Keys to the Storehouse – A Second Trial

Our first parents sinned and Jesus “proposed the only means that could be acceptable with God, that would give them another trial, and place them again on probation.” Confrontation, 17.

Did you know that angels also experienced a period of probation? “Angels on probation had been deceived by Satan, and had been led on by him in the great rebellion in heaven against Christ. They failed to endure the test brought to bear upon them, and they fell.” Ibid., 18.

There was no second trial for the angels! Why? “He left the fallen angels to perish in their rebellion, but stretched forth His hand to rescue perishing man. The angels who were rebellious were dealt with according to the light and experience they had abundantly enjoyed in heaven. Satan, the chief of the fallen angels, once had an exalted position in heaven. He was next in honor to Christ. The knowledge which he, as well as the angels who fell with him, had of the character of God, of His goodness, His mercy, wisdom, and excellent glory, made their guilt unpardonable.” [Emphasis supplied.] Ibid., 21.

They had it all—their sin was unpardonable!

“There was no possible hope for the redemption of those who had witnessed and enjoyed the inexpressible glory of heaven, and had seen the terrible majesty of God, and, in presence of all this glory, had rebelled against Him. … If they could rebel in the very presence of glory inexpressible, they could not be placed in a more favorable condition to be proved. There was no reserve force of power, nor were there any greater heights and depths of infinite glory to overpower their jealous doubts and rebellious murmuring. Their guilt and their punishment must be in proportion to their exalted privileges in the heavenly courts.” Ibid.

We have the privilege to be on probation. Are we “walking” with God each moment? Adam and Eve were separated from God by transgression of His expressed command. They knew the consequences of such transgression. We also know the consequences of our transgressions, our sins. Many are in a deplorable state, blinded by Satan to think all is well because sin really isn’t sin anymore—it is just a little departure from God’s word. Do not be tricked into believing a lie and losing the last opportunity to join the faithful angels in heaven.

You and I might redeem Adam’s disgraceful failure, and by humble obedience regain lost Eden. Ask Jesus for His Holy Spirit to transform your heart, to guide you and to teach you. Do not believe the devil’s lie that your “little” sins do not matter. This is the last trial you will have to prove your faithfulness to the God of heaven—to prove your love to Him. You do not need to fail in these last moments of probation.

Father in heaven: I am saddened that the angels failed their probation when they had it all. I do not want to fail. Help me to relinquish self and the sin which doth so easily beset me. Save me from my rebellious self, and let me run with patience the race that is set before me. Do not let me be ruined by Satan’s lying deceptions. Help Lord! Amen.

Editorial – Are you Ready for the Future?

“Our people need to understand the oracles of God; they need to have a systematic knowledge of the principles of revealed truth, which will fit them for what is coming upon the earth and prevent them from being carried about by every wind of doctrine.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 273.

“Christians should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise, and this preparation they should make by diligently studying the word of God and striving to conform their lives to its precepts.” Prophets and Kings, 626.

Who is Your Leader?

“It is a marvel to the angels that human beings should choose to be incapable of realizing how greatly Christ humiliated Himself in their behalf. They marvel that men and women do not rejoice to acknowledge Christ as their Saviour, to accept Him as their Leader, and to follow His example of self-denial.” The Signs of the Times, December 20, 1905.

“There is to be no compromise with those who make void the law of God. It is not safe to rely upon them as counselors.” Selected Messages, Book 2, 371.

Christians cannot be faithful to the above counsels and at the same time fraternize with those who do not keep the commandments of God or follow the testimonies of His spirit. Christians cannot become members or associates of secret societies, or of confederacies labeled as a brotherhood of workers, or of confederacies that are labeled as an association to promote Christian unity. This has been done repeatedly in secret for decades but especially since 1982—Adventists have joined themselves with the ecumenical movement and in so doing denied the faith of the three angels messages. (This is the hidden reason behind much persecution Adventists are having in many countries.) Also, since the early 1980s Adventists have yoked up with lawyers and legal entanglements just as J. H. Kellogg did over one hundred years ago during the time of the alpha of deadly heresies. What will be the end of these things? Only the Lord knows. He has said through His messenger, “The developments of these last days will soon become decided. When these spiritualistic deceptions are revealed to be what they really are—the secret workings of evil spirits—those who have acted a part in them will become as men who have lost their minds. Letter 311, October 30, 1905, to Brethren Daniells and Prescott and their associates.” This Day With God, 312.

