Keys to the Storehouse – Beacons of Warning

Are your eyes open to the beacons of warning? To recognize them will enable you to turn defeat into victory and honor your Redeemer. There are many, but consider these few.

Your faith is a beacon – “The faith of God’s true people, manifested, as was Noah’s, by their works, should stand as a beacon of warning to the world. If our works do not correspond with our profession, we present to the world a false light, and thus lure them on to destruction.” The Review and Herald, November 29, 1881.

Your building/temple is a beacon – “Every faculty in man is a workman that is building for time and for eternity. Day by day the structure is going up, although the possessor is not aware of it. It is a building which must stand either as:

  • a beacon of warning because of its deformity
  • or as a structure which God and angels will admire for its harmony with the Divine Model.” Mind, Character and Personality, Book 2, 545.

Solomon’s life was a beacon of warning – It was shaken like a reed under the tempter’s power. “But the case of Solomon is before us as a beacon of warning. When thou … thinkest that thou standest take heed lest thou fall. How, in Solomon’s case, was weak, vacillating character, naturally bold, firm, and determined, shaken like a reed in the wind under the tempter’s power! How was an old gnarled cedar of Lebanon, a sturdy oak of Bashan, bent before the blast of temptation! What a lesson for all who desire to save their souls to watch unto prayer continually! What a warning to keep the grace of Christ ever in their heart, to battle with inward corruptions and outward temptations!” Conflict and Courage, 197.

Words and deeds are beacons of warning – “The words and deeds of the pleasure lovers pass directly from these halls of vice to the book of final records. What is the life of this class worth to the world, except as a beacon of warning to those who will be warned, not to live like these men, and die as the fool dieth.” Temperance, 18.

Warnings – “Beacons of warning are placed on every side in the pathway of life to prevent men from approaching the dangerous, forbidden ground; but, notwithstanding this, multitudes choose the fatal path, contrary to the dictates of reason, regardless of God’s law, and in defiance of His vengeance.” The Adventist Home, 59.

“This is why God has given so many examples showing the results of even one wrong act. From the sad story of that one sin which ‘brought death into the world and all our woe, with loss of Eden,’ to the record of him who for thirty pieces of silver sold the Lord of glory, Bible biography abounds in these examples, set up as beacons of warning at the byways leading from the path of life.” Education, 150.

Overcome but repented – “Though they may have been overcome with temptation, they repented of their sins; and no opportunity is left for us to depreciate their characters or to excuse sin. Their history is a beacon of warning to us, and points out a safe path for our feet if we will but shun their mistakes. These noble men sought the mercy seat and humbled their souls before God.” Selected Messages, Book 3, 346.

Father: I am so thankful for the beacons of warning that You have set before me and appreciate the eye salve that You provide. Please continue to apply the salve so that I may see and understand the warnings before me and the way You would have me to walk. Help me to stand as a beacon of warning filled with heavenly light. Amen.

Keys to the Storehouse – Oh, To Be Faithful!

Throughout the ages God has had many people who have been His appointed witnesses; who, under dire circumstances, stood faithful to Him and to His word. Oh, for you and me to be faithful under all circumstances!

“In the experience of the apostle John under persecution, there is a lesson of wonderful strength and comfort for the Christian. God does not prevent the plottings of wicked men, but He causes their devices to work for good to those who in trial and conflict maintain their faith and loyalty. Often the gospel laborer carries on his work amid storms of persecution, bitter opposition, and unjust reproach. At such times let him remember that the experience to be gained in the furnace of trial and affliction is worth all the pain it costs. Thus God brings His children near to Him, that He may show them their weakness and His strength. He teaches them to lean on Him. Thus He prepares them to meet emergencies, to fill positions of trust, and to accomplish the great purpose for which their powers were given them.” The Acts of the Apostles, 574, 575.

  • “Joseph was maligned and persecuted because he preserved his virtue and integrity.
  • David, the chosen messenger of God, was hunted like a beast of prey by his enemies.
  • Daniel was cast into a den of lions because he was true to his allegiance to heaven.
  • Job was deprived of his worldly possessions, and so afflicted in body that he was abhorred by his relatives, and friends; yet he maintained his integrity.
  • Jeremiah could not be deterred from speaking the words that God had given him to speak; and his testimony so enraged the king and princes that he was cast into a loathsome pit.
  • Stephen was stoned because he preached Christ and Him crucified.
  • Paul was imprisoned, beaten with rods, stoned, and finally put to death because he was a faithful messenger for God to the Gentiles.
  • John was banished to the Isle of Patmos ‘for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ’ (Revelation 1:9).” Ibid., 575.

