Be Ye Separate

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”

II Corinthians 6:14–18

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Romans 12:2

Be ye separate. The theme of a great separation runs through the Bible. There are only two sides—him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not. Those who serve God have chosen to leave behind anything that would separate them from Jesus. Those who love and copy the ways of the ungodly world around them have chosen a different path. Today, in the very last days of earth’s history, it is of the greatest necessity that we know which side we are on. For to choose to be partly on the side of the world is to be completely an alien to the side of Christ.

“The Lord, by close and pointed truths for these last days, is cleaving out a people from the world and purifying them unto Himself.” Testimonies, vol. 3, 52.

“It is God’s design to manifest through His people the principles of His kingdom. That in life and character they may reveal these principles, He desires to separate them from the customs, habits, and practices of the world.” Medical Ministry, 187.

“God’s people today are to keep themselves distinct and separate from the world, its spirit, and its influences.” Counsels on Health, 290.

How important is it that we as Christians separate ourselves from the world, its values, practices, and influences? Any concept that encourages laxity of Christian principles in this area is like a small needle that deflates the balloon of the entire Christian experience. In fact, the very biblical definition of a Christian is one who has separated from the sinful ways of the world.

“A Christian, as described by the Scriptures, is a person who is separated from the world in his aims and practices and is united with Christ—a possessor of the peace which Christ alone can bestow, finding that the joy of the Lord is his strength and that his joy is full.” In Heavenly Places, 168.

“Those who come out of the world in spirit and in all practice may regard themselves as sons and daughters of God.” Manuscript 11, 1901.

In other words, God regards as His followers only those who are willing to leave the world behind. Those who still grasp its ways with one hand, as Lot’s wife did, unwilling to give them up, are not His sons and daughters. In fact, our separation from the ways of the world is a thermometer of the depth of our Christian experience.

“The strength and spirituality of the people of God are manifest by the distinctness of the line of demarcation which separates them from the world.” The Southern Work, 17.

“There are conditions to meet if we would be blessed and honored by God. We are to separate from the world, and refuse to touch those things that will separate our affections from God.” The Review and Herald, January 2, 1900.

“Do you desire to become the sons and daughters of the Most High? Here is stated the condition of this great privilege. Come out, be separate, touch not the unclean. You cannot keep the fellowship of the world, participate in its pleasures, identify yourself with its interests, and still be the sons of God.” That I May Know Him, 310.

Each of us desires to be a son or daughter of the Most High, and God mercifully makes known to us how we can cooperate with the work He wants to do in us. He has not left us to stumble in the dark, seeking for acceptance with God. Instead, He has made the conditions plain, and one of them—a very important one—is separation from the world. “The condition of our acceptance with God is a practical separation from the world.” Counsels on Health, 51.

Practically speaking, what is separation from the world, and how separate are we to be? This revolves around our upholding and living the Law of God, which is trodden down by those around us. It involves our believing and teaching the great message of truth committed to us by God in His Word. And, just as importantly, it involves our living out this truth in our daily lives. Our daily lives must be in wide contrast to the habits and customs of those around us.

“We are not to elevate our standard just a little above the world’s standard, but we are to make the distinction decidedly apparent. The reason we have had so little influence upon unbelieving relatives and associates is that there has been so little decided difference between our practices and those of the world.” Testimonies, vol. 6, 146, 147.

“In the service of God there is no middle ground. … Let none expect to make a compromise with the world, and yet enjoy the blessing of the Lord. Let God’s people come out from this world, and be separate.” Our High Calling, 305.

There is no middle ground, no gray area. The distinction is to be decidedly apparent. In other words, by observing my daily life, I ought to be able to see without a shadow of a doubt that I am a follower of Jesus.

“We have a representation to make to the world of pure principles, holy ambitions, noble aspirations, that will distinguish us from all other people, making us a separate nation, a peculiar people.” God’s Amazing Grace, 249.

The principles given to us by the Lord are so high and holy that they should distinguish us from every other group of people.

“By waiting and watching, God’s people are to manifest their peculiar character, their separation from the world. By our watching position we are to show that we are truly strangers and pilgrims upon the earth. The difference between those who love the world and those who love Christ is so plain as to be unmistakable.” Testimonies, vol. 2, 194.

“We are called to be the Lord’s special people in a much higher sense than many have realized. The world lies in wickedness, and God’s people are to come out of the world, and be separate. They are to be free from worldly customs and worldly habits. They are not to accord with worldly sentiments, but are to stand out distinct, as the Lord’s peculiar people, earnest in all their service.” This Day With God, 248.