What side are you on? We should know without a doubt on what side we are exerting our influence.

Editorial – Destiny

It is widely believed in the Christian world today that a person is saved by making a profession of faith. This profession of faith is either confirmed or denied by a change in lifestyle.

How is it with you? Over and over Jesus emphasized in His parables the truth that character determines destiny. Read about the Good Samaritan, the parables about the talents and the unjust steward.

“In the time of harvest ye shall ‘return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not’ (Malachi 3:18). Christ Himself will decide who are worthy to dwell with the family of heaven. He will judge every man according to his words and his works. Profession is as nothing in the scale. It is character that decides destiny.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 74.

“Christ lifts the veil from the future and bids all to behold that it is character, not position, which decides man’s destiny.” Ibid.,123.

“Actions repeated form habits, habits form character, and by the character our destiny for time and for eternity is decided.” Ibid., 356.

“Angels from the heavenly courts stand by all who do God’s service in ministering to their fellow men. And you have the co-operation of Christ Himself. He is the Restorer, and as you work under His supervision, you will see great results.

“Upon your faithfulness in this work not only the well-being of others but your own eternal destiny depends. Christ is seeking to uplift all who will be lifted to companionship with Himself, that we may be one with Him as He is one with the Father. He permits us to come in contact with suffering and calamity in order to call us out of our selfishness; He seeks to develop in us the attributes of His character–compassion, tenderness, and love. By accepting this work of ministry we place ourselves in His school, to be fitted for the courts of God. By rejecting it, we reject His instruction, and choose eternal separation from His presence.” Ibid., 388, 389.

One of these days, we will all meet up with the consequences of the character we have developed. “Silently, unnoticed as the midnight thief, will come the decisive hour which marks the fixing of every man’s destiny, the final withdrawal of mercy’s offer to guilty men.” The Great Controversy, 491.

Inspiration – Standards of Success

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10). …

All heaven is cognizant of every thought and every action. Your actions may be unseen by your associates, but they are all open to the inspection of angels. The angels are commissioned to minister unto those who are striving to overcome every wrong habit, and stand clear from the devices of Satan.

Faithful Integrity

The power of little acts of evil, of small inconsistencies to mold character, are not estimated as they should be. The grandest and most elevated principles are revealed to us in the word of God. They are given to us to strengthen every effort for good, to control and balance the mind, to lead us to aspire to reach a high standard.

In the history of Joseph, Daniel, and his fellows, we see how the golden chain of truth may bind the youth to the throne of God. They could not be tempted to turn aside from their course of integrity. They valued the favor of God above the favor and praise of princes, and God loved them and spread His shield over them. Because of their faithful integrity, because of their determination to honor God above every human power, the Lord signally honored them before men. They were honored by the Lord God of hosts, whose power is over all the works of His hand in heaven above and the earth beneath. These youth were not ashamed to display their true colors. Even in the court of the king, in their words, their habits, their practices, they confessed their faith in the Lord God of heaven. They refused to bow to any earthly mandate that detracted from the honor of God. They had strength from heaven to confess their allegiance to God.

You should be prepared to follow the example of these noble youth. Never be ashamed of your colors; put them on, unfurl them to the gaze of men and angels. Do not be controlled by false modesty, by false prudence which suggests to you a course of action contrary to this advice. By your choice words and a consistent course of action, by your propriety, your earnest piety, make a telling confession of your faith, determined that Christ shall occupy the throne in the soul temple; and lay your talents without reserve at His feet to be employed in His service.

Complete Consecration

For your present and eternal good it is best to commit yourself wholly to the right, that the world may know where you are standing. Many are not wholly committed to the cause of God, and their position of wavering is a source of weakness in itself, and a stone of stumbling to others. With principles unsettled, unconsecrated as they are, the waves of temptation sweep them away from what they know to be right, and they do not make holy endeavor to overcome every wrong, and through the imputed righteousness of Christ, perfect a righteous character.

The world has a right to know just what may be expected from every intelligent human being. He who is a living embodiment of firm, decided, righteous principles, will be a living power upon his associates; and he will influence others by his Christianity. Many do not discern and appreciate how great is the influence of each one for good or evil. …

Assert Your Liberty

Make it the law of your life from which no temptation or side interest shall cause you to turn, to honor God, because He “so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). As a redeemed, free moral agent, ransomed by an infinite price, God calls upon you to assert your liberty, and employ your God-given powers as a free subject of the kingdom of heaven. Be no longer under the thralldom of sin, but as a loyal subject to the King of kings, prove your loyalty to God.

