From “Back to Eden” by Jethro Kloss
Several years ago, I witnessed something that as a registered nurse was hard for me to believe. An elderly friend of mine suffered a severe attack of gallstones. She believed in natural remedies and wanted me to help her treat the gallstones naturally. I researched natural treatment of gallstones and found a complete treatment protocol in Jethro Kloss’s book, Back to Eden, so after discussion with my friend, we chose to follow the protocol as outlined by Kloss.
As I said, the results were amazing, with my friend passing hundreds of small softened stones. The pain went away, the jaundice disappeared, and the fever decreased to normal. I was truly expecting my friend to require surgery, but God blessed and the problems resolved with faithful natural remedies and prayer. Praise God!
- In the absence of severe pain, give an enema, preferably of catnip tea.
- Apply hot fomentations of lobelia and hops over the right upper abdomen or liver area. In the absence of the herbs, just use hot fomentations.
- Do a hot footbath and drink a cup of hot tea as soon as possible. The tea would be made of equal parts of hyssop, gentian root, skullcap, and buckthorn bark. Complete instructions for making and administering this tea may be obtained from Back to Eden.
- One-half hour after taking the tea, take 4 ounces of olive oil and 4 ounces of lemon or grapefruit juice beaten well. You should then lie on your right side with your hips elevated on two pillow.
- Finally, a thorough massage under the right ribs, rubbing toward the center of the body will help facilitate the passage of the gallstones. This massage and the use of the oil and juice drink should be done three days in a row.
- It is important to have an alkaline diet during this time, using orange, grapefruit, and unsweetened pineapple juice. The potassium broth recipe is alkaline and highly nourishing, and should also be used.
- Other references that I have researched also stressed the importance of keeping the bowels moving freely, and suggested a daily enema, which we did after the massage.
RECIPE – Potassium Broth
2 cups bran
1 cup oatmeal
4 quarts water
2 large onions
2 stalks celery with leaves
½ bunch minced parsley
4 medium potatoes
2 vegetable oysters (a Mediterranean herb)
2 large carrots
Mix the first 3 ingredients and soak overnight. Beat up with an eggbeater and strain through a fine sieve. Thoroughly wash and thinly slice the potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, parsley, and vegetable oysters. Cook there in the bran/oatmeal water. Let simmer in a covered kettle until the vegetables are done. Mash up vegetables and strain again through a fine sieve.