Reporting from Tanzania, East Africa – The Simplest Means

In what is called the “African Bush,” millions of acres are home to hundreds of various tribes of native African people. Today’s true story comes from the bush of Tanzania, East Africa. How will the Lord get the Three Angels’ Messages to these extremely remote and unentered areas?

This account relates how God can use very simple ways. Our story begins on perhaps an ordinary day in the African bush. Although no one really knows exactly how it all happened, many facts remain to tell the story. A literature evangelist was faithfully going about his duties selling Seventh-day Adventist literature to village people in Tanzania. A number of folks from the Roman Catholic belief became very alarmed as the evangelist’s literature exposed false religion.

As has been the case in ages past, it was determined by them that this man must be stopped at all costs. So a plan was conspired and at a certain place in the bush, the evangelist was attacked as he passed that way. With weapons raised high, the villains slew this dear man of God and fled, leaving him unburied beneath the hot African sun. The ants quickly did their fearful work and soon nothing but bones remained!

The evangelist’s friends never heard from him again nor did they know his whereabouts. Week after week, month after month passed by. Then almost one year later, a dog from the nearby village happened to come upon the area. He eagerly sniffed among the sun-bleached, white bones of the evangelist, and came across a leather satchel that belonged to the evangelist. He heartily began to chew on the corners, but not content to remain there, the canine gracefully carried the leather satchel in its mouth and headed for his master’s mud hut.

Upon arriving he resumed his activity of gnawing at the hardened leather treasure he had found. Little did the dog know that someone in the family also noticed the cargo that he had carried home. So the master of the house came to inspect what his dog had and carefully opened the hardened, weather-beaten leather case and to his surprise, out came some message books still in fairly good condition. The messages were eagerly read, shared with others, and accepted.

Unkind men instigated by evil angels had sought to prevent God’s Word from reaching those in the darkness of error and superstition but they all failed. The Three Angels’ Messages must go through and God used an ordinary village dog to bring the glad tidings.

Today in that region of Tanzania, there is a large company of believers who assemble each Sabbath and worship the Creator. Many wonder in awe as God used this simple means to enlighten His people. How much more can God use us if we place our wills on His side. “O ye of little faith.” Some say, “I can’t preach or talk with people very well,” neither could this dog, but God used it to accomplish His purpose.

“There is no limit to the usefulness of the one who, putting self aside, makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart and lives wholly consecrated to God.” Desire of Ages, 250.

“It is not alone the most talented, not alone those who hold high positions of trust, or are the most highly educated from a worldly point of view, whom the Lord uses to do His grand and holy work of soul-saving. He will use simple means; He will use many who have had few advantages to help in carrying forward His work. He will, by the use of simple means, bring those who possess property and lands to a belief of the truth, and these will be influenced to become the Lord’s helping hand in the advancement of His work.” Letter 62, 1909.

What’s Up In Ghana?

Ron: Joseph, could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Joseph: I was born in Ghana and raised as a Catholic. I knew nothing about Adventism until I met a brother who shared with me about the law of God, and the gospel of Jesus whereby I could be saved from the guilt and power of sin freely through the grace of Christ. I decided to obey the law of God, including the seventh-day Sabbath and began looking for a church to go to. I joined a study group in 1979 and got to know a man form America, Brother Bankhead who sent me some books including some Ellen White books. I started to study them. That study group has developed into the Accra church of historic Seventh-day Adventist believers. More recently, I have been in the United States for about four years working to support myself and help the work in Africa. I plan to go back to Africa soon.

Ron: Why do you plan to go back to Africa?

Joseph: First of all two or three people have said to me, “Joseph, what are you doing here? You have to go to Africa and work there.” Secondly as I have been praying, I believe the Holy Spirit has impressed me to go back to Africa. Finally, all I have studied here, coming to the Bible training course here at Steps to Life and many other things, I can use to help the church there. Our goal is to reach not only the entire region of Ghana, but the surrounding countries with the three Angels’ messages. While the Adventists who are faithful to the historic message that God gave to Adventism are attempting in every way to spread the three angels’ messages, they are in need of assistance if they are going to reach the entire population.

Ron: What are the best ways that we can help them?

Joseph: First of all they do not have a place to invite non-Adventists to meetings or church services. You might say, why don’t they just establish home churches as in America and other parts of the world. Well, first of all, most of the members live in small one room houses or apartments. This one room is where the whole family lives. With four to eight people living in a one room apartment sharing a bathroom with the occupants of other apartments and sometimes sharing a public kitchen, inviting people there for a home church is not feasible.

John: So, they need a place to worship and conduct evangelistic services?

Joseph: That is correct. Secondly they need a place to organize and plan their work. They need a place to produce literature, for the world, and also communications for the churches.

Ron: The building that we are helping them to buy will not only satisfy the need for a place for production of materials, preparation and distribution of communications, but also it can function as a church, and one part of it will be used as a sanitarium, and another part for a clothing distribution center.

Joseph: We hope that these new facilities will be used by the Lord and our faithful people to bring a great evangelistic thrust in Ghana. Our people have fasted and prayed for a long time and we see in these developments an answer to our prayers that the three angels’ message may be finished soon in Ghana.

John: In what other areas may we help the work to progress more rapidly in Ghana?

Joseph: As you reported in your News Notes a few months ago, Rose has been operating an orphanage in Ghana. With almost no facilities, as photographed in your News Notes, she has been taking care of 16 orphans (children who are adoptable) and many other poor children, providing them with food and clothing etc. She is working very hard, from early to late to earn the money to support these orphans and poor children. With the help that you are planning to provide for the orphanage, the living conditions for these children will become much more healthful—they will not have the constant exposure to the elements, and also it will be much easier to keep the children clean.

Ron: For a more complete explanation of the situation about the orphanage read our August News Notes. In addition to the orphans being cared for, there are many poor children who would be in a terrible situation if it were not for the self-sacrificing efforts of Rose in caring for them. The orphanage also cares for some mothers and their children who have no means of support. This is a noble work. John Huss was in this same situation once. He was an orphan (no father) but his poor mother thankfully knew how to pray. Read the whole story in Great Controversy page 98.

Joseph: How close are we to being able to build this orphanage and help the brothers in Ghana to purchase the churches that they so desperately need?

Ron: We have raised over 75% of the funds needed to build the orphanage, $30,000. Steps to Life supporters have also sent over $40,000 for the churches. Rod Clark is planning to go to Africa this winter to oversee the construction of the orphanage. However, I want to know, are there other things that we can do to help our brothers in Ghana to speed up the work of giving the three angels’ messages to West Africa.

Joseph: We are in need of literature and materials to give to the people to help them understand present truth. I understand that you are planning to help us with literature too, is that right?

Ron: That’s exactly right. We have received money for literature for Ghana and we are hoping to send a shipment of tracts not only in English but also in Twi. Two people have donated slide projectors to help them in their evangelistic meetings. People have sent in over 200 pounds of clothes.

I have to say that I am so thankful for the way God’s people have supported this project and I believe they will finish giving the necessary funds to complete this very important gospel endeavors. I would like to end this interview by sharing a quote from Christ’s Object Lessons, 351. It says, “Money has great value, because it can do great good. In the hands of God’s children it is food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, and clothing for the naked. It is a defense for the oppressed, and a means of help to the sick. But money is of no more value than sand, only as it is put to use in providing for the necessities of life, in blessing others, and advancing the cause of Christ.”

The End