The Road to the Inquisition

{{“We should be very cautious lest we take the first steps in this road that leads to the Inquisition.”}}

Solemn events are unfolding around us, both in the world and in God’s professed church. As we see the Bible prophecies being fulfilled in catastrophic world events and political movements, we also see the fulfillment of solemn warnings given to God’s last day people by God’s prophet.

The prophet Isaiah predicted that in the last days God’s chosen people would rebel against Him, and turn their ears away from hearing the Law. They will say to the prophets, who are sent to them, “Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.” Isaiah 30:10, 11.

We must ask ourselves the serious question, Have we in Adventism turned aside from hearing the words of God’s prophet? Have we turned from following God’s Holy Law to follow the commands of another leader?

In this article we will trace the steps of the apostasy, in Adventism, in order to understand how we arrived at the place we now occupy in the Historic Adventist movement. We will also consider where this path is leading and what the sure results will be (according to inspiration) unless a complete change is made.

The Road to the Inquisition

Throughout history Satan and his associates have used a consistent series of methods to destroy those who do not agree with them or will not submit to their authority. Speaking of these steps in Signs of the Times, May 26, 1890, Ellen White wrote, “The papal authorities first ridiculed the reformers, and when this did not quench the spirit of investigation, they placed them behind prison walls, loaded them with chains, and when this did not silence them or make them recant, they finally brought them to the fagot and the sword.” But, you might ask, How does this affect us today? God’s prophet continued: “We should be very cautious lest we take the first steps in this road that leads to the Inquisition.”

Although we may not have seen open, physical persecution, are there other ways that one can lead down the road to the inquisition? Consider carefully another quotation where Ellen White outlines how an inquisition has been set up even among God’s professed people. “An inquisition has been set up among those who should be free from all overbearing. God calls for the extinction of this satanic devising. The love of Christ in the heart forbids all oppression . . . But for years, some, even among those who claim to believe present truth, have acted in an oppressive manner, cherishing in the heart that fearful, hateful thing which has led them to exclude their brethren from their fellowship and their councils, because they supposed them wanting in some respects, as though the Lord has made them judges of character.” Review and Herald, January 7, 1902. [All emphasis supplied.]

Has Adventism begun down the road to the inquisition? We will begin our investigation with the General Conference Session in 1888.

The 1888 General Conference

The issues surrounding the 1888 General Conference have been widely discussed through Adventist circles, but the central issue, which Ellen White labored hardest to combat, has received little attention. That overruling problem was the kingly power that existed among the Adventist leadership at that time, which had led to a restriction of God’s work. In the 1888 Materials, Ellen White wrote about this problem many times. The following is a brief sample:

“Over and over again men have said, ‘The voice of the conference is the voice of God; therefore everything must be referred to the conference. The conference must permit or restrict in the various lines of work.’ As the matter has been presented to me, there is a narrow compass, and within this narrow compass, all the entrances to which are locked, are those who would like to exercise kingly power. But the work carried on all over the field demands an entirely different course of action. There is need of the laying of a foundation different from the foundation which has been laid in the past.

“We have heard much about everything moving in the regular lines. When we see that the ‘regular lines’ are purified and refined, that they bear the mold of the God of heaven, then it will be time to endorse these lines. But when we see that message after message given by God has been received and accepted, yet no change has been made, we know that new power must be brought into the regular lines.” 1888 Materials, 1727, 1728.

“The spirit of domination is extending to the presidents of our conferences. If a man is sanguine of his own powers and seeks to exercise dominion over his brethren, feeling that he is invested with authority to make his will the ruling power, the best and only safe course is to remove him, lest great harm be done and he lose his own soul and imperil the souls of others . . . A man’s position does not make him one jot or tittle greater in the sight of God; it is character alone that God values.” Ibid., 1445.

“Now I want to say, God has not put any kingly power in our ranks to control this or that branch of the work. The work has been greatly restricted by the efforts to control it in every line . . . Let me tell you, if your heart is in the work, and you have faith in God, you need not depend upon the sanction of any minister or any people; if you go right to work in the name of the Lord, in a humble way doing what you can to teach the truth, God will vindicate you.” Ibid., 1746.

What were the results of this kingly power? The first was that the work of spreading the Three Angels’ Messages was hindered, and because of this, Ellen White began to give her support to various independent workers and organizations. The foremost of these was Madison College established by E. A. Sutherland and Percy Magan, in 1908.

The Madison School

For years, Sutherland and Magan had worked in Adventist educational institutes. In 1897 they were both serving at Battle Creek College. Under the conviction that the church had not followed the divine plan for education, as set forth in the counsel of Ellen White, they began attempting to make reforms in that institution. They met stiff opposition, and finally they decided to move the college away from Battle Creek to Berrien Springs, where the new college was called Emmanuel Missionary College. Unfortunately, they still faced severe opposition as they tried to follow the divine plan, so, in 1904, they both resigned and made plans to open a self-supporting school in the South. Under the direction of the Lord, Ellen White helped Sutherland and Magan find the property for the new school, Madison College. She also gave direction for the planning of the school and served as a charter member of the board (the only college board one which she ever served ).

All was not easy for the new self-supporting school. Sutherland and Magan faced opposition (although often not open) from the leaders in the conference, and they received no financial support from the denomination. Despite all of this, Ellen White still counseled them to remain independent from the conference. She wrote: “When my advice was asked in reference to the Madison school, I said, Remain as you are. There is danger in binding every working agency under the dictation of the conference. The Lord did not design that this should be. The circumstances were such that the burden bearers in the Madison school could not bind up their work with the conference. I knew their situation, and when many of the leading men in our conferences ignored them, because they did not place their school under conference dictation, I was shown that they would not be helped by making themselves amenable to the conference. They had better remain as led by God, amenable to Him, to work out His plans. But this matter need not be blazed abroad.” Manuscript Releases vol. 8, 203–204.

God knew that if the school was under conference direction, the work of spreading the Three Angels’ Messages would be slowed, just as it had been in the older schools that had been established. Sister White wrote: “I have been shown that in our educational work we are not to follow the methods that have been adopted in our older established schools. There is among us too much clinging to old customs, and because of this we are far behind where we should be in the development of the Third Angel’s Message.” Special Testimonies 11,29.

So, we have seen that because of the problems with kingly power and the unwillingness of the Adventist leadership, in Ellen White’s day, to receive her inspired counsel, the Lord had to raise up independent organizations to train workers and spread the Three Angels’ Messages. And, very often, these independent workers were shunned, or their work was hindered because they wanted to follow the divine counsel. Kingly power wants to crush out individuality and freedom to act upon the dictates of your own conscience. This is what the conference did not like.

Has there been a reformation among the Seventh-day Adventist leadership? Or does the same problem of kingly power, which existed in the last century, still exist today? Have advances down the road to the inquisition been made? We do not have to look very far to discover the answers. Notice what happened to the people in the Hungarian General Conference, during the 1960s and 70s, and you decide if you think the problem has been solved or if it has gotten worse.

The Hungarian Crisis

In 1957, the Hungarian Union of Seventh-day Adventists joined the Council of Free Churches, a Hungarian inter-church ecumenical federation. This was done voluntarily and without any governmental coercion. (The Council of Free Churches is the Hungarian branch of the World Council of Churches, which is pushing for a national Sunday Law among other ecumenical goals.)

The knowledge that their own churches were involved in such an activity was very distressing to the faithful Adventist people in Hungary. Faithful Adventists could not keep silent when they saw such apostasy. Did they have a right to be concerned about the Hungarian Union being a part of the World Council of Churches? Notice carefully these words from the pen of inspiration which the faithful Hungarians used to defend their course of action: “The wide diversity of belief in the Protestant churches is regarded by many as decisive proof that no effort to secure a forced uniformity can ever be made. But there has been for years, in churches of the Protestant faith, a strong and growing sentiment in favor of a union based upon common points of doctrine. To secure such a union, the discussion of subjects upon which all were not agreed—however important they might be from a Bible standpoint—must necessarily be waived. Charles Beecher, in a sermon in the year 1846, declared that the ministry of ‘the evangelical Protestant denominations’ is ‘not only formed all the way up under a tremendous pressure of merely human fear, but they live, and move, and breathe in a state of things radically corrupt, and appealing every hour to every baser element of their nature to hush up the truth, and bow the knee to the power of apostasy. Was not this the way things went with Rome? Are we not living her life over again? And what do we see just ahead? Another general council! A world’s convention! Evangelical alliance, and universal creed!’ When this shall be gained, then, in the effort to secure complete uniformity, it will be only a step to the resort to force.” Great Controversy, 444, 445.

What are the results of an ecumenical movement? This inspired warning tells us that the sure results will be persecution for God’s true people. For, it will be through ecumenism that Protestant America will form an image to the Roman hierarchy, and civil penalties for the faithful will inevitably result.

How did the Adventist leadership respond to this apostasy by the Hungarian Union? In a sermon, Neal Wilson, the President of the General Conference at that time, replied to the faithful Seventh-day Adventists who were protesting this union with the Council of Free Churches. In regard to those who had joined the CFC he stated: “They did something which seemed good in their eyes. To try to cooperate, to receive those benefits and privileges which they are entitled to by this. If we were to talk over this question today, and if they would ask us whether to enter or not, we would advise them not to enter. Not because it is wrong, or because it would be a denial of what God said . . . Not because we violate our teaching by this, and not because the Union would be committing apostasy by joining the Council of Free Churches. We do not believe this. Never think of it in this way. But because our opinion is that it would be wiser to do so.” The Hungarian Union Apostasy, Pilgrim’s Tractbooks, page 63. [All emphasis supplied.]
Was it apostasy for Adventism to join with the fallen daughters of Babylon in an ecumenical bond, in light of the clear testimony of God’s inspired word? The answer is a resounding Yes! “It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy.” Signs of the Times, February 19, 1894.

The faithful Hungarian brethren pleaded with the Hungarian Union to withdraw from the Council of Free Churches, but they would not. As a result, whole churches that persistently protested this union were disbanded. Those who chose to stay a part of the Conference, in order to restore their membership, had to sign a declaration which stated that they were wrong and that they would remain loyal to the General Conference and accept all church policies. Twelve hundred faithful Hungarian Adventists would not sign the declaration, and all 1200 were disfellowshiped. Twenty-six ministers and Bible workers were discharged for protesting the ecumenical involvement, and five church buildings were shut down and the doors barred to keep the faithful Adventists from gathering there. And at one church, in Budapest, guards were stationed around the church to make sure none of those who had been disfellowshipped could use the building.

Open Apostasy in Russia

About the same time as the Hungarian Crisis, a similar situation occurred in Communist Russia. The issues that the faithful Adventists in Russia faced at this time were that the Conference was 1) promoting SDA children attending school on Sabbath, 2) working to stop evangelism in Russia and 3) allowing the pastors to read fictional books from the pulpit on Sabbath morning.

The faithful Seventh-day Adventists began to write letters to the General Conference about the issue sending their children to school on the Sabbath. Their reply was that they could not find a Biblical reason for them not to be attending schools on the Sabbath. (See The Kulakov File, 49.)

Kulakov, a self-appointed leader, was a strong supporter of all of the apostasy which the faithful Adventists were standing up against. When these faithful ones went to the General Conference for help, with reports of what Kulakov was promoting, not only did they not receive any help, but Kulakov received the support of the GC.

With the backing of the General Conference, Kulakov went to the civil authorities, and with their help, forced the faithful Adventists out of their long established churches. He and his followers then became the registered church in Russia. This then made the faithful Adventists an illegal organization, no longer recognized by the state as legitimate, and this forced them to go underground and hold their worship services in secret.

Do you see the progression down the road to the inquisition? Not only were the members disfellowshipped by the church without Biblical grounds, but the conference did nothing to stop Kulakov from using the civil authorities to disband faithful Adventist churches. This action is directly contrary to God’s express word. In Acts of the Apostles, 305–306, we read: “Christians should not appeal to civil tribunals to settle differences that may arise among church members. Such differences should be settled among themselves, or by the church, in harmony with Christ’s instruction . . .

“It was apostasy that led the early church to seek the aid of the civil government, and this prepared the way for the development of the papacy—the beast. Said Paul: ‘There’shall ‘come a falling away, . . . and that man of sin be revealed.’ 2 Thessalonians 2:3. So apostasy in the church will prepare the way for the image to the beast.” Great Controversy, 443–444.

It was apostasy for the early church to seek the aid of the civil government, and it is apostasy when Adventists seek the aid of the civil government today. So, we must ask ourselves, what is the underlying issue that leads men to seek the aid of civil governments to prosecute their brethren? The fundamental issue is the unregenerate heart which seeks to control others. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”

When church leaders begin down the road of kingly power, and they wish to control the minds of their brethren, they become progressively more willing use whatever methods they can find to accomplish their purpose. They may start with ridicule, evil-speaking and withholding support, then they may disfellowship the dissenting members, and if that is not successful they may turn to civil authority to meet their end.

