Health – The Function of the Frontal Lobe

MTV-Problems with Violence

There is a concern that many teenagers are moving from more typical television options to MTV (music television) and its imitators. This type of music programming constantly stimulates the visual senses through its provocative, fleeting images of rapidly changing scenes. Not only do the images rapidly change (even multiple images per second on occasion) but the ear is stimulated as well. This eye-ear combination seems calculated to induce an even more profound shutdown of the analytical processes.

One study that uniquely demonstrates this was done in a maximum-security mental hospital with 222 patients. During a period of about a year, patients were exposed to seven months of MTV followed by five months without it (normal TV options remained available). The results showed that aggressive behavior decreased by up to 52 percent.

The standard, modern, rapid-paced television has a well-proven negative influence on the frontal lobe. However, we see here indications that the effects of MTV are even worse.

Television and Sex

Television also effectively increases sexual activity in teens and younger children. Studies show it significantly decreases the age of first sexual intercourse. The more television watched, the lower the age for that first sexual encounter. Not only do studies show it, but the children themselves report that television encourages them to take part in sexual activity too soon.

Television Is Addictive

Most people do not realize that television is addictive. They find themselves gravitating toward the set without thinking about it, and some leave it on all day. In 1976, the Detroit Free Press conducted a survey to help determine why their newspaper circulation was decreasing. The survey results showed that most people received their news and information from television. This is unfortunate because, as we have seen, in some respects it is the poorest source of information. We can learn so much more from reading newspapers, newsmagazines, or online computer news services than by watching one-sided news clips pass before our eyes in rapid succession. Also, we may miss a point, but we cannot go back and take another look. Reading is by far a better way to review the news, learn new things, and involve our frontal lobe.

The Detroit Free Press did not stop with their survey. They went on to offer $500 to any family who would give up television for one month. The paper extended the invitation to 120 families. A total of 93 of them could not be enticed to part with their television for even thirty days. However, 27 families accepted their offer. To make sure they could not cheat, the newspaper company installed electronic devices that would interfere with any television used on their premises.

The results of the one-month trial were amazing. Family members manifested actual withdrawal symptoms. Insomnia and headaches were common. One man, noted for being a kind husband, lost his cool during the first week, became irritated, and began beating his wife. However, throughout the month, attitudes changed. At the end of the month, to almost everyone’s surprise, all 27 families said that it had been a good experience. Most of the families put their extra time to good use by getting things done around the house. One of the most rewarding findings was that the families were able to relate to each other in ways they had not done for years. They found things they could do together; their minds were more creative, and they were actually enjoying life more than when they had television.

Would they go back to television now that they earned their $500? They were generally convinced that they would do much better if they kept television viewing to a minimum. The study helped to illustrate television’s addictive allure and demonstrated that in many respects TV viewing works against us rather than for us. This study actually provides a glimpse into another danger of TV viewing: the influence of parents is greatly diminished when TV becomes the main companion to children in a home. This lack of parental involvement in the lives of children directly relates back to another frontal lobe robber: alcohol and tobacco use. Researchers from Louisiana State University Medical Centre in New Orleans, Lousiana, demonstrated this when they studied over 2,000 fifth and sixth graders for three to four years. Children who reported that their parents spent more time with them and had more communication with them were less likely to use alcohol and tobacco. They were also less likely to choose friends who used these substances. Unfortunately, research shows what we all would expect: with more television viewing, the amount of time spent in active conversation with family members significantly decreases. If television viewing is depriving us of active time spent together as a family, parents may likely reap an extremely bitter harvest.

Television Robs Spiritual Qualities

Television viewing, because of the time it takes, can keep us away from other meaningful activities and pursuits, including spending time with God. When we look at an average person’s weekly activities before and after the arrival of television, we see that the amount of time in church or in reading spiritual material such as the Bible has noticeably decreased. The reason for this probably has to do with more than TV subtly stealing away our time. Remember, television depresses activity in the frontal lobe, which is the seat of spirituality, morality, and the will. We would expect a corresponding decrease in such intangible frontal lobe qualities as spirituality and faith in God.

However, if we consider television from just the standpoint of time: it often captivates the few hours of discretionary time that we have in our day. Before television, the three most profound influences on American values were the family, the church, and the school. If the amount of time we spend in an activity directly corresponds to its power to shape our values, then in the 1950s television superseded the church. In the 1960s TV superseded the family; and by the 1970s it superseded the school. Currently, United States children spend approximately 20 percent of their waking hours watching television. The average American child, by the time he graduates from high school, has spent more time in front of the television set than he spent in 13 years in the classroom.

Many believe that these thousands of hours of random exposure to television programs have profoundly affected our nation [the United States]. They blame TV as one of the prime reasons for a decline in our nation’s moral values. Some critics would like to use legislation to fix the problem, but we should not and cannot legislate what people do in their homes. Families should set their own rules. But how can a family be motivated to set rules without being adequately informed of the injurious effects of television? Somehow, accurate information should go out to every family in America so that informed decisions can be made. If simple, healthy, and enjoyable TV-less family activities became the foundation of the home life, I believe there will be generally few regrets about abandoning the former life in which the TV set held full control.

If any are still wavering as to whether television should be emphasized less in their homes, let me summarize 17 deleterious effects of TV watching.

  • Produces a hypnotic effect, by passing the frontal lobe filtering
  • Reduces interest in reading and learning
  • Weakens brain power
  • Encourages poor lifestyle habits
  • Encourages obesity
  • Increases daydreaming
  • Weakens creativity
  • May reduce our powers of discrimination
  • Trains in non-reaction
  • Influences viewers to regard violence lightly
  • It makes children more irritable
  • Increases aggressiveness
  • Accelerates sexual activity
  • Addictive
  • Reduces time available for productive achievement
  • Steals time from family interaction
  • Adversely affects spiritual pursuits

These harmful effects collectively build a strong case for personal action—today. After all, the very moral conscience of you and your family—residing in your frontal lobes—may be hanging in the balances.

Summary List of Seven Actions to Take for Enhancing the Function of the Frontal Lobe

  • Protect the frontal lobe from mechanical injury: boxing, football, and motorcycle riding are examples of high-risk activities.
  • Prevent diseases that may damage the frontal lobe; e.g., controlling risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, current tobacco use, heart disease, and alcohol.
  • Improve the quality of your brain’s blood supply
  • By breathing clean, fresh, well-oxygenated air
  • By taking deep breaths of fresh air you may be able to boost oxygen saturation sufficiently to improve frontal lobe function
  • Provide good nutrition. A total vegetarian diet that is free from all stimulating agents appears to be the best diet to improve the abilities of our front brains.
  • Get adequate sunshine as it increases serotonin production in the daytime. This, in turn, can help prevent depression and fatigue.
  • Challenge your frontal lobes by exercising the thinking power of your brain. Serious reading, the study of nature, asking questions about the vast world surrounding you, and other wholesome uses of your mental capacities tend to produce a salutary frontal lobe.
  • Control what you see and hear. Exposing your mind to great inspirational material will enlarge the mind and strengthen the intellect. Since spirituality, morality, and the will are centered in the frontal lobe of the brain, the inspirational material chosen should ideally appeal to your spiritual and moral being. The study of the word of God fills this requirement like no other can.


God has provided each one of us with the power to freely choose how we will live. And He usually does not interfere, even when we make bad choices. Truly, there is much truth in the adage that every person is the architect of his own fortune.

