Bible Study Guides – A Cause for Rejoicing!

September 21, 2014 – September 27, 2014

Key Text

“[Charity] rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth.” I Corinthians 13:6.

Study Help: Counsels on Stewardship, 339–350.


“Charity loves the sinner but hates the sin, and will warn him faithfully of his danger, pointing him to the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world. Sin is not to be cloaked, but to be taken away.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 1, 217.


  • Though we may profess to be rejoicing solely in God, what must the Christian steward realize? Proverbs 28:14.

Note: “Bible charity is not sentimentalism, but love in active exercise. To heal the hurt of the daughter of My people, slightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace; when there is no peace’ (Jeremiah 6:14; 8:11), is called charity. To confederate together, to call sin holiness and truth, is called charity; but it is the counterfeit article. The false and the spurious are in the world, and we should closely examine our hearts that we may know whether or not we possess the genuine charity. Genuine charity will not create distrust, and evil work. It will not blunt the sword of the spirit so that it does no execution. Those who would cover evil under false charity, say to the sinner, ‘It shall be well with thee.’ Thank God there is a charity that will not be corrupted; there is a wisdom that cometh from above, that is (mark it) first pure, then peaceable, and without hypocrisy, and the fruits of righteousness is sown of them that make peace. This is a description of heaven-born, heaven-bred charity.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 1, 216, 217.

  • What should characterize the daily experience of the Christian steward? Psalm 139:23, 24.

Note: “If we would be overcomers, we must search our hearts to be sure that we are not cherishing anything that is offensive to God.” Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists, 138.


  • How is the Christian steward to respond to iniquity? I Corinthians 13:6, first part.

Note: “Satan’s work is directly opposed to the work of God. The enemy of all good, he stands as the general of the forces drawn up to hurt the souls of men. He looks on with fiendish triumph as he sees the professed followers of Christ biting and devouring one another. He stands ever ready to mar the lives of those who are trying to serve God. Heavenly angels marvel that men should aid Satanic agencies in their work, discouraging hearts, making God’s people weak, strengthless, faithless.” Spalding and Magan Collection, 345, 346.

  • How does the Christian steward avoid rejoicing in evil? I Peter 5:8, 9.

Note: “When we talk discouragement and gloom, Satan listens with fiendish joy; for it pleases him to know that he has brought you into his bondage. Satan cannot read our thoughts, but he can see our actions, hear our words; and from his long knowledge of the human family, he can shape his temptations to take advantage of our weak points of character. And how often do we let him into the secret of how he may obtain the victory over us. Oh, that we might control our words and actions! How strong we would become if our words were of such an order that we would not be ashamed to meet the record of them in the day of judgment. How different will they appear in the day of God from what they seem when we utter them.” The Review and Herald, May 19, 1891.

  • What admonitions are to strengthen us against the temptations mentioned above? Psalm 141:3; Ephesians 4:29, 30.

Note: “When you are associated together, be guarded in your words. Let your conversation be of such a nature that you will have no need of repentance.” The Review and Herald, June 5, 1888.


  • How is the Christian steward warned against delighting in the sins and frailty of others? Ephesians 5:11, 12.

Note: “While many are neglecting their own souls, they eagerly watch for an opportunity to criticize and condemn others. All have defects of character, and it is not hard to find something that jealousy can interpret to their injury. ‘Now,’ say these self-constituted judges, ‘we have facts. We will fasten upon them an accusation from which they can not clear themselves.’ They wait for a fitting opportunity and then produce their bundle of gossip and bring forth their tidbits.” [Emphasis author’s]. Testimonies, vol. 5, 95.

  • What are some examples of how the Christian steward must refrain from rejoicing in iniquity? Proverbs 24:17, 18.

Note: “Instead of finding fault with others, let us be critical with ourselves. The question with each one of us should be, Is my heart right before God? Will this course of action glorify my Father which is in heaven? If you have cherished a wrong spirit, let it be banished from the soul. It is your duty to eradicate from your heart everything that is of a defiling nature; every root of bitterness should be plucked up, lest others be contaminated by its baleful influence. Do not allow one poisonous plant to remain in the soil of your heart. Root it out this very hour, and plant in its stead the plant of love. Let Jesus be enshrined in the soul.

“Christ is our example. He went about doing good. He lived to bless others. Love beautified and ennobled all His actions, and we are commanded to follow in His steps. Let us remember that God sent His only begotten Son to this world of sorrow, to ‘redeem us from all iniquity, and to purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works’ (Titus 2:14). Let us seek to comply with the requirement of God and fulfill His law. ‘Love is the fulfilling of the law’ (Romans 13:10), and He who died that we might live, has given us this commandment, that we should love one another as He has loved us; and the world will know that we are His disciples, if we have this love one for another.” The Review and Herald, June 5, 1888.


  • What teaching and experience of the early disciples is to be ours? James 5:16; Philippians 2:1, 2.

Note: “They [the disciples] were not assembled to relate tidbits of scandal. They were not seeking to expose every stain they could find on a brother’s character. They felt their spiritual need, and cried to the Lord for the holy unction to help them in overcoming their own infirmities, and to fit them for the work of saving others. They prayed with intense earnestness that the love of Christ might be shed abroad in their hearts. This is our great need today in every church in our land. For ‘if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new’ (II Corinthians 5:17). That which was objectionable in the character is purified from the soul by the love of Jesus. All selfishness is expelled, all envy, all evilspeaking, is rooted out, and a radical transformation is wrought in the heart.” The Review and Herald, July 22, 1890.

  • What factors must all Christian stewards bear in mind in their interaction with those whom they profess to love? Romans 14:19; I Thessalonians 5:11.

Note: “There is a sympathy for sin and sinners that is dangerous to the prosperity of the church at the present day. You must have charity is the cry. But that sentiment that would excuse wrong and shield the guilty is not the charity of the Bible. The friendship of the wicked is more dangerous than their enmity; for none can prevail against the servants of the living God, except by tempting them to disobedience.” The Signs of the Times, January 6, 1881.

“Let not the common, cheap, earthly things engross the mind that the presence of Jesus shall be withdrawn. The life of the church is communicated from Christ, and we help the church when we work in harmony with the life-giving power, losing sight of ourselves, and seeking to build one another up in the most holy faith.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 11, 265.