Do I stand out as distinct? This is an important question that each of us must answer. And yet it is a difficult question. It can be uncomfortable to stand out in the crowd, to be noticed for our convictions, to be different from our associates. For this reason, many people have chosen the easier route of, to a greater or lesser degree, conforming to the world’s styles and practices. And for this reason, we experience so little of the power of God, because we are not wholly on His side.

“Will separation from the world, in obedience to the divine command, unfit us for the work the Lord has left us? Will it hinder us from doing good to those around us? No; the firmer hold we have on heaven, the greater will be our power of usefulness.” In Heavenly Places, 312. God would not so clearly command us to separate ourselves from this world’s way of living if it were not for the best good of the upbuilding of His kingdom. In fact, “The reason we have had so little influence upon unbelieving relatives and associates is that we have manifested little decided difference in our practices from those of the world.” Fundamentals of Christian Education, 289. Obedience to God will not make us less effective in witnessing, but rather more. The world must see that ours is a religion that transforms the daily life.

Jesus told His followers that they would not be loved by the world. The natural human heart cannot understand spiritual things. True religion will not make us popular. However, the honest in heart will be attracted to the beauty of holiness. If people of the world see no difference between us and themselves, we have not reached the high standard of God.

It is true that a person can be very different from all around him, and still have a heart unsurrendered to God. Yet, it is equally true that when the heart is surrendered to God, we will respond in loving obedience by choosing the clean and pure and rejecting the polluted. There is no merit in being different of itself. What God asks is obedience, and because of the condition of the world around us, obedience automatically means being different.

This, then, is the special work we must focus on in this time. “There must be a straining of every nerve and spirit and muscle to leave the world, its customs, its practices, and its fashions. …” Selected Messages, vol. 3, 155.

Coming into line with God’s heavenly principles of life needs to be our top priority. Any worldly weight that anchors us down to this earth needs to be dropped overboard. Our lives must be searched for any hidden corner where the world has put down its roots, any area in which we are out of harmony with the life that Jesus lived on this earth.

The message of separation from the world has for a great part been lost sight of by most professed Christians. It is essential that we not neglect it now. In His great mercy, God has built the wall of separation between His pure people and the sinful world. Although many have hoped to break down this wall, they have not succeeded, but have merely succeeded in placing themselves completely on the enemy’s side. God’s separation between holiness and unholiness remains. It is our responsibility to be certain that all blinders are removed from our eyes, and that we know without a doubt on which side we are.

“The Lord Himself has established a separating wall between the things of the world and the things which He has chosen out of the world and sanctified to Himself. The world will not acknowledge this distinction. … But God has made this separation, and He will have it exist. In both the Old and the New Testaments the Lord has positively enjoined upon His people to be distinct from the world, in spirit, in pursuits, in practice; to be a holy nation, a peculiar people, that they may show forth the praises of Him who hath called them out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). The east is not farther from the west than are the children of light, in customs, practices, and spirit, from the children of darkness. This distinction will be more marked, more decided, as we near the close of time. …” That I May Know Him, 308. The distinction is a great one—so marked as to be unmistakable. And it will become more marked as we near the close of time, which certainly is now. Why is this? While the world’s people are sinking deeper and deeper in sin and lack of restraint, God’s people are to be coming higher and higher, always learning more of the character of Jesus, and rising to meet the standard.

This is not a time to relax our principles. It is not a time to enjoy what unbelievers enjoy. It is not a time to follow the fashions. It is not a time to let the world shape our recreational tastes, or to heap up treasures on this earth. This is a time to come apart and be separate. Which side will you be on?

Amy Pavlovik has been a teacher and missionary in Macedonia but her highest calling at present is mother to two year-old Naomi and helpmeet to her husband Mile Pavlovik, Bible worker at Steps to Life.

Inspiration – God has Sacred Claims

God has sacred claims upon us all. He claims the whole heart, the whole soul, the whole affections. The answer which is sometimes made to this statement is: “Oh, I do not profess to be a Christian!” What if you do not? Has not God the same claims upon you that He has upon the one who professes to be His child? Because you are bold in your careless disregard of sacred things, is your sin of neglect and rebellion passed over by the Lord? Every day that you disregard the claims of God, every opportunity of offered mercy that you slight, is charged to your account and will swell the list of sins against you in the day when the accounts of every soul will be investigated. I address you, young men and women, professors or nonprofessors: God calls for your affections, for your cheerful obedience and devotion to Him. You now have a short time of probation, and you may improve this opportunity to make an unconditional surrender to God.