In view of this tremendous power that you have been given to shape your own future, won’t you take some time today to again seriously look at your lifestyle? I challenge you to reflect on your current health habits and ask yourself what you can do to take advantage of what you have learned. Try to identify some concrete steps that you can take within the next week to help protect and enhance your frontal lobe—and of course with it, your entire body. A healthful lifestyle makes sense. Do not merely follow your old ways of doing things just because they are comfortable, or “because everyone else is doing it.” In the words of Scripture, “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2.

Dr. Neil Nedley, M.D., Proof Positive, Nedley Publishing Co., Ardmore, Oklahoma, May 1999, excerpt from chapter, “The Frontal Lobe.”

Q&A – The Grace of God

Paul said, “We then, as workers together with Him, beseech you also

that ye receive not the grace of God in vain.” I Corinthians 6:1.

What does that mean?

To receive something in vain is to receive it as something as worthless or unimportant. Have you ever given a gift to somebody that they did not appreciate? They put the gift aside and it cannot benefit them. That, in a sense, is what happens with the “grace of God” that is given to many, but received in vain. It is laid aside and the benefit is not received. God’s gift when not appreciated is worthless to them; it has little meaning and without benefit to them. It is received in vain.

Paul knew well what the grace of God would do for them if it was received into the heart and beseeched the people to receive it.

“The refining influence of the grace of God changes the natural disposition of man. Heaven would not be desirable to the carnal-minded; their natural, unsanctified hearts would feel no attraction toward that pure and holy place, and if it were possible for them to enter, they would find there nothing congenial. The propensities that control the natural heart must be subdued by the grace of Christ before fallen man is fitted to enter heaven and enjoy the society of the pure, holy angels.” The Acts of the Apostles, 273.

The influence of the grace of God when received into the heart changes the natural disposition of man and he is fitted to enter heaven and enjoy the society of the pure, holy angels. But when somebody considers God’s grace as worthless and receives it in vain, no change takes place in his heart. We are told that, “He (God) does not take pleasure in any man who retains his old nature, and is not so renewed in knowledge and grace that he is a new man in Christ.” Amazing Grace, 66.

Also, it is only by the grace of God that one can be led to repentance. “That repentance which is produced by the influence of divine grace upon the heart will lead to confession and forsaking of sin.” Acts of the Apostles, 324.

“In the heart renewed by divine grace, love is the ruling principle of action. It modifies the character, governs the impulses, controls the passions, and ennobles the affections. This love, cherished in the soul, sweetens the life and sheds a refining influence on all around.” Ibid., 551.

The influence of the grace of God changes our lives. To “receive the grace of God in vain” is to turn away from the new life, “the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Ephesians 4:24.

Keys to the Storehouse – Thankful or Thankless? Which Are You?

“God has put it in our power to obtain a knowledge of the laws of life. This knowledge has been placed within our reach for use. We should employ every facility for the restoration of health, taking every advantage possible, working in harmony with natural laws. When we have prayed for the recovery of the sick, we can work with all the more energy, thanking God that we have the privilege of co-operating with Him, and asking His blessing on the means which He Himself has provided.” Conflict and Courage, 240.

Work and pray with God in restoring the health to yourself and to others, thanking Him for the privilege of cooperating with Him. Are you thankful?

“All the powers of our being, every means of our existence and happiness, all the blessings of the warm sunshine and the refreshing showers, causing vegetation to flourish, every comfort and every blessing of this life, comes from God. He sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. The treasures of heaven are poured out to all.” The Signs of the Times, December 12, 1878.

There is so much to be thankful for:

  • The powers of our being
  • Every means of our existence and happiness
  • All the blessings of the warm sunshine and the refreshing showers causing vegetation to flourish
  • Every comfort and every blessing of this life
  • All the treasures of heaven

Are you thankful or thankless?

“The great mass of mankind take the gift from their heavenly Father’s hand but make no acknowledgment to Him. They seem to take it for granted that these bounties are their rightful due, and forget that God is the giver. They do not even acknowledge their obligations by thanking God for His mercies. Indeed they treat no other friend so ill. They sit at the family board, loaded with bounties from His hand, and render no thanks to Him. They enjoy the gifts, but despise the giver.” Ibid.

The thankless worldling:

  • takes the gift but makes no acknowledgment to Him
  • takes it for granted that these bounties are their rightful due, and forget that God is the giver
  • do not even acknowledge their obligations by thanking God for His mercies
  • sit at the family board, loaded with bounties from His hand, and render no thanks to Him

“The worst feature of this picture is, many who profess to be followers of Christ pursue the same course as the unbeliever and thankless worldling. They take the gifts of heaven without lifting the heart and voice to God in sincere thanks. God has blessed them with comfortable homes. They lie down to rest in safety because of the guarding care of His ministering angels; but they arise in the morning with scarcely a thought of God. This is unlike the world’s Redeemer. Although He owned all things, He never broke bread without lifting His eyes and hands to heaven in thanks to His Father, craving His blessing upon it. Yet finite man, wholly dependent upon God, has no sense of the debt of gratitude he owes.” Ibid.

The thankless professor:

  • takes the gifts of heaven without lifting the heart and voice to God in sincere thanks
  • takes for granted that God has blessed them with comfortable homes and no thanks is given
  • lies down to rest in safety because of the guarding care of His ministering angels, but arises in the morning with scarcely a thought of God

Father: We are a thoughtless, thankless people. Please forgive us of our slothfulness. Replace these ugly characteristics with the thankful mind of our dear Saviour and Redeemer. Remove the whirlwind of the world from around us that we may focus our minds upon the most wonderful gifts and mercies you have bestowed upon each of us that we may always give praise and thanks for all. Amen.

Current Events – Voting

A number of countries around the world have recently elected or will soon elect new leaders. The United States of America will, on November 6, 2012, vote for its leader. The following quotes should be considered before Christians vote.

Should representative men keep the way of the Lord, they would point men to a high and holy standard. Those in positions of trust would be strictly temperate. Magistrates, senators, and judges would have a clear understanding, and their judgment would be sound and unperverted. The fear of the Lord would ever be before them, and they would depend upon a higher wisdom than their own. The heavenly Teacher would make them wise in counsel, and strong to work steadfastly in opposition to all wrong, and to advance that which is right and just and true. The word of God would be their guide, and all oppression would be discarded. Lawmakers and administrators would abide by every good and just law, ever teaching the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment. God is the head of all good and just governments and laws. Those who are entrusted with the responsibility of administering any part of the law, are accountable to God as stewards of His goods. The Review and Herald, October 1, 1895.

Many who are elevated to the highest positions of trust in serving the public are the opposite of this. They are self-serving, and generally indulge in the use of narcotics, and wine and strong drink. Lawyers, jurors, senators, judges, and representative men have forgotten that they cannot dream themselves into a character. They are deteriorating their powers through sinful indulgences. They stoop from their high position to defile themselves with intemperance, licentiousness, and every form of evil. Their powers prostituted by vice open their path for every evil. The Signs of the Times, July 8, 1880.

Intemperate persons should not by vote of the people be placed in positions of trust. Their influence corrupts others, and grave responsibilities are involved. With brain and nerve narcotized by tobacco and stimulus they make a law of their nature, and when the immediate influence is gone there is a collapse. Frequently human life is hanging in the balance; on the decision of those in these positions of trust depends life and liberty, or bondage and despair. How necessary that all who take part in these transactions should be those who are proved, those of self-culture, those of honesty and truth, of staunch integrity, who will spurn a bribe, who will not allow their judgment or convictions of right to be swerved by partiality or prejudice. To Be Like Jesus, 177.