All this happened twenty or more years ago in the Adventist Church. Has there been a change since then? Sadly, the answer is no. There has been no reformation among the leadership of the Adventist Church. There is still the same desire to control the work. And many more people, who have been unwilling to submit to the Conference and go along with the apostasy, have been disfellowshiped or have been forced to leave their churches. As this article is being published, the General Conference is using the strong arm of the court to stop the work of a faithful minister (who has been working tirelessly to spread the Three Angels’ Messages), because he uses the name “Seventh-day Adventist.”

A Faithful Adventist Sued

Raphael Perez was a Conference pastor who was preaching the Three Angels’ Messages on radio stations in Florida. When he would not stop presenting the messages, as the Conference demanded, his ministerial license was revoked. Since that time, Raphael’s ministry has expanded to more radio stations and he now puts full-page advertisements in large city newspapers around the United States, giving the final warning message with clarity and power. The suit he is now facing threatens to destroy his ministry and make it financially impossible for him to continue giving the Three Angels’ Messages.

What exactly is the charge in the suit against Pastor Raphael Perez? In his court summons the Conference reveals their true purpose. “[Eternal Gospel has embarrassed the SDA church by his hateful denunciations of the Catholic church.]

The Conference is embarrassed by the clear presentation of the message we have been commanded to give to the world! They have shown this over and over again in recent years. Just this past January, when the Pope visited St. Louis, a number of Historic Adventist groups were there to pass out literature which exposed the Beast and the Mark of the Beast. The conference made a public apology for these “fringe groups” as they called them.

The statement posted on the Adventist Today webb page said, “The recent visit of Pope John Paul II and his message of hope, plea for high moral standards, end to racism, abortion, assisted suicide and the death penalty emphasized issues that need to be at the forefront of thought.

“Unfortunately, in conjunction with the Papal visit, offshoot groups claiming association with the Seventh-day Adventist Church have coordinated negative media campaigns which misrepresent the care, compassion and respect we have for people of all faiths . . .

“As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we would like to apologize for any and all communications that have advocated discrimination, hatred and unwarranted persecution of members of the Roman Catholic Church . . .

“Kermit Netteburg, communication director for the Adventist Church in North America [said] ‘The public needs to be aware that fringe groups are using the Adventist Church’s name, and not identify the official Church with these ads.’ ”

What a sad day we have come to when the professed people of God no longer call sin by its right name, or call people to come out of Babylon, but instead give medallions to the Pope, complement him for the “good” he has done and participate in his masses.

Has Rome changed? Or does God still require that we expose her iniquity? “The Roman Church now presents a fair front to the world, covering with apologies her record of horrible cruelties. She has clothed herself in Christlike garments; but she is unchanged. Every principle of the papacy that existed in past ages exists today. The doctrines devised in the darkest ages are still held. Let none deceive themselves. The papacy that Protestants [professed Adventists] are now so ready to honor is the same that ruled the world in the days of the Reformation, when men of God stood up, at the peril of their lives, to expose her iniquity. She possesses the same pride and arrogant assumption that lorded it over kings and princes, and claimed the prerogatives of God. Her spirit is no less cruel and despotic now than when she crushed out human liberty and slew the saints of the Most High.” Great Controversy, 571

It is not time to join hands with Rome. It is time to give the message with clearly that “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Revelation 14:8. God’s prophet said, “Time is short. The First, Second, and Third Angel’s Messages are the messages to be given to the world. We hear not literally the voice of the three angels, but these angels in Revelation represent a people who will be upon the earth and give these messages . . . With pen and voice we are to proclaim that very message to the world, not in a tame, indistinct whisper.” 1888 Materials, 926.

Dear friends, the time that remains for this world is very short! Right now we must take advantage of every opportunity to present the last warning message to a dying world, for soon it will be forever too late. Let us each surrender ourselves fully to the Lord so that He can change our hearts, so hardened by sin, and make us fit vessels to do His work. For without Him we can do nothing. We must ask ourselves the question, “Which side am I on? Have I taken the first steps that lead down the road to the Inquisition?” Remember, in the final conflict there will be only two groups, the faithful who will be persecuted and those who will be persecuting. May God help us to be among the faithful.

The Struggle for Unity

Today the revival and reformation movement in Adventism is being attacked from several different directions.

  1. It is attacked by professed Adventists in the organized church structure.
  2. It is attacked by the world.
  3. It is being attacked, and will be more and more, by the powers of Babylon.

However, none of these attacks are our most serious threat. The most serious problem that the revival and reformation movement in Adventism has today is what I call the attack from within.

Zechariah 13:6 speaks about the experience which Christ went through when He was here on this earth. “And one will say to Him, ‘What are these wounds between your arms [or between your hands].’ Then He will answer, ‘Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.’”

Where was Jesus wounded? In the house of His friends! What was the most serious attack that Jesus had to meet? Was it the Romans? No, it was not. It was the attack from within.

In The Great Controversy, 187, 188, we find a statement about the reformation in the time of Martin Luther. “The opposition of the Pope and the Emperor had not caused him so great perplexity and distress as he now experienced. From the professed friends of the reformation had risen its worst enemies.”

Where did the worst enemies of the reformation come from? From her professed friends. Where is our greatest danger today? Is it from the world, or Babylon, or is it from the structure church? No, the worst danger for the revival and reformation today is our professed friends. We are our worst enemies!

“From the professed friends of the reformation had risen its worst enemies. The very truths that had brought him so great joy and consolation were being employed to stir up strife and create confusion in the church.” Ibid.

Is there strife and confusion in the revival and reformation movement in Adventism today? Yes, it is all over the world. We are in a battle: not against human beings, but against the greatest deceiver of all times and he deceives human beings and uses them to wound the very work which they profess to be strengthening. This is why we have so much strife and confusion in our midst today.

However, look at what the Lord desires for us. In Christ’s most famous prayer He said, “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.” John 17:20–23.

Do you believe that, by the grace of God, we are going to develop unity and harmony? Are we going to learn how to get along with each other or must we just go on scrapping and fighting until the Lord takes us to heaven and works a miracle in our hearts so that, suddenly, we will be able to get along? Even if we wished that it could happen this way, we know that the Lord will not change our characters when we go to heaven. We must finish that work here, with His help.

Do we have work to do? We have much work to do if we are going to be part of the one hundred and forty-four thousand who will be perfectly united. I cannot say that I have all of the answers, but through studying the inspired writings on this subject I am trying to learn all that I can on how we can have unity. In this article, we will study just a few of the thousands of inspired quotations on this topic, as we consider character traits that we must develop or character flaws that we must overcome if we are going to have unity among us today.

Respect and Honor

As I have studied the Ten Commandments, I have come to the conclusion that every one of the Ten Commandments has to do with the concept of respect and honor. We will never have the harmony and unity that we want until we learn to respect one another.

Much is said on this topic in inspired writings. Inspiration instructs that in the home we are to cultivate honor and respect. Children should never see their father say or do something that is disrespectful to their mother. Likewise they should never see their mother say or do something that manifests a lack of honor or respect for the father. (See Child Guidance, 239.)

However, this concept is not just for the home. We must especially learn respect in our relationships with others in the church. We must have respect, not just for certain people, but for every person in the church. We need to ask ourselves, Do I respect my brother when he does something that I do not like? Or when he holds a different opinion on some issue, do I still respect him? I do not have to think the same way that every one else thinks, but I must still respect them, even though I do not agree on every point.

In 1888, Ellen White wrote a letter to Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. At the time that this testimony was written, Kellogg was trying to promote health reform in the Adventist Church almost single handedly, and was receiving opposition from other leading men in the church. And, as can easily happen when one is standing alone, he became discouraged. The following is a part of the message Sister White gave him: “We must have unity. These representative men [physicians and ministers in Battle Creek that Kellogg was having difficulty working with] must respect one another and work in harmony. You have a most responsible position, and the Lord will greatly bless you if you walk in humility before Him. But do not, my brother, expect every mind to be constituted like your own. Do not expect that your brethren will see everything in the same light, and attach the same importance to some matters that you do, for you will certainly be disappointed.” 1888 Materials, 1156.

Did you notice the two major points that Sister White made in this statement? They were that:

  1. We must have respect for all our brothers and sisters in the faith.
  2. While we must respect each other, we must not expect that everyone else is going to think just like we think on everything.

It is only when we learn these principles about respect and honor that we will be able to find true unity and harmony.

As we noted earlier, these lessons should first be learned and practiced in the home. Children need to learn it because, the fifth commandment says, “Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12. No one will go to heaven who has not learned to keep the fifth commandment. A young person may not agree with the way his father or mother manages the household (and he does not have to think exactly as his parents do), but he still has an obligation, written in the law of God, that he is to honor his parents.

Do we honor each other in our homes? Do we honor each other in the church? Consider for a moment how the principle of respect applies in practical situations. Take the following example: If I am going to honor you and respect you, even though you think completely different than I do on some points, will I try to prove that you are wrong and make you look like a fool in public? Will I do that? No, I will not. I may go to you privately and say, “I do not see this the way you do,” but if I truly respect you, I will not try to make you look foolish before others.

Pride and Passion

Consider this statement: “There is nothing which will weaken the strength of a church like pride and passion. If one engaged in the work of God does things in contradiction to another engaged in the same work, that is strife and variance. If we do this to be esteemed or to exalt self, it is vainglory, and death to spirituality and to Christian love and unity of action.” Review and Herald, July 5, 1887.

Pride is a very serious problem according to Malachi 4:1. “‘For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up’ says the Lord of Hosts.” Is pride a serious problem? It will send you straight to hell. And it is one of the most deeply ingrained problems in fallen, sinful, human nature.

What really is pride? Pride is a disease of the heart that you and I cannot see. So, I do not have any right to go to anyone and say, “You are proud.” Only the Lord could do that through His prophet. However, pride is one of the roots of disunity and I need to know something about the symptoms of pride so that I can check myself to see if pride is still alive in my heart.

I have found two major symptoms of pride in inspired writings. First, pride leads people to make a display. This love of display can be seen in the clothes we wear, the homes or cars we buy or in the way that we behave. In The Desire of Ages, 261, we read about the life of Christ: “ In that life no noisy disputation, no ostentatious worship, no act to gain applause, was ever witnessed. Christ was hid in God, and God was revealed in the character of His Son. To this revelation Jesus desired the minds of the people to be directed, and their homage to be given.” Christ never behaved in any way that would lead others to look to Him; He never sought the applause of others.

We need to teach this principle to our young people. I think it is wonderful when we train our young people to be musicians, but we must be careful that the motive in learning to play music is not to demonstrate skill so that we attract attention to ourselves. That is pride; the desire to make a display. And remember there is nothing that will weaken the strength of a church like pride.

The second symptom of pride is the desire for self-exaltation. When pride first developed in heaven, this is the symptom that was manifest in Lucifer. It finally led him to the point where he wanted to control the angels and possess the position that Jesus Christ alone was worthy to hold. He wanted to be in control of the government of God. He wanted to be in control of the work. Have you ever been in a church where there is one or more persons that think that they ought to control what goes on there? If you or I desire to control others or we demonstrate that we want to control the work, we still have a problem with pride. And if we get upset because someone else does not do exactly what we told them to do, it is time that we begin searching our hearts and realize how deeply pride is rooted there!

Brotherly Love

“Our strength is in our unity. We are weak when we do not love one another.” The Kress Collection, 84.

When we do not love one another, what is the problem? We are weak. We may know all the right theology. We may be able to prove all of our positions, but if we do not love one another, we are weak. Ellen White wrote many testimonies and counsels to people that needed help in this area.

I would like to quote a few lines that are pertinent to our study, from a testimony that Sister White wrote to a Seventh-day Adventist woman. She said: “You see the truth, and then you mark out how this one and that one should practice it; and if they fail to come up to the mark you set, you feel to draw off from them. [When did she begin to condemn others? When they did not come up to how she thought they should behave.] You cannot fellowship with them, and love dies out of your heart for them, when in reality they are just as near right as you are. [This is quite a warning for us!] You make yourself enemies when you might have friends. You are ardent and positive in your temperament, and when you see points of truth, you carry matters to extremes. You thus repulse persons, instead of winning and binding them to your heart.

“You look upon the objectionable features in the character of those with whom you associate, and dwell upon their seeming inconsistencies and wrongs, overlooking their redeeming traits. I was referred to this scripture: ‘Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.’” Testimonies, vol. 2, 437.

This sister was looking on the objectionable points of other’s temperaments. But do we not all have objectionable traits of character which require mercy from others. Shouldn’t we then be willing to give mercy to other people who have some objectionable traits of character, as we do? If God treated us the way we treat each other, I do not believe any of us would be here today. We serve a wonderful God of mercy; are we really His children?

“Here, dear sister, you may meditate and speculate with profit. Dwell upon the good qualities of those with whom you associate, and see as little as possible of their errors and failings.” Ibid. If we could just put this sentence in our mind and say, “Lord, help me to dwell on the good qualities of those with whom I associate.”

Did you know that there are people that you associate with who already know about some of their objectionable traits of character and they sometimes abhor themselves because of the way they are? They need a word of encouragement so that they will be encouraged to fight the battles with self and to overcome their objectionable traits of character. Just think, Is it easier for you to overcome an objectionable trait of character if someone is encouraging you or if they are condemning you?