  • How does the Christian steward reveal true charity? I Corinthians 13:6, last part; Psalm 119:140–144, 172.

Note: “ ‘You must have charity,’ is the cry heard everywhere, especially from those who profess sanctification. But true charity is too pure to cover an unconfessed sin. While we are to love the souls for whom Christ died, we are to make no compromise with evil. We are not to unite with the rebellious and call this charity.” The Acts of the Apostles, 554, 555.

  • What is the ultimate goal of the Christian steward? I Corinthians 2:2.

Note: “And the years of eternity, as they roll, will bring richer and still more glorious revelations of God and of Christ. As knowledge is progressive, so will love, reverence, and happiness increase. The more men learn of God, the greater will be their admiration of His character. As Jesus opens before them the riches of redemption and the amazing achievements in the great controversy with Satan, the hearts of the ransomed thrill with more fervent devotion, and with more rapturous joy they sweep the harps of gold; and ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands of voices unite to swell the mighty chorus of praise.” The Great Controversy, 678.


1 Why is self-examination a key in developing faithful stewardship?

2 When would the Christian steward be liable to please the enemy instead of pleasing Christ?

3 How may the Christian steward be in danger of secretly rejoicing in iniquity?

4 What are the symptoms of false charity?

5 How can the Christian steward manifest true charity?

Copyright © 2012 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 5240 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – An Unfailing Virtue

September 14, 2014 – September 20, 2014

Key Text

“Charity never faileth.” I Corinthians 13:8.

Study Help: Testimonies, vol. 2, 133–136.


“Never should we pass by one suffering soul without seeking to impart to him of the comfort wherewith we are comforted of God.” The Desire of Ages, 505.


  • What can the Christian steward learn from the apostle Paul’s motivation? I Corinthians 9:16–19; II Corinthians 5:14, 15.
  • What exhortations are given to motivate us in turn? I Peter 1:22, 23.

Note: “ ‘Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them’ (Matthew 7:12). Blessed results would appear as the fruit of such a course. ‘With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again’ (verse 2). Here are strong motives which should constrain us to love one another with a pure heart, fervently. Christ is our example. He went about doing good. He lived to bless others. Love beautified and ennobled all His actions. We are not commanded to do to ourselves what we wish others to do unto us; we are to do unto others what we wish them to do to us under like circumstances. The measure we mete is always measured to us again. Pure love is simple in its operations, and is distinct from any other principle of action. The love of influence and the desire for the esteem of others may produce a well-ordered life and frequently a blameless conversation. Self-respect may lead us to avoid the appearance of evil. A selfish heart may perform generous actions, acknowledge the present truth, and express humility and affection in an outward manner, yet the motives may be deceptive and impure; the actions that flow from such a heart may be destitute of the savor of life and the fruits of true holiness, being destitute of the principles of pure love. Love should be cherished and cultivated, for its influence is divine.” [Emphasis author’s.] Testimonies, vol. 2, 136.


  • How did Paul’s unselfish love bear fruit under the most forbidding circumstances? Philippians 1:12–14; 2:15–17.

Note: “Not by Paul’s sermons, but by his bonds, was the attention of the court attracted to Christianity. It was as a captive that he broke from so many souls the bonds that held them in the slavery of sin. Nor was this all. He declared: ‘Many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear’ (Philippians 1:14).

“Paul’s patience and cheerfulness during his long and unjust imprisonment, his courage and faith, were a continual sermon. His spirit, so unlike the spirit of the world, bore witness that a power higher than that of earth was abiding with him. And by his example, Christians were impelled to greater energy as advocates of the cause from the public labors of which Paul had been withdrawn. In these ways were the apostle’s bonds influential, so that when his power and usefulness seemed cut off, and to all appearance he could do the least, then it was that he gathered sheaves for Christ in fields from which he seemed wholly excluded.” The Acts of the Apostles, 464.

  • How can the Christian steward be inspired by Paul’s experiences? II Corinthians 4:5–10; 11:24–28.

Note: “Patience as well as courage has its victories. By meekness under trial, no less than by boldness in enterprise, souls may be won to Christ. The Christian who manifests patience and cheerfulness under bereavement and suffering, who meets even death itself with the peace and calmness of an unwavering faith, may accomplish for the gospel more than he could have effected by a long life of faithful labor. Often when the servant of God is withdrawn from active duty, the mysterious providence which our shortsighted vision would lament is designed by God to accomplish a work that otherwise would never have been done.

“Let not the follower of Christ think, when he is no longer able to labor openly and actively for God and His truth, that he has no service to render, no reward to secure. Christ’s true witnesses are never laid aside. In health and sickness, in life and death, God uses them still.” The Acts of the Apostles, 465.


  • How can the Christian steward gain the victory over wrong words and attitudes? James 3:2, 10–12; Ezekiel 36:25, 26.

Note: “The most careful cultivation of the outward proprieties and courtesies of life has not sufficient power to shut out all fretfulness, harsh judgment, and unbecoming speech. The spirit of genuine benevolence must dwell in the heart. Love imparts to its possessor grace, propriety, and comeliness of deportment. Love illuminates the countenance and subdues the voice; it refines and elevates the entire man. It brings him into harmony with God, for it is a heavenly attribute.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 559, 560.

  • Through what experiences may the Christian steward learn the unfailing power of love? II Corinthians 8:1–5; I John 5:1–4.

Note: “The opposition we meet may prove a benefit to us in many ways. If it is well borne, it will develop virtues which would never have appeared if the Christian had nothing to endure. And faith, patience, forbearance, heavenly mindedness, trust in Providence, and genuine sympathy with the erring, are the results of trial well borne. These are the graces of the Spirit, which bud, blossom, and bear fruit amid trials and adversity. Meekness, humility, and love always grow on the Christian tree. If the word is received into good and honest hearts, the obdurate soul will be subdued, and faith, grasping the promises, and relying upon Jesus, will prove triumphant. ‘This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith’ (I John 5:4).” The Review and Herald, June 28, 1892.