“These examples of human steadfastness bear witness to the faithfulness of God’s promises—of His abiding presence and sustaining grace. They testify to the power of faith to withstand the powers of the world. It is the work of faith to rest in God in the darkest hour, to feel, however sorely tried and tempest-tossed, that our Father is at the helm. The eye of faith alone can look beyond the things of time to estimate aright the worth of the eternal riches.” Ibid., 575, 576.

Father in heaven: I rejoice in the blessed hope You have placed in my heart. Help me to be patient in trials and to always bear witness to the faithfulness of Your promises. I am awed at how You have sustained my brothers in all of their tribulations and I am so thankful for Your words of promise which will continue to sustain each of us through faith as we walk with You. Amen!

Keys to the Storehouse – A Second Trial

Our first parents sinned and Jesus “proposed the only means that could be acceptable with God, that would give them another trial, and place them again on probation.” Confrontation, 17.

Did you know that angels also experienced a period of probation? “Angels on probation had been deceived by Satan, and had been led on by him in the great rebellion in heaven against Christ. They failed to endure the test brought to bear upon them, and they fell.” Ibid., 18.

There was no second trial for the angels! Why? “He left the fallen angels to perish in their rebellion, but stretched forth His hand to rescue perishing man. The angels who were rebellious were dealt with according to the light and experience they had abundantly enjoyed in heaven. Satan, the chief of the fallen angels, once had an exalted position in heaven. He was next in honor to Christ. The knowledge which he, as well as the angels who fell with him, had of the character of God, of His goodness, His mercy, wisdom, and excellent glory, made their guilt unpardonable.” [Emphasis supplied.] Ibid., 21.

They had it all—their sin was unpardonable!

“There was no possible hope for the redemption of those who had witnessed and enjoyed the inexpressible glory of heaven, and had seen the terrible majesty of God, and, in presence of all this glory, had rebelled against Him. … If they could rebel in the very presence of glory inexpressible, they could not be placed in a more favorable condition to be proved. There was no reserve force of power, nor were there any greater heights and depths of infinite glory to overpower their jealous doubts and rebellious murmuring. Their guilt and their punishment must be in proportion to their exalted privileges in the heavenly courts.” Ibid.

We have the privilege to be on probation. Are we “walking” with God each moment? Adam and Eve were separated from God by transgression of His expressed command. They knew the consequences of such transgression. We also know the consequences of our transgressions, our sins. Many are in a deplorable state, blinded by Satan to think all is well because sin really isn’t sin anymore—it is just a little departure from God’s word. Do not be tricked into believing a lie and losing the last opportunity to join the faithful angels in heaven.

You and I might redeem Adam’s disgraceful failure, and by humble obedience regain lost Eden. Ask Jesus for His Holy Spirit to transform your heart, to guide you and to teach you. Do not believe the devil’s lie that your “little” sins do not matter. This is the last trial you will have to prove your faithfulness to the God of heaven—to prove your love to Him. You do not need to fail in these last moments of probation.

Father in heaven: I am saddened that the angels failed their probation when they had it all. I do not want to fail. Help me to relinquish self and the sin which doth so easily beset me. Save me from my rebellious self, and let me run with patience the race that is set before me. Do not let me be ruined by Satan’s lying deceptions. Help Lord! Amen.

Keys to the Storehouse – You are That Fig Tree

Did you know that you are the “ fig tree ” that Jesus has thus far spared? (See Luke 13:6–9.) A brother received this warning: “You should have gained a valuable experience during the many years that you have been blessed with the great light God has permitted to shine upon your pathway. I heard a voice saying in reference to you: ‘It is an unfruitful tree; why should its fruitless branches shadow the space that a fruitful tree might occupy? Cut it down; for why cumbereth it the ground?’ Then I heard the pleading tones of Mercy’s sweet voice, saying: ‘Spare it a little longer. I will dig about its roots; I will prune it. Give it one more trial; if it fails to be fruitful then, you may cut it down.’ So a little longer probation is granted the unproductive tree, a little longer time for the barren life to blossom and bear fruit. Will the opportunity given be improved? Will the warnings of God’s Spirit be heeded?” Testimonies, vol. 4, 188, 189.

God has given you and me a little longer to blossom and bear fruit. What are some of these fruits?

