Food – Eat Right, Live Longer

Have you wondered if health care is worth it? Concensus of most modern medical men is that you should exercise, keep your weight down, avoid smoking cigarettes.

An increasing number of physicians are recommending against alcohol, high-cholesterol meats and white-flour bread.

These recommendations are based on “the latest medical knowledge” though I can show you the same prescription for health in a book that’s a hundred years old.

Ellen White authored that book. To this day Seventh-day Adventists accept her criteria. Since she has been proved right about so many things, perhaps we should examine what else she said.

The benefits of Ellen White’s teachings are now measurable.

There are 57,000 Adventists living in California. Recently the “dead ones” were “interviewed.”

The State of California, the United States Public Health Service, and the Adventist Church, Pacific Union Conference, analyzed available death certificates of all Adventists who had died over a five-year period.

98.8 percent of all such certificates were traceable. Judging from these records, Seventh-day Adventists have a life expectancy five to six years greater than other Californians.

70 percent fewer Adventists die from all types of cancer, 68 percent fewer from respiratory diseases, 88 percent fewer from TB and 85 percent fewer from pulmonary emphysema.

Among all Adventists there had been only nine cases of cancer of the lung and, further research revealed, each of these had at some time been a smoker.

Adventists have 46 percent less strokes, 60 percent less heart disease.

About 50 percent of Adventists are vegetarians. A new study has been launched by Drs. Richard Walden and Raymond West, of Loma Linda University, to compile comparative health figures for meat-eaters.

Perhaps a by-product of Adventist abstinence from alcohol is the finding that they have only about one-third (35 percent) as many accidents.

It has tended to reaffirm the faith of the faithful to discover that the most advanced scientific findings support what was written and taught by this amazing little lady, Ellen White, more than a hundred years ago.

If future scientific findings continue to support hers, let’s see what tomorrow’s doctors will be prescribing:

Ellen White advised against overeating, also against crash dieting. “I advocate no extremes.”

Whole-wheat bread, not white. Minimal sweets. “Sugar is not good for the stomach.”

She recommends grains, vegetables, fruits—especially apples. “Apples are superior to any fruit.”

She recommends against meat, coffee and tea.

And sorry, “no hot biscuits.”

If some of her recommendations sound extreme, imagine how they all must have sounded in 1863. Yet modern science continues more and more to say, “She was right!”

Paul Harvey News, March 1969.

Health – Defiled Meat/Diseased Meat

Daniel purposed in his heart not to eat defiled meat. Have you purposed just as resolutely in your heart that you will refrain from eating diseased, meat? If you have, you will be sure not to eat any meat at all; for with the alarming increase of disease among cattle at the present time, you can never be sure that you are eating perfectly healthy meat, even if such a thing now exists. The true Christian never strives to see how near he can get to the danger line, but rather how far he can keep away from it.

The God of Daniel inspired him to take a definite stand upon this question. Are you allowing God to inspire a similar definite purpose in your heart with reference to the diet question, or have you sometimes thought it had no bearing upon your physical or moral nature? Again and again during the last few months I have had the opportunity personally to observe the moral effect of a flesh diet upon men and women who were seeking to rise to a higher level. They would struggle to give up the habits of drink and other evils, and fall again and again; but when they came to the point where they purposed in their hearts to adopt the simple diet of Daniel, then God seemed at once to give them power to rise above the other things.

Not only in this sense, but in an economical sense, those who use flesh foods are spending their money for that which is not bread. A pound of meat contains only a quarter of a pound of food, the remainder being water; while either a pound of peas, beans, or lentils, actually contains more of the very same food elements of which meat is composed, and a large part of the remainder of the pound is made up of useful food substances. The same is practically true of grains, only they do not contain so much of the particular food element of which meat is largely composed. A pound of flesh food costs three times as much as a pound of any of these legumes, yet it contains less than a third as much food, and it has ten times more poisonous substances, which is, after all, the most expensive part; for it wears out human energy to dispose of this. Add to all this the fact that disease is likely to be lurking in the meat, and then we certainly ought to purpose in our hearts not to spend our money for that which is not bread.