“Unexpected disappointments will come. Jesus was often grieved at the hardness of heart of the people, and you will have a similar experience. Your prayers, your tears, your entreaties, may fail to awaken a response. Hearts are dead in trespasses and sins. There seems to be no penitence, but only indifference and opposition, and from some even contempt, when you looked for certain victory. But you are not to relax your efforts. If one refuses, turn to another. Have faith that the Comforter will do the work which it is impossible for you to do. Have faith in all the blessed promises which Christ has given you. Work with charity and invincible courage, for you must do this if you would succeed. ‘Let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not’ (Galatians 6:9).” The Signs of the Times, November 30, 1891.


  • What is unique about the plant of charity? I Corinthians 13:8, first part.

Note: “We are to see in our fellowman the purchase of the blood of Christ. If we have this love one for another, we shall be growing in love for God and the truth. We have been pained at heart to see how little love is cherished in our midst. Love is a plant of heavenly origin, and if we would have it flourish in our hearts, we must cultivate it daily. Mildness, gentleness, longsuffering, not being easily provoked, bearing all things, enduring all things—these are the fruits upon the precious tree of love.” The Review and Herald, June 5, 1888.

“In the light from Calvary it will be seen that the law of self-renouncing love is the law of life for earth and heaven; that the love which ‘seeketh not her own’ (I Corinthians 13:5) has its source in the heart of God; and that in the meek and lowly One is manifested the character of Him who dwelleth in the light which no man can approach unto.” The Desire of Ages, 20.

  • What should encourage the Christian steward in laboring for souls purchased by the blood of Christ? Galatians 5:1.

Note: “[In the school of the hereafter] all who have wrought with unselfish spirit will behold the fruit of their labors. The outworking of every right principle and noble deed will be seen. Something of this we see here. But how little of the result of the world’s noblest work is in this life manifest to the doer! How many toil unselfishly and unweariedly for those who pass beyond their reach and knowledge! … So gifts are bestowed, burdens are borne, labor is done. Men sow the seed from which, above their graves, others reap blessed harvests. They plant trees, that others may eat the fruit. They are content here to know that they have set in motion agencies for good. In the hereafter the action and reaction of all these will be seen.

“Of every gift that God has bestowed, leading men to unselfish effort, a record is kept in heaven. To trace this in its wide-spreading lines, to look upon those who by our efforts have been uplifted and ennobled, to behold in their history the outworking of true principles—this will be one of the studies and rewards of the heavenly school.” Education, 305, 306.


  • Why is charity necessary to perfect the Christian character? Colossians 3:14; I John 4:7–12.

Note: “In our life here, earthly, sin-restricted though it is, the greatest joy and the highest education are in service. And in the future state, untrammeled by the limitations of sinful humanity, it is in service that our greatest joy and our highest education will be found—witnessing, and ever as we witness learning anew ‘the riches of the glory of this mystery;’ ‘which is Christ in you, the hope of glory’ (Colossians 1:27).” Education, 309.

  • What is the greatest illustration of unfailing charity that will shine on throughout eternity? Zechariah 13:6.

Note: “Our Redeemer will ever bear the marks of His crucifixion. Upon His wounded head, upon His side, His hands and feet, are the only traces of the cruel work that sin has wrought. Says the prophet, beholding Christ in His glory: ‘He had bright beams coming out of His side: and there was the hiding of His power’ (Habakkuk 3:4, margin). That pierced side whence flowed the crimson stream that reconciled man to God—there is the Saviour’s glory, there ‘the hiding of His power’ (Habakkuk 3:4). ‘Mighty to save’ (Isaiah 63:1), through the sacrifice of redemption, He was therefore strong to execute justice upon them that despised God’s mercy. And the tokens of His humiliation are His highest honor; through the eternal ages the wounds of Calvary will show forth His praise and declare His power.” The Great Controversy, 674.


1 How should the Christian steward understand Matthew 7:12?

2 What results can charity achieve, even amidst difficulties?

3 How can the Christian steward benefit from trials?

4 Why is loving service never lost?

5 Where is life’s greatest joy and highest education found?

Copyright © 2012 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 5240 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – Thoughts and Moods

September 7, 2014 – September 13, 2014

Key Text

“The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.” Psalm 10:4.

Study Help: Testimonies, vol. 2, 707–709.


“Let your spirit be cleansed from all earthliness, all unholy, uncharitable thoughts. Let your words be clean, sanctified, vivifying and refreshing all with whom you associate. Be not easily provoked.” Our High Calling, 174.


  • What should characterize our attitude toward everyone—and what can help us consistently maintain such an attitude? I Thessalonians 5:14, 15, 23; I Corinthians 9:25.
  • How is advancement seen in the life of the Christian steward, and by what means is this gained? Colossians 3:8–10, 13; James 3:17, 18.

Note: “When you have little difficulties to bear which seem hard, think of Jesus the dear Saviour, how He suffered and endured to save sinful mortals.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 3, 124.

“You will be misunderstood. Leave with God the wrongs which you think exist. Be easily entreated, and be not easily provoked. Do not speak angry words because of something you have heard. This hurts your influence. May the grace of God help you to have patience.” Ibid., vol. 19, 149.

“We must cherish love, not that which is falsely called charity, which would lead us to love sin and cherish sinners, but Bible charity and Bible wisdom, that is first pure, then peaceable, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 558.


  • What principles must be combined in the training of our children? Psalm 85:10.

Note: “Disobedience and rebellion must be punished; but remember that the punishment is to be given in the spirit of Christ. Require obedience, never with a storm of angry words, but firmly and kindly. And when called upon to discipline your child, remember your own relation to your heavenly Father. Have you walked perfectly before Him? Are you not wayward and disobedient? Do you not grieve Him continually? But does He deal with you in anger? Remember, too, that it is from you that your children have received their tendencies to wrong. Remember how often you act like grown-up children. In spite of your years of Christian experience, in spite of your many opportunities for self-discipline, how easily you are provoked to anger. Deal gently, then, with your children, remembering that they have not had the opportunities you have had to gain self-control.” The Review and Herald, July 8, 1902.

  • What way of acting gives credibility and life to our missionary efforts in the community? Luke 6:28–30.