Obedience and submission to God’s requirements are the conditions given by the inspired apostle by which we become children of God, members of the royal family. Every child and youth, every man and woman, has Jesus rescued by His own blood from the abyss of ruin to which Satan was compelling them to go. Because sinners will not accept of the salvation freely offered them, are they released from their obligations? Their choosing to remain in sin and bold transgression does not lessen their guilt. Jesus paid a price for them, and they belong to Him. They are His property; and if they will not yield obedience to Him who has given His life for them, but devote their time and strength and talents to the service of Satan, they are earning their wages, which is death. Immortal glory and eternal life is the reward that our Redeemer offers to those who will be obedient to Him. He has made it possible for them to perfect Christian character through His name and to overcome on their own account as He overcame in their behalf. He has given them an example in His own life, showing them how they may overcome. “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” [Romans 6:23].

The claims of God are equally binding upon all. Those who choose to neglect the great salvation offered to them freely, who choose to serve themselves and remain enemies of God, enemies of the self-sacrificing Redeemer, are earning their wages. They are sowing to the flesh and will of the flesh reap corruption.

Those who have put on Christ by baptism, by this act showing their separation from the world and that they have covenanted to walk in newness of life, should not set up idols in their hearts. Those who have once rejoiced in the evidence of sins forgiven, who have tasted a Saviour’s love and who then persist in uniting with the foes of Christ, rejecting the perfect righteousness that Jesus offers them and choosing the ways that He has condemned, will be more severely judged than the heathen who have never had the light and have never known God or His law. Those who refuse to follow the light which God has given them, choosing the amusements, vanities, and follies of the world, and refusing to conform their conduct to the just and holy requirements of God’s law, are guilty of the most aggravating sins in the sight of God. Their guilt and their wages will be proportionate to the light and privileges which they have had.

Testimonies, vol. 3, 364–366.

Keys to the Storehouse – A Controversy or a Smile

A controversy is a dispute or a difference in opinion. The greatest controversy ever is the difference of opinion between God’s word and the devil’s word.

This dispute caused a rebellion against the Creator and resulted in Satan and his followers being evicted from heaven. This warfare was transferred to this earth when Adam and Eve sinned and continues through all whom Satan is able to deceive. His objective is to get men to reject, in one way or another, God’s word. He wants you to rebel!

Though the great controversy is rampant, few realize their danger, as they have been anesthetized by worldly allurements. The devil is at war, daily claiming his victims and deceiving the masses. The controversy between God’s word, which is good, and the devil’s word, which is evil, has been shoved under a rug and all seems calm—for now!

Look around! God’s holy word, which was preserved through the ages at such a cost of suffering is but little valued. In Western society Bibles are everywhere, but little valued. Even in the church, God’s word is exchanged for the traditions of men and very few have total confidence in a “Thus saith the Lord.” Where is your confidence?

By rejecting the truth we reject its Author. Nothing excites Satan more than to see God’s word in this state of rejection. In the case of most people there is no controversy and Satan is smiling.

God forbids dishonest practices, coveting, lying, but this has become the normal behavior of most people who really think that because it is just a little lie or a little dishonesty it does not matter. Most people have reduced God to Santa Claus and they really expect Him to reward bad behavior. This is a lie and one that makes Satan smile at the deception.

In the modern church there is often no distinction between a professed Christian and the ungodly. Church members love what the world loves while at the same time professing the name Christian. They don’t know it, but they are on Satan’s side and he has no controversy with them. He simply smiles!

Why would he have a controversy with the professed Christian who is walking contrary to God’s word? The road on which they travel may appear to be smooth and comfortable, but see how happy the devil is when Christians walk by faith in God’s word! He quickly sharpens his weapons against those faithful few and readies himself for all out war.

When the battle heats up, God’s faithful ones refuse to step off the narrow path to compromise, which angers the devil. But too many take a detour, hoping for a little peace while avoiding the controversy. This peace only lasts for a moment before the devil smiles. “A smile was upon his [Satan’s] countenance, which made me [Ellen White] tremble, it was so full of evil and satanic slyness. This smile is the one he wears just before he makes sure of his victim, and as he fastens the victim in his snare, this smile grows horrible.” Early Writings, 152.