The Review and Herald, November 28, 1899.

Current Events – Cancer and Meat Eating

World Health Organization

Press Release No. 240

Lyon, France, 26 October 2015 – The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, has evaluated the carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat and processed meat.

Red meat

After thoroughly reviewing the accumulated scientific literature, a Working Group of 22 experts from 10 countries convened by the lARC Monographs Programme classified the consumption of red meat as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A), based on limited evidence that the consumption of red meat causes cancer in humans and strong mechanistic evidence supporting a carcinogenic effect.

This association was observed mainly for colorectal cancer, but associations were also seen for pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer.

Processed meat

Processed meat was classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence in humans that the consumption of processed meat causes colorectal cancer.

Meat consumption and its effects

The consumption of meat varies greatly between countries, with from a few percent up to 100% of people eating red meat, depending on the country, and somewhat lower proportions eating processed meat.

The experts concluded that each 50 gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%.

“For an individual, the risk of developing colorectal cancer because of their consumption of processed meat remains small, but this risk increases with the amount of meat consumed,” says Dr Kurt Straif, Head of the lARC Monographs Programme. “In view of the large number of people who consume processed meat, the global impact on cancer incidence is of public health importance.”

The lARC Working Group considered more than 800 studies that investigated associations of more than a dozen types of cancer with the consumption of red meat or processed meat in many countries and populations with diverse diets. The most influential evidence came from large prospective cohort studies conducted over the past 20 years.

Public health

“These findings further support current public health recommendations to limit intake of meat,” says Dr Christopher Wild, Director of lARC. “At the same time, red meat has nutritional value. Therefore, these results are important in enabling governments and international regulatory agencies to conduct risk assessments, in order to balance the risks and benefits of eating red meat and processed meat and to provide the best possible dietary recommendations.”

This should not come as a surprise to Seventh-day Adventists who for 150 years have been warned of the dangers of eating flesh meats.

“Flesh meats constitute the principle article of food upon the tables of some families, until their blood is filled with cancerous and scrofulous humors. Testimonies, vol. 3, 563 (1875).

“From the light God has given me, the prevalence of cancer and tumors is largely due to gross living on dead flesh.” Councils on Diet and Foods, 388 (1896).

“People are continually eating flesh that is filled with tuberculosis and cancerous germs. Tuberculosis, cancer, and other fatal diseases are thus communicated.” Ibid (1905).

“Cancers, tumors, and pulmonary diseases are largely caused by meat eating.” The Review and Herald, March 3, 1910.

Health – Dangers in Processed Meats

Many have been following all updated studies on the danger of meat eating. There have been many little warnings along the way. These warnings are getting stronger for God’s people to awake to the dangers of eating flesh meats. In the following report the experts concluded that each 50 gram [2 oz.] portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. Consumption of processed meat is also linked with pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer. This should be of interest to all. This information comes from the International Agency for Research on Cancer – World Health Organization, Press Release – October 26, 2015.

Lyon, France, 26 October 2015 – The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, has evaluated the carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat and processed meat.

Red meat

After thoroughly reviewing the accumulated scientific literature, a Working Group of 22 experts from 10 countries convened by the IARC Monographs Programme classified the consumption of red meat as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A), based on limited evidence that the consumption of red meat causes cancer in humans and strong mechanistic evidence supporting a carcinogenic effect.

This association was observed mainly for colorectal cancer, but associations were also seen for pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer.

Processed meat

Processed meat was classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence in humans that the consumption of processed meat causes colorectal cancer.

Meat consumption and its effects

The consumption of meat varies greatly between countries, with from a few percent up to 100% of people eating red meat, depending on the country, and somewhat lower proportions eating processed meat.

The experts concluded that each 50 gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%.

“For an individual, the risk of developing colorectal cancer because of their consumption of processed meat remains small, but this risk increases with the amount of meat consumed,” says Dr Kurt Straif, Head of the IARC Monographs Programme. “In view of the large number of people who consume processed meat, the global impact on cancer incidence is of public health importance.”

The IARC Working Group considered more than 800 studies that investigated associations of more than a dozen types of cancer with the consumption of red meat or processed meat in many countries and populations with diverse diets. The most influential evidence came from large prospective cohort studies conducted over the past 20 years.