“You possess too much of a spirit of war, and throw things into confusion and strife. You must change your life and character if you are ever classed with those who hear the words: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.’” Ibid.

“The great lesson that Christ taught by His life and example was that of unity and love among brethren. This love is the token of discipleship, the divine credentials which the Christian bears to the world. ‘By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another.’ Love to God and man must be an inwrought principle in the soul; for there is no other way that the Christian can become a ‘partaker of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.’” Review and Herald, August 12, 1884.


“In humility and union there is strength.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 15, 357. We are never going to have unity that we must have, according to John 17, until we learn how to be humble. And friend, it does not matter how wicked the world becomes or what Babylon does, I do not believe that the Lord will return to this world until John 17 is fulfilled. And it will never be fulfilled unless we become humble people. Are we humble enough yet so that the Lord could bring in unity among us through the Holy Spirit? Are we humble enough to realize that the Lord is in charge of the work and that we do not have to get everything straightened out? Is this a lesson that we need to learn?

“Another great need of the church is humility,—the deep humility of Christ. Believers need to see the necessity of working as Christ worked. O for that devotion and humility of heart that will lead God’s people to do those things that Christ has commanded, and still in all humility and truth say, ‘We are unprofitable servants; we have done only that which it was our duty to do!’ But many, many are swelling with pride and importance, who in God’s estimation are lukewarm. Self-gratification is revealed because of a few things accomplished. Where do we hear the testimony of hearts that are broken in repentance and confession before God? Where do we see professed believers wearing the yoke of Christ? How little time is given to fervent prayer, the result of which would be the possession of a meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is of great price.” Review and Herald, September 16, 1909.

Death to Self

One of the greatest reasons that we have so much strife is that self is not dead yet. The Holy Spirit wants to create unity among us, but it says in Manuscript Releases, vol. 20, 268, “Just as soon as self gains the supremacy, the Spirit of God is quenched.” When self is still ruling the hearts of those in the church, the Holy Spirit cannot work to bring unity.

When I read this statement, I wanted to know what the symptoms are of self still being alive so that I could examine my own life, and so I started studying the Spirit of Prophecy. Here are some of the symptoms that demonstrate that self is not dead and is gaining the supremacy in the human heart. They are taken from many different places in the Spirit of Prophecy.

The Basis of Unity

“The truth is one. It will take people . . . and, mingling them with other elements, soften and refine them through the truth. Teach them that in humility and union there is strength. The love of Christ and living faith would have a transforming power upon the man, upon his ideas, upon his character. The temper and the life experience will be softened and ennobled by divine truth. The influence of the truth is to take away from man that which is impetuous and rebellious, and bring him into harmony with heaven. God’s purpose is to bring all into harmony and unity on the platform of truth as it is in Jesus.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 15, 357, 358. [Emphasis supplied.]

The basis for true unity and harmony is whether or not we are willing to stand on the same platform of truth. When we talk about unity and harmony, we are not talking about it in an ecumenical sense. We are not talking about unity and harmony with all the world. We are not even talking about unity and harmony with all professed Adventists. We are talking about unity and harmony with the people that are all willing to stand on the same platform of truth. And what is that platform?

In the book Early Writings there is a chapter entitled “A Firm Platform.” In that chapter Sister White identifies the Three Angels’ Messages as an immutable platform. She also states that these three messages are infallible (this is a very strong statement if you consider what Adventists believe about the infallibility of the inspired writings), and will triumph over the whole world. A proper understanding of them will guide you to a complete chain of truth and prepare you for the Second Coming of Christ.

Many people ask, “Do you think the church is going through?” The truth is that the church which stays with the Three Angels’ Messages is going to go through and none of the rest of the churches are going through. Even if you meet in a tiny homechurch, if your church stays faithful and true to the Three Angels’ Messages, it will go through. Because, the Three Angels’ Messages, Ellen White says, will triumph. Conversely, if your church, no matter how large and respected it is, does not remain faithful and true to the Three Angels’ Messages, it will not go through. (This same principle applies to a sisterhood of churches or even a world-wide system of churches, for if these organizations apostatize from the truth, they will certainly not go through to the end, either.)

The truth is the platform on which unity is built. Do you want to be on the platform that is going through? People talk about the ship that is going through. However, contrary to popular opinion, the ship that is going through is the ship that is based on the Three Angels’ Messages. If there was only one person in the world that believed them, that person would go through and the rest of the world would go down, because these precious messages are infallible. The people that believe them, and are willing to change their ideas to come into perfect harmony with them, will triumph with them. Is this your great desire? Then diligently study the Word and ask the Lord to help you to stand faithfully on the platform of eternal truth.

If self is not dead the person:

  1. Is ready for a contest.
  2. Has an ambition to be noticed and is afraid of being in some way mistreated.
  3. Regards their judgment as the best of all.
  4. Is not willing to forgo his wishes. (He feels that he should have his own way.)
  5. Has too high an appreciation of himself and eventually he becomes “too good” to labor with his brethren unless he is in charge.
  6. Becomes self-sufficient.
  7. Feels that he can manage the work.
  8. Reveals self in his management.
  9. Is a part of many religious controversies which result.
  10. Is not tender when dealing with others.
  11. Is ready to express his own mind and will, all the time.
  12. Is strenuous to have his will regarded as the will of God.
  13. Wants rules and regulations concerning even the details of the work.
  14. Seeks for knowledge or skills that will bring him into notice.
  15. Shows exhibitions of self. (This has to do with being angry, being harsh or impatient.)
  16. Is jealous of others.

Two Conditions You Must Meet to be Saved, Part I

There are two conditions that you must meet to be saved. Let us look at the prayer of Jesus just before He went into the Garden of Gethsemane. “‘And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.’” John 17:3. There are many places in the Bible that tell us that the world does not know God. One place is right here in this prayer.

In verse 25, Jesus says, “‘O righteous Father! The world has not known You.’” The world does not know God. But if you know God, you are going to have eternal life. That is one condition, and the second one is like unto it.

Not only must you know God, but He must also know you. In the gospel of Matthew we read about some people who say that they know the Lord, but the Lord says that He does not know them. “‘Not every one who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”’” Matthew 7:21-23.

Does God Know You?

These are people who think that they know God, but God says I do not know you. So these are the two conditions you must meet if you are going to be saved: You must know God, and He must know you. Everybody who knows God will be saved. Everyone that God knows will be saved.

Now we are human beings and sometimes we get confused in terminology. We think that if we know something about God, that is the same thing as knowing God. Many years ago I heard a story about a preacher. Late one night the telephone rang, and on the other end of the line was a young woman who was about to commit suicide. Almost every preacher or pastor has had at least one telephone call from somebody who was contemplating suicide. It is more common than you might think.

Do You Know God?

This young lady was planning to commit suicide, but before she did, for some reason, there was one question that she wanted to get answered. So she asked this preacher the one question on her heart: “Do you know God?” It just took him aback, because do you know what preachers know? Well, we know Greek; we know Hebrew, and we know history. We have been taught about public speaking; we have been taught about church administration, how to run committees and boards, how to administer communion, how to baptize people; we know theology, teaching, philosophy, psychology and sociology.

But she did not want to talk to anybody who knew all that. She wanted to talk to someone who knew God. That is the question I want to ask you. Do you know God? Does He know you? The Bible makes it very clear, there in Matthew 7, that many people think they know God, and they really do not.

There was a lady who came to one of our workers at the State Fair this past summer. She said, “Well, I know my Lord.” Because she knew Him, she knew He would and would not do certain things, and it is very interesting what people think they know about what God will and will not do. They think that they know, but they really do not. Matthew 7:21–23 is a good example of that. But there are others.

Luke 9:55 speaks about the apostles. Surely they knew the Lord. But notice what Jesus said to them: “He turned and rebuked them, and said, ‘You do not know what manner of spirit you are of.’”

And again, in John 14:9 Jesus is talking to one of His own disciples: “Jesus said to him, ‘Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Phillip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, “Show us the Father?”’” You see, these people had been with Jesus for over three years at this time and Jesus asked Phillip the question, how could I be with you so long and you not know Me? You see there are many people today, many Christians who know Jesus the way the apostles knew Jesus when He was here in the world.

What Is the Difference Between Professed and True?

“Then one said to Him, ‘Lord, are there few who are saved?’ And He said to them, ‘Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, “Lord, Lord, open for us,” and He will answer and say to you, “I do not know you, where you are from,” then you will begin to say, “We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.” But He will say, “I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.” There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. . . .” Luke 13:23–28. This is but another example of this same problem.

I will just give you a little tip for your own devotional study. If you look in the gospels where Jesus talks about weeping and gnashing of teeth, you will find out that every single time He is talking about a certain group of people at the end of time. He is talking about people who were in the professed church, who believed that they were part of His chosen people, that they were part of His own, but they find out at the end that they are not. They were in the church, and they were sure they were going to be saved, but they come right up to the end, and they are not. It is serious when you put it in that vein, is it not? But that is whom He is talking about every single time when He talks about weeping and gnashing of teeth in the gospels. (See Matthew 8 and 25.)

Incidentally, there are going to be a lot of preachers in that crowd. A lot of them. In fact, Ellen White says that a lot of them had high positions in God’s work. (See Upward Look, 301.) I can tell you that you and I do not want to be in that group.

We need to talk to the Lord about this and say, “Lord, is my religion real? Or is it just a game of pretend?” The apostle Paul talks to a young preacher about this very problem. He says, “They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.” Titus 1:16.

The Horror of Rejection

So we can see from these Scriptures that there will be many people who thought that they knew God and that God knew them. They will come right up to the end, and they will have the most bitter, awful disappointment and shock that they have ever had.

I try to imagine this in my mind over and over again, and frankly I am unable to do so. I cannot imagine how terrible it would be to realize that probation is over, and you are lost. There is not going to be another second chance like a lot of people think. It is over. You have already had your second chance, and you are lost. This has happened not just to individuals but to whole groups and nations and people. There are many texts in both the Old and New Testaments that point this out as a problem with the Jewish nation.

Isaiah 58:1, 2 says, “Cry aloud, spare not; lift up your voice like a trumpet; tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. Yet they seek Me daily, and delight to know My ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching God.”

These are people who are very religious. They go to church and they say, “We want somebody to preach to us and show us the ways of God.” It says they delight in the ways of God, but the Lord says, “You do not even know Me. You do not even know the way of peace,” as you can see in Isaiah 59:8.

Jeremiah is called the weeping prophet, because he did a lot of weeping. He says, “Oh, that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night. . . . They have bent their tongues for lies. They are not valiant for the truth on the earth. For they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not know Me, says the Lord.” Jeremiah 9:1, 3.

The Lord says My own chosen people do not know Me. They just think they do. They are very religious. These people, even from a human point of view, probably seemed much more religious than the average Seventh-day Adventist today.

The gospel of John, of all the gospels, deals with this issue and this question a great deal. In fact, John deals with it in all of his writings. This is John the Baptist speaking: “John answered them, saying, ‘I baptize with water, but there stands One among you whom you do not know.’” John 1:26.

They Did Not Know Him!

Jesus had been in the world for 30 years at this time, and they did not know Him. They did not know Him! Now there had been much evidence given. Everybody knew about the shepherds and about the wise men. And there were many of the leaders of the people who knew about the time when Jesus had been in the temple for three days asking questions of the leaders of Israel.

But they did not know Him. This theme keeps coming up over and over again. “Then they said to Him, ‘Where is Your Father?’ Jesus answered, ‘You know neither Me nor My Father. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also.’” John 8:19.

So the Jewish people did not know that God was among them in the flesh. It was the greatest opportunity that had ever been given to the human race since Adam and Eve. He was there, right then, and they did not know.

Are you aware of the fact, friend, that very soon we are to be given the greatest opportunity that has been given to God’s people since the time of Christ and the apostles? Did you know that the majority of Adventists will not know what is going on? Are you aware of the fact that Ellen White says that the light that lightens the earth with its glory will be called a false light.” (See Review and Herald, May 27, 1890.)

The Last Message of Mercy

The light that lightens the earth with its glory is an expression from the Bible. What is that about? It is about the Loud Cry that is described in Revelation 18:1. It says, ‘I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.” (KJV.)

The Loud Cry is the last message of mercy given to this world, and it is going to be accompanied by an experience of primitive godliness that has not been seen since the days of the apostles. You can read about that in The Great Controversy, 464. It is going to be accompanied by more miracles than any of us have ever yet seen. Signs and wonders are going to follow the believers. That is what it says.

Miracles of healing will be wrought. Everybody that is an Adventist is going to know that something is happening. But Ellen White said that they would call this light that lightens the earth with its glory, a false light.

Why? How could that be? Because the people do not know God, that is how. That is why. They did not know Him. That is why they crucified Him. They did not know who He was. Paul says that if they had known who He was, they would not have done what they did. But they did not know Him. The question is, do you and I know Him? As we draw closer and closer to the end, we are going to have to know Him.