“Be clothed with humility as with a garment. Bear no thorns to prick and to bruise others, but make manifest the fruits of the Spirit—‘love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law’ (to condemn). ‘And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another’ (Galatians 5:24–26).” Manuscript Releases, vol. 19, 210.

“Are you, O careless heart, a fruitless tree in the Lord’s vineyard? Shall the words of doom erelong be spoken of you? How long have you received His gifts? How long has He watched and waited for a return of love? … You have taken the name of Christ, you are outwardly a member of the church which is His body, and yet you are conscious of no living connection with the great heart of love. The tide of His life does not flow through you. The sweet graces of His character, ‘the fruits of the Spirit,’ are not seen in your life.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 216.

God wants us to be “… trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified.” Isaiah 61:3.

“The heart that does not respond to divine agencies becomes hardened until it is no longer susceptible to the influence of the Holy Spirit. Then it is that the word is spoken, ‘Cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground’ (Luke 13:7)?” Christ’s Object Lessons, 218.

Father: I am so thankful that You have allowed me a little longer probation so that Jesus may dig about my roots and prune me so I can grow. Please continue to allow the fruits of Thy Holy Spirit, which are so fragrant and beautiful, to flow through me so that there be no shadows around me and I will be a productive tree in your vineyard and to Your glory. Amen.

Keys to the Storehouse – Broken Peace

Broken peace is non-existent in heaven and heavenly peace is available to all and can begin right now. “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” [Emphasis added.] Romans 14:17. It is sin that destroys peace. God desires all to be happy, peaceful and obedient. The Bible tells of a woman who had heavenly peace that changed the intent of a heart bent on retaliation.

“The piety of Abigail, like the fragrance of a flower, breathed out all unconsciously in face and word and action. The Spirit of the Son of God was abiding in her soul. Her speech, seasoned with grace, and full of kindness and peace, shed a heavenly influence. Better impulses came to David, and he trembled as he thought what might have been the consequences of his rash purpose. ‘Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God’ (Matthew 5:9).

“Would that there were many more like this woman of Israel, who would

  • soothe the irritated feelings,
  • prevent rash impulses, and
  • quell great evils by words of calm and well-directed wisdom.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 667.

Does the peace that will soothe the irritated feelings and prevent rash impulses, or quell great evils by calm words flow from your mouth? Have you consecrated your heart and your life to the Lord or is your peace broken?

“A consecrated Christian life is ever shedding light and comfort and peace. It is characterized by purity, tact, simplicity, and usefulness. It is controlled by that unselfish love that sanctifies the influence. It is full of Christ, and leaves a track of light wherever its possessor may go. Abigail was a wise reprover and counselor. David’s passion died away under the power of her influence and reasoning. He was convinced that he had taken an unwise course and had lost control of his own spirit.” See I Samuel 25:32–35.] Ibid.

“Christ is ‘the Prince of Peace’ (Isaiah 9:6), and it is His mission to restore to earth and heaven the peace that sin has broken. … Whoever consents to renounce sin and open his heart to the love of Christ, becomes a partaker of this heavenly peace.

“There is no other ground of peace than this. The grace of Christ received into the heart, subdues enmity; it allays strife and fills the soul with love. He who is at peace with God and his fellow men cannot be made miserable. … The heart that is in harmony with God is a partaker of the peace of heaven and will diffuse its blessed influence on all around. The spirit of peace will rest like dew upon hearts weary and troubled with worldly strife.

“Christ’s followers are sent to the world with the message of peace. Whoever, by the quiet, unconscious influence of a holy life, shall reveal the love of Christ; whoever, by word or deed, shall lead another to renounce sin and yield his heart to God, is a peacemaker. …

“The spirit of peace is evidence of their connection with heaven. The sweet savor of Christ surrounds them. The fragrance of the life, the loveliness of the character, reveal to the world the fact that they are children of God. Men take knowledge of them that they have been with Jesus.” Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 27, 28.

Father: I do renounce sin, which breaks peace. I choose to partake of Your heavenly peace which will subdue enmity and strife. Fill me with Your peace and let it be diffused to all around so their hearts may also walk in heavenly places. Give me this peace so others around me will not be made miserable. Amen.

Keys to the Storehouse – The Tree in Your Life

When God created Adam and Eve, He placed them in a garden home where everything was provided for their happiness and well-being. It was for their protection that to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was prohibited.