Only men of strict temperance and integrity should be admitted to our legislative halls and chosen to preside in our courts of justice. Property, reputation, and even life itself, are insecure when left to the judgment of men who are intemperate and immoral. The Signs of the Times, February 11, 1886.

In an article published in the Review of November 8, 1881, I [Ellen White] wrote:

‘There is a cause for the moral paralysis upon society. Our laws sustain an evil which is sapping their very foundations. Many deplore the wrongs which they know exist, but consider themselves free from all responsibility in the matter. This cannot be. Every individual exerts an influence in society. In our favored land, every voter has some voice in determining what laws shall control the nation. Should not that influence and that vote be cast on the side of temperance and virtue?’ The Review and Herald, October 15, 1914.


These are not pleasant, but they are very profitable. They give us true views of ourselves. They help us to find our right place. They serve to show what manner of spirit we are of. Some persons profess to serve God, when a secret desire for promotion is the mainspring of their zeal in His cause. How much better that such persons should meet with humiliating disappointments than that they should be apparently successful. The effect will be to cause a decided change. They will discover the baseness of the motives that have prompted them to activity in the cause of Christ, or if they do not, they will forsake that course in disgust at their failure to procure promotion. Not so with those who love our Lord in sincerity. The humblest place in the house of God will be by them preferred to the highest exaltation that the service of sin, of self, and of the world, can give.

Welcome to humiliations. They are like our Lord’s crown of thorns, painful to wear, and sure to be the occasion of many blows upon our heads from the reeds in the hands of our enemies. But they are a mark of honor, as well as abasement. They indicate our willingness to suffer with Christ. They evince our willingness to bear the cross of Christ. They are a part of our badge of discipleship. Faith esteems them, though at present sharp and painful, as of more value than all the treasures of earth; for it looks forward through the telescope of God’s word to the time when the crown of thorns shall be changed into a crown of inexpressible loveliness, and of priceless value. Then every thorn will become a ray of glory, and every pang of anguish be changed to joy unutterable. Welcome the cross of Christ! Welcome the shame, the pain, and the humiliation! Welcome the humble life of Christ’s disciples, and welcome at last their infinite reward!

The Signs of the Times, January 29, 1880.

How does God Treat His Children

“And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4

How we treat our own sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters and our neighbors is a very important topic to dwell upon, especially in this day and age when the world is filled with darkness—with little understanding of God the Father.

Many Christians misunderstand the character of the Father and actually, by their behavior, educate and rear their children with a wrong understanding. Beholding Him with a right understanding of Who He is and how He treats sinful, corrupted humanity will transform us.

The judgment aspect of God is easy to understand. Yes, He forgives, but there is a limitation to His patience. There is a time when He judges and condemns—there is a judgment day, but this is usually the only concept of God—judgment!

God knows everything from the beginning to the end about each one of us and, for Himself, He does not need to record the actions and words of our lives. So why are there books of record, and why is there a need to investigate? The investigative judgment begins with the dead, for when a person dies his destiny is sealed. Then, God allows the intelligent beings, or the angels, to open the books to see if God’s judgment is correct. God does not investigate to see what this person has done and what kind of words he has spoken and then pass judgment—that is not so. He has already concluded, and judgment has been made for destiny. He knows each heart and the true motivation for all actions from the bottom of each heart, and the records are to convince others that His judgment is righteous.

The investigative judgment deals with both the righteous and the wicked. Sometimes we misunderstand how God really deals with people. If parents would learn of God’s character, they would then know how to deal with their own children and use the methods God uses in treating His own children. Only then will they learn how to become good parents.

We are living in the end of time, and the world is full of darkness and misapprehension of God and His character. We have been called to be the light of the world. The fourth angel’s message in Revelation 18:1 says, “After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory.” The earth was charmed with his glory, his character. (See Exodus 33 and 34.)

The fourth angel’s message repeats the three previous messages (Revelation 14:6–12) and comes down to shine his glory upon the whole earth. The everlasting gospel is to fear God and give glory to Him. That combination includes knowing God and His love and how He treats His creatures. God never provokes our hearts to anger—He never provokes His children. He asks that children be brought up the Lord’s way, in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord” [Ephesians 6:4].

Paul says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.” Colossians 3:21. Dealing with children in anger, and in such a way of showing that the parent’s reputation is more important than the child’s own well-being, provokes them to anger and actually discourages them mentally and spiritually.

I made this mistake when my children were very young. Though I was a pastor, it was not until I fully surrendered to Christ that I became a changed man. One day I went to my two children and asked them to forgive me because I was wrong. I was a bad father and a bad pastor. My children threw their arms around my neck and said we forgive you; even though we did not like you at the time we played instruments, we still love you. Children are easy to talk to and willing to forgive, but we adults, when we grow old our heads grow old too, become hard and stiff-necked, making it very difficult to forgive each other.

I expected my children to perform better than all others because they were the pastor’s children. Sometimes we push our children because of our own reputations and pride, and I was certainly in that category. I provoked them even though my intention was good, but my real motivation was something only God knew. Everybody else thought my children had a good father encouraging them. I also pushed them with studies and grades.

If you provoke your children, their spiritual hearts will be hardened and doors will be shut. God does not force anyone into heaven or to study the Bible or pray. God does not force anybody, period. But we, as good intentioned people, tend to use force.

As pastors, as elders, deacons and fathers and mothers, we often misuse our authority to force people. We force our children to study well, to go to church and pray. We force our neighbors, and we force our brothers and sisters in the church. There is a huge difference between appeal and force, and many times force is used due to our own ignorance of the character of God, Who is so patient and longsuffering.

If He so desired, He could send down one glorious angel to earth to tell us that Jesus Christ is coming and everybody is to repent, and they most probably would repent. If the three angels literally came down to earth and went around forcing people to believe, do you think they would believe? With something supernatural like that, everybody would repent, but not out of love; only because they would be scared to death. But that is not how God operates. He allows each one of us the privilege, as His humble servants, to preach the gospel to our neighbors.

Under force, a person will never understand the Scriptures. Force shuts the heart and eliminates any willingness and ability to learn of God. Those who are not willing to understand the real character of God cannot receive any spiritual benefits even though they may study the Bible.

This attitude of provoking also applies to other fellow human beings either in or out of the church. We can only make appeals and talk about the word of God with His authority, but we have no right to use force. Christians often do much damage in sharing God’s truth, with their wrong attitude using human methods. Truth is important, but how to dispense it is more important. Many people have been turned off from Christianity because of Christians.

I was one of five children—the only boy. I had one older sister and three younger sisters. When I was a young boy of about 10 or 12 years of age, the age where boys can become very naughty and playful, my mother had a hard time rearing me. She did the best she knew how and, though well read in the Spirit of Prophecy books, she needed a lot of patience with me. My mother would crawl up to the roof with me to fly kites. My great joy was to cut the string of another’s kite. I knew it made my mother sad, but she did not get angry; she would just sigh sadly because I hurt somebody’s kite. Her actions made me feel bad, and I quit flying kites because my joy was in being destructive to others.

The biggest punishment I ever got from my mother was not a spanking. She took both of my hands and looked straight into my eyes. When I looked up, I saw tears falling from my mother’s eyes. This was the most fearful chastisement. There was no yelling or anger, just tearful eyes. She knew how to deal with this rebellious kid. She did not provoke me; she loved me and kindly guided me into a spiritual experience. I appreciated that very much. My mother was not the perfect mother, but she was the best mother I could have asked for. She never provoked me. If she had, I could have easily gone into the world and never come back into the church.