Friends, you and I are going to be told that we are in league with the devil, that we do not know God at all and that we are the cause of all the trouble coming upon the earth. We are going to be told that, and if you do not know Him, you are not going to make it. Do you know Him? Do you know that you know Him? Do you know that He knows you?

An Intimate Relationship with Your Redeemer

This is a big theme in the Bible. Do you know God? Does He know you? The problem is not God knowing about us, and us knowing about God. It is not talking about knowing information about someone; it is talking about us actually having an experience, a relationship with that person.

God wants to have a relationship with you and you need to have a relationship with Him. “‘To him (that is the Good Shepherd) the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.’” John 10:3, 4.

Do you know His voice? If you know Him, you will know His voice. Do you know how to distinguish the voice of Jesus from a stranger? Jesus says that the sheep can tell the difference. In verse 5, He says that His sheep will not even listen to the voice of strangers; they will flee from them.

What is the difference between the voice of the Shepherd and the voice of the stranger, and how do you tell the difference? Here is one quick tip: the voice of the Shepherd will never contradict anything in the Bible, especially the law of God. That is why you need to be studying the Bible, so you can recognize the Voice, because there are lots of voices today.

“‘I am the Good Shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.’” John 10:14. Jesus says, the people who belong to Me, they know Me. I know them, and they know Me. No exceptions! People who are taken to heaven when Jesus comes will be people who know Him, and He knows them.

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow Me.” So there is one question you can ask yourself, “Can I tell the difference in the voice?” Now the gospel of John also points out certain criteria so you could know which people are not the Lord’s; they are not His sheep; they are not His people, and they do not know Him. Maybe this is not so pretty, but it is surely appropriate for the times in which we are living.

Hated and Persecuted for Christ

In John 15:19, 20, Jesus is telling His disciples that they are going to be persecuted. The world is going to hate them and persecute them. Why is the world going to hate them and why is the world going to persecute them? Verse 21 explains it: “‘But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me.’”

Why? They do not know Him. They do not know God. “‘These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. They will put you out of the synagogues [They will disfellowship you, in other words.]; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.’” John 16: 1, 2. The Greek text says, “Whoever kills you will glory that he is doing service for God.” He will exult that he is doing something for the Lord because he is killing God’s people.

“‘And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me.’” Verse 3. Why do they do these things? They do not know God. I want to tell you, friends, if, in your heart and in my heart, we ever have the desire to get even with the people that abuse us, there is something wrong. We do not know God. There is a lot of that going on today. Professed Adventists even take other Adventists to court, so they can put them in prison, if they do not do what they want.

God’s “Professed” People

Why? Jesus told us why. They do not know “the Father nor Me.” Are you brave? Are you ready for me to get very specific? We are living in a time just like this time. Who was it that Jesus was talking about that was going to do this? Was it the Romans? No, it was the Jews, God’s chosen people. His professed people. That is the way it is today.

It is a very serious thing to profess to be one of God’s children and then get involved in persecuting other children of God, because they are heretics or fanatics or whatever they are. I do not believe in heresy; I do not believe in fanaticism; I believe in fighting both of them, but I do not believe in killing the people. I do not believe in putting the people in prison because their doctrines are wrong, or they are fanatics.

Jesus said the people who do this do not know God. “They do not know the Father nor Me.” Now let us just think this through a little bit. I want you to think.

Are You Involved?

I want to ask you some questions. Do you think that God is going to finish His work in this world through people who do not even know Him? Is that what you think? Well, that is what some people think. That is what some Adventists think. They write me letters and tell me that. Some people think that God is going to finish His work through people who do not even know Him.

“Oh,” they say to me, “that is not everybody.”

Now listen, let us think that one through. Not everybody. There is a Nicodemus. Let me tell you something, friends, Jesus did not finish the work that God gave Him to do through Nicodemus, and He did not do it through the Sanhedrin. Those people in the Sanhedrin did not know Him. Even Nicodemus did not really know Him yet. It took him a while. After the cross, Nicodemus got it figured out.

We are not passing judgment on who is going to be saved and who is not going to be saved. Not at all! That is God’s business. But it is time to think things through and it is not rude or sacrilegious for a preacher to ask you some questions such as, “Do you really believe that God is going to finish His work through people who do not even know Him?” That is what the majority of Adventists believe today. Jesus said the people who are involved in persecuting other believers do not know Me, and they do not know the Father. It is too pointed!

Somebody says, “Well, Pastor John, they are not all involved in that.”

I am sorry, brother and sister, that is not true. You are mistaken. They are all involved, and the reason they are all involved is very simple; they all belong to one organization that is doing it. Unless they are protesting it, they are part of it!

To be Continued …

Editorial – The Church that Appears to Fall, Part I

“My mind is deeply exercised in regard to our condition as a people. We ought to be far in advance of any other people on the earth because we have greater light and greater knowledge of the truth, which lays us under increased accountability to advance that light and not only profess to believe the truth but to practice it. When we do practice the truth we are then following Jesus, who is the Light of the world; and if we as a people are not constantly elevating, becoming more and more spiritually minded, we are becoming like the Pharisees—self-righteous—while we do not the will of God.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 12, 318. [Emphasis added.]

Ellen White is talking about all who profess the Adventist faith, but she is concerned that we not only “profess to believe the truth” but “practice it.”

“When Jerusalem was divorced from God it was because of her sins.…The depth of our ruin is measured by the exalted light to which God has raised us in His great goodness and unspeakable mercy. Oh, what privileges are granted to us as a people! And if God spared not His people that He loved, because they refused to walk in the light, how can He spare the people whom He has blessed with the light of heaven in having opened to them the most exalted truth ever entrusted to mortal man to give to the world?” Ibid., 319.

When and how was Jerusalem divorced from God? Because of her sins. What sins? “By shedding Jesus’ blood the Jewish people were about to divorce themselves from heaven. Christ knew that some of those now apparently so sympathetic would soon close against themselves the door of hope and the gates of the city of God. A scene was about to take place, in His humiliation and crucifixion, that would result in the destruction of Jerusalem.” Youth’s Instructor, April 27, 1899.

“In the Jewish nation we behold a chosen nation divorced from God because of unbelief. Jesus, the lover of humanity, was called upon to pronounce sentence against the people for whom He had lived and labored, but from whom He had borne insult, mockery, and rejection.…The salvation of the Jews would have been the joy of Christ, the rejoicing of the angels, but they would not. No man will be saved against his will.” Review and Herald, April 18, 1893. [Emphasis added.]

“When the Saviour saw, in the Jewish people, a nation divorced from God, He saw also a professed Christian Church united to the world and the papacy. As He stood upon Olivet, weeping over Jerusalem till the sun sank behind the western hills, so He is weeping over and pleading with sinners in these last moments of time. Soon He will say to the angels who are holding the four winds, “‘Let the plagues loose; let darkness, destruction, and death come upon the transgressors of My law.’” Will He be obliged to say to those who have had great light and knowledge, as He said to the Jews, ‘If thou hadst known, even thou at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes’?” Ibid., October 8, 1901.

The above quotations show clearly that the Jews divorced themselves from God by their unbelief, and the final development in this divorce was the crucifixion of Christ, which made the destruction of the unbelieving in Jerusalem inevitable.

But these quotations also show that the same end result that came to the Jews, by crucifying Christ, will happen to a professed Christian church at the end of time, and the divorce will be the result of being

  1. united to the world and
  2. being united to the papacy.

Editorial – The Church that Appears to Fall- Part II

A professed Christian church that becomes united to the world and to the papacy is, by those acts, standing under sentence of being divorced of God. It is proper for a church to be subservient to civil laws of any state where she resides, as long as they do not violate the law of God, but churches and individuals are forbidden to amalgamate the things of God with the things of the state. (See Romans 13,14; I Peter 2; Acts 5:29; Matthew 22:21.)

A divorce generally takes some time. There are hearings; an opportunity for counseling and to make amends and restitution to the injured; time to decide whether the decision is final or whether there can be reconciliation, and a return of the affections according to the original covenant.

Where are your affections today, friend? To what is your heart united? To what is the church that you attend united? Is it united to this world, to the papacy? If so, then, when your church is finally divorced from God, you, if you are still part of it, will be divorced from God also, without hope. Are you praying that this will not happen to you?

“The mingling of churchcraft and statecraft is represented by the iron and the clay. This union is weakening all the power of the churches. This investing the church with the power of the state will bring evil results. Men have almost passed the point of God’s forbearance. . . . But the time will come when God will punish those who have made void His law, and their evil work will recoil upon themselves.” Ellen G. White Manuscript 63, 1899.

“The spirit of the papacy,—the spirit of conformity to worldly customs, the veneration for human traditions above the commands of God,—is permeating the Protestant churches, and leading them on to do the same work of Sunday exaltation which the papacy has done before them.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, 390, 391.

The Sunday crisis is simply the final working out of a long process of the spirit of conformity to worldly customs and veneration of human tradition about the commands of God. If you, or the church that you attend, are going down that road, and if you do not repent, you will be divorced from God.

“God never forsakes people or individuals until they forsake Him. Outward opposition will not cause the faith of God’s people, who are keeping His commandments, to become dim. . . . Internal corruption will bring the denunciations of God upon this people as it did upon Jerusalem. . . . My brethren, we know not what is before us, and our only safety is in following the Light of the world. God will work with us and for us if the sins, which brought His wrath upon the old world, upon Sodom and Gomorrah and upon ancient Jerusalem, do not become our crime.” Ibid., 321.

“The least transgression of God’s law brings guilt upon the transgressor, and without earnest repentance and forsaking of sin he will surely become an apostate.” Ibid., 322.

Apostasy is a transliteration of a Greek word that means “to fall away.” If you are in this category, the invitation of Jesus to you is to repent and forsake your sins before it is too late. (See Revelation 2:21.)

To be continued…

The Seed, Part II

What constitutes having our heart’s door stay open? Faith opens the door; obedience, or a positive response to what God says, keeps the door open. Obedience always follows true faith. They never walk apart from each other. If they do, it is because faith is not genuine but is presumption. There will always be obedience, a positive response to God’s Word, if there is true faith.

That is what is meant by a good-ground hearer, and that is the only thing we can offer God in our Christian experience. We have no power within ourselves to make ourselves new. There are many professed Christians relying upon something other than the power of God in their lives to make them Christians.

Eventually, the tempest is going to come; trouble is going to come; the storm is going to rage. What is going to happen to those people who are relying upon a supposed hope, leaning on a prop like a tomato plant leaning on a rotten stake? What is going to happen when the tempest breaks? They are going to fall!

Tremendous Exodus from Adventism

We are told, and we cannot be told too often, that in the times in which we find ourselves there is going to be a tremendous exodus from Adventism. Now the question is, Are we going to be prepared to stay within the truth, within this message—this tremendous light that we have? Are we going to allow Jesus to stay within our hearts and to work in us the kingdom of God, whereby when trouble comes, we are able to stand, no matter what?

The Psalmist says,

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.” Psalm 46:1–3.

Receive God’s Word

In regard to this matter of opening the door by faith and having the door remain open by obedience, Christ’s Object Lessons, 61, says, “Our part is to receive God’s Word and to hold it fast, yielding ourselves fully to its control, and its purpose in us will be accomplished.”

Our part is to receive the Word of God. We do that by faith, and we retain it by obedience. Do you want to know what those two are theologically? They are justification and sanctification. However, you can pick up books that have been written by Seventh-day Adventists today, that totally contradict what this says. May I say, it is very startling to read contradictions to the truth in Adventism today. It is unbelievable! I believe it is indeed the omega of apostasy that we see in our very midst.

Born Again Do Not Sin

If you want to be aroused out of your sleepiness or sluggishness, this will do it. It will startle you and cause you to awake. 1 John 3 gives us a tremendous statement. I do not know what New Theology does with this statement. It must sit there with an eraser trying to get it out of the way. They have to cut that out, because they do not know what to do with it! 1 John 3:9 says, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for His seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.” So if the seed is allowed to remain in me, by faith and by obedience, allowing Jesus to do upon my heart that which only He can do, that seed is going to develop, and I am going to have a character that is perfect before God. Perfect in an imperfect world. A character that is righteous in an unrighteous world. Do you see that God has called us higher than merely sitting in pews? He has called us to something much higher than that, much higher than church membership, much higher than any position one can hold in the church.

God has called us to have a character like His. His seed is able to produce that. Tremendous statement—whosoever is born of God, whoever has that new nature, does not commit sin!

I think the New Theologians need to go back and study the simplicity of the Word of God. They may need to get a hoe and a rake and go out into the garden and learn the simple lesson of salvation as Jesus did. You and I need to learn the same. “First the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.” Mark 4:28.

Is that an echo of 1 John 3:9? “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin.” “First the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.” Do you see any disease there? Do you see any sin there in the growth of that plant? No! God says, let Me put My hand on it.

“The germination of the seed represents the beginning of spiritual life, and the development of the plant is a beautiful figure of Christian growth. . . . At every stage of development our life may be perfect; yet if God’s purpose for us is fulfilled, there will be continual advancement.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 65.