Is Satan smiling as he fastens you in his snare or does he have a controversy with you? Flee to the Word to confirm that you are following the right path and have not taken a detour to destruction. The choice is yours; which would you prefer, the affirming smile of a loving Saviour or the satanic sly smile of the enemy of souls? “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” I Peter 5:8.

Father: Draw me to Your Word that I may continue to do battle on the side of right in this controversy with the devil and his word. Give me spiritual discernment that I may endure to the end with You at my side and one day soon receive Your smile of approbation and not that horrible smile from Satan that leads to destruction. Amen.

Current Events – Free Speech in Jeopardy

The pressure continues to change the definition of marriage between a man and a woman to any combination of two or more people of any gender. However, speak out publicly against the proposed change and be prepared for “all hell to break loose.”

Chick-fil-A Chief Operating Officer Dan Cathy has never sugarcoated his ideals about traditional marriage. In the midst of a national firestorm surrounding gay marriage, Cathy won’t back down from his biblical values. Despite left-wing criticism and pressure, Cathy has reaffirmed his company’s stance and support for traditional family values.

“Guilty as charged,” Cathy told the Family Research Council. “We are very much supportive of the family—the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.

“We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles.”

Cathy rightly expresses his gratitude for living in a country where we can share our values. Unfortunately, public sentiment has moved so far to the left that unless one shares values that adhere to popular opinion, regardless of how that aligns with Biblical standards, Satan attacks with all possible fury.

The opposition to Cathy’s stand supporting the Biblical definition of the family unit has come from a surprising array of sources. The Jim Henson Company has terminated its partnership with Chick-fil-A. (See The leaders of several large metropolitan areas have indicated that Chick-fil-A restaurants would not be welcomed in their cities. (Ibid.,, and .)

There have been more reasoned responses, such as from former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee:

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is standing up and speaking out for the chicken chain: “Too often, those on the left make corporate statements to show support for same-sex marriage, abortion or profanity, but if Christians affirm traditional values, we’re considered homophobic, fundamentalists, hate-mongers and intolerant.”

One recent blog entry expressed a different perspective from the mainstream response.

One would be hard-pressed to find a better example of Liberal Fascism than the move by liberal politicians to ban Chick-fil-A from their jurisdictions because of the owner’s opinion on gay marriage.

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.” I Corinthians 6:9.

“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Leviticus 18:22.

Keys to the Storehouse – Trouble Him now, Don’t Lose God’s Favor

There was a time when the church failed to maintain her favor with God. What a terrible thought! These were people like you and me, and it will happen again. Read the following:

“They [the martyrs] imitated the noble bearing of Christ when before His murderers, and many were convinced of the truth by witnessing their constancy, and the glory of God which rested upon them. Satan decided that he must come in a milder form. He had corrupted the doctrines of the Bible; and traditions which were to ruin millions were taking deep root. He restrained his hate, and decided not to urge on his subjects to such bitter persecution; but lead on the church to contend, not for the faith once delivered to the saints, but, for various traditions. As he led on the church to receive favors and honors of the world, under the false pretense of benefiting them, she began to lose favor with God. Gradually the church lost her power, as she shunned to declare the straight truths which shut out the lovers of pleasure and friends of the world.” Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1, 125, 126.

It is the studied plan of the devil to encourage us to contend for traditions and honors while neglecting to live up to the straight truth and lose the favor of God. Follow the Word!

“The church is not the separate and peculiar people she was when the fires of persecution were kindled against her. How is the gold become dim? How is the most fine gold changed? I saw that if the church had always retained her holy and peculiar character, the power of the Holy Spirit which was imparted to the disciples would be with her.” Ibid.

Stand! Don’t let your gold standard grow dim. Satan is very willing to have you think that you are a Christian—he is not at all troubled as he sees you grow dim. He loves it!

“I [Ellen White] saw that a very large company professed the name of Christ, but God does not recognize them as His. He has no pleasure in them. Satan seemed to assume a religious character, and was very willing that the people should think they were Christians. He was very willing that they should believe in Jesus, His crucifixion, and His resurrection. Satan and his angels fully believed all this themselves, and trembled. But if this faith does not provoke to good works, and lead those who profess it to imitate the self-denying life of Christ, he is not disturbed; for they merely assume the Christian name, while their hearts are still carnal; and he can use them in his service better than if they made no profession. Under the name of Christian they hide their deformity. They pass along with their unsanctified natures, and their evil passions unsubdued.” Ibid., 126, 127.