Parents have no right to provoke, chastise or force their children. Appeal to them, love them, guide them, educate them and sit down and talk with them with teary eyes; but never provoke. Don’t force your own religion upon your children or they will be turned off. Your duty is to reflect the character of Jesus Christ upon them. I have seen many young children in godly families, in conservative Christian homes, very rebellious and turned off from the present truth simply because they have been forced. This is the best way to lose the souls of your own children. We are to reflect the love of Jesus Christ from our character and our lifestyle. Every individual has his or her own right to choose and to make his or her own commitment.

It is when children are young that we need to teach them and educate them and allow them choices and respect them as individuals. God has given His children, born into your family, to rear. The Bible calls our children His children. We, as stewards of God’s children, give them tender care. When they grow up we give them to God and they are individual entities. We are all brothers and sisters. This is something that I did not understand for many years.

One time when I was about high school age, I was really tempted by my friends to go to the beach for three days. I had no money so was encouraged by my friends to steal some. At first I resisted, but my friends continued to urge me. My family was poor at that time, but I noticed that when my mother needed to buy a sack of rice, she had some golden jewelry or things like that hidden down in the cabinet drawer that she would take to a pawnshop to sell, and then she would return home with a bag of noodles and rice. She sometimes worked as a colporteur selling books. Often, hungry, we would wait for mom to come home to see if she had noodles or rice.

One day I stole from my mother and went to the same pawnshop, never thinking that I would be caught. With the little money I received I hit the beach with my friends. The next time my mother went to the pawnshop, I was with her. The pawnshop lady, a church member, greeted my mother and said, “Mrs. Kang, you sent David alone last time; did I give you the money for that?” I squirmed.

“Pardon, what did you say?” asked my mother.

The shopkeeper repeated and my mother knew immediately what had happened.

She said, “Oh, that one. Yes, thank you.”

Nothing more was said. We finished our shopping and started the 25-minute walk home. Usually I would walk along side my mother, but guilt kept me three steps behind for the length of the journey, I could not walk with my mom. When you have sinned and feel guilt, you cannot walk with Jesus. All the way home I thought about the consequence if my mom told my father, I was dead! At home I just waited for my father to come at me with anger and with a stick in his hand. I waited—one day, two days, three days passed and he did not come.

Even then, my mother chose not to provoke me. Of course, she agitated me and asked me to repent. I am sure that if she had ever provoked me or forced religion on me I could have easily gone to the world. But she did not do that and that is one of the reasons I am an evangelist.

Do not force your religion upon your husband or upon your wife. It is you who has learned about the Sabbath truth, not your spouse or your children. Maybe you want to wear long skirts and your children are not convicted. Counsel them, talk to them, discuss it with them, show them the Lord’s way, but never force them.

At a tent meeting a table discussion came up on the education of our children. Many brethren shared their way of educating their children. Some said that they let their children know that as long as they were living under their roof and eating their food they had better follow house rules or get out, and they were proud of their firm stand for principle. I just sat there quiet and did not say anything for about a half an hour listening to the others. Then one asked me why I was quiet, encouraging me to give my opinion.

I said, God, the way I understand it, is different. Jesus once told of a father who had two sons, the second of whom was a very bad boy. One day he came to his father and asked him to give him his inheritance early. He said he was going away to a far country to live on his own. He said, “I am sick and tired of living in your house and abiding under your rules, so let me get out. You are obligated to give me half of your wealth.” I know that this story is not written in detail like this, but obviously that is what happened.

The father said, “Son, it is not your money; it is mine.”

The son said, “Well, when you die, half of your wealth is going to be mine anyway.”

So he told his father, “From now on I am going to treat you like you are dead. When I go, I will never e-mail you; I will not write you a letter; I am not going to telephone you; I am not going to contact you at all. As far as I am concerned, you are already dead. So give me my portion.”

How would you respond to this kind of situation? Would you say, “As long as you are living you will be under my rule?” As a matter of fact, Jesus Christ was introducing to us His own Father in heaven in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15). Jesus said that the father gave half of his wealth to his rebellious son and off he went to the far country to use all of his money, but after a while he became poor. One day as he was tending a herd of swine, something clicked in his mind. Even the servants in his father’s house were treated better than this. He decided to return to his father. Not to his good furniture, good food or fancy neighborhood, but as a servant, and he began his journey back home to his father. Why? Because of his father’s method of education and because of his character—the door of hope was always open. As soon as his son left home, the light on the porch was turned on and every night the father waited for the return of his son. Day after day he watched the hill and every night the light was left on, waiting for his wayward son to come home.

Jesus wants us to know the character of His Father in heaven and how He treats His own wayward children, His prodigal sons, you and me. Like the prodigal son, He wants us to have hope. He did not hear his father say, “You naughty boy. I am going to give you a little bit of money and don’t you ever come back! How dare you do this—you have ruined my reputation. You do all of this suffering to me and to your mom. If you want to go out—go out and don’t ever come back! If you do not want to be bound by our rules, then go.”

But that was not his father’s response. With teary eyes, the father gave him his half portion of his wealth, and then let him go. Sometimes it is better for our children, if they persist, to let them go, let them walk in their own ways and reap the consequences. We parents are to wait and pray, even though it hurts us, until they come back.

When our children see that kind of love in our hearts, that love from Jesus Christ, then, when they fall and have no hope in this world, they will remember that love. Then, they will know that when they come home, just as they are, they will be accepted with arms wide open. Our Father in heaven has been waiting for us for many years; God has been so patient and longsuffering waiting for us to willingly come back, and in tears we repent and surrender our heart to Him. But so often we do not show others the same patience.

The darkness that covers the earth is the misapprehension of God. When we truly reflect the love of Jesus Christ, that light will penetrate the darkness and the people will see the real love of God. They will see the true patience and character of Jesus Christ. Only then will people return to the truth.

I read a true story many years ago. Three men gathered in a restaurant discussing a project that they were doing together. One was a building contractor, one a roof builder and one a foundation builder. One of them was a Christian and the other two were non-Christian. Somehow their conversation turned to spiritual things and two began complaining about Christians and against Christianity. One said he had stopped going to church in middle school. When asked why, he replied that he had been in missionary school discussing about Jonah. He raised a question about whales, because in biology class they had learned that whales did not have a big throat and could not swallow a human. Even though the Bible says that the whale swallowed Jonah, he believed that to be wrong—just a myth. The Bible teacher, a pastor, was so angry that he said if this student wanted to ask that kind of a question in his class, to get out! He was so offended that he decided when he grew up he would never return to that church, and he had fulfilled his promise. The Bible teacher was wrong in his knowledge. Blue whales are huge and there was an article about a man falling from his boat and being swallowed by one. But instead, the teacher became angry and provoked one young man, causing him to stop going to church. Sometimes we do not understand the consequences of our attitude in how we deal with others.

The other man said he had a similar experience. His father and mother had come down on him so strongly enforcing their religion on him that he decided never to follow their religion. The Christian then asked if he could tell his story to which they both agreed.