Note: “In all our associations with unbelievers, be careful to give them no occasion to misjudge your faith, or to reproach the cause of truth which you advocate. Many hedge up the way by their own course of action. There is some indiscretion on their part. They are easily provoked. Little difficulties arise in trade or in some other temporal matter, which lead them to think themselves misjudged or wronged by their neighbors. These things are allowed to create coldness or ill feeling, and thus to close the door of access to those who might be reached by the truth. We should never allow matters of temporal interest to quench our love for souls. Brethren, be kind and courteous on all occasions. Never be sharp, critical, or exacting in your deal. If there is any advantage to be gained, give it to your neighbor, whom you are required to love as you love yourself. With the patience and love of Jesus, watch for opportunities to do him a kindness. Let him see that the religion which we profess does not close up nor freeze over the avenues of the soul, making us unsympathizing and exacting.” The Review and Herald, May 22, 1888.


  • How does bitterness toward our brethren or sisters affect our standing before the world? Hebrews 12:15.

Note: “ ‘A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another’ (John 13:34, 35). These words are not the words of man, but the words of our Redeemer; and how important it is that we fulfill the instruction that He has given! There is nothing that can so weaken the influence of the church, as the lack of love. Christ says, ‘Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves’ (Matthew 10:16). If we are to meet opposition from our enemies, who are represented as wolves, let us be careful that we do not manifest the same spirit among ourselves. The enemy well knows that if we do not have love one for another, he can gain his object, and wound and weaken the church, by causing differences among brethren. He can lead them to surmise evil, to speak evil, to accuse, condemn, and hate one another. In this way the cause of God is brought into dishonor, the name of Christ is reproached, and untold harm is done to the souls of men.” The Review and Herald, June 5, 1888.

  • What will happen as we daily cultivate charity? Matthew 12:35, first part; Colossians 3:12–15.

Note: “If you have love in your heart, you will seek to establish and build up your brother in the most holy faith. If a word is dropped that is detrimental to the character of your friend or brother, do not encourage this evil-speaking. It is the work of the enemy. Kindly remind the speaker that the word of God forbids that kind of conversation. We are to empty the heart of everything that defiles the soul temple, that Christ may dwell within. Our Redeemer has told us how we may reveal Him to the world. If we cherish His Spirit, if we manifest His love to others, if we guard one another’s interests, if we are kind, patient, forbearing, the world will have an evidence by the fruits we bear, that we are the children of God. It is the unity in the church that enables it to exert a conscious influence upon unbelievers and worldlings.” The Review and Herald, June 5, 1888.


  • Name one evil commonly found in the church. Leviticus 19:16, first part; Proverbs 16:17–20; Jeremiah 20:10.

Note: “Floating rumors are frequently the destroyers of unity among brethren. There are some who watch with open mind and ears to catch flying scandal. They gather up little incidents which may be trifling in themselves, but which are repeated and exaggerated until a man is made an offender for a word. Their motto seems to be, ‘Report, and we will report it.’ These tale-bearers are doing the devil’s work with surprising fidelity, little knowing how offensive their course is to God. If they would spend half the energy and zeal that is given to this unholy work in examining their own hearts, they would find so much to do to cleanse their souls from impurity that they would have no time or disposition to criticize their brethren, and they would not fall under the power of this temptation. The door of the mind should be closed against ‘they say’ or ‘I have heard.’ Why should we not, instead of allowing jealousy or evil-surmising to come into our hearts, go to our brethren, and, after frankly but kindly setting before them the things we have heard detrimental to their character and influence, pray with and for them?” The Review and Herald, June 3, 1884.

  • How can we overcome this problem? Proverbs 14:15; 25:9, 10.
  • If we find that a brother or a sister is indeed guilty of some wrong, what is our personal duty? Galatians 6:1; James 5:19, 20.

Note: “When we see errors in others, let us remember that we have faults graver, perhaps, in the sight of God, than the fault we condemn in our brother. Instead of publishing his defects, ask God to bless him, and to help him to overcome his error. Christ will approve of this spirit and action, and will open the way for you to speak a word of wisdom that will impart strength and help to him who is weak in the faith.” The Review and Herald, June 5, 1888.


  • What changes are seen when we are not easily provoked and think no evil (I Corinthians 13:5)? Ephesians 4:23–25; 5:9–12.

Note: “The person who cultivates the precious plant of love will be self-denying in spirit and will not yield self-control even under provocation. He will not impute wrong motives and evil intentions to others, but will feel deeply over sin when discovered in any of the disciples of Christ.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 123.

“Love is unsuspecting, ever placing the most favorable construction upon the motives and acts of others. Love will never needlessly expose the faults of others. It does not listen eagerly to unfavorable reports, but rather seeks to bring to mind some good qualities of the one defamed.” Ibid., 169.

  • How can the world see in our life a daily growth in Christ? Titus 2:7, 8, 11–14.

Note: “Let each ask himself: Do I possess the grace of love? Have I learned to suffer long and to be kind? Talents, learning, and eloquence, without this heavenly attribute, will be as meaningless as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 169.

“While we cannot love and fellowship those who are the bitter enemies of Christ, we should cultivate that spirit of meekness and love that characterized our Master—a love that thinketh no evil and is not easily provoked.” The Review and Herald, June 3, 1884.


1 Describe the reformation cited in Colossians 3:8–10, 13.

2 How can we better represent Christ in temporal matters?

3 How can we overcome the common problem plaguing many churches?

4 What is wrong with “they say” and “I have heard”?

5 Descibe some ways by which stewardship of God’s love can be manifested in behalf of others.

Copyright © 2012 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 5240 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – Underlying Motives

August 31, 2014 – September 6, 2014

Christian Stewardship

Key Text

“[Charity] doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own.” I Corinthians 13:5.

Study Help: Testimonies, vol. 2, 50–60.


“The road to paradise is not one of self-exaltation but, of repentance, confession, humiliation, of faith and obedience.” The Review and Herald, December 23, 1890.


  • Name one characteristic of charity, as far as general behavior is concerned. I Corinthians 13:5, first part.
  • What examples of unseemly behavior should we take as a warning? Galatians 2:11–13; James 2:1–4, 8, 9.
  • How is the Christian steward warned against another common type of unseemly behavior? Proverbs 14:29; 18:23, second part.

