What does the world need today? The people of this world look at the skyrocketing statistics of crime, pauperism, and degradation of the environment. They see the erosion of civil and religious liberty and the hatred that has developed between various races, nations, and religions. They see the development of new diseases, the increase in the old diseases, and the natural disasters occurring all over the world.
They hear what the various statesmen and thought leaders who are seeking solutions to all these problems say, but, “The world needs today what it needed nineteen hundred years ago—a revelation of Christ.” The Ministry of Healing, 143. However, when a revelation of Christ is made, the world will not recognize it. They will cry out for the destruction of those people who make such a revelation. Why is it that the very thing that contains the solution to the world’s problems will be rejected by them and hated? Why did the world hate Jesus when He came the first time? The following is not an exhaustive list of reasons; many more could be given.
- He could not be persuaded to go along with the popular customs of society. “Jesus had come to teach the meaning of the worship of God, and He could not sanction the mingling of human requirements with the divine precepts.” The Desire of Ages, 84. [Emphasis added.]
- He called sin by its right name. “The world loved those who were like itself; but the contrast between Christ and the world was most marked; there could be no harmony between them. His teachings, and his reproofs of sin, stirred up its hatred against him.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 2, 337, 338.
- He always told the truth. “The very fact that Jesus spoke the truth, and that with certainty, is the reason why the Jews did not believe Him. He said, ‘Because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not’ (John 8:45).” Testimonies to Southern Africa, 37.
Most people think that they want to know the truth but sometimes the truth is exactly what they really do not want to hear, and they develop a hatred against the one declaring a truth that is unpopular and unpalatable to the natural heart.
- Jesus taught that we must faithfully perform every duty. He did not commend any who were not faithful workers. (See Matthew 25:14–30 for example.) “Unconsciously every true follower of the Master will say, ‘Are there not but twelve hours in the day? and am I not working at the close of the day? I must walk in the light as one of the children of light. I must lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset, and run with patience the race that is set before me. I am striving for a crown of glory that fadeth not away.’ ” The Signs of the Times, June 3, 1903.
- Jesus could not be swayed from the right way even once, no matter what the risk or cost or loss involved in doing right. (See Matthew 4:3—10 for example.) “[Jesus] dwelt among men an example of spotless integrity. His blameless life flashed light upon their hearts. His sincerity revealed their insincerity. It made manifest the hollowness of their pretentious piety, and discovered iniquity to them in its odious character. Such a light was unwelcome.” The Desire of Ages, 243.
There will be a final and full revelation of the character of Christ in these last days, and it will be received just as it was received when He was here. (See The Desire of Ages, 680; Ephesians 5:25–27.) Are you praying and preparing to make such a demonstration, a revelation of the character of Christ to the world?