The Christian began, “When I was in Romania, my father and mother worked very hard to send my brother and me to a Christian school. Our parents worked very hard to keep sending us money for school fees and meals. One day we were walking to the church and we heard loud music from a big tent pitched on the side and there was a circus going on.” As he was tossing a coin as an offering to the church, he wondered how much the entrance fee was for the circus, and it was exactly the amount of the coin. He said he would go in and see it. His little brother said he could not do that. But he said to the little brother to go to church and not to tell their parents about this. It was a secret. He went in to the circus and was enjoying it. After about 30 minutes he thought he heard somebody calling his name, and looking around he saw his mother’s face at the entrance, waving her hand trying to get his attention. He acted like he did not hear and turned around and kept on watching the circus. His mother did not stop calling his name. So he stood up and ran out angry and shouted that he was in the middle of having fun. “Why did you have to come and bother me so much?” He was angry because he was guilty, but then there were his father and mother with smiles on their faces. They said they came all the way on their wagon to see him and his brother. “We spent many hours to travel to see you, and we are so glad to see you. We have done our best; do you need any more money? We wish we could send you more money. Are your shoes okay? Do you have enough clothes? We went to the church and could not find you. That is why we came, because we wanted to see your face.” He could not do anything—he just stood frozen. Then as his parents began to depart on the wagon and as they were turning at the corner, they kept waving at their son as long as they could see him, yelling that they loved him.

As they went around the corner, he said he stood on the ground and said, “God, if you are that kind of loving person like my parents, I am willing to follow You.” He became a true Christian from that day on.

Jesus Christ is coming very soon and we need to be reflecting His true character. If you have ever forced your religion upon others, not by discussing or appealing but forcing, because of your lack of Christ-like character, you need to repent.

We thank God for His loving character and His longsuffering toward us and His willingness to wait for us.

Pastor David Kang is Director of Light for Life Ministry operating out of Georgia, U.S.A. His sermons are broadcast weekly on New York and Virginia Korean television stations. Pastor Kang also frequently travels to Asia where he trains pastors. Pastor Kang may be contacted by telephone at: 706-377-1004.

The Two Suppers

The book of Revelation is a book of many contrasts. We read of two women—one standing on the moon clothed with the sun, while the other one is decked with gold and jewelry. Two great cities are mentioned—the Holy Jerusalem and one that sits on seven hills. There are also two suppers contrasted, and everyone who has ever lived will sit at the banquet table of either one or the other. However, it is the second supper at which you will want to be a guest.

John, in Revelation 19:11, says, “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war.” This is Jesus when He comes with all the “armies of heaven” (verse 14) in power and great glory. “I saw an angel standing in the sun … saying to all the fowls … Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God.” Verse 17. Those who are part of this supper actually become the meal of carrion for the birds.

“Ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men. … I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse. … And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire … . And the remnant were slain … and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.” Verses 18–21. This supper is the beast and the false prophet and those who worship the image—not a feast you want to be part of!

Jesus warned that false christs would arise showing great signs and wonders to deceive but not to go there and not to believe it, for wherever the carcass is so will the eagles be gathered together (Matthew 24:24–28). Birds are going to feast on all who are in opposition to God and rebel against Him. This is earth’s final battle, the second coming of Jesus, which is often called the battle of Armageddon.

There are many people who do not believe that there is going to be a last day on this earth. It is hard to imagine, when every day we go about our usual routine of getting up, having breakfast, getting our car filled with gas before going to work, then coming home again and having supper. But that will all be over when Jesus comes and welcomes His guests into the marriage supper of the Lamb. The only way to get beyond that last day and that final battle is to be part of the wedding supper. If you are ever discouraged, thinking you may not be at that banquet, there is much hope in God’s word. It may be impossible with man, but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).

John contrasts these two suppers when in vision he sees birds eating the flesh of the rebellious people, and then he sees another supper happening.

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. … These are the true sayings of God.” Verses 7–9.

These suppers are going to come to pass whether we like it or not, and it is not hard to think which supper we would like to attend. To be served at the marriage supper of the Lamb is the better choice over being food for birds. You cannot be part of the marriage supper unless you have been invited to the marriage. No one goes to the reception of a wedding unless they know the bride or groom and have been invited. Weddings are exciting events, as is this wedding that we are told to rejoice and give honor to Him.

John draws an illustration of the Eastern marriage to understand the wedding of the Lamb. A marriage of the East had four parts to it:

  • a betrothal—This was much more solemn than the western engagement and was more like a covenant. When the couple became betrothed, marriage was a certainty. It was a commitment, a covenant between two people.
  • payment—A dowry was paid.
  • the marriage—This included the consummation.
  • the marriage supper.

The Betrothal

Speaking through Hosea the prophet, God made a covenant, a commitment to His people, and said, “I will betroth thee unto Me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto Me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the Lord.” Hosea 2:19, 20.

Let me ask you something: If God is going to make a covenant with us, a betrothal, what has to happen on our part? We have to agree! When I proposed to my wife, she had to agree. If she said yes, she was agreeing that I was going to marry her. If God betroths me forever, then I must agree to the marriage.

God is willing to do anything it takes to get me to agree with Him. He says, “I will betroth thee in righteousness, judgment, loving kindness, mercy and faithfulness.” He shows all of these things to promise His faithfulness. There is nothing He would not do to get us to agree to this engagement, this betrothal, this covenant.

Why then do we hesitate, and why so easily be swayed by sin and the devil? God wants us to get to a point where we will say, “Yes Lord, I want to fall in love with You.” He shows us His kindness, His judgment, His mercy, His righteousness so we can see that we want to fall in love with Him. If love is taken out of a marriage, the joy has gone. I may have the paper to say that I am married, but my marriage will be miserable. God shows His faithfulness so it will attract us to Him.

It was a very expensive experiment to get human beings to agree to this covenant. “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.” II Corinthians 5:19. What has separated us from God? Sin! So, in order to get us back together into a betrothal or agreement, Jesus had to come and reconcile us. Our “sins have hid His face” (Isaiah 59:2) from us. Jesus’ whole purpose for coming to this earth was to reconcile us, to get us back together into a relationship with His Father.

God went to great lengths to link heaven and earth again. This whole world has been quarantined, cut off from heaven and from the rest of the unfallen worlds. Through Christ, a link has now been provided to connect heaven and earth. Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.” John 12:32. This text explained the way Christ was going to die; He would be lifted up on a cross and by that, the world would be drawn to Him. Imagine what Christ had to go through to get us interested in Him. Just so we could have an agreement together and say, “Yes, I love you Lord,” Jesus had to be lifted up; He had to die on the cruel cross so that we could be betrothed in righteousness, in loving kindness, in faithfulness.

Jesus demonstrated His love for mankind. The Bible says that none of us love God first; none of us would even seek after Him, but we would just all go our own way (Romans 3:11). To get us to notice Him and to draw our attention, He had to be lifted up and die on the cross, all of this to show how much He loves us. In turn, this would start the process of a betrothal, and we would start being drawn to Christ with a desire to be with Him, connected to Him, linked with Him and reconciled to Him.

The Payment

“For ye are bought with a price.” I Corinthians 6:20. Whether we like it or not, we could be a total atheist, but we have been bought.

“God has purchased the will, the affections, the mind, the soul, of every human being. Whether believers or unbelievers, all men are the Lord’s property. All are called to do service for Him, and for the manner in which they have met this claim, all will be required to render an account at the great judgment day.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 326. What have you done with the property that Christ has bought? What a dowry this is!

Genesis 24 and 25 describes the marriage of Isaac. When Abraham sent his trusted servant Eliezer to his father’s home, he knew that the Lord would guide him to just the right woman for his master’s son, Isaac. A specific prayer was made, and minutes later Rebecca came and watered all of the camels. He did not tell her why he was there, but she took him to her father’s house to meet the family. The family wanted to sit down and eat, but Eliezer refused to eat until he revealed his business. The very first thing that he told Nahor was that God had greatly blessed Abraham with gold and silver and manservants and maidservants, donkeys and camels among other things.