Be on your guard. Take your deformities to Jesus right now. Don’t continue to lose favor with God. Begin right now to trouble the devil by allowing the Holy Spirit to polish your character so your gold shines! Satan sits quietly waiting for your demise, so put on the armor of God and go forward! This life is all you have to live for Jesus and defeat the devil. Just do it now! You are not promised another minute. (All emphasis supplied.)

Heavenly Father: Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation. Replace my deformities with the righteousness of Christ, and let that gold shine so bright that it will blind the devil. Please restore me unto Thy favor, and by Thy grace I will stand for righteousness and truth. Amen.

On Being a Christian

The title Christian is adopted and used freely by millions of people today yet with a very shallow understanding of what it is all about! Rightly so, the greater number of adherents of the Christian faith are nowhere close to it in life and character, just as darkness is opposite to light. The great freedom fighter Marcus Garvey expressed his view of what he saw displayed as Christianity – “A form of religion practiced by the millions, but as misunderstood, and unreal to the majority as gravitation is to the untutored savage. We profess to live in the atmosphere of Christianity, yet our acts are as barbarous as if we never knew Christ. He taught us to love, yet we hate; to forgive, yet we revenge; to be merciful, yet we condemn and punish, and still we are Christian.

“If hell is what we are taught it is, then there will be more Christians there than the days in all creation. To be a true Christian one must be like Christ and practice Christianity, not as the Bishop does, but as he says, for if our lives were to be patterned after the other fellow’s all of us, Bishop, Priest and Layman would ultimately meet around the furnace of hell, and none of us, because of our sins, would see salvation.” (The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, Routledge, New York, New York, 1923, 27.)

John Monroe Gibson, Scottish, American Clergyman of the eighteen hundreds wrote: “One truly Christian life will do more to prove the divine origin of Christianity than many lectures. It is of much greater importance to develop Christian character, than to exhibit Christian evidences.” Another once prominent Christian leader, F. W. Robertson, concludes, “The Christian life is not merely knowing or hearing, but doing the will of Christ.”

It has really become a challenge in this present age to define the word Christian if we were to accept the many definitions given by professed Christians and Christian churches through their verbal confessions and/or by their overt influence. What does it really mean to be a Christian? What was Jesus’ definition and understanding of “on being a Christian”? How did the early followers of Christ understand the meaning of the name Christian?

Luke 9:23 identifies the terms for discipleship or what it really means to be a Christian: “And He said to them all, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” This same teaching is recorded both by Matthew and Mark (Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34). Notice that Matthew uses the same expression that Luke uses concerning who is being addressed, “If any man …” which some people will take to mean that Jesus was only addressing the male gender, but Mark explains it by the expression “Whosoever will come after Me … .” This word whosoever takes in every human being, male and female.

So Jesus lays the foundation principles for what constitute the true meaning of “on being a Christian.” He states emphatically, “If any man will come after me … .” That is to “follow Me” where I am going. To come after or behind Christ means to attach oneself to Jesus as a disciple, but the thought is deepened; it is to follow as a disciple this Messiah who is going into death and resurrection.

On being a Christian involves the engaging of the will of the person, for Jesus says, whoever wills to come after Me. There is no force involved in being a Christian. Christ does not pull His sheep by a rope; in His army are none but volunteers. Ellen White wrote, “Christ does not use force or compulsion in drawing men [people] to Him.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 16, 95. Also, she points out: “How much does God value man? I point you to Calvary. The most ignominious death my Lord suffered that He might rescue you, yet He does not force any of you to serve Him. He does not force the will or conscience of any soul.” Sermons and Talks, vol. 2, 105.

We must also bear in mind that God will not accept unwilling service; this we are told once again: “If men, after this great and merciful condescension on the part of God, maintain their position with the first apostate, no force will be used with them. God accepts no unwilling service.” The Review and Herald, September 13, 1898. Therefore, the decision to become a Christian, or follower of Christ, is left up to each individual!