Perfect at Every Stage

We continually move onward as we grow. At each stage we can be perfect in our character before God. Righteousness in an unrighteous world. Perfection in a world of imperfection. Kindness in a world that is not kind. Love where the world knows only hatred. God’s people are to stand out. As true Christians, with God’s Word in our hearts, we reveal a nature that is contrary to our original nature.

God uses Paul again. Galatians 3:16: “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He [God] saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to Thy seed, which is Christ.” Christ is the seed, the incorruptible seed of God, whereby He is able to produce a new Creation in us.

Jesus Wants to Reproduce Himself in Us

The ultimate goal of every seed is to produce seed of its own kind. Who is the incorruptible Seed? Christ. He has put His seeds in the catalog book, the Holy Bible. He says, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63. Whose spirit and whose life do you think that they are? They are Christ’s, the incorruptible Seed.

Jesus wants to reproduce His Seed in us. If that is true and if that happens, we will reflect in character the character of Jesus, because a seed only reproduces itself and its own kind. “Every seed brings forth fruit after its kind. Sow the seed under right conditions. . . .” Christ’s Object Lessons, 38.

When planting seeds, there are really, basically only four conditions. Three of them only God can deal with, we have no part, and one condition is ours. So we get 25 percent of the obligation. The conditions are sun, water, air, and good ground.

“Every seed brings forth fruit after its kind. Sow the seed under right conditions, and it will develop its own life in the plant. Receive into the soul by faith the incorruptible seed of the Word, and it will bring forth a character and a life after the similitude of the character and the life of God.” Ibid.

An amazing truth! Should we not be determined to make our calling and election sure by opening the door and keeping it open, allowing Jesus to do the work, through His Word, on our hearts whereby we become new creations?

I am more determined to become what He wants me to be and to do it in the manner which meets the conditions He has given. We are not to be satisfied with just being a professed Christian, not satisfied with just being baptized or having our membership in a church. The kingdom of God begins within us, and it works out from there!

It does not happen by observation. Jesus wants to reproduce us, and He can only do that through His Seed, the Word of God. Notice this promise that God made in the Garden after Adam and Eve chose to lay aside the incorruptible for the corruptible: “And I [God] will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Genesis 3:15. It was going to cost God something. His heel was going to be bruised, and we know what that meant—Calvary. But I want you to notice that God was going to put enmity between Satan and the woman.

The woman, representing the spiritual church, would carry the incorruptible seed. Who is the incorruptible seed? Christ and His Word. Enmity or hatred towards sin and Satan only comes by our reception and our response to the Word of God. It does not come any other way. We can be on our knees all day, but if we get up and walk contrary to what God has told us and to what we know, we will never be at enmity with Satan or sin.

Where is the Power?

Genesis 3:15 is a tremendous promise God has given to us. The seed is spiritual; the woman is spiritual. It is in regard to the body of the believers. God has always had a body of believers who have chosen to be good-ground hearers, to open by faith and to keep open by obedience, the door to their heart, and He has them today. The question is, Are you one of them, or are you a membership Christian, or just a baptized Christian, or a pew-sitting Christian? Are you satisfied with a form that denies the power? Where is the power? It is in the Word of God. It is in the Seed, and God has promised to put it in our hearts, if we are willing to open them.

Let us link it up right with our time. “The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 12:17.

Is God revealing a physical remnant here, in regard to the physical structure or physical church, or is He revealing a body of believers and a spiritual church? It is the spiritual. Why? Because it is the seed of the woman. God deals with a spiritual church in Revelation 12:17. You may say, Wait a minute, the Seventh-day Adventists have been given the testimony of Jesus Christ, which we are told in Revelation 19:10 is the Spirit of Prophecy.

Yes, I agree totally. The vessel into which God has put His truth in the last days, interestingly enough, has been a physical organization. But God reveals His true church as a spiritual church in Revelation 12:17. He does not want us to be deceived into thinking like the Jews in Jesus’ day were thinking.

What did they say? They demanded “. . . when the kingdom of God should come, He answered them and said, The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation.” Luke 17:20. It is not something you are going to be able to see.

It is not something you are going to be able to point out and to feel physical substance. He even clarifies it in verse 21: “Neither shall they say, Lo here [right over there, that church on the corner]! or, lo there [no, it is not that one over there; it is this one over here]! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” It is a spiritual seed; it is a spiritual church; it is a spiritual kingdom. God wants no one to be deceived in the last days in regard to this issue.

We have been given, with the Spirit of Prophecy, more light than the Jewish nation had in Jesus’ day, and to turn away from that light into darkness is a startling act. We do not have to walk in darkness; we do not have to walk in apostasy, if we open our hearts by faith and allow the Seed to have its way upon our hearts and, by obedience, continue to walk with Him.

Revelation 12:17 speaks about the testimony of Jesus, as pertaining to the Spirit of Prophecy, physically speaking. Spiritually speaking, it means the witness of Jesus Christ.

In the original Greek, the word testimony means witness. So we are seeing the Seed reproduced in His people. They have the witness of Jesus Christ in their lives. When other people listen to His people, when they watch them, they hear and see Jesus.

Growing in Jesus

When Jesus was on earth, He cleansed leprosy immediately. Leprosy is represented in the Word of God as sin. When we have sin in our lives, all we need to do is confess our sins, and He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us. (See 1 John 1:9.) How long do we have to wait? We do not have to wait. It is immediate. But sanctification, this growing in grace, this growing into His likeness and having His likeness reproduced in us, is a lifetime experience.

We must do our part by keeping the door of our heart open by faith and letting it stay open by obedience, allowing God to do His work, because it is not going to happen, apart from Him. He is the one Who has the power over the seed. So let us determine to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and never forget that the kingdom of God begins in us.

God’s True People and the Professed People of God, Part I

It is important to understand what God’s Word really says. Certainly it is important to understand what the Bible says concerning the people of God. The phrase “people of God” is many times used in the Bible. The Jews understood themselves to be the people of God. Even at the time when they crucified the Saviour on the cross, they understood themselves to be the people of God. For us, it is important to know how God looks upon us, not what our own estimation is.

A Vital Distinction

There is a vital distinction between the true people of God and the professed, or so-called, people of God. Let us see what the Word of God says in Jeremiah 7:23: “But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.”

Many Christians in various denominations, journeyed for a time on the path of God, but then they took another way. However, these Christians still believe they are the people of God, and they claim all the promises, which can be claimed only by the people of God. Today, when asked, Catholics affirm that they belong to the people of God just as do the Seventh-day Adventists. So it is not our own opinion of ourselves that is important; it is important for us to know how God sees us. That is the decisive question, if we want to be in heaven.

God defines His people as those who obey His voice. That is true for the people of the Old Testament as well as for those of the New Testament.

Jeremiah 31:33 says, “But this [shall be] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, says the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.”


In the Old Testament, the people of Israel lost the privilege of being God’s chosen people. They became a whore. We need to understand how they became a whore, for if we do not understand this, we cannot discern our own situation. We read, in Hosea 1:2, 9: “And the Lord said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, [departing] from the Lord.” “Then said [God], Call his name Loammi: for ye [are] not my people, and I will not be your [God].”

Is a whore God’s people? What did God do to this whore? Did He cast her away immediately? He gave warning after warning, but when they cast away and disregarded all His warnings, He then allowed punishment to come. His punishment came step by step, and in the end, God asked, “Why shall I still bid you, that you should recognize that I am your God? Let the people understand God’s punishment.” History tells us that they did not. So God despised and cast out His people.

In the Old Testament, there was a separation between the people of God. Both Israel and Judah called themselves the people of God, but who of them were really the people of God? God separated and divided that which caused the most apostasy among Israel. When the kings tried to reunite what God had divided, for instance, when the king of Judah wanted to help the king of Israel fight against the Amorites, God told this king, “Should you help those who forsake Me?”

God was against Judah and Israel getting together to fight against their enemies. From a human standpoint, we may think that it is only common sense for two groups that are related to each other to connect to fight a common enemy. But God told Judah, “You will not stand before the enemy if you take the help of Israel.” The history is teaching for our time.

When God very clearly said that He cast off Israel because of her apostasy, Judah should have been awake. Did Judah learn from the experience of Israel? We read in Jeremiah 3:8, “And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.”

No Longer a People?

What? Did God no longer have a faithful people? The ten tribes had fallen; now Judah became a whore. God has always had a people, a remnant. In all time, God has had a church on earth. We read, in Isaiah 1:8, 9, how God looks upon His people: “And the daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city. Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, [and] we should have been like unto Gomorrah.”

Very similar words are recorded in Isaiah 10:22, 23: “For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, [yet] a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness. For the Lord God of hosts shall make a consumption, even determined, in the midst of all the land.”

Both groups—Israel and Judah—had fallen. The people of God consisted of a small group, a remnant. Does it sound familiar to you—a people of a remnant?

God’s People Defined

In the New Testament, we read from the apostle Paul a similar definition: “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither [is that] circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he [is] a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision [is that] of the heart, in the spirit, [and] not in the letter; whose praise [is] not of men, but of God.” Romans 2:28, 29. And, in Romans 9:6, 7, we read: “Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they [are] not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, [are they] all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.”

There is a teaching for us in these verses. God’s people are defined. We can draw out of it the teaching, What is God’s church? Is there a difference between God’s people and God’s church? Ellen White answers that question by drawing a parallel of the New Testament Israel in the following words:

“ ‘As a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel, saith the Lord;’ ‘as a wife that committeth adultery, which taketh strangers instead of her husband!’ Ezekiel 16:8, 13–15, 32; Jeremiah 3:20.

“In the New Testament, language very similar is addressed to professed Christians who seek the friendship of the world above the favor of God. Says the apostle James: ‘Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.’ [James 4:4.]” The Great Controversy, 381, 382.

If the adulteresses in the Old Testament were not God’s people, can the adulteresses in the New Testament be God’s people?

“The alliances made by the Israelites with their heathen neighbors resulted in the loss of their identity as God’s peculiar people. . . .

“The experience of Israel will be the experience of all who go to the world for strength, turning away from the living God. Those who forsake the mighty One, the source of all strength, and affiliate with worldlings, placing on them their dependence, become weak in moral power, as are those in whom they trust. . . .

“No semblance of nearness to God, no assertion of connection with him, will be accepted from those who persist in dishonoring him by leaning upon the arm of worldly power.” Review and Herald, August 4, 1904.

Identity Lost

The identity of God’s peculiar people got lost through their connection with the world. People who make a connection or union with the world are not looked upon as God’s people. If people who look for their strength in the world are looked upon as people who are dishonoring God, how does He look upon us if we look for strength in other humans? He is a God in anger, because His people are looking for another source of power and strength. He is a jealous God. We find this description of God’s jealousy in the Ten Commandments: “I the Lord thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me.” Exodus 20:5. Has God somehow changed?

“It was by departure from the Lord, and alliance with the heathen, that the Jewish church became a harlot; and Rome, corrupting herself in like manner by seeking the support of worldly powers, receives a like condemnation.

“Babylon is said to be ‘the mother of harlots.’ By her daughters must be symbolized churches that cling to her doctrines and traditions, and follow her example of sacrificing the truth and the approval of God, in order to form an unlawful alliance with the world. The message of Revelation 14, announcing the fall of Babylon must apply to religious bodies that were once pure and have become corrupt.” The Great Controversy, 382, 383.

What churches do we know that were once pure? Yes, the Protestant churches were once pure. They made mistakes, but in God’s eyes, they were pure. He saw their trying to follow the truths they discovered, and they paid for their faithfulness to these truths even with their lives. Although they did not understand all truth, still they were God’s people and were considered pure and clean in God’s eyes. “At the time of their rise these churches took a noble stand for God and the truth, and His blessing was with them.” Ibid, 382.

We have not yet stood the test, which numbers of Protestant martyrs have stood. We have not stood at the stake because of our faith. We have not been cast before lions because of our faith. We have not been sawn through because of our faith. But those Christians stood such tests of their faithfulness.

Turn into Babylon

God states very clearly through His messenger how once clean and pure churches turn into Babylon: “Many of the Protestant churches are following Rome’s example of iniquitous connection with ‘the kings of the earth’—the state churches, by their relation to secular governments; and other denominations, by seeking the favor of the world. And the term ‘Babylon’—confusion—may be appropriately applied to these bodies, all professing to derive their doctrines from the Bible, yet divided into almost innumerable sects, with widely conflicting creeds and theories.” Ibid., 383.

Ellen White also wrote: “The term ‘Babylon’ is derived from ‘Babel,’ and signifies confusion. It is employed in Scripture to designate the various forms of false or apostate religion.” Ibid., 381.

Can you identify some of these false religions which belong to Babylon? All of the heathen religions are false religions, are they not? They were faulty from their inception. They did not come from a true religion. There have been false and apostate religions from the beginning. The mark of those religions is that they have been once pure. The term “Babylon” has two applications. This study is not addressing the religions that have fallen anyway, but rather those that are apostate religions. A connection with the state and a friendship with the world are the marks of an apostate religion. Remember the quotations from The Great Controversy.