Why would this be the first thing that he mentioned to Nahor? In a marriage, if a man does not know how to care for a woman, he should not get married. Eliezer wanted to establish the fact right off that Isaac was able to take care of Rebecca financially. Before he left Abraham, he had loaded up the camels with all kinds of gold and silver and costly arraignment, and he gave these to the family as the dowry. God also has something spiritual for the dowry that secures His marriage and gives us as a guarantee that we will be ready for the marriage.

The apostle Paul said, “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth (Christ), the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest [the down payment] of our inheritance [God has paid the dowry. In other Bible versions it is called a deposit or guarantee] until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory.” Ephesians 1:13, 14.

The Holy Spirit that He puts in our hearts is a guarantee, a deposit, a dowry that Jesus gives to secure that the marriage happens. But there is a condition. A warning is given to “Grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30. The Spirit is given as a guarantee that we will be sealed as long as we do not grieve away the Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit convinces of sin, of righteousness and judgment. How can we grieve the spirit of God? First of all, the Spirit convinces us of Christ. “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth.” John 16:13. If we obey the Spirit of God, it is a guarantee that we will be ready for the marriage. If we have fellowship with the Spirit and are convinced that some sin in our lives needs to go, and we continue to procrastinate and fight against it because we want our own way, we are in danger of grieving the Spirit. Remember what God has bought—our wills, our souls, our minds, our affections. If we fight against what God has purchased, we will render an account on the Day of Judgment. If we stay in the truth we will not grieve the Spirit of God away.

The Marriage

This is perhaps the most important part, for this is the big day. The engagement is exciting, but the marriage is even more exciting. To illustrate this, let us look at the story of Ruth and Boaz. In Ruth 3, Ruth’s mother-in-law, Naomi, instructs her how to get married. It was the time of harvest, and Boaz, to protect his harvest from theft, slept with the grain. Ruth was told to wait until after Boaz had eaten and fallen asleep and then to go in to him, lie at his feet and uncover them. Boaz woke up in the middle of the night and saw someone at his feet. Ruth identified herself and said something like, I want to be your handmaid. Boaz told her that she had been very kind to him, and more kind than she had been at the first. Then he took his cloak and put it over her signaling that he wanted to marry her.

In Ezekiel 16:8, God says, “Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold, thy time was the time of love; [notice what He does] and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness: yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord God, and thou becamest mine.” Just like Boaz, He put that covering over her and said, You are now Mine. The marriage has to do with a covering, with what you and I are clothed.

Jesus, speaking a parable, told the story of a marriage. “The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son.” Matthew 22:2. The king here spoken of is God and the Son is Jesus. The steps of betrothal and then a dowry would have to be made and then comes the marriage, which is referred to in verse 9.

The verses in between tell of the people who were not ready and did not want to come to the marriage. “Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests. And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment.” Verses 9–11.

This was an uninvited guest. Everybody who came to this marriage was provided clothing to wear so that they would all know who was a part of the marriage and who was not. There was no excuse; the clothing was provided by the king. He asked the intruder how he could be in there without the wedding garment, but the man was speechless (verses 11, 12). “Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Verse 13.

Do you think it is important that we are part of the marriage? It is a life and death issue. The only sure way to be part of the wedding is to wear the proper attire, the wedding garment that is provided by the king. No one clothed in common citizen dress will be allowed into the feast.

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed [or clothed] in fine linen, clean and white.” Revelation 19:7, 8. What is that clean linen that is pure and white? The righteousness of saints. But we have no righteousness of our own, so where do the saints get a spotless, pure, bright robe? It is a gift from Jesus; it is His righteousness. “Only the covering which Christ Himself has provided can make us meet to appear in God’s presence.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 311. How many coverings are there? Only one!

Adam and Eve tried to clothe themselves with fig leaves sewn together, works of their own hands (Genesis 3:7), but it wasn’t enough. We cannot be clothed in our own righteousness. “This covering, the robe of His own righteousness, Christ will put upon every repenting, believing soul.” Ibid. One must ask himself or herself, Have I repented from every known sin and am I searching my own heart and allowing God to search my heart to see if there is anything else in me that I need to repent? If that is the case and you believe in Christ, you are going to receive that covering. He is going to spread His skirt over you and say, “You are Mine.”

This robe woven in the loom of heaven has in it not one thread of human devising. Too often we try to weave in our own devisings, but there is only one way to be saved. Peter said it; Jesus said it; all the Bible writers said it in different ways, but there is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6.

It is that simple. If you try to devise some way yourself and weave it into the robe, it will ruin the character, that symbolic robe that Christ wants to cover us with, His own righteousness.

Christ in His humanity wrought out a perfect character and this character He offers to impart to us. “By His perfect obedience He has made it possible for every human being to obey God’s commandments. When we submit ourselves to Christ, the heart is united with His heart, the will is merged in His will, the mind becomes one with His mind, the thoughts are brought into captivity to Him; we live His life. This is what it means to be clothed with the garment of His righteousness.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 312.

Christ is not going to cover any one of us unless we render perfect obedience to Him. Pictures have been portrayed of people in filthy garments with another covering of Christ’s righteousness over that filthy garment. No way! Zechariah 3:4 says that the filthy garments have to be taken away before being clothed with the new garment. Any human devising weaved into the character will ruin it and will not stand the inspection.

Remember, the king came into the feast to inspect those who were part of the marriage ceremony and to see if they had on the wedding garment that he had provided. Those who did not were bound hand and foot and cast out into darkness. That inspection of the guests is called the investigative judgment, when the characters of the guests are examined to see who is wearing Christ’s robe of righteousness. The inspecting eye of Jehovah will not miss one thing. He is the unerring judge.

Omnipotence is a word that is given only to God, and it is a word that means all powerful. There is no limit to what God can do in our lives. What is impossible with men is possible with God.

The Marriage Supper

“Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when He will return from the wedding.” Luke 12:35, 36. The marriage is taking place now, and that inspection is taking place in heaven right now.

How do you think you will hold up in the inspection? The only thing you can do is to surrender your will completely and wholly to the Lord. That’s it! We have to do what God asks us to do. When you surrender your will, you must put it into action, do what God asks you to do, give up what He asks you to give up. Then, “when He cometh and knocketh, they may open unto Him immediately. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he [Christ] shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat [eat], and will come forth and serve them.” Verses 36, 37.

What a day that will be! All of our trials will be over when we sit down at that table. This is exactly what Jesus did at that Thursday evening meeting in the upper room when He washed the disciple’s feet and they partook of bread and grape juice. This is what He is waiting for. He said, in Mark 14:25, “I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God”—the marriage supper of the Lamb.

We will all join around a table that will be miles in length, and seated at that table will be the saints from every generation. I hope you are reserving a seat today. You have got to be a part of that celebration, and you will have the privilege of Jesus serving you. You must be clothed with His righteousness and pass the inspecting eye of Jehovah in the investigative judgment.

Many of us may be at different points in our Christian walk; we may be at different stages. Some may still be at the betrothal stage where Jesus will draw them into a relationship with Him. There may be some who have gone beyond that, recognizing the purchased possession on our behalf through the death of Jesus, and surrendered all to Him, but all of us, for sure, are in the third stage of the investigative judgment and are being inspected. Life and death issues are at stake. I want to be ready for the marriage supper so I am not served up as part of the feast for the birds. How about you?

Pastor Mike Bauler serves as pastor of the Historic Message Church in Portland, Oregon. He may be contacted by e-mail at:

When God’s People Will Be Sealed

Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews. Rumors had reached him of the new miracle-working teacher and his interest was stirred, so he sought out Jesus under the cover of night. He said to Jesus, “ ‘Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.’ Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ ” John 3:2, 3. Nicodemus became a little sarcastic, so Jesus made His point more emphatic: “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” Verse 5.