Now having said that, whoever chooses to become a Christian must understand what is required in being a Christian. Look at what Jesus said as recorded by Luke: “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself.” Luke 9:23. The truest and most serious thought that Jesus is here conveying, with which we professed Christians are constantly struggling, is to turn someone off, to refuse association and companionship with, to disown. And the one who is here to be disowned is self, and that means self altogether, not merely some portion, some special habit or desire, some outward practice. What our Lord is addressing here is the natural, sinful self as it centers in the things of men and has no use for the things of God. Why must we disown self completely? Here are ten reasons:

  1. Ellen White puts it this way: “Self is a hard tyrant, and while this power rules in the life, we cannot do unto others as we would have them do to us.” The Review and Herald, April 9, 1908.
  2. Self also is our enemy. “Self is the enemy we most need to fear. No form of vice has a more baleful effect upon the character than has human passion not under the control of the Holy Spirit. No other victory we can gain will be so precious as the victory gained over self.” Ministry of Healing, 485.
  3. Another important reason why we must disown self is that no human being can become a Christian as long as self is cherished. God’s messenger states, “Man must be emptied of self before he can be, in the fullest sense, a believer in Jesus. When self is renounced, then the Lord can make man a new creature.” The Desire of Ages, 280.
  4. Self blinds people’s eyes. “But when the eye is blinded by the love of self, there is only darkness.” Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 91.
  5. Self brings unrest. “It is the love of self that brings unrest.” The Desire of Ages, 330.
  6. Self chills religious zeal. “There are many who give no decided evidence that they are true to their baptismal vows. Their zeal is chilled by formality, worldly ambition, pride, and love of self.” Testimonies, vol. 9, 155.
  7. Self destroys peace. “It is the love of self that destroys our peace.” Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 16.
  8. The love of self excludes the love of Christ. “Love of self excludes the love of Christ.” The Review and Herald, August 6, 1901.
  9. Self leads to the substitution of human theories and traditions. “It is the love of self, the desire for an easier way than God has appointed that leads to the substitution of human theories and traditions for the divine precepts.” The Desire of Ages, 409.
  10. Self opens the door that leads to ruin. “Through devotion to worldly interests, Satan receives all the homage he asks. The door is left open for him to enter as he pleases, with his evil train of impatience, love of self, pride, avarice, overreaching, and his whole catalogue of evil spirits. Man is charmed and treacherously allured on to ruin.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 45. What our Saviour focused on in this phrase “let him deny himself” is true conversion, one of the very first essentials of the Christian life. The person sees all the sin of self and the damnation and death bound up in this sin and turns away from it in utter dismay and seeks rescue in Christ alone. Self is thus cast out, and Christ enters in; henceforth the believer lives not unto himself but unto Christ who died for him.

To give an even more in depth definition of “to deny self,” the following is worth our careful observation: “Man is required to love God supremely, with his might, mind, and strength; and his neighbor as himself. This he cannot possibly do unless he denies himself. To deny self means to rule the spirit when passion is striving for the mastery; to resist the temptation to censure and to speak words of faultfinding; to have patience with the child that is dull, and whose conduct is grievous and trying; to stand at the post of duty even though others may fail; to lift responsibilities wherever and whenever duty requires, not to gain applause, not for policy, but for the sake of the Master, who has given each of His followers a work that is to be done with unwavering fidelity. To deny self means to do good when inclination would lead us to serve and please ourselves. It means to work patiently and cheerfully for the good of others, even though our efforts may not seem to be appreciated.” The Review and Herald, July 11, 1907.

So then for Jesus, on being a Christian means that you and I will lovingly and voluntarily submit our wills to Him, henceforth to live for Him rather than for ourselves. “What is specifically Christian,” according to Dr. Hans Küng “is the fact that all ethical requirements are understood in the light of the rule of the crucified Jesus Christ. … Jesus to whom we are subordinated once and for all in baptism by faith, must remain Lord over us. In following the Crucified it is a question of manifesting the rule of the risen Christ. Justification and sanctification go together in the sense that both mean assimilation to Christ.” On Being a Christian, SCM Press, Norwich, United Kingdom, 544.

To be a Christian in the truest sense of the word has to do with total subordination to the divine historical Christ and complete, ongoing demonstration of His lifestyle. “The Christian faith is one of those great religions the strength of which lies in being able to justify and substantiate in detail an attitude to life, a way of life and a life-style, by pointing to a quite definite, authoritative, historical figure. … Jesus of Nazareth is himself the personification of this new way of life.” Ibid. The apostle Paul understood it this way, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21.

After self has been disowned, Jesus then states the next imperative which is, “… take up his cross daily.” It is impossible to take up the cross if self is not denied! What does Jesus mean by take up the cross? It has to do with assuming the responsibilities that come with being a Christian, even though by doing so he/she be called upon to pay the supreme price. In the context in which Christ here mentions cross bearing, He refers not so much to the minor difficulties and obstacles to be encountered by the Christian, but rather to the need to be ready to face death itself. The Christian must be prepared to give up earthly ease and comfort, and be ready to bear the sufferings which will be sure to fall on him if he struggles after holiness. This readiness to give up ease, this willingness to bear suffering, will be a matter of everyday experience.