“It was the will of God that Adam and Eve should not know evil. The knowledge of good had been freely given them; but the knowledge

  • of evil,
  • of sin and its results,
  • of wearing toil,
  • of anxious care,
  • of disappointment and grief,
  • of pain and death,

this was in love withheld.” Education, 23.

Today, the results of knowing good and evil are apparent all around us. God seeks our good and in His abounding love gives instruction designed to protect the human race from evil, but Satan is bent on seeking our ruin.

There are trees of good and evil in the world today. Satan is a master of mixing a lot of good with a little bad to lure the unsuspecting. He captures the attention by the senses. It may be a television program or a movie that has so much good in it and is so funny that we tolerate the cursing or the lewd plot. Guard the avenues to the soul, for by beholding we become changed. Little by little that which was once abhorred eventually becomes acceptable and ultimately desirable. Sin loses its heinousness and we find ourselves addicted to that which we know will not enhance our relationship with our Lord. Satan’s masterpiece is to mix good with evil—he loves the outcome.

In daily living there is enough evil to avoid without bringing it into our homes and setting it up as an idol in our living rooms.

As he did in Eden, Satan still desires to make it appear that the knowledge of good and evil would be a great blessing. Many people consider it silly and fanatical to make a stand on choosing to refrain from what is socially accepted as normal entertainment.

Each person has his or her own forbidden tree that Satan deceives them into believing is okay, convincing them that a little evil will not hurt them. Beware, Satan is a liar. Put your trust in God’s wisdom and not the lies of the enemy. A lie is a lie; evil is evil, and no matter how much good you put with it, it is still evil. Eve’s eyes were opened when she ate of the forbidden fruit, but did she like what she saw? The only thing to be gained by continuing to eat from that tree is more of the curse of sin.

Notice: “Man lost all because he chose to listen to the deceiver rather than to Him Who is Truth, Who alone has understanding. By the mingling of evil with good, his mind had become confused, his mental and spiritual powers benumbed. No longer could he appreciate the good that God had so freely bestowed.” Ibid., 25. [Emphasis added.] How different life would be on this planet had our first parents trusted the wisdom of God and been protected from the flood of evil that came once their “eyes were opened.”

Father: The horror of the mixtures in my life, the mingling of evil with good has brought confusion and spiritual numbness to my heart and mind. I want to experience all of the good that You desire for Your children. Give me strength to resist the temptation to be drawn onto that enchanted ground that draws the curious into a spiral fall that ends in the abyss of sin. I want to be ready for the soon appearing of Jesus. Amen.

Keys to the Storehouse – The Greatest Battle

Each day when I arise, the battle begins and continues all day until I retire in the evening. It is the battle with self and it is one of the greatest battles we will ever fight. I must give praise to God because truly His grace is sufficient when I allow it to take charge.

“The warfare against self is the greatest battle that was ever fought.

  • The yielding of self,
  • surrendering all to the will of God,
  • and being clothed with humility,
  • possessing that love that is pure, peaceable, and easy to be entreated, full of gentleness and good fruits, is not an easy attainment. …” Gospel Workers (1892), 376.

Have you ever tried to be pure, peaceable and easy to get along with while under stress? Only through God’s grace is that possible!

“The Christian life is a battle and a march. But the victory to be gained is not won by human power. The field of conflict is the domain of the heart. The battle which we have to fight—the greatest battle that was ever fought by man—is

  • the surrender of self to the will of God,
  • the yielding of the heart to the sovereignty of love.

The old nature, born of blood and of the will of the flesh, cannot inherit the kingdom of God. The hereditary tendencies, the former habits, must be given up.” Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 141.

In other words, we must give up self or we cannot inherit the kingdom of God. The devil loves it when you refuse to surrender self to Jesus because then he can manipulate you. When you surrender yourself to Jesus to walk in the spiritual kingdom, the devil is angry and you can expect the following:

“He who determines to enter the spiritual kingdom will find that

  • all the powers and passions of an unregenerate nature, backed by the forces of the kingdom of darkness, are arrayed against him.
  • Selfishness and pride will make a stand against anything that would show them to be sinful.

We cannot, of ourselves, conquer the evil desires and habits that strive for the mastery. We cannot overcome the mighty foe who holds us in his thrall. God alone can give us the victory. He desires us to have the mastery over ourselves, our own will and ways. But He cannot work in us without our consent and co-operation. The divine Spirit works through the faculties and powers given to man. Our energies are required to co-operate with God.