Note: “One class have come up without self-control; they have not bridled the temper or the tongue; and some of these claim to be Christ’s followers, but they are not. Jesus has set them no such example. When they have the meekness and lowliness of the Saviour, they will not act out the promptings of the natural heart, for this is of Satan. Some are nervous, and if they begin to lose self-control in word or spirit under provocation, they are as much intoxicated with wrath as the inebriate is with liquor. They are unreasonable, and not easily persuaded or convinced. They are not sane; Satan for the time has full control. Every one of these exhibitions of wrath weakens the nervous system and the moral powers, and makes it difficult to restrain anger on another provocation. With this class there is only one remedy—positive self-control under all circumstances.” The Youth’s Instructor, November 10, 1886.


  • How are we exhorted to develop a Christlike demeanor, especially toward those who may provoke us unjustly? James 1:19–21; Proverbs 15:1; 19:11.

Note: “He [Christ] was wrongfully accused, yet He opened not His mouth to justify Himself. How many now, when accused of that of which they are not guilty, feel that there is a time when forbearance ceases to be a virtue, and losing their temper, speak words which grieve the Holy Spirit.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 4, 1148.

“If pride and selfishness were laid aside, five minutes would remove most difficulties. Angels have been grieved and God displeased by the hours which have been spent in justifying self.” Early Writings, 119.

  • How does the Christian steward display charitable prudence? Acts 9:36–39.

Note: “At Joppa, which was near Lydda, there lived a woman named Dorcas, whose good deeds had made her greatly beloved. She was a worthy disciple of Jesus, and her life was filled with acts of kindness. She knew who needed comfortable clothing and who needed sympathy, and she freely ministered to the poor and the sorrowful. Her skillful fingers were more active than her tongue.” The Acts of the Apostles, 131.

“Preaching is a small part of the work to be done for the salvation of souls. God’s Spirit convicts sinners of the truth, and He places them in the arms of the church. The ministers may do their part, but they can never perform the work that the church should do. God requires His church to nurse those who are young in faith and experience, to go to them, not for the purpose of gossiping with them, but to pray, to speak unto them words that are ‘like apples of gold in pictures of silver’ (Proverbs 25:11). …

“It is the duty of God’s children to be missionaries for Him, to become acquainted with those who need help. If one is staggering under temptation, his case should be taken up carefully and managed wisely; for his eternal interest is at stake, and the words and acts of those laboring for him may be a savor of life unto life, or of death unto death.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 69.


  • When does true love for others become rare—and how is this problem to be overcome? Matthew 24:12; Revelation 2:2–4; Hebrews 12:2–4.

Note: “The love of God has been waning in the church, and as a result, the love of self has sprung up into new activity. With the loss of love for God there has come the loss of love for the brethren.” The Review and Herald, March 20, 1894.

“Let this life, so stormy with conflicts and worries, be brought into connection with Christ, and then self will no longer clamor for the supremacy.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 3, 1161.

“Pride and self-worship cannot flourish in the soul that keeps fresh in memory the scenes of Calvary.” The Desire of Ages, 661.

  • What is a great reason that makes the Christian steward shine in this world? I Corinthians 10:24.

Note: “Unselfishness, the principle of God’s kingdom, is the principle that Satan hates; its very existence he denies. From the beginning of the great controversy he has endeavored to prove God’s principles of action to be selfish, and he deals in the same way with all who serve God. To disprove Satan’s claim is the work of Christ and of all who bear His name.

“It was to give in His own life an illustration of unselfishness that Jesus came in the form of humanity. And all who accept this principle are to be workers together with Him in demonstrating it in practical life. To choose the right because it is right; to stand for truth at the cost of suffering and sacrifice—‘this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord’ (Isaiah 54:17).” Education, 154, 155.

“In heaven none will think of self, nor seek their own pleasure; but all, from pure, genuine love, will seek the happiness of the heavenly beings around them. If we wish to enjoy heavenly society in the earth made new, we must be governed by heavenly principles here.” Testimonies, vol. 2, 132, 133.


  • What should the Christian steward consider in choosing priorities? I John 2:15–17.

Note: “If all the money that is used extravagantly, for needless things, were placed in the treasury of God, we should see men and women and youth giving themselves to Jesus, and doing their part to co-operate with Christ and angels. The richest blessing of God would come into our churches, and many souls would be converted to the truth.” The Review and Herald, December 23, 1890.

“When the cases of all come in review before God, the question, What did they profess? will not be asked, but, What have they done? Have they been doers of the word? Have they lived for themselves, or have they been exercised in works of benevolence, in deeds of kindness and love, preferring others before themselves, and denying themselves that they might bless others? … Christ has been grieved and wounded by your marked selfish love and your indifference to the woes and needs of others.” Testimonies, vol. 3, 525.

  • What unfortunate attitude can affect all of us who are entrusted with great light—and to obtain victory, what must we realize? Isaiah 58:2–4, 10–12.

Note: “In our work we shall find a high profession of piety and much outward exactness bound up with great inward wickedness. The people represented in Isaiah 58 complain that the Lord allows their services to go unnoticed. This complaint is the expression of hearts unsubdued by grace, rebellious against the truth.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 4, 1148, 1149.

“Many receive applause for virtues which they do not possess. The Searcher of hearts weighs the motives, and often deeds highly applauded by men are recorded by Him as springing from selfishness and base hypocrisy. Every act of our lives, whether excellent and praiseworthy, or deserving of censure, is judged by the Searcher of hearts according to the motives which prompted it.” Gospel Workers, 275.


  • What principle is basic to genuine Christian service? Acts 20:35.

Note: “There is a work to be done in our cities—work to be done in every place. God will take men from the plow, from the sheepfold, from the vineyard, and will put them in the place of those who think that they must have the highest wages. Those who grasp for high wages will find in the money they get all the reward they will ever receive. Such ones can not be expected to feel a burden for the salvation of perishing souls. The Lord can not use such ones in His work. Until they banish selfishness from their hearts, their efforts are worthless.” The Review and Herald, December 15, 1904.

“The heavenly intelligences can co-operate with him who is seeking, not to exalt self, but to save souls.” The Desire of Ages, 436.

  • What should inspire the Christian steward with pure, fresh motivation for service? II Corinthians 8:8, 9.

