Editorial – The Gospel to All the World . . .

“By giving the gospel to the world, it is in our power to hasten the coming of the day of God.” Review and Herald, November 11, 1913.

It is this desire and this missionary spirit that has motivated true Christians since apostolic times. This is what caused the Waldenses to travel all over Europe, at the peril of their lives, with gospel literature. This is what caused the Reformers to stand, at the threat of death, for Bible truth. This is what impelled the nineteenth century Seventh-day Adventists to begin sending missionaries all over the world and caused ministers in the twentieth century to start Bible correspondence schools and to begin using radio and television to reach the world with the last message of mercy. This was the motivation in the 1990s to start sending millions of tabloids containing earth’s final warning to the entire inhabited world. This is what motivated the use of large newspapers and billboards to advertise the last warning message. This is the reason historic Seventh-day Adventists became so excited in 1993 about using short-wave radio to reach the entire world with the Three Angels’ Messages.

We, at Steps to Life, have been praying that, if it was the Lord’s will, He would open up the way for us to enlarge our evangelistic outreach through television. We are working on some exciting possibilities to get our television program on stations all over the United States. These possibilities are still there, but God has much larger plans than we could have imagined. God is opening up new resources of technology to help us spread the gospel message to the whole world quickly.

Steps to Life television programming has been broadcasting in southern Kansas every week since 1987. The Lord used the television program as the conduit to send us an invitation to broadcast to the world by Internet Radio. Over the years, the owner of Heartland Internet Broadcasting (HIB), a conservative, Christian ministry located in Wichita, Kansas, U.S.A., and one of its technical personnel have listened to and liked our television program. Several days ago we received a telephone call, inviting us to visit them. Many exciting potentialities have opened up as a result of this visit.

Starting November 1, 2003, Steps to Life will be broadcasting every day, 365 days a year, to all the world! This is the way it will work. Anyone any place in the world, who has access to the Internet with a sound card, will be able to tune in to the Heartland Internet Broadcasting station, KHIB, and hear a Steps to Life Internet Radio broadcast!

Weekdays, Monday through Friday, our programming can be heard from 9:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Central Time in the United States. On Sabbath and Sunday, the broadcast time will be from 8:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. Central Time in the United States. Obviously it will be at every hour of the day and night somewhere in the world during these broadcast times.

If you receive our newsletter, you know that we are living in very uncertain times and that income in almost all non-profit organizations and ministries is down from what it was a year ago. In spite of this, we believe that the Lord miraculously opened this door of opportunity for us and that as we go through it by faith, He will impress His servants to sustain the giving of the Three Angels’ Messages to all the world.

We cannot discuss all the wonderful possibilities in this editorial, but get your seatbelt fastened! If the Lord wills, Steps to Life could be broadcasting from Wichita to all the world on Internet Television soon. This is not a dream but a realistic possibility that both KHIB and we are seriously discussing for the near future. If you would like to see Steps to Life evangelistic television worldwide, please put this on your prayer list.