“The victory is not won without much earnest prayer, without the humbling of self at every step. Our will is not to be forced into co-operation with divine agencies, but it must be voluntarily submitted.” Ibid., 141, 142.

Are you ready to yoke up with Jesus in the greatest battle ever fought? Let us together enroll under the banner of Christ Emmanuel—I am ready and willing.

Father: I earnestly humble myself before Thee and surrender all. I choose to walk with Thee. Please give me the victory over my evil desires and ugly habits that will keep me out of heaven. Give me the mastery over self that I may stand at all times for the right so that I may be part of the heavenly kingdom. I choose to yoke up with Jesus, to die to self, and to cooperate with You in the battle against self. Amen.

Keys to the Storehouse – Broken or Crushed

Being broken sounds terrible but it would be much worse to be crushed.

“To those who believe, Christ is the sure foundation. These are they who fall upon the Rock and are broken. Submission to Christ and faith in Him are here represented. To fall upon the Rock and be broken is to give up our self-righteousness and to go to Christ with the humility of a child, repenting of our transgressions, and believing in His forgiving love. And so also it is by faith and obedience that we build on Christ as our foundation. …

“This is the only foundation upon which we may securely build. It is broad enough for all, and strong enough to sustain the weight and burden of the whole world. And by connection with Christ, the living stone, all who build upon this foundation become living stones. Many persons are by their own endeavors hewn, polished, and beautified; but they cannot become ‘living stones’ (I Peter 2:4), because they are not connected with Christ. Without this connection, no man can be saved. Without the life of Christ in us, we cannot withstand the storms of temptation. Our eternal safety depends upon our building upon the sure foundation. Multitudes are today building upon foundations that have not been tested.” The Desire of Ages, 599.

What does it mean to fall on the Rock and be broken? To fall on the Rock, as gleaned from above, is to

  • Yield submission to Christ
  • Have faith in Him
  • Give up self-righteousness
  • Go to Christ with the humility of a child
  • Repent of transgressions
  • Believe in His forgiving love
  • By faith and obedience build on Christ, “the sure foundation”
  • Become living stones

The Jews were destroyed by the Rock. Why?

“And on ‘whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder’ (Matthew 21:44). The people who rejected Christ were soon to see their city and their nation destroyed. Their glory would be broken, and scattered as the dust before the wind. And what was it that destroyed the Jews? It was the rock which, had they built upon it, would have been their security.

  • It was the goodness of God despised,
  • the righteousness spurned,
  • the mercy slighted.
  • Men set themselves in opposition to God, and all that would have been their salvation was turned to their destruction.

All that God ordained unto life they found to be unto death. In the Jews’ crucifixion of Christ was involved the destruction of Jerusalem. The blood shed upon Calvary was the weight that sank them to ruin for this world and for the world to come.” Ibid., 600.

Father: The Jews crucified Jesus, Thine only begotten Son, and were crushed. I know that by every sin, Jesus is wounded afresh and I do not want to be guilty as were the Jews. I repent of my transgressions and by faith and obedience fall upon the Rock Christ Jesus to be broken so that He can restore the pieces of my life and mold me into a living stone for His temple.

Keys to the Storehouse – Exercising the Faith Muscle

In your attempt to be strong, are you exercising the right muscle? In the spiritual realm we are to exercise the courage of faith. As the muscles in our bodies need to be exercised, so our spiritual muscles are to be exercised, specifically our “ faith muscle ” and not our “doubt muscle.”

  1. When surrounded by an enemy army, numberless as the sands of the sea, Gideon’s army of 300 shouted, “The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon” (Judges 7:18, 20). The faith muscle was exercised.
  2. Joshua’s men shouted victory against walls absolutely impregnable (see Joshua 6). Again, the faith muscle was exercised.
  3. Paul and Silas, chained in the prison, sang faith at the midnight hour, and were immediately delivered (see Acts 16). The faith muscle was exercised.
  4. Spies were sent into the land of Canaan and ten came home talking doubt. They exercised the wrong muscle, the “doubt muscle” instead of the “faith muscle” and they perished. The two remaining spies that exercised their “faith muscle” received the fulfillment of God’s promise (see Numbers chapters 13, 14).

God works through and rewards those who exercise the “faith muscle.” Faith will never increase unless it is put to the test, so “exercise! exercise! exercise!”