Note: “Jesus left His home in glory, clothed His divinity with humanity, and came to a world marred and polluted by the curse of sin. He might have remained in His heavenly home, and received the adoration of angels; but He came to earth to seek and save the lost, the perishing. ‘For your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich’ (II Corinthians 8:9). He, the Majesty of heaven, who was one with the Father, denied Himself, made every possible sacrifice, in order that man might not perish, but have everlasting life. Christ lived not to please Himself. If He had pleased Himself, where would we be today?” The Review and Herald, December 23, 1890.


1 How might we be guilty of behaving unseemly?

2 What can we learn about charity from Christ and His followers?

3 How is a vibrant love for Christ to be manifested in us?

4 Why must we always examine our own priorities and motives?

5 What should we do to more fervently promote God’s work?

Copyright © 2012 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 5240 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Recipe – Living Cucumber Sunflower Seed Pate

1 large cucumber, peeled

¼ yellow or sweet onion, chopped

1 cup raw sunflower seeds

1-2 tsp. sea salt, to taste

1 large clove garlic, crushed

Blend cucumber to a liquid consistency and place into bowl. Add raw sunflower seeds into blended cucumber and soak overnight in refrigerator. Blend the mixture in the morning and add remaining ingredients (seasonings).

Food – The Living Cucumber

A beneficial way to build your body with live foods is by incorporating into your diet as many raw foods each day as you can and include the wonderful cucumber. Consider the following:

Cucumbers, like watermelons, are 95 percent water, keeping the body hydrated and the inner temperature regulated. They are also effective in assisting the body to flush out toxins.

Cucumber skin contains a high amount of vitamin C, which is about 10 percent of the recommended daily allowance so leave on as much as possible. If you do like your cucumbers peeled, the skin has other qualities. It can be used to relieve sunburn and mild skin irritations with an affect similar to that of aloe vera. There are some research indications that cucumbers can even stimulate hair growth. Herbalists recommend cucumber juice to reduce puffiness around the eyes and to calm down acne.

Cucumbers can either relieve acid indigestion and heartburn or cause it, depending on the individual. They are a good source of dietary fiber.

Cucumber History

Cucumber plants naturally thrive in both temperate and tropical environments, and generally require temperatures between 60–90°F (15–33°C). For this reason, they are native to many regions of the world. The first cucumbers were likely to have originated in Western Asia (and perhaps more specifically in India) or parts of the Middle East. Cucumbers are mentioned in the legend of Gilgamesh—a Uruk king who lived around 2500 B.C. in what is now called Iraq and Kuwait. It was approximately 3,300 years later when cucumber cultivation spread to parts of Europe, including France. And it was not until the time of the European colonists that cucumbers finally appeared in North America in the 1500s.

Today, the states of Florida and California are able to provide U.S. consumers with fresh cucumbers for most of the year (from March through November). Imported cucumbers from Mexico are commonly found in groceries during the winter months of December, January, and February. In California alone, about 6,600 acres are planted with slicing cucumber varieties and 4,400 with pickling cucumbers. Worldwide, China is by far the largest producer of cucumbers, and provides about two-thirds of the global supply. Iran, Turkey, Russia, Egypt, Spain, Mexico, the Ukraine, Japan, Indonesia, and the U.S. all participate in the world cucumber market, with an especially high number of exports coming from Iran, Mexico, and Spain. Annual production of cucumbers worldwide is approximately 84 billion pounds.

Children’s Story – Learning to Work

God has made man to find his greatest happiness and satisfaction in useful labor. It is the duty of every man to work. The idle man who wastes his time and his life is of no use to himself or to others. He often gets into bad habits and sins that if he were busy would not tempt him. The man who is too lazy to work for his living is the most ready to beg or to steal.

In ancient Israel, even the children of a king were taught some useful trade and to work with their hands.

In old Germany, all the boys of the royal family were taught some useful trade.

One of the ancient kings of Egypt made a law that all his people should come before their rulers once a year, and prove that they knew some trade by which they could earn their living. Any man who could not do so was put to death.

There was at one time a custom among the people of Holland that was meant to prevent idleness. When a man was found begging, who was able to work, he was seized, and put into a pit, into which water was allowed to run through a pipe.

At the bottom of the pit there was a pump to get rid of the water. But it was hard work to pump out the water that poured in; and if the man had stopped pumping, he would certainly have been drowned.

It was great fun for those who passed by to see an idle tramp forced to work in spite of himself and a few hours of this punishment was enough to cure a very lazy man. When he was quite worn out, he was ready enough to promise to work for his living in the future.

But it is not enough that a man should learn some kind of work. He should apply himself to his work with a will, and not waste his spare minutes or half hours. “Work while you work, and play while you play,” is a good rule for old people as well as young people.

There is no better habit than that of early rising, and this, like all other habits, is most easily formed in youth. A great French writer tells us how he managed, by the help of his servant, to get up early in the morning, and thus save much of his time.

“When I was young,” he says, “I was so fond of sleep that I lost half my time. My servant Joseph did all he could to help me to break off my lazy habit, but at first without success.

“At last I promised him five shillings every time he could make me get up at six o’clock. He came the next morning at that hour, and did his best to rouse me; but I only spoke roughly to him, and then went to sleep again.

“The next morning he came again, and this time I became so angry that he was frightened. That afternoon I said to him, ‘Joseph, I have lost my time, and you have not won your five shillings. You do not understand your work; you should think only of that I have promised you, and never mind how angry I am.’

“Next morning, he came again. First I begged him to leave me alone, then I grew angry, but it was of no use; he made me get up, very much against my will.

“My ill-humor did not last long after I was awake, and then I thanked Joseph, and gave him his five shillings. I owe to Joseph at least a dozen of the books I have written.”

Young readers, don’t wait until you have such a bad habit as that. Don’t wait until you have to pay someone to get you out of bed in the morning. Start today and determine that you will learn to rise early, and use your hours wisely. You will never regret the good habit.

Storytime Treasury, compiled by P. G. Temple, Harvestime Books, Altamont, Tennessee 37301.

Health – Seasoning Alternatives

“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?”