The cross is that suffering alone which results from our faithful connection with Christ. Let us remember that each Christian will have his/her share of suffering. The solemn message that Jesus gives is that He leads with His cross, and all His disciples, each loaded with his/her cross, follow in one immense procession like men who are being led away to be crucified. Paul carries the figure further: “They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh” (Galatians 5:24); and Paul himself is crucified with Christ” (Galatians 2:20).

Jesus, in Matthew’s gospel chapter 11 verses 28–30, states, “Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”

There is a direct similarity between yoke wearing and cross bearing. “The yoke and the cross are symbols representing the same thing—the giving up of the will to God. Wearing the yoke unites finite man in companionship with the dearly beloved Son of God. Lifting the cross cuts away self from the soul, and places man where he learns how to bear Christ’s burdens. We cannot follow Christ without wearing His yoke, without lifting the cross and bearing it after Him.” The Review and Herald, October 23, 1900.

Christ, in His life here on earth, exemplified what it means to bear the cross: “By His own example the Saviour has shown that His followers can be in the world and yet not of the world. He came not to partake of its delusive pleasures, to be swayed by its customs, and to follow its practices, but to do His Father’s will, to seek and save the lost. With this object before him the Christian may stand uncontaminated in any surroundings. …

“Not in freedom from trial, but in the midst of it, is Christian character developed. Exposure to rebuffs and opposition leads the follower of Christ to greater watchfulness and more earnest prayer to the mighty Helper. Severe trial endured by the grace of God develops patience, vigilance, fortitude, and a deep abiding trust in God. It is the triumph of the Christian faith that it enables its followers to suffer and be strong; to submit, and thus to conquer; to be killed all the day long, and yet to live; to bear the cross, and thus to win the crown of glory.” The Acts of the Apostles, 467, 479.

One writer says that three things are necessary in traveling: first, to say farewell (to self); second, to carry one’s baggage (the cross); third, to proceed with the journey (follow Me). The question that needs to be answered is, Are we willing to make this journey? Following Christ shows that self has been disowned completely and the cross has been willingly taken up.

Dr. Hans Küng puts it this way: “The following of Christ is what distinguishes Christians from other disciples and supporters of great men, in the sense that Christians are ultimately dependent on this person, not only on his teaching, but also on his life, death, and new life.” On Being a Christian, 545.

“True religion,” Ellen white says, “is the imitation of Christ. Those who follow Christ will deny self, take up the cross, and walk in His footsteps. Following Christ means obedience to all His commandments. No soldier can be said to follow his commander unless he obeys orders. Christ is our model. To copy Jesus, full of love and tenderness and compassion, will require that we draw near to Him daily.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 949.

So what does it mean to be a Christian? “As Christians, we are to manifest to the world the character of Christ in all the affairs of life. To be a Christian means to act in Christ’s stead, to represent Christ.” The Southern Worker, 39. Following Christ or being a Christian means “Christ in you the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). This was the experience of the Antioch believers: “And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.” Acts 11: 26. And we are told why they were given this title: “It was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians. The name was given them because Christ was the main theme of their preaching, their teaching, and their conversation.” The Acts of the Apostles, 157. She further states, “It was God who gave to them the name of Christian. This is a royal name, given to all who join themselves to Christ.” Ibid.

In closing, are you a Christian? Have you disowned yourself and taken up the cross, Christ’s yoke, and are you following Him? If you haven’t or you had once done it but have given it up, today Jesus says to you, come unto Me!

(Unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, Bible texts are from the New King James Version.)

Pastor Ivan Plummer ministers through the Emmanuel Seventh Day Church Ministries in Bronx, New York. He may be contacted by telephone at: 718-882-3900.

Children’s Story – The Wormy Puffball

We stayed in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota several times during a summer, a few years ago, while my parents were helping at a ministry there. Once while were there, a lady from the ministry picked a nice big puffball for us to eat (a puffball is a type of mushroom).

After waiting a day or two, we decided to cook it. We arrived at the cabin where we were staying, eager to find out what a puffball tasted like.

A little after we arrived, Dad called me up to the cabin door. He held the cut-apart puffball in his hand. Lo and behold, the whole inside seemed to be squirming! It was full of little worms!