Through Jesus Christ show that you are worthy of the sacred trust with which the Lord has honored you in bestowing upon you life and grace. You are to refuse to be in subjection to the power of evil. As soldiers of Christ we must deliberately and intelligently accept His terms of salvation under every circumstance, cherish right principles, and act upon them. Divine wisdom is to be a lamp to your feet. Be true to yourselves, be true to your God. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken; but rooted and grounded in the truth, you will abide with those things that cannot be shaken. The law of God is steadfast, unalterable; for it is the expression of the character of Jehovah. Make up your mind that you will not by word or influence cast the least dishonor upon its authority.

Complete Surrender

To have the religion of Christ means that you have absolutely surrendered your all to God, and consented to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit moral power will be given you, and not only will you have your former intrusted talents for the service of God, but their efficiency will be greatly multiplied. The surrender of all our powers to God greatly simplifies the problem of life. It weakens and cuts short a thousand struggles with the passions of the natural heart. Religion is as a golden cord that binds the souls of both youth and aged to Christ. Through it the willing and obedient are brought safely through dark and intricate paths to the city of God.

There are youth who have only common faculties, and yet by education and discipline under teachers who are actuated by high and pure principles, they may come forth from the training process qualified for some position of trust to which God has called them. But there are young men who will make a failure because they have not determined to overcome natural inclinations, and they will not listen to the voice of God in His word. They have not barricaded their souls against temptation, and determined to do their duty at all hazards. They are like one who in a perilous journey refuses any guide or instruction whereby he may escape accident and ruin, and goes on in a certain course of destruction.

Choosing Your Destiny

O that every one might realize that he is the arbiter of his own destiny! Your happiness for this life, and for the future, immortal life lies with yourself. If you choose, you may have associates who, by their influence, will cheapen your thoughts, your words, and your morals. You can give loose rein to appetite and passion, despise authority, use coarse language, and degrade yourself to the lowest level. Your influence may be such as to contaminate others, and you may be the cause of ruining those whom you might have brought to Christ. You may lead from Christ, from right, from holiness, and from heaven. In the judgment the lost may point to you and say, “If it had not been for his influence, I would not have stumbled and made a mock of religion. He had light, he knew the way to heaven. I was ignorant, and went blindfolded on my way to destruction.” O, what answer can we give to such a charge? How important it is that every one shall consider where he is leading souls. We are in view of the eternal world, and how diligently we should count the cost of our influence. We should not drop eternity out of our reckoning, but accustom ourselves to ask continually, Will this course be pleasing to God? What will be the influence of my action upon the minds of those who have had much less light and evidence as to what is right?

Messages to Young People, 27–32.

Editorial – Rest

Even a casual study of the life of our Lord during His incarnation reveals that, “Throughout His life on earth, Jesus was an earnest and constant worker. He expected much; therefore He attempted much. After He had entered on His ministry, He said, ‘I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.’ John 9:4. Jesus did not shirk care and responsibility, as do many who profess to be His followers.” The Desire of Ages, 72.

Before He entered on His ministry He was an earnest worker in Nazareth: “While on earth Christ lived in the home of a peasant. He wore the best garments His parents could provide, but they were the humble garments of the peasants. He walked the rough paths of Nazareth and climbed the steeps of its hillsides and mountains. In His home He was a constant worker, and left on record a life filled with useful deeds.” In Heavenly Places, 214.

“He commenced His life of usefulness in childhood. … Between the ages of twelve and thirty, before entering upon His public ministry, He led a life of active industry.” The Review and Herald, January 6, 1885. In His ministry, Jesus was never idle.

Jesus is still working for each one of us. His work is constant—He never sleeps or goes on a vacation. How long is He going to be doing this constant intercession? “Our need of Christ’s intercession is constant.” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 6, 1078.

He will not stop until the case of every individual in this world is decided for life or for death. You and I each have a case pending in heaven; the Apostle Paul said, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” II Corinthians 5:10.

We have been given a time of probation so that we might prepare and be ready for the judgment. After the judgment is over, the whole universe will enter a period of rest. It is exciting to look forward to. Will you have a part in it?

“Not until every case is decided will Christ be at rest. …

“He came to redeem humanity, and He will continue to send message after message to save His flock from Satanic delusions. He will not cease to send His messages until the redeemed universe shall be at rest.” This Day With God, 91.