If you have been born again and received the Holy Spirit into your life, eternal life has already begun for you. Every other gift that God wants to give to you comes through the gift of the Holy Spirit. In The Desire of Ages, 388, it says, “It is through the Spirit that Christ dwells in us; and the Spirit of God, received into the heart by faith, is the beginning of the life eternal.” If the Holy Spirit is not in you, eternal life has not yet begun for you and never will begin, until the Holy Spirit comes into your life.

Amazing things happen when you receive the Holy Spirit. “In describing to His disciples the office work of the Holy Spirit, Jesus sought to inspire them with the joy and hope that inspired His own heart. He rejoiced because of the abundant help He had provided for His church. The Holy Spirit was the highest of all gifts that He could solicit from His Father for the exaltation of His people. The Spirit was to be given as a regenerating [to bring something back to life] agent, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail.” Ibid., 671.

Without receiving the Holy Spirit, the sacrifice of Jesus will be of no avail to you.

“The power of evil had been strengthening for centuries, and the submission of men to this satanic captivity was amazing. Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power. It is the Spirit that makes effectual what has been wrought out by the world’s Redeemer. It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given His Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress His own character upon His church.” Ibid.

Whatever inherited tendency to evil you struggle with, if you receive the Holy Spirit you can overcome all inherited and cultivated tendencies to evil. Isn’t that exciting news? You are not stuck if you receive the Holy Spirit.

It is amazing how much the apostles dwelt upon this subject. If you go through the different letters and books of the New Testament, you will find them making some reference or statement in regard to the Holy Spirit over and over again. Let’s look at several:

“But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” Romans 8:11–16.

It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we put to death the deeds of the body and overcome sin. We cannot do it by ourselves. None can overcome unless they receive the Holy Spirit.

Paul had a lengthy discussion about the Holy Spirit to the church in Corinth: “But as it is written, ‘Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’ But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so, no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” I Corinthians 2:9–14.

In I Corinthians chapters 12, 13 and 14, the apostle Paul has three chapters devoted to a discussion of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and the things the Spirit wants to do in each person. He makes it very clear in I Corinthians 12:4 and 7 that every Christian is to receive the Holy Spirit.

Paul teaches that it is through the Holy Spirit that we are sealed. A special seal is placed on all those who live to see Jesus come again. This is described in Revelation 7 and 14. “Who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.” II Corinthians 1:22. It is the evidence that you have eternal life. Paul says the same in Ephesians 1:13: “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in Whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.” The Holy Spirit is the seal, the guarantee, the down payment, the assurance that you are going to have eternal life. Without the Holy Spirit you have no assurance.

In talking of the Holy Spirit, Paul also mentions the danger of some who will receive the wrong spirit. He said, “But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!” II Corinthians 11:3, 4.

There is going to be a great deception at the end of the world. The whole world will feel and believe that they have received the Holy Spirit. Jesus said this was going to happen: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ ” Matthew 7:21, 22. Notice how these people prophesy. They really believe they have received the Holy Spirit, which tells them that they prophesy through the Spirit. The problem is, the spirit under which these people prophesy is not the Holy Spirit, but a different spirit.

Sadly, Jesus explains, “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ ” Verse 23. All who receive the Holy Spirit into their lives will be led to keep the law of God, and if the spirit you have received is not leading you to keep the law of God, it is a spurious spirit.

There are two supernatural spirits contending to take control of the world. In the last ten chapters of the book of Revelation it is very clear that in the last days almost the whole world will be following the wrong spirit. It is critical to ask yourself the question, Is the spirit that I have received leading me to keep the law of God or not?

To the many different churches, Paul wrote over and over again about the Holy Spirit in his letters. He told the Galatians about the Holy Spirit: “I say then: walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” Galatians 5:16–18. This is misinterpreted as meaning the law no longer has to be kept. But what Paul says here is that if the Spirit is leading, you will keep the law and not be under its condemnation.

He told them, “Do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation.” Ephesians 5:18. It is almost impossible to translate with one English word. It means that a person is so debauched, or so defiled or ruined, that there is no hope for them anymore. It is a very strong word, one without an exact equivalent in the English language. Paul says, “Don’t be drunk with wine” [that is, utter moral depravity], but rather “be filled with the Spirit” (verse 18, last part).

To the Thessalonian church he wrote, “For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake.” I Thessalonians 1:5. The gospel that Paul preached was with the power of the Holy Spirit.

He further said, “Do not quench the Spirit.” I Thessalonians 5:19. So it is possible to quench the Spirit. Ellen White confirms this: “When the early church became corrupted by departing from the simplicity of the gospel and accepting heathen rites and customs, she lost the Spirit and power of God.” The Great Controversy, 443. Once they had lost the Spirit and found they had no power, they sought the power of the state to control the people.

Anytime the church seeks the power of the state to enforce their will on their own people or on others, you can know for sure that it has lost the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit governs the church, that church will not need the power of the state to enforce its will, because the people will be under conviction and do God’s will without force. They won’t need it. The apostles did not need it. After Paul describes the great apostasy that is coming, he then says, “But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.” II Thessalonians 2:13.

Notice that salvation comes through the Holy Spirit. Sanctification comes through the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament the Holy Spirit acknowledges that there are other spirits that are not holy. “Now the Spirit [the Holy Spirit] expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.” I Timothy 4:1. That has already happened, and it is not over yet. Look at what Paul said: “That good thing which was committed to you, keep by the Holy Spirit Who dwells in us.” II Timothy 1:14. Remember, every command in the Bible is a promise.

God never gives a command without making the way possible to fulfill that very command in your life. This is a wonderful promise. Writing to Timothy, Paul tells him that he has received certain knowledge of truth and spiritual blessings through the power of the Holy Spirit and to keep what he has received. There are a lot of Christians today who do not keep what they have received, and they are losing it. It is important that when you have received spiritual truth and knowledge that you don’t lose it, that you keep it.

One way people lose the blessings that God has given to them is to understand truth, but fail to implement that truth into their lives. There is a saying that if you don’t use it, then you will soon lose it!

“Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.” I John 3:24.

Jesus Christ wrote to the seven churches and to each it is said, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelation 2:7. In Revelation 22:17 we read: “And the Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”

The Spirit of God says to the people of this world, “Come!” We live in a world where often there are signs that say, “Stay Out” or “Do Not Enter.” We build all kinds of fences and barricades and lock our doors to keep people away from us. But God, the sovereign of heaven, through the Holy Spirit, at the very end of the Bible says to the inhabitants of this world, “Come!” He loves us and wants us to abide with Him.

Are you willing to do whatever you need to do so you can receive the Holy Spirit? Paul says, “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit.” Ephesians 4:30. It is by the Holy Spirit that we are to be “sealed for the day of redemption” (verse 30, last part), so it is necessary to know how not to cause this grief.

We are told that, “The willful commission of a known sin silences the witnessing voice of the Spirit and separates the soul from God. Jesus cannot abide in the heart that disregards the divine law. God will honor those only who honor Him.” The Signs of the Times, June 19, 1884.

There will be many who say to Jesus, “Well, I had the Spirit; I was working miracles, and I was prophesying, and I was casting out demons in Your name.” Jesus will say, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”

A while ago I knew of a lady who was into the New Age movement. She was not married to the man with whom she lived. Somehow they were induced to go to a Christian meeting. It was not a Seventh-day Adventist meeting, and when the preacher made an altar call inviting the audience to surrender their lives to Jesus and follow Him and have eternal life, this couple went forward and made a commitment to follow Christ. Putting aside their New Age ideas, they gave their hearts to the Lord. Now, they were Christians! They were both given Bibles, and that night when they got in bed, before they went to sleep, the lady opened her new Bible to read something. The first text she opened was about not committing adultery. Immediately she slammed it shut.