Luke 14:34 NIV

Salt is essential, but too much can cause medical problems

Salt has a fascinating history. At times it has been used as currency and has even been used as a reason to start a war. It is a natural component of seawater and today it is mined from areas where water has evaporated long ago. Dietary salt provides the body with sodium, which is essential for life. Although consuming sodium in appropriate amounts is necessary, when you take in too much, it can cause a serious imbalance in the body, raising the risk for several potentially serious medical problems.

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends healthy adults consume no more than 2,400 milligrams of sodium daily, equivalent to 6 grams of table salt or about 1 teaspoon. If you have or are at risk for high blood pressure, consume only 1,500 milligrams daily. Use less salt at the table or substitute salt-free herbs and spices, and check condiment labels for salt content. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables over processed types and rinse salted canned vegetables before serving.

Some (Additional) Seasoning Alternatives

Many of us realize the harmful effects of using too much salt, but don’t really know how to season without it. Here is a basic list of different herbs and in what foods they can be used to create a pleasant flavor. So, next time you’re cooking something, think before you shake in the salt, and try using some culinary herbs. You will open up a new and pleasant taste sensation.

Asparagus lemon juice, tarragon Lima Beans sage, savory
Beans mustard, savory, mint, chili pepper Potatoes parsley, chives, oregano, rosemary, paprika, savory, tarragon
Broccoli garlic, oregano, dill Green salads and dressings basil, garlic savory, mint, lemon juice
Cabbage dill, caraway Soups bay leaves, celery seeds, marjoram, basil, rosemary, chervil
Cauliflower caraway, dill, oregano, basil, garlic, savory, tarragon, lemon juice Soybeans dill, garlic, thyme, parsley
Coleslaw caraway, dill,mustard, turmeric Squash savory, tarragon, coriander
Fruit lemon juice, coriander Tomatoes basil, bay leaves, rosemary, oregano, garlic, celery seeds
Garbanzo cayenne, garlic, parsley Zucchini garlic, basil, marjoram
Green beans dill, lemon juice, savory


Basil Sweet basil is a favorite in tomato dishes. The delicate taste enhances spreads, dressings casseroles, soups, and salad dressings.
Celery Because celery is naturally rich in sodium, it is a good choice for a salt-free novice. Both the seeds and leaves add zip to coleslaw, potato salad, cooked vegetables, tomato dishes, dressings, tofu, stews, and soups.
Coriander The seed of this hardy annual may be added to cookies, pies, rolls, fruit crisps, etc., and also bean dishes.
Cumin This seed is a common ingredient in chili and bean dishes. The unique flavor grows on one the more it is used.
Dill Weed Chop it into garden salads, spreads, potato salad, soupls, and stews. Dill seeds add a fresh flavor to breads, tofu, legume dishes, and bean salads.
Fennel Both the seeds and leaves taste pleasantly of licorice, Use it in entrees, green salads, cream soups, potatoes, beets, and pastries.
Garlic In salad dressings, soups, dips, sauces, and Italian recipes, garlic can’t be beat. Add it finely minced to all types of legumes, and vegetable dishes.
Marjoram, sweet This attractive herb tasting of thyme (only stronger and sweeter) is most versatile. Include it in vegetables, soups, stews, salad dressings, and green salads.
Mint Add a touch of mint to new potatoes and peas. Also, use it sparingly in bean and lentil dishes, eggplant, casseroles, carrots, split pea soup, and Mid-Eastern dishes.
Oregano As a salt replacement, oregano ranks high. Use it in pizza and lasagna sauce, bean soup, and vegetables.
Paprika Add this herb, loaded with vitamins A and C, to stews, sauces, soups, green vegetables, potato salad, and coleslaw.
Parsley Add lots of this bright green herb full of vitamin C to sauces, dips, salad dressings, breads, tofu, soups and vegetables. Parsley is a good breath sweetener.
Rosemary Include it in pasta sauce and tomato dishes. Use it lightly with rice, herb bread, stuffing, and peas
Sage Strong flavored, it peps up bean soup, tofu, bread, dressings, and some casserole dishes.
Savory, summer Its biting flavor goes with stuffing, beans and peas, tofu dishes and dressings.
Tarragon Essential to “finest herbs, it helps relieve salt-craving. Add it to soups, herb spreads, salad dressings, beets, green beans, celery, potatoes, and tomato dishes.
Thyme This herb has an affinity for soups, tomato juice, spaghetti sauce, stews, stuffing, tofu, and most vegetables.

God’s Plan From S.A.D. Standard American Diet, to G.L.A.D. God’s Life Activating Diet, Natural Foods Cookbook.

Question & Answer – Spewed Out – Meaning of

What does it mean to be “ spewed ” out of His mouth as stated in Revelation 3:16, and what could be the cause?

Ellen White clearly interprets the meaning of this in Testimonies, vol. 6, 408: “The figure of spewing out of His mouth means that He cannot offer up your prayers or your expressions of love to God. He cannot endorse your teaching of His word or your spiritual work in anywise. He cannot present your religious exercises with the request that grace be given you.”

Our Father in heaven so loved this world that He gave Jesus to us as our Mediator and Saviour. (See John 3:16). A mediator is a go-between. If, because you have continually failed or refused to walk in the light of His word and have no repentance and sorrow for sin and no turning away from the ways of this world, then you will be “spewed” out of His mouth.

“To those who do not practice it, the word of God is a dead letter. Christ says of such, ‘I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue [spew] thee out of my mouth’ (Revelation 3:15, last part, 16). He cannot present their case to the Father. If they realized that they were sinners, He could plead in their behalf, and the Lord would arouse them by His Holy Spirit. But they are worse than dead in trespasses and sins. They hear the Word, but make no application of it to themselves; instead, they apply the Word spoken to their neighbors.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 963.

Some consequences of being “spewed” out:

  • God will not hear because Jesus is not interceding for you.
  • Your prayers or your expressions of love to the Father will not be received.
  • His approval of you even if teaching His word will not be received.
  • Your requests for grace will not be presented before the Father and thus never received.
  • Your case before the Father will not be mediated.

Without Jesus, we have no way to communicate with God the Father. So to be spewed out is to be in a hopeless situation.

A Warning Sign – “If the professed people of God find their hearts opposed to the straight work of God, it should convince them that they have a work to do to overcome, or be spewed out of the mouth of the Lord.” Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2, 225.