History as Our Textbook

We need to look back into history in order to understand how these churches came to pass, for history is our textbook. Paul recommends in the Book of 1 Corinthians that we should learn from history. (See 1 Corinthians 10:11.) In her introductory words in The Great Controversy, Ellen White recommends that we learn from the history of Israel and the first disciples, so that we may make the right decisions at the end of time.

“What was the origin of the great apostasy? How did the church first depart from the simplicity of the gospel? By conforming to the practices of paganism, to facilitate the acceptance of Christianity by the heathen. The apostle Paul declared, even in his day, ‘The mystery of iniquity doth already work.’ 11 Thessalonians 2:7. During the lives of the apostles the church remained comparatively pure. But ‘toward the latter end of the second century most of the churches assumed a new form; the first simplicity disappeared, and insensibly, as the old disciples retired to their graves, their children, along with new converts, . . . came forward and new-modeled the cause.’—Robert Robinson, Ecclesiastical Researches, ch. 6, par. 17, p. 51.” Ibid., 384, 385.

Does this description of apostasy sound familiar to us? Do the people of God today try to confirm the practices of reason? Do we not see the people of God lowering their standards to win converts? What is the result of this? It is the same as when the first church did not watch in keeping the heathen from coming into the church. History shows the outcome of this church.

Satan has tried to use the same tactics in all times, in all churches: “Has not the same process been repeated in nearly every church calling itself Protestant? As the founders, those who possessed the true spirit of reform, pass away, their descendants come forward and ‘new-model the cause.’ . . .

“Alas, to what a fearful extent is that friendship of the world which is ‘enmity with God,’ now cherished among the professed followers of Christ!” Ibid., 385.

Ellen White posed the rather rhetorical question, “Has not the same process been repeated in nearly every church calling itself Protestant?” Ibid., 385. The answer given is: “The spirit of worldly conformity is invading the churches throughout Christendom.” Ibid., 388.

Was the prophet mistaken in this? Did she make an error? When God speaks of all churches in the whole of Christendom, then it would be illogical to think that she did not write what she meant.

Ellen White also wrote of the apostasy of the church that occurs because it casts off and disregards the Three Angels’ Messages: “Revelation 18 points to the time when, as the result of rejecting the threefold warning of Revelation 14:6–12, the church will have fully reached the condition foretold by the second angel, and the people of God still in Babylon will be called upon to separate from her communion.” Ibid., 390. Which is the only church that can disregard and cast off the Three Angels’ Messages? She is talking about a church—singular, not plural.

Example of Apostasy

I want to give you an example of this apostasy, which is documented in Germany.

There were communications between the Seventh-day Adventist leaders and councils of the Ecumenical Movement that dealt with the question of whether or not the Seventh-day Adventists would be accepted into the Ecumenical Movement. The Catholic Church was one that said, “No, the Seventh-day Adventist Church cannot participate unless certain things are changed.”

Then, letters were written back and forth between the leaders of the church, their supporters, or their lawyers and the leaders of the Ecumenical Council. These letters were kept under closure, but through indiscretions of a secretary, who could not live with this burden and who could not believe what she was ordered to type, these documents were made public. We published them and spread thousands of copies among the Seventh-day Adventists to open their eyes to what extent the apostasy had gone in the leadership.

In these papers, it was clear that the Catholic Church requested clarification as to whether or not the interpretation of Revelation 13, which was traditionally understood to be the papacy, also identified as the Antichrist, was still valid today. The answer from the Seventh-day Adventist representatives was that these beliefs were some sort of a tradition, which came from the old Reformation, which, without doubt, still has its effects today, but that they had given up the institutionalized identification of the Antichrist as the Pope. They stated as well that there were anti-Christian characteristics in their own denomination, meaning that the traditional criticism of Revelation 13 could be also applied to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This statement was sufficient for the Roman Catholics, and the Catholic Church gave the green light for the Seventh-day Adventist Church to enter into the Ecumenical Movement.

Concerning the beast of Revelation 13, which traditionally has been applied to the papacy, the church leadership said that they could get unused to this view, but that there were some fanatic Adventists who still believed it. Do we believe that the beast with seven heads and ten horns that came out of the sea is the papacy? Is it the papacy? Yes, but what do the leaders say? “Well, this view we can get unused to. There are still some fanatic Adventists, but they are not really a part of us. They believe it, but we in Germany, as a whole, no longer hold that position.”

I recall a former leader of the General Conference, many years ago, making a similar statement. In connection with some law issues, he stated that the view of Seventh-day Adventists regarding the papacy belonged to the historical trash heap. In Germany, that went around like a wildfire! We can see that the apostasy is starting behind closed doors.

Opened Eyes

The prophet Ezekiel was shown what happened in the temple, behind closed doors—they bowed down before the sun; they put unholy pictures in the temple. The same situation is represented here. (See Ezekiel 8.)

God gave the people the opportunity to open their eyes to what the leaders were doing. Regarding the ecumenical cooperation with each other, the Seventh-day Adventists were asked how they imagined themselves working with the Ecumenical Movement, if they cherished doctrines such as the teaching of Babylon and the teaching of the beast of Revelation 13. The answer given was that, on an international level, an ecumenical cooperation was still possible, despite certain prophetic interpretations. For over three decades, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has belonged to the World Council of Churches.

Ellen White counseled against such action: “Let the watchmen on the walls of Zion not join with those who are making of none effect the truth as it is in Christ. Let them not join the confederacy of infidelity, popery, and Protestantism in exalting tradition above Scripture, reason above revelation, and human talent above the divine influence and the vital power of godliness.” Review and Herald, March 24, 1896.

She further wrote: “Let us not form unholy bonds of union with the friends of the world; for God has pronounced His curse upon all such unions.” Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 277.

All is Possible

Is it possible to unite with the ecumenical cooperation, when we have these warnings before our eyes? Oh, sure, it is possible. We see it happening. It was also possible for the Jews to unite with the heathen. The apostate churches united themselves with the state force, the Romans, and thus the Roman state church developed.

All of this is possible, but how does God look upon such confederacies? “The world must not be introduced into the church, and married to the church, forming a bond of unity. Through this means the church will become indeed corrupt, and as stated in Revelation, ‘a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.’ [Revelation 18:2.]

“Through association with the world our institutions will become unsubstantial, unreliable; because these worldly elements, introduced and placed in positions of trust, are looked up to as teachers to be respected in their educating, directing, and official position, and they are sure to be worked upon by the spirit and power of darkness; so that the demarcation becomes not distinguished between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not.” Ibid., 265, 266.

“The world must not be introduced into the church, and married to the church, forming a bond of unity.” The Ecumenical Movement is such a bond. Is this a plain message? Could God make it any clearer?

In another quotation, Ellen White says, “We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen Babylon, of allowing our churches to become corrupted, and filled with every foul spirit, a cage for every unclean and hateful bird; and will we be clear unless we make decided movements to cure the existing evil?” Manuscript Releases, vol. 21, 380. While the context deals with sexual disorders in the church, it is spiritual adultery that God abhors more than physical adultery. What does the Bible say? To lust or look upon a woman is sin. (Matthew 5:28.) The thoughts are sin before God, even though nothing has happened with bodily connection or union. The connection with Israel—the spiritual union—God sees as adultery, for there is no difference. We may sometimes draw a difference, but God does not.

To be continued . . .

Dr. Bernd Korinth is a physician living in Berlin, Germany. He is very active in spreading the Three Angels’ Messages throughout Europe. He and his family have a printing press in their home and have had tracts translated in most of the different European languages. He is a promoter of home churches and is very interested in working with other historic Seventh-day Adventist groups worldwide. He may be contacted by e-mail at:

I Saw a Great Tumult, Part I

I never imagined years ago that we would still be here on this earth at this time! But just because we are here now does not mean that we are going to be here very much longer. The work is closing up. The title I have given this article could just as well have been, “The People Who Will Cry When They get to Heaven.” But I entitled it, “I Saw a Great Tumult,” and I want to state at the very beginning that many of the people in Adventism who never figure out the issues presented herein will lose their souls.

Now, please notice carefully what was just stated. It did not say that everyone who does not figure out these issues will lose their souls, but that many Adventists, who do not figure out the issues that we are going to study, will lose their souls. I pray that the Lord, by the instruction of the Holy Spirit, will help you to see how dangerous it can be if you do not understand what we are going to study.

When I was 19 or 20 years of age, I was reading the book, The Great Controversy, for the second or third time. I read again a statement on page 591 that I could not figure out: “Satan’s policy in this final conflict with God’s people is the same that he employed in the opening of the great controversy in heaven.” How is it that the issue at the end is going to be the very same as it was at the beginning?

Then Ellen White says that from the very beginning Satan’s object has been to overthrow the Law of God, and that is what his object will be at the end. I could not figure that out either. I just did not understand it. I had read Patriarchs and Prophets; I had read the chapters in The Great Controversy about the origin of evil and the development of the rebellion in heaven. Hopefully most of you are not as slow to get things figured out as I have been!

It actually was not until about 1988 that things became crystal clear in my mind as to what really had happened in heaven when Lucifer rebelled. Lucifer wanted to change the first commandment in God’s Law. The first commandment says, “You shall not have any other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3); Lucifer wanted God to change that and to allow him into the inner council with the Godhead. But God said, “No.”

In this article, we are going to study, in miniature, the great controversy between Christ and Satan. The story of the great controversy has been told to us on a human level in miniature in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. We will study the example in the Old Testament.

Morning Star

Jesus Christ is called the Morning Star. (See Revelation 22:16.) If you have read the Book of Job, you know that the angels are also called morning stars. (See Job 38:7.) But Lucifer, the Latin name for Satan before he was cast out of heaven, was not just one of the angels; he was the chief angel. He was one of the sons of God. In fact, in his unfallen state, he was referred to in terminology very similar to that of Jesus Christ. He was also called a morning star. One of his original names was, in Hebrew, Halal. This word is found in the Hebrew Bible in Isaiah 14. Halal means “the shining one, the luminescent one.”

Isaiah 14:12 says, “O shining one, the son of the dawn! [That is the son of the morning; in other words, the morning star.] How did you fall from heaven?”

The Lord said, concerning this being, “You were perfect in all your ways from the day that you were created, until iniquity was found in you.” Ezekiel 28:15.

Is not Halal, the shining one, the son of the morning, the morning star, a beautiful name? Satan, in-deed, had a beautiful name. He was not called Satan, which means “the adversary,” until after his fall from heaven. Neither was he called the devil, which means “a slanderer,” until then.

“Father Peace”

In the Old Testament, there is a king who also had a son who was perfect. The Bible says that from the top of his head to the sole of his foot there was no blemish in him. (11 Samuel 14:25.) The extended story is found in 11 Samuel 14–18.

This son of David also had a very beautiful name, Absalom, or, in Hebrew, Abiyshalowm, which means, “my father is peace” or “father peace.” How beautiful!

Because of how things turned out, today we do not ever call our sons Absalom, nor do we call our sons Lucifer. However, before the King James Bible was translated and the translators chose to translate the word Halal into the Latin word Lucifer, Lucifer was a common name. If you have read church history, you may know that one of the church father’s name was Lucifer. Lucifer never meant “the devil” in the days of early church history. It meant “the one that was the shining one, a star.”


Lucifer went out from the pres-ence of God and talked with the angels. He proposed that though he was loyal to the government of God, he would improve the government of God if he could be placed in charge. If you study 11 Samuel 14–18, you will find that Absalom did the very same thing. He professed, for many years, to be loyal to the government, and he said, “Oh, if you could only make me a judge, I would make certain that you are taken care of and given justice.”

Lucifer promised the angels a better, higher, improved situation if they would follow him. He told them that they would be free to do anything they pleased; they would be more free. They would be just like God. You see, God is free to do anything He pleases.

Concerning Jesus Christ, Ellen White says, “He is the eternal, self-existing Son, on whom no yoke had come.” The Youth’s Instructor, June 21, 1900. The angels could not come and pay the price for a fallen world; they were under the Law of God. They were under the yoke of obedience to the Law of God. Jesus was not under any yoke. The Godhead was not under any yoke. The Godhead could do anything they pleased, but the angels were not able to do anything they pleased. They were under the Law of God. It was not burdensome to keep the law until Lucifer introduced the idea that they would be freer if they got out from under it.

Absalom did the very same thing with the people of Israel. He would grab people, kiss them, and say, “Your cause is right.” By the way, is everyone’s cause right? No.

Stolen Affections

Lucifer stole the affections of the angels in heaven—between one-third and one-half pledged allegiance to him. Absalom stole the hearts, the Bible says, of the children of Israel.

A Loyalty Scam

Lucifer publicly proposed to be loyal to the government of God, but secretly he was trying to overthrow the government of God. Absalom did the very same thing. Publicly he was a true, faithful, loyal subject of David’s kingdom, but privately, he was trying to overthrow the government.

Displace the Ruler

Satan wanted to displace God as ruler. Absalom wanted to displace David as ruler.