Later she told the story: “I couldn’t open the Bible any day without it telling me something was wrong with committing adultery, or being in fornication, and living in sin.” Each time the same thing happened, and it was evident that the Holy Spirit was working on her heart. She decided to go all the way with Jesus. Unfortunately, her partner was not under the same commitment, and their relationship ended. It was the Holy Spirit that convicted her to quit her former life of adultery and be filled with the Spirit.

If there is some sin in your life that you are tightly holding on to, it will prevent you from receiving God’s precious gift, His Spirit. Be willing to let it loose and get away from it today, before the voice is silenced forever.

A mother was counseled, “Constant faultfinding is wrong, and the Spirit of Christ cannot abide in the heart where it exists.” The Adventist Home, 272. Constant faultfinding is wrong.

A physician was counseled. “We are not to allow our perplexities and disappointments to eat into our souls and make us fretful and impatient. Let there be no strife, no evil thinking or evil-speaking, lest we offend God. My brother, if you open your heart to envy and evil surmising, the Holy Spirit cannot abide with you.” Counsels for the Church, 175.

Paul told the church in Corinth that they could not have fellowship with both God and the devil; they must choose. “Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons.” I Corinthians 10:20, 21.

“I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.’ ” Revelation 18:4. God separates His people from sin and sinners to protect them from the plagues that will fall at the end of time. The Holy Spirit will not abide with sin, period. Sin must be gotten rid of both in the life of the Christian and also the church to have the presence of Christ.

“We are bidden of God to hold ourselves separate and distinct from these men who have not given heed to His warnings.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, 196. We are to be a separate and distinct people.

Every soul who, in the light now shining on their pathway, continues in sin will be blinded and will accept Satan’s delusions. Paul taught this in II Thessalonians 2:1–12.

Personal religious experience is needed in every church. We have the assurance that in this age of the world the Holy Spirit will work with mighty power unless, by our unbelief, we limit our blessings and thus lose the advantage we might obtain. “Unless the revival of the Spirit of God shall come, all their profession will never make the members of the church Christians. There are sinners in Zion who need to repent of sins that have been cherished as precious treasures. Until these sins are seen and thrust from the soul, until every faulty, unlovely trait of character is transformed by the Spirit’s influence, God cannot manifest Himself in power.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 1, 366.

God wants to give His Holy Spirit to His people. And we are going to receive it just as soon as we are in a condition to receive it.

“There is more hope for the open sinner than for the professedly righteous who are not pure, holy, and undefiled. …

“The spiritual anointing of the Lord will never come to self-sufficient men and women. … You will certainly be weighed in the golden scales of the heavenly sanctuary and be found wanting.” Ibid., vol. 1, 366, 367.

“What kind of witnesses are we for truth and righteousness? Are we striving with all our God-given powers to reach the measure of the stature of men and women in Christ? Are we seeking for His fullness, ever reaching higher and higher, trying to attain to the perfection of His character?

“When God’s servants reach this point, they will be sealed in their foreheads. The recording angel will declare, ‘It is done.’ ” Ibid., vol. 1, 370. Would you like to be in that group of people?

When that happens, it will not be generations until Jesus comes; it will be right around the corner. Jesus wants to come more than you want Him to come. We talk about being disappointed because the Lord hasn’t come. Jesus Christ is the One Who is disappointed. He has the power to raise all the dead in the cemeteries, but He delays till His people are ready.

“Satan is working that the history of the Jewish nation may be repeated in the experience of those who claim to believe present truth.” Ibid., vol. 17, 13. Whether he will succeed depends on the choices that you and I are making today.

“The great burden of every soul should be, Is my heart renewed? Is my soul transformed? Are my sins pardoned through faith in Christ? Have I been born again? Am I complying with the invitation, ‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest [Matthew 11:28]?’ ” Ibid. vol. 17, 23.

Ask yourself, Have I received the Holy Spirit, or am I just pretending religion? Without the Holy Spirit, all religion is a pretense and worth nothing.

“Sin is degrading, and there is no place for it in heaven.” Ibid., vol. 16, 274. All the trouble we have in this world is because of sin. Ellen White wrote a letter August 13, 1900. It says, “As the last conflict with Satan will be the most decisive, the most deceptive and terrible that has ever been, so also will his overthrow be the most complete.” Ibid., vol. 10, 317.

My mother used to tell me over and over again that the path of truth and the path of error is going to be so close together that you will not be able to tell the difference without the Holy Spirit.

After quoting Revelation 18:1–8, Ellen White said, “This terrible picture drawn by John to show how completely the powers of earth will give themselves over to evil, should show those who have received the truth how dangerous it is to link up with secret societies or to join themselves in any way with those who do not keep God’s commandments.” Ibid., vol. 14, 152.

Are you willing to forsake your sins so you can receive the Holy Spirit?

(Unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, Bible texts are from the New King James Version.)

Pastor John J. Grosboll is Director of Steps to Life and pastors the Prairie Meadows Free Seventh-day Adventist Church in Wichita, Kansas. He may be contacted by email at:, or by telephone at: 316-788-5559.

Editorial – Harmony

The Bible says that in the last days men will be proud and selfish (II Timothy 3:2). This results in strife and contention in the family, in the church and in God’s institutions. Contention comes by pride (Proverbs 13:10; 28:25). Disrespect results in contention (Proverbs 22:10) and the talebearer and the passionate man also engender strife and division (Proverbs 15:18; 26:20, 21; 29:22; 30:33).

Although we are saved as individuals (Ezekiel 14:20), nobody will be saved who cannot get along with others. This should give us cause for alarm. Are you really going to heaven?

“How long a time are you designing to take to prepare to be introduced into the society of heavenly angels in glory? In the state which you and your family are in at present, all heaven would be marred should you be introduced therein. The work for you must be done here. This earth is the fitting-up place. You have not one moment to lose. All is harmony, peace, and love in heaven. No discord, no strife, no censuring, no unloving words, no clouded brows, no jars there; and no one will be introduced there who possesses any of these elements so destructive to peace and happiness. …

“Forever cease your murmurings in regard to this poor life, but let your soul’s burden be, how to secure the better life than this, a title to the mansions prepared for those who are true and faithful to the end. If you make a mistake here, everything is lost. If you devote your lifetime to securing earthly treasures, and lose the heavenly, you will find that you have made a terrible mistake. You cannot have both worlds. …

“These trials of life are God’s workmen to remove the impurities, infirmities, and roughness from our characters, and fit us for the society of pure, heavenly angels in glory. But as we pass through these trials, as the fires of affliction kindle upon us, we must not keep the eye on the fire which is seen, but let the eye of faith fasten upon the things unseen, the eternal inheritance, the immortal life, the eternal weight of glory; and while we do this the fire will not consume us, but only remove the dross, and we shall come forth seven times purified, bearing the impress of the Divine.” Testimonies, vol. 1, 705–707.

When we are ready for heaven we will have harmony in the home, in the church and in the workplace with every other Christian who is also ready but right now, “Conversation has been protracted for hours between the parties concerned, and not only has their time been wasted, but the servants of God are held to listen to them, when the hearts of both parties are unsubdued by grace. If pride and selfishness were laid aside, five minutes would remove most difficulties. Angels have been grieved and God displeased by the hours which have been spent in justifying self.” Early Writings, 119.