Food For Life – Healthy Breakfast – The Best Way to Begin Your Day

It might be the last thing on your morning to-do list, or it might not be on your list at all, but a healthy breakfast refuels your body and jump-starts your day. So do not overlook this important meal. Select healthy options that fit your taste and lifestyle, and put breakfast back into your morning.

Breakfast not only starts your day off right, but also lays the foundation for lifelong health benefits. People who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to:

  • Consume more vitamins and minerals and less fat and cholesterol,
  • Have better concentration and productivity throughout the morning,
  • Control their weight, and
  • Have lower cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Breakfast is especially important for children and adolescents. According to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to have better concentration, problem-solving skills and eye-hand coordination. They may also be more alert, creative and less likely to miss days of school.

A healthy breakfast should consist of a variety of foods, for example, whole grains, low-fat protein sources, and fruit. This provides complex carbohydrates, protein, and a small amount of fat—a combination that delays hunger symptoms for hours.

Addressing the importance of breakfast, Ellen White gave the following counsel to one mother about her daughter: “Never let her go from home to school without her breakfast. Do not venture to give full scope to your inclinations in this matter. Place yourself entirely under the control of God, and He will help you to bring all your desires into harmony with His requirements.

“It is the custom and order of society to take a slight breakfast. But this is not the best way to treat the stomach. At breakfast time the stomach is in a better condition to take care of more food than at the second or third meal of the day. The habit of eating a sparing breakfast and a large dinner is wrong. Make your breakfast correspond more nearly to the heartiest meal of the day.” Child Guidance, 390.