Food – Water

Working Water into Our Life

Previously we have looked at the critical need of the body to take water internally, and have identified many ways in which the body uses water. Also, we have looked at the formula by which to determine the amount of water needed each day—body weight in pounds, divided by two and then divided by eight, gives the number of glasses. This amount can be greatly increased in the presence of heavy work or exercise, warm temperatures, and in the presence of illnesses such as those that involve high fever or vomiting and diarrhea. Let us look today at how we incorporate this water into our life.

Many people are amazed when they learn how much water they need to drink. Often it is heard, “I don’t drink that much water and I never feel thirsty.” The first thing we need to understand is that thirst is a protective mechanism to warn of danger—a shortage of water in the body. When feeling thirsty the body is already 1–4 glasses short of the water needed for optimal body function. The time to drink water is before the feeling of thirst to prevent the stress on the body due to a shortage of water or dehydration.

When do you drink all of this water? Upon rising in the morning, in between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and supper, and between supper and bedtime water should be taken, guarding against drinking water with meals, as this dilutes the digestive juices, interferes with the digestion of food, and prolongs the time that food is in the stomach. It is very acceptable to drink water on an empty stomach about 15 to 30 minutes before the meal and then resume drinking one to two hours after meals.

A common problem with those who have not accustomed themselves to drinking the required amount of water is that they dislike the taste. Adding a small amount of fresh lemon juice in the water will give it a fresh taste, making it more palatable. Those having trouble drinking the amount of water should develop a schedule that says when and how much to drink. This gives several mini goals throughout the day, giving encouragement to reach the next goal. Achieving the daily requirement will soon become a habit and not such a challenge.

Finally, the most important strategy to help drink more water is to ask God for the power to accomplish what is good for your health. With God as our helper, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13.

So, here is to your health as you develop a plan to drink all of the life-giving water that your body needs.