Inspiration Counsels Against Stimulants and Narcotics
Happy Holidays! How are you going to spend this holiday? Are you going to think of your Best Friend and how much He has done for you? Or are you going to serve self and those you love better than Jesus? Do think this matter over seriously, dear friends, and determine by the grace of God to do better than you have in the past. God gave all Heaven for you, in the form of His Beloved Son, how can you do less for Him? So determine in your hearts that you will return to the Giver what He requires of you, and thank Him mightily for all His goodness to you in this past year. Then you will have a truly happy holiday and also be laying up treasure in Heaven where “moth and rust doth not corrupt.”
Now to continue last month’s article on the bad effects of narcotics and stimulants: “The continued use of these nerve irritants is followed by headache, wakefulness, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, trembling, and many other evils; for they wear away the life forces. Tired nerves need rest and quiet instead of stimulation and overwork. Nature needs time to recuperate her exhausted energies. When her forces are goaded on by the use of stimulants, more will be accomplished for a time; but, as the system becomes debilitated by their constant use, it gradually becomes more difficult to rouse the energies to the desired point. The demand for stimulants becomes more difficult to control, until the will is overborne and there seems to be no power to deny the unnatural craving. Stronger and still stronger stimulants are called for, until exhausted nature can no longer respond.
“Tobacco is a slow, insidious, but most malignant poison. In whatever form it is used, it tells upon the constitution; it is all the more dangerous because its effects are slow and at first hardly perceptible. It excites and then paralyzes the nerves. It weakens and clouds the brain. Often it affects the nerves in a more powerful manner than does intoxicating drink. It is more subtle, and its effects are difficult to eradicate from the system. Its use excites a thirst for strong drink and in many cases lays the foundation for the liquor habit.
“The use of tobacco is inconvenient, expensive, uncleanly, defiling to the user, and offensive to others. Its devotees are encountered everywhere. You rarely pass through a crowd but some smoker puffs his poisoned breath in your face. It is unpleasant and unhealthful to remain in a railway car or in a room where the atmosphere is laden with the fumes of liquor and tobacco. Though men persist in using these poisons themselves, what right have they to defile the air that others must breathe?
“Among children and youth the use of tobacco is working untold harm. The unhealthful practices of past generations affect the children and youth of today. Mental inability, physical weakness, disordered nerves, and unnatural cravings are transmitted as a legacy from parents to children. And the same practices, continued by the children, are increasing and perpetuating the evil results. To this cause in no small degree is owing the physical, mental, and moral deterioration which is becoming such a cause of alarm.
“Boys begin the use of tobacco at a very early age. The habit thus formed when body and mind are especially susceptible to its effects, undermines the physical strength, dwarfs the body, stupefies the mind, and corrupts the morals.” The Ministry of Healing, 326–329.
Recipe – Raisin-Nut Treats
2 cups shelled nuts
6 tablespoons Fruit Source syrup
2 tablespoons raisins
2 tablespoons carob powder
½ cup sesame seeds
In blender grind nuts to flour and put in mixing bowl. Add syrup and mix well. Add the raisins and mix to a sticky mass. Measure carob powder and sesame seeds into two small bowls. With a teaspoon and your hands shape a lump of syrup-nut mixture into a one inch ball. Dip these, one at a time, in the carob powder and place on wax paper. After 15 minutes, the syrup will soak through the carob; now roll the carob covered balls into the sesame seeds. Makes about 36 treats.