Inspiration – A Needed Reform

If Seventh-day Adventists practiced what they profess to believe, if they were sincere health reformers, they would indeed be a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. And they would show a far greater zeal for the salvation of those who are ignorant of the truth.

Greater reforms should be seen among the people who claim to be looking for the soon appearing of Christ. Health reform is to do among our people a work which it has not yet done. There are those who ought to be awake to the danger of meat eating, who are still eating the flesh of animals, thus endangering the physical, mental, and spiritual health. Many who are now only half converted on the question of meat eating will go from God’s people, to walk no more with them.

In all our work we must obey the laws which God has given, that the physical and spiritual energies may work in harmony. Men may have a form of godliness, they may even preach the gospel, and yet be unpurified and unsanctified. Ministers should be strictly temperate in their eating and drinking, lest they make crooked paths for their feet, turning the lame—those weak in the faith—out of the way. If while proclaiming the most solemn and important message God has ever given, men war against the truth by indulging wrong habits of eating and drinking, they take all the force from the message they bear.

Those who indulge in meat eating, tea drinking, and gluttony are sowing seeds for a harvest of pain and death. The unhealthful food placed in the stomach strengthens the appetites that war against the soul, developing the lower propensities. A diet of flesh meat tends to develop animalism. A development of animalism lessens spirituality, rendering the mind incapable of understanding truth.

The word of God plainly warns us that unless we abstain from fleshly lusts (I Peter 2:11), the physical nature will be brought into conflict with the spiritual nature. Lustful eating wars against health and peace. Thus a warfare is instituted between the higher and the lower attributes of the man. The lower propensities, strong and active, oppress the soul. The highest interests of the being are imperiled by the indulgence of appetites unsanctioned by Heaven.

Great care should be taken to form right habits of eating and drinking. The food eaten should be that which will make the best blood. The delicate organs of digestion should be respected. God requires us, by being temperate in all things, to act our part, toward keeping ourselves in health. He cannot enlighten the mind of a man who makes a cesspool of his stomach. He does not hear the prayers of those who are walking in the light of the sparks of their own kindling (Isaiah 50:11).

Common Errors in Diet

Intemperance is seen in the quantity as well as in the quality of food eaten. The Lord has instructed me that as a general rule we place too much food in the stomach. Many make themselves uncomfortable by overeating, and sickness is often the result. The Lord did not bring this punishment on them. They brought it on themselves, and God desires them to realize that pain is the result of transgression.

Daily abused, the digestive organs cannot do their work well. A poor quality of blood is made, and thus, through improper eating, the whole machinery is crippled. Give the stomach less to do. It will recover if proper care is shown in regard to the quality and quantity of food eaten.

Many eat too rapidly. Others eat at one meal varieties of food that do not agree. If men and women would only remember how greatly they afflict the soul when they afflict the stomach, and how deeply Christ is dishonored when the stomach is abused, they would deny the appetite, and thus give the stomach opportunity to recover its healthy action. While sitting at the table, we may do medical missionary work by eating and drinking to the glory of God.

To eat on the Sabbath the same amount of food eaten on a working day, is entirely out of place. The Sabbath is the day set apart for the worship of God (Exodus 20:4), and on it we are to be specially careful in regard to our diet. A clogged stomach means a clogged brain. Too often so large an amount of food is eaten on the Sabbath that the mind is rendered dull and stupid, incapable of appreciating spiritual things. The habits of eating have much to do with the many dull religious exercises of the Sabbath. The diet for the Sabbath should be selected with reference to the duties of the day on which the purest, holiest service is to be offered to God.

Eating has much to do with religion. The spiritual experience is greatly affected by the way in which the stomach is treated. Eating and drinking in accordance with the laws of health promote virtuous actions. But if the stomach is abused by habits that have no foundation in nature, Satan takes advantage of the wrong that has been done, and uses the stomach as an enemy of righteousness, creating a disturbance which affects the entire being. Sacred things are not appreciated. Spiritual zeal diminishes. Peace of mind is lost. There is dissension, strife, and discord. Impatient words are spoken, and unkind deeds are done; dishonest practices are followed, and anger is manifested—and all because the nerves of the brain are disturbed by the abuse heaped on the stomach.

What a pity it is that often, when the greatest self-denial should be exercised, the stomach is crowded with a mass of unhealthful food, which lies there to decompose. The affliction of the stomach afflicts the brain. The imprudent eater does not realize that he is disqualifying himself for giving wise counsel, disqualifying himself for laying plans for the best advancement of the work of God. But this is so. He cannot discern spiritual things, and in council meetings when he should say Yea, he says Nay. He makes propositions that are wide of the mark, because the food he has eaten has benumbed his brain power.

Relation of Health Principles to Spirituality

The failure to follow sound principles has marred the history of God’s people. There has been a continual backsliding in health reform, and as a result God is dishonored by a great lack of spirituality. Barriers have been erected which would never have been seen had God’s people walked in the light.

Shall we who have had such great opportunities allow the people of the world to go in advance of us in health reform? Shall we cheapen our minds and abuse our talents by wrong eating? Shall we transgress God’s holy law by following selfish practices? Shall our inconsistency become a byword? Shall we live such unchristianlike lives that the Saviour will be ashamed to call us brethren (Hebrews 2:11)?

Shall we not rather do that medical missionary work which is the gospel in practice, living in such a way that the peace of God can rule in our hearts? Shall we not remove every stumblingblock from the feet of unbelievers, ever remembering what is due to a profession of Christianity? Far better give up the name of Christian than make a profession and at the same time indulge appetites which strengthen unholy passions.

God calls upon every church member to dedicate his life unreservedly to the Lord’s service. He calls for decided reformation. All creation is groaning under the curse. God’s people should place themselves where they will grow in grace, being sanctified, body, soul, and spirit, by the truth. When they break away from all health-destroying indulgences, they will have a clearer perception of what constitutes true godliness. A wonderful change will be seen in the religious experience.

The apostle plainly states that those who reach a high standard of righteousness must be temperate in all things. The Lord sends this message to His people: “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly: so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway” (I Corinthians 9:24, 27).

“It is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying, But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof” (Romans 13:11–14).

The Review and Herald, May 27, 1902.