Keep The Faith Audio Tape Ministry is dedicated to the preaching of the Historic Three Angels’ Messages, alerting our listeners to the soon coming Savior. Such beliefs demand a personal preparation that we may be ready to meet the final crisis just ahead.
This ministry was born the day the Oregon Conference president stated that I could no longer preach in any church within the Oregon Conference. Not that he could find anything in my preaching that was contrary to the doctrines of the church, but he said that I was a divisive preacher, telling the people what they did not want them to hear.
I have been active in the Lord’s work for over fifty years as a church pastor, evangelist, and then in conference, union, and general conference leadership. God suddenly laid upon me the responsibility to tell it “like it is;” to alert our people as to how the structure is leading our people into the world-wide ecumenical movement. This movement has but one objective—to create a one-world church that will enforce mandatory worship on the first day of the week, Sunday.
God’s Word and the teaching of His last day prophet has clearly revealed what is happening; the standards are being lowered, celebration and rock music have come into our churches, the pillars of our faith are being torn down, by the printing of books of a new order, which teach new theology. The sacrifice of some of our great institutions, in a vain attempt to bring God’s remnant church into line with Babylon, seems to be no problem.
We solicit your prayers that we will be faithful “watchman on the walls of Zion,” helping the faithful to be ready to stand for the truth and be ready for the final crisis.
God has richly blessed our tape ministry. From a humble beginning of 40 tapes a month, we are now nearing 4,000 each month. If you would like to be on our mailing list, simply write to:
Keep The Faith Audio Tape Ministry
P.O. Box 808
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457
Or you may phone or fax (541) 863–7060
The End