“We dishonor God when we do not go forth from the dark cellar of doubts into the upper chamber of hope and faith. When the Light shineth in all its brightness,

  • let us take hold on Jesus Christ by the mighty hand of faith. [Exercise that faith muscle.]
  • No longer cultivate your doubts by expressing them and pouring them into other minds, and thus becoming an agent of Satan to sow the seeds of doubt. [Refuse to exercise that doubt muscle.]
  • Talk faith, live faith, cultivate love to God; evidence to the world all that Jesus is to you. Magnify His holy name. Tell of His goodness; talk of His mercy; and tell of His power.” Christ Triumphant, 127.
  • Exercise that “faith muscle”—sing faith and talk faith—let it swell!

“You have to talk faith, you have to live faith, you have to act faith, that you may have an increase of faith. Exercising that living faith, you will grow to strong men and women in Christ Jesus.” Faith and Works, 78.

Don’t use that doubt muscle. “The more you dwell upon discouragement, talking to others about your trials and enlarging upon them, to enlist the sympathy which you crave, the more discouragements and trials you will have. Why mourn over that which you cannot avoid?” In Heavenly Places, 247.

Those who talk faith and cultivate faith will have a strong faith muscle. Those who cherish and express doubts will have a strong doubt muscle. Which muscle group are you strengthening? Your actions and words will answer that question.

Look away from circumstances and look to God (II Corinthians 4:18). Daily exercise that faith muscle!

We are told: “He will teach them to exercise the courage of faith. He will make them strong by uniting their weakness to His might, wise by connecting their ignorance with His wisdom.” The Signs of the Times, June 23, 1881.

Father: I am astounded at how You were able to work through the faith that was exercised by Gideon, Joshua, Paul, Silas and many more. My faith muscle is in need of a lot more exercise. Teach me to exercise the courage of faith by uniting my weakness to Your might. Inspire me to talk, live and act faith. I want my “doubt muscle” to shrink and my “faith muscle” to grow in leaps and bounds. Amen.

Keys to the Storehouse – Go Forward–Never Backward

Many times in our busy lives we forget about Lot’s wife, who also was very busy—so busy that her affections, instead of being directed toward God, were tied with silken cords of affection to people and things.

“The angels of God visited Sodom to bring forth Lot that he should not perish in the overthrow of the city. They bade him bring his family, his wife, and the sons and daughters who had married in wicked Sodom, and they told him to flee from the place …

“And Lot went out and warned his children. … But he seemed to his sons-in-law as one who mocked. … They had great possessions, and could not believe it possible that beautiful Sodom, in a rich and fertile country, would be destroyed by the wrath of a sin-avenging God.

“Lot returned sorrowfully to the angels, and repeated the story of his failure. Then the angels commanded him to arise, and take his wife, and the two daughters who were yet in his house and leave the city. But Lot was sad; the thought of leaving his children and his wife, for she refused to go without them, almost broke his heart. They would all have perished in the terrible ruin of Sodom, had not the Lord, in His great mercy, sent his angels to the rescue.

“Lot was paralyzed by the great calamity about to occur; he was stupefied with grief at the thought of leaving all that he held dear on earth. But as he lingered, the angels of God laid hold upon his hand, and the hands of his wife and two daughters, and brought them out of the city …

“Lot pleaded to remain; he distrusted God. Living in the wicked city had weakened his faith and confidence in the justice of the Lord. … He was continually pleading for himself, and this unbelief caused the destruction of his wife.

“She looked back to Sodom, murmuring against the dealings of God, and was changed to a pillar of salt, that she might stand as a warning to all those who disregard the special mercies and providences of Heaven. After this terrible retribution, Lot no longer dared to linger by the way, but fled into the mountains, according to the directions of the angels.

“The case of Lot should be a warning to all those who wish to live a godly life, to separate themselves from all influences calculated to lead them away from God” (see Genesis 19). The Review and Herald, November 14, 1882. [Emphasis added.]

Though Lot’s wife was led out of the city by angels, the city was still in her heart. As she longed for that which she had left behind, she looked back one last time and it cost her her life. Would you, like Lot, be stupefied with grief or look back as did his wife leaving behind your possessions at the command of the Lord? Ask God to search your heart right now. Pray: “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23, 24.

Remember Lot’s wife. Go forward!

“There can be no compromise between God and the world, no turning back to secure earthly treasures.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 167.

Heavenly Father: You have said to me: “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above … Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1–3. Give me strength to look forward toward heaven and not back to the things of this earth. Amen.