bearing his witness at the stake, Luther was to bear testimony on the loftiest stage that the world could provide.
What Inspiration Says About – Qualifications of a Minister
In this article we will look at some of the general results in practical life, habits, and manners that should be evident in a true minister's life.
Christ priesthood is a founding doctrine of Adventism. In this article J.N. Andrews shows the various phases of Christ's work, one of which is his priestly ministration in the sanctuary above.
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.