Long-time Controversy

A controversy developed between Lucifer and the God of heaven. A controversy developed between Absalom and David.

This controversy went on for a long time. We do not know how long it went on in heaven, but Ellen White says that it was a very long time. “God in His great mercy bore long with Lucifer. He was not immediately degraded from his exalted station when he first indulged the spirit of discontent, nor even when he began to present his false claims before the loyal angels. Long was he retained in heaven.” The Great Controversy, 495, 496. Why did it go on so long? Because God was merciful; He was long-suffering. But God’s mercy and His long-suffering were misinterpreted.

In Absalom’s case, the controversy continued for many years. David’s mercy and his long-suffering were misinterpreted. Incidentally, if you attempt to exercise mercy in this world, your mercy will be misinterpreted too. You will be thought of as a wimp. People will think that you do not have any backbone.

Because of the mercy and long-suffering that was manifested in both cases, both Lucifer and Absalom thought that if they persisted long enough, they would get their own way.

I hope you are seeing that every point being presented has a direct application for the end of time.

Civil War

The controversy in heaven developed into a civil war. The Bible says, in Revelation 12:7, “War broke out in heaven, and Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels.”

Civil war also broke out in the land of Israel. We are coming to some of the most important points now that we need to understand.

Profession of Loyalty

In both cases, in heaven and in Israel, each side claimed to be loyal and true. If you had asked the people in Absalom’s army, “Are you a true child of Israel? Are you part of Israel?” they would all have said, “Yes.” The people that were following Absalom in his rebellion claimed to be loyal and faithful, and the people following David claimed to be loyal and faithful.

In heaven, Lucifer’s followers certainly felt they were being loyal and true to God, but there was only one side that was really the true and loyal followers of God. The other side, although they professed to be, were not really so.

It is one thing to look back and envision this happening, but when it happens right in front of our eyes, it is very difficult for God’s people to understand. It is extremely important to understand that both sides made a profession of being true and loyal to God. Ellen White said that the devil maintained that he was faithful and loyal to the very end, until he was cast out of heaven. (See The Great Controversy, 497, 498.) Such false loyalty was all very mystifying and confusing to the children of Israel, and it is still today.

True or Professed

Today, there is the true church and the professed church, and the true church and the professed church both make the same profession. It is very difficult to differentiate. Ellen White makes a sharp distinction between the true church of God and those that profess to be the true church of God but really are not. She refers to the nominal church, or the nominal believers, in contrast to the true. In her writings, she has a lot to say about the nominal church and the nominal Adventists at the end of time. (See, for instance, Manuscript Releases, vol. 5, 290; vol. 14, 177.)

In the last days, the nominal church will claim to be the true church. They will claim to be the remnant, but in the Scriptures, the true church is distinguished from the nominal church as being the remnant—the elect or the chosen. “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went out to make war with the rest of her seed [or the remnant of her seed], those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.” Revelation 12:17.

What we need to understand before we go farther is this: How can you tell the difference between the true and the faithful and those who profess to be the true and the faithful but are not? They have the same name. They profess the same faith. They profess the same religion. Which one is true and which one is nominal?

Two Anchors

Let us go back to the beginning. In heaven, the time came when the members of the angelic host had to get on one side or the other. They either had to choose for Lucifer or for God. Do not ever forget that. Personally, I do not believe the decision for the angels was nearly as easy to make as I at first thought when I was a young man. The more I have studied this, the more I have realized that the choice was really, really tricky, because both sides claimed to be true and faithful. I have come to understand that there was only one way an angel could tell the difference—one side was faithful and loyal to the Law of God; the other side wanted the Law of God, specifically the first commandment, changed. Those who were faithful and loyal to God said, “No, we are going to stick with the government of God, with the Law of God, just the way it is. We do not want it adjusted.”

This was the deciding point. I do not know of any other way that a decision could have been made. The final choice was over the Law of God.

From a human point of view, it was even trickier in David’s time than it was in heaven, because David was not God; he was a sinner. It was well-known throughout the nation of Israel, at the time of Absalom’s rebellion, that David was a murderer and an adulterer. He had Uriah the Hittite killed by treachery after having lain with his wife. Not only that, it was also well-known that David had another son by the name of Ammon who had raped his own half sister, Absalom’s sister. According to the old covenant, Ammon should have been stoned to death, but David did not execute judgment on Ammon. So, Absalom had taken the law into his own hands and had justice executed on Ammon and had him killed. This also was well-known throughout the nation of Israel.

I have trembled in my own soul when I study this story, and I have asked myself what side I would have chosen, because, by popular opinion, it appeared that Absalom was much more righteous than was David.

If you would have said, “Absalom killed his brother”; they would have responded, “He killed his brother because he was a rapist; he was supposed to be killed. Since David did not do what he was supposed to do, Absalom had to take the law into his own hands, because his father would not do what was right.” It was all very confusing because they were both lawbreakers. How would you have been able to tell on which side to join?

It was confusing enough that the vast majority in the nation of Israel joined Absalom. Ellen White says that the forces of Joab, when they went out to meet the forces of Absalom, looked like a little company facing a whole mighty armed host. (See Patriarchs and Prophets, 743.)

How could you have been able to tell? I know of only one way. In this situation, you could not have decided from the Law of God, because David looked like a worse sinner than Absalom. The only way I know that you would have been able to tell the difference was through the Spirit of prophecy. You see, Samuel, who was a true prophet, had anointed David as the king of Israel. Neither Samuel nor any other prophet had anointed Absalom as king of Israel.

By the way, you could not have told by church organization either, because one of the high priests went along with Absalom too. If you were dependent upon the Law of God or upon your church organization, you could have gone with Absalom. You could not have been able to tell who was the true church or who was the nominal church by either the Law of God or church organization, but only by means of the Spirit of prophecy. The only people who could have remained stable on the right side in the civil war between the true church and the nominal church, under the leadership of Absalom, were those who had confidence in the Spirit of prophecy.

In the controversy at the end of time, there will only be two anchors that can hold you—the Law of God and the Spirit of prophecy, the testimony of Jesus. That will be all. If you do not have those two anchors, you will not make it to heaven.

End Expectation

There was a civil war between the true remnant church and the professed or nominal remnant church in David’s time. Will it be like that in the end? Yes.

There was a long time when you could not tell on which side the angels in heaven were, but there came a time when war broke out, and every angel was forced to get on one side or the other. There was a long time when you could not tell on which side the sons of Israel were, but there came a time when war broke out, and every single man was forced to decide on which side he was going to be. He was forced to make it known publicly on which side he was going to be, because the war was being waged between the remnant and the nominal church. The Spirit of prophecy shows that this is the way it is going to be at the end of time as well.

“If we hope to wear the crown, we must expect to bear the cross. Our greatest trials will come from those who profess godliness. It was so with the world’s Redeemer; it will be so with his followers. I [Ellen White] should doubt whether I were a child of God, if the world, or even all professed Christians, spoke well of me. Those who are in earnest to win the crown of eternal life need not be surprised or disheartened because at every step toward the heavenly Canaan they meet with obstacles and encounter trials. The opposition which Christ received came from his own nation, who would have been greatly blessed had they accepted him. In like manner the remnant church receive opposition from those who profess to be their brethren.” Review and Herald, August 28, 1883.

How interesting! From where does the opposition come? It comes from the nominal church. The nominal church and the remnant church claim that they are the same. They make the same profession of faith. They both claim to be loyal.

Incidentally, in every single case—in heaven, in David’s time, and at the end of time—who is it that fires the first shot? Who is it that wages war? Have you ever thought about this? Who initiated the battle in heaven? Did God initiate the battle? No. Who initiated a war with David? Did David initiate a war against his son? No. Who initiates the war at the end? Does the remnant church initiate a war with its brethren who are nominal? No. God’s remnant church is not a persecuting church. God’s remnant church does not take its professed brethren to court.

In 1989, my brother, Marshall, wrote an article entitled, “Declaration of War,” which went over these very principles. It was published in Steps to Life’s newsletter, In His Steps, because he saw our professed brethren choosing to initiate a war against us. That has not ceased.

Take a Position

The time came when every angel in heaven had to take a position. The time came in the life of David when every single person had to take a position, had to take a side. And a time is coming at the end when every single person will have to take a side, because a war is going on, right now.

Some people say that they are just going to be neutral. If you say that you are going to be neutral, you have already made your choice. Jesus said, “He that is not with Me is against me.” Matthew 12:30.

You will be judged as being one of the most dangerous enemies of God in the Day of Judgment if you attempt to take a neutral position.

To be continued . . .

[Bible texts quoted are literal translation.]

Pastor John Grosboll is Director of Steps to Life and pastors the Prairie Meadows Church in Wichita, Kansas. He may be contacted by e-mail at:, or by telephone at: 316-788-5559.

I Saw a Great Tumult, Part II

How can you tell the difference between the remnant, God’s true church, and those who profess to be God’s people, the nominal church? To differentiate is very confusing! If it is so confusing and there is a war being waged, with both sides claiming that they are the remnant church, how do you tell the difference between those who truly are the remnant and those who are just professing? Ellen White wrote numerous statements on the subject of the remnant—who they are and who they are not. The following statements come from the Spirit of Prophecy; some are summarized in my own words.

The Remnant Actually . . .

The remnant actually keep the Commandments of God, and they follow the testimony of Jesus.

“Although the law of God will be almost universally made void in the world, there will be a remnant of the righteous that will be obedient to God’s requirements. The wrath of the dragon will be directed against the loyal servants of Heaven. Says the prophet, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.’ [Revelation 12:17.] We can see from this scripture that it is not the true church of God that makes war with those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. It is the people who make void the law, who place themselves on the side of the dragon, and persecute those who vindicate God’s precepts.” The Signs of the Times, April 22, 1889.

“A striking contrast is seen between those who practise [sic] the truth and those who have joined the ranks of the apostate. Meek and lowly will those be who follow the Lamb of God. Boastful, denunciatory, and lawless in word and deed will those be who war against the commandments of God. They are thus because they have the spirit and attributes of the dragon, who was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus.” Review and Herald, May 3, 1898.

Purify Souls

The true remnant purify their souls by obeying the truth.

“The remnant that purify their souls by obeying the truth gather strength from the trying process, exhibiting the beauty of holiness amid the surrounding apostasy.” Selected Messages, Book 2, 380.

No Iniquity

I was once in a meeting with a number of historic Seventh-day Adventist ministers. The discussion came up about who really is the remnant church, and there was a difference of opinion among the ministers. Some said, “This is the remnant church.” And some said, “No, that is not the remnant church.”

One of the ministers read a text, which he knew would be like an exploding bomb. He knew that if everybody was honest, it would drown the opposition. The text he read was in Zephaniah 3 where the remnant of God are described in the last days, and it says, “The remnant do not do any iniquity and in their mouth there is no lie, no deceit, and they do not have a tongue that will tell a lie or deceive anyone.” Verse 13.

When my friend read this verse, he looked straight at a couple of the ministers, and he asked, “Does the church that you believe to be the remnant church meet these qualifications?”

These ministers had to say, “No.”

The real remnant church will meet the qualifications in Zephaniah 3:13. The nominal church will not be able to meet those qualifications.

“In this our day, some whose tongues are deceitful have been presenting as truth many things that they themselves have originated,—as if the law of truth were in their heart and coming from their lips. But the Lord will surely punish every deceitful, lying tongue that has caused his people to err and to turn from the righteousness of Christ.” Review and Herald, October 11, 1906.

Valley of Achor

The remnant church is represented by a woman. (See Revelation 12.) Concerning this remnant, the prophets say that they are going to have to go through the valley of Achor. The valley of Achor, which means, “the valley of trouble” or “the valley of grief,” was where Achan was stoned. (Joshua 7:24–26.)

This woman of Revelation 12 has to go through the valley of Achor—the valley of trouble or grief, where the Achans get stoned. It is not going to be a pleasant experience. (See Prophets and Kings, 298–300.)

Source of Enmity

Speaking about the remnant people, Ellen White says, “There must be open and avowed enmity between the church and the serpent, between her seed and his seed.” The Signs of the Times, August 26, 1889.

From where does the enmity come? Well, from where did the enmity come in heaven? One side wanted to adjust the Law of God. From where did the enmity come in David’s time? One side did not want to listen to the Spirit of Prophecy. That is where the enmity comes from at the end. The people do not want to abide by the Law of God; they do not want to listen to the Spirit of Prophecy; they want to do their own thing. They arouse enmity. The remnant do not arouse enmity.

An Apostate Church

A church that is lessening the distance between itself and the papacy is an apostate church; it is not the remnant church.

“An apostate church will unite with the powers of earth and hell to place upon the forehead or in the hand, the mark of the beast, and prevail upon the children of God to worship the beast and his image. They will seek to compel them to renounce their allegiance to God’s law, and yield homage to the papacy.” Review and Herald, November 8, 1892.

No Worldly Policy

This is an amazing statement: “God has a remnant people in the world—a people who are not following worldly policy.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 5, 53. The remnant church does not follow worldly policy. Any church that is following worldly policy is not the remnant.