I was thinking of how that puffball can represent us. From the outside it looked normal and appetizing. Just so, we can look pretty good on the outside—do things for people, go to Sabbath School and church every week, and act pretty nice—and yet we can still be pretty ugly on the inside—full of jealousy, anger, and pride. If we look pleasant on the outside but are nasty on the inside, we aren’t really Christians (Christians are like Jesus, you know); we are just pretending. That’s called living a lie.

A few days ago, on Sabbath, while we were walking in the hills near our house here in North Dakota, we found some more big puffballs. We broke them open and discovered something interesting—the top parts were good, while the lower parts had worms in them. The little worms evidently enter at the root end!

The devil begins to enter our minds at the deep roots. If you and I aren’t guarding our minds with Jesus’ help, we may not really even notice him until he really has control over us so that our words and actions start getting ugly, too.

Only God can help us keep the devil’s ugliness out of our minds. “Submit ourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

Why not ask Jesus now to show you where the devil might be sneaking into your life and to help you overcome him? “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139: 23, 24

The End

Children’s Story – Heavenly Food

In the early days of mission work in China, there was an elderly man named Li who accepted the gospel. Having learned the truth, he immediately began to share his faith with others. One day, soon after his conversion, he read, “covetousness which is idolatry.” Colossians 3:5. Determined not to fall into any kind of idolatry, he gave away all of his property and lived day to day from the hospitality of the people with whom he was laboring to share the gospel. Not far from Li’s home was a large temple in which lived a cousin who was a priest. From time to time the young priest would visit his old relative, bringing him a small present of bread or millet from his very adequate supply. Each time the old man received the gift, he would say, “My heavenly Father’s grace!” After awhile, this began to annoy the younger man; and he at last said, “Where does your heavenly Father’s grace come in, I should like to know? The millet is mine. I bring it to you. And if I did not, you would very soon starve for all that He would care. He has nothing at all to do with it.”

“But,” replied the old man, “it is my heavenly Father who puts it into your heart to care for me.”

“Oh, that is very well!” interrupted the priest. “We shall see what will happen if I bring the millet no more.”

For a week or two he kept away, although his better nature kept prompting him to care for the old man whom he could not help but respect for the many works of mercy in which he was engaged in helping others.

In the passage of time, old Li’s food supply finally ran out. The day came when he no longer had enough food for one more meal. Kneeling alone in his room, he poured out his heart in prayer to God. He knew very well that his Father in heaven would not, could not, forget him; and after pleading for a blessing on his work and upon the people all around him, he reminded the Lord of what the priest had said, asking that, for the honor of His own great name, He would send that very day his daily bread.

Suddenly the answer came. While Li was still kneeling in prayer, he heard an unusual clamor and cawing and flapping of wings in the courtyard outside, and a noise as of something falling to the ground. He rose up and went to the door to see what was happening. A number of ravens, which are common in that part of China, were flying all about in great commotion above him. As he looked up, a large piece of meat fell at his very feet. One of the birds, chased by the others, had dropped it just at that moment.

Thankfully the old man picked up the unexpected food, saying, “My heavenly Father’s kindness!” Then glancing about him to see what had fallen before he came out, he discovered a large piece of Indian meal bread, cooked and ready for eating. Another bird had dropped that also. There was his dinner, bountifully provided. Evidently the ravens had been on a foraging expedition at the market place; and, overtaken by stronger birds, had let go their prize right over the poor brother’s courtyard. But whose had had guided them to give up their prize right over his small courtyard?

With a thankful heart that was overflowing with joy, the old man started a fire to prepare the welcome meal. While the pot was still boiling, the door opened; and to his delight, who should walk in but his cousin, the priest.

“Look and see,” said the old man, smiling, as he pointed to the pot on the fire.

For some tie the priest would not look, feeling certain that there was nothing inside but boiling water. At length, however, there was the unmistakable smell of cooking meat. Overcome by curiosity, he lifted the lid and looked inside. Great was his astonishment when he saw the excellent dinner being prepared.

“Why,” he cried, “where ever did you get this?”

My heavenly Father sent it,” responded old Li, gladly. “He put it into your heart, you know, to bring me a little millet from time to time; but when you would no longer do so, it was quite easy for Him to find another messenger.” And then Li told his cousin the whole story about the coming of the ravens.

The priest was very much impressed by what he saw and heard, and it eventually led him to also accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. He gave up his comfortable living in the temple and became a teacher. He eventually became a deacon in the church. During the Boxer War that took place in China in 1900, he finally lay down his life for Jesus.