Gifts Shut Out

The nominal church, Ellen White says, shuts out the gifts that God has placed in the church. They shut out the gift of the Holy Spirit, especially the Spirit of Prophecy. “Don’t yield your sacred peculiarities which distinguish you from the world, from the nominal church and backslidden Adventists. . . . The nominal churches are in darkness and corrupt. They have shut out the gifts God has placed in the church.” Ibid., 290. The nominal church shuts out the gifts; they will not listen to the Spirit of Prophecy.

Prevailing Ungodliness

In the courts of the temple—the church (see Ephesians 2:19–22)—Ellen White says, “Under the cloak of Christianity and sanctification, far-spreading and manifest ungodliness will prevail to a terrible degree and will continue until Christ comes to be glorified in all them that believe. In the very courts of the temple [this is in the nominal church] scenes will be enacted that few realize.” Ibid., vol. 11, 85, 86.

Obedient to All God’s Word

The remnant is actually obedient to all of God’s Word and commands. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4. The remnant live by the Word of God. They actually do it.

“Although the law of God will be almost universally made void in the world, there will be a remnant of the righteous that will be obedient to God’s requirements.” The Signs of the Times, April 22, 1889.

On the Dragon’s Side

Some people have challenged this statement, even when it is read right out of the Spirit of Prophecy! They will not accept it.

“There will be a remnant of the righteous that will be obedient to God’s requirements. The wrath of the dragon will be directed against the loyal servants of Heaven. Says the prophet, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.’ [Revelation 12:17.] We can see from this scripture that it is not the true church of God that makes war with those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. It is the people who make void the law, who place themselves on the side of the dragon, and persecute those who vindicate God’s precepts.” Ibid. [Emphasis supplied.]

Do you know that when you sue somebody you are waging legal war against him or her? Before life on this world is over, you are going to understand what the Judas kiss feels like. The Judas kiss comes from the one who claims to be your friend.

When I attended the lawsuit against Raphael Perez (General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists vs. Raphael Perez, United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, 2000), a person came up to greet me as I was leaving the federal court building one day. He acted very friendly as he proceeded to tell me about all of my family that he knows. As I looked into his face, I silently prayed, “Lord, help me. Help me not to say anything that I should not say.” He acted as though he was my friend, but he was on the opposing side that was working to put Raphael Perez in jail. I recognized the Judas kiss, and it chilled me.

The Judas kiss does not come from the remnant church. Judas was not a part of the remnant church; he was a part of the nominal church. The nominal church will give the Judas kiss to the true church at the end.

Peace and Safety

Remember, the majority was on Absalom’s side. By the providence of God, even though the servants of David, under the generalship of Joab, were vastly outnumbered, the time came when this great rebellion of the majority of God’s professed people was brought to an end. The rebellion among God’s professed people today is going to be brought to an end too.

When the rebellion was brought to an end, Joab needed somebody to take the message to King David, who was waiting at the city for news. There was a man with Joab, a runner by the name of Ahimaaz, who desperately wanted to tell the king the news, but Joab told him, “No, you can bear tidings another day. You are not to bear tidings today.” (11 Samuel 18:19, 20.)

Instead, Joab called Cushi and asked him to carry the tidings. However, Ahimaaz begged Joab, “Oh, please let me go and bear a message too.”

Finally, probably a little aggravated, Joab said, “Well, just go!”

Ahimaaz was a faster runner than Cushi was, and he got to the king first. David, of course, was in terrible consternation of mind, wondering what had happened. After all, his whole life was at stake. When Ahimaaz arrived, David asked for his message, and he reported, “Everything is fine.” He gave a peace and safety message! (Verses 21–28.)

Many people today, even in Adventism, are like Ahimaaz. If you ask them what is happening, they will tell you that everything is fine—the third angel’s message is going forward, and soon we are going to be in heaven; everything is going wonderfully.

David was not content with this message, so he pressed Ahimaaz, until Ahimaaz exclaimed, “I saw a great tumult. I did not know what it was.” (Verse 29.)

Developing Tumult

The final great tumult will come when, in the war between the remnant and the nominal church—both claiming to be the true remnant church—the leadership of the nominal church will finally receive a fatal and final defeat, and the rebellion will collapse and be crushed. There certainly is a great tumult developing!

How long will it be before this war is over, the great tumult occurs, and the rebellion is put down? Ellen White wrote: “God’s people will be proved and tested, that He may discern ‘between him that serveth God, and him that serveth Him not.’ [Malachi 3:18.]” Manuscript Releases, vol. 11, 86.

Right now, it is like it was in heaven with the angels. It is also, right now, like it was with David and Absalom. Before the great tumult, there was a time when you could not tell for sure on which side each person was. But the Lord says, “I am going to prove and test My people, and when I get done, everybody in the universe, not just on the earth, will be able to tell which person is serving Me and which person is not.”

You will be able to tell, one of these days, the difference between those of the remnant church and those who are the remnant church only by profession. This is what the great tumult will demonstrate.

Heavenly Credentials

Ellen White made several comments about this, including one in which she says that iniquity will reach a height never before attained. (Review and Herald, July 24, 1913.) Do you see that happening? She states that the Lord will give the Israelites who are captive in Babylon the opportunity to come out and be part of the remnant. (Ibid., January 23, 1908.) She also says that the remnant will receive the latter rain, give the loud cry, and be sealed. (Early Writings [1882], 85, 86; Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1, 193, 194, 197.)

Do you see why it could be of fatal consequence for you if you do not understand the difference between the remnant and the nominal church? You could be part of those who claim to be the remnant, but if you do not actually have the characteristics of the remnant, you will not receive the latter rain. You will not be giving the loud cry. You will not be one of those who are sealed.

The remnant will have the heavenly credentials. Mrs. White says that it is through this remnant that God will carry out His eternal purpose. (Prophets and Kings, 108.) She also says that at the end of time, when the remnant are sentenced to be slain, God will intervene on their behalf. (Review and Herald, September 17, 1901.) He is not going to intervene on behalf of the nominal church. To find out what is going to happen to them, read Ezekiel 9.

Great Tumult

Ahimaaz said, “I saw a great tumult, but I did not know what it was.”

What is this great tumult? A number of things are causing the tumult today. One of them is fanaticism. Ellen White wrote: “Every phase of fanaticism and erroneous theories, claiming to be the truth, will be brought in among the remnant people of God. These will fill minds with erroneous sentiments which have no part in the truth for this time. Any man who supposes that in the strength of his own devised resolutions, in his intellectual might united with science or supposed knowledge, he can start a work which will conquer the world, will find himself lying among the ruins of his own speculations, and will plainly understand why he is there. . . .” Selected Messages, Book 2, 14.

The time is coming when every single Seventh-day Adventist who is espoused to fanaticism is going to reap the consequences of that fanaticism and know why. Fanaticism is very, very dangerous. Many, many millions of people have lost their souls over fanaticism. I am not talking about heresy. I am not talking about Babylon. I am talking about fanaticism.

Ahimaaz was not an Achan. He was on the right side. He believed in the Spirit of Prophecy. He was a Sabbath keeper. He was a commandment keeper. But neither Joab nor David could depend on him as a messenger in God’s work because he did not know the issues. He did not understand what was really happening. He represents literally thousands of people in Adventism today.

He was not stoned to death, as was Achan. He was not punished at all. He was simply told by David to stand aside. (11 Samuel 18:30.) The story of Ahimaaz is not as sad as the story of Achan, but it is still very sad. Why? Because Ahimaaz was very talented. He was actually more talented as a runner than the man that God sent with the message. But he could not be used as a messenger in God’s work because he did not understand what the issues were.

Live It Over Again

In the Spirit of Prophecy, Ellen White tells about the experience of God’s people after they are taken to heaven and are gathered around the great white throne. She describes many of God’s people as weeping in heaven. This was very intriguing to me. People say, “You are not going to cry in heaven.” Do not deceive yourself. After God wipes the tears from people’s eyes at the close of the millennium, there will not be cry-ing, but during the millennium, there will be plenty of crying. Ellen White describes God’s people be-fore the great white throne crying, weeping. Why are they weeping? She explains: “They see what they might have done had they not debased their God-given powers.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 135. These people are not Achans. They are not stoned to death, and they are not in hellfire. They are saved, and yet they are weeping in heaven. They are weeping because when they understand the real issues with which they had dealt in this world, they wish that time could be turned back so they could come back to this world and live their lives over again. I expect that there will be many millions of people in heaven like Ahimaaz, but do you really want to be one of them?

True and Faithful

Remember, in heaven, both sides claimed to be the true and the faithful. In the time of David and Absalom, both sides claimed to be the true and the faithful. At the end, both sides will claim to be the true and the faithful. I hope you will study the different points given in this article from the Spirit of Prophecy so you can differentiate which side really is true and faithful and which side is not.

You need to ask yourself, Am I part of the remnant truly or am I part of the remnant by profession only? You cannot take a neutral position. A war is going on right now between the true remnant and those who are in name only. It has been going on for several years, and it is going to get worse. Unfortunately, there is a large number of people like Ahimaaz—“I saw a great tumult. I do not know what it was.”

Jesus said, “He that is not with me is against me.” [Matthew 12:30.] Even if you are on the right side, if you do not know what is going on, then the Lord cannot use you as one of His good and faithful soldiers in the battle.

Eyes of Understanding

In the final end, there will only be two sides. Both sides will claim to be the true people of God. Both sides will claim to keep the fourth commandment. Both sides will claim to have the Spirit of Prophecy. On which side are you going to be?

If the Holy Spirit is going to use you as a messenger, as one of the true and faithful soldiers in these last days, the Holy Spirit must then enable you to see the difference between the remnant in truth and the remnant by profession only.

God, through His messenger to the remnant church, provides a great deal of detail about what happened in heaven at the fall of Lucifer so that we may understand what was really involved. We have just studied the great controversy in miniature, as it developed and played out in the lives of David and Absalom. We know that this story was written to help us understand what is going to happen at the end of time. God has told us that the issues at the end, the strategy of the devil at the end, will be the same as at the beginning. We are all in danger of being deceived, unless the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of our understanding.

There are so many people like Ahimaaz who think all is well. They see that a great tumult is going on, but they do not know what it is. Pray that the Lord will open your eyes so you will understand what is really happening today, not just in the world, but in the church as well.

[Bible texts quoted are literal translation.]

Pastor John Grosboll is Director of Steps to Life and pastors the Prairie Meadows Church in Wichita, Kansas. He may be contacted by e-mail at:, or by telephone at: 316-788-5559.

Editorial – Unity and Dissonance, Part II

In last month’s editorial, it was shown that Satan’s practice of blame, which he has always used, will be used at the end of time. It will be used upon the faithful people of God—first by the leaders in the professed remnant church and then later by the world at large. We will now investigate this in the form of questions and answers:

  1. At the end of time, from where will the worst opposition to God’s faithful people come?

Answer: “The opposition which Christ received came from his own nation, who would have been greatly blessed had they accepted him. In like manner the remnant church receive opposition from those who profess to be their brethren.” Review and Herald, August 28, 1883.

“The work which the church has failed to do in a time of peace and prosperity she will have to do in a terrible crisis under most discouraging, forbidding circumstances. The warnings that worldly conformity has silenced or withheld must be given under the fiercest opposition from enemies of the faith. And at that time the superficial, conservative class, whose influence has steadily retarded the progress of the work, will renounce the faith and take their stand with its avowed enemies, toward whom their sympathies have long been tending. These apostates will then manifest the most bitter enmity, doing all in their power to oppress and malign their former brethren and to excite indignation against them. This day is just before us. The members of the church will individually be tested and proved. They will be placed in circumstances where they will be forced to bear witness for the truth. Many will be called to speak before councils and in courts of justice, perhaps separately and alone.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 463. (See also The Great Controversy, 608.)

  1. What will be one of the initial attacks against God’s faithful people by their professed brethren?

Answer: One of the initial attacks, which has already occurred many times in the last few years, is that God’s faithful people should be accountable to the church organization and that these believers are offshoots because they are not accountable to the church organization. It is asserted that they believe that the church organization has no right to control their operations in any way. This type of attack has existed since before the days of Madison, an independent school co-founded by E. A. Sutherland and P. T. Magan near Nashville, Tennessee (1904), but we will only document since that time.

“The Lord does not set limits about His workers in some lines as men are wont to set. In their work, Brethren Magan and Sutherland have been hindered unnecessarily. Means have been withheld from them because in the organization and management of the Madison school, it was not placed under the control of the conference. But the reasons why this school was not owned and controlled by the conference have not been duly considered.” Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 11, 31, 32.

“In the matter of the Madison school, there has been a standing off from them because they were not under the ownership and control of some Conference. This is a question that should sometimes be considered, but it is not the Lord’s plan that means should be withheld from Madison because they are not bound to the conference. The attitude which some of our brethren have assumed toward this enterprise shows that it is not wise for every working agency to be under the dictation of conference officers. There are some enterprises under certain conditions, that will produce better results if standing alone.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 8, 202.

To be continued . . .