Public health

“These findings further support current public health recommendations to limit intake of meat,” says Dr Christopher Wild, Director of IARC. “At the same time, red meat has nutritional value. Therefore, these results are important in enabling governments and international regulatory agencies to conduct risk assessments, in order to balance the risks and benefits of eating red meat and processed meat and to provide the best possible dietary recommendations.”

IARC Monographs evaluate consumption of red meat and processed meat …

Red meat refers to all types of mammalian muscle meat, such as beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, horse, and goat.

Processed meat refers to meat that has been transformed through salting, curing, fermentation, smoking, or other processes to enhance flavor or improve preservation. Most processed meats contain pork or beef, but processed meats may also contain other red meats, poultry, offal, or meat by-products such as blood.

Examples of processed meat include hot dogs (frankfurters), ham, sausages, corned beef, and biltong or beef jerky as well as canned meat and meat-based preparations and sauces.

A summary of the final evaluations is available online in The Lancet Oncology, and the detailed assessments will be published as Volume 114 of the IARC Monographs. [All emphasis added.]

“Health reform is to do among our people a work which it has not yet done. There are those who ought to be awake to the danger of meat eating, who are still eating the flesh of animals, thus endangering the physical, mental, and spiritual health.” Counsels on Health, 575.


In the winter of 1864, my Willie was suddenly and violently brought down with lung fever*. We had just buried our oldest son with this disease, and were very anxious in regard to Willie, fearing that he, too, might die. We decided that we would not send for a physician, but do the best we could with him ourselves by the use of water, and entreat the Lord in behalf of the child. We called in a few who had faith to unite their prayers with ours. We had a sweet assurance of God’s presence and blessing.

The next day Willie was very sick. He was wandering. He did not seem to see or hear me when I spoke to him. His heart had no regular beat, but was in a constant agitated flutter. We continued to look to God in his behalf, and to use water freely upon his head, and a compress constantly upon his lungs, and soon he seemed rational as ever. He suffered severe pain in his right side, and could not lie upon it for a moment. This pain we subdued with cold water compresses, varying the temperature of the water according to the degree of the fever. We were very careful to keep his hands and feet warm.

We expected the crisis would come the seventh day. We had but little rest during his sickness, and were obliged to give him up into others’ care the fourth and fifth nights. My husband and myself the fifth day felt very anxious. The child raised fresh blood, and coughed considerably. My husband spent much time in prayer. We left our child in careful hands that night. Before retiring my husband prayed long and earnestly. Suddenly his burden of prayer left him, and it seemed as though a voice spoke to him, and said, Go lie down, I will take care of the child. I had retired sick, and could not sleep for anxiety for several hours. I felt pressed for breath. Although sleeping in a large chamber, I arose and opened the door into a large hall, and was at once relieved, and soon slept. I dreamed that an experienced physician was standing by my child, watching every breath, with one hand over his heart, and with the other feeling his pulse. He turned to us and said, “The crisis has passed. He has seen his worst night. He will now come up speedily, for he has not the injurious influence of drugs to recover from. Nature has nobly done her work to rid the system of impurities.” I related to him my worn-out condition, my pressure for breath, and the relief obtained by opening the door. Said he, “That which gave you relief, will also relieve your child. He needs air. You have kept him too warm. The heated air coming from a stove is injurious, and were it not for the air coming in at the crevices of the windows, would be poisonous, and destroy life. Stove heat destroys the vitality of the air, and weakens the lungs. The child’s lungs have been weakened by the room being kept too warm. Sick persons are debilitated by disease, and need all the invigorating air that they can bear to strengthen the vital organs to resist disease. And yet in most cases air and light are excluded from the sick room at the very time when most needed, as though dangerous enemies.”

This dream and my husband’s experience was a consolation to us both. We found in the morning that our boy had passed a restless night. He seemed to be in a high fever until noon. Then the fever left him, and he appeared quite well, except weak. He had eaten but one small cracker through his five-days’ sickness. He came up rapidly, and has had better health than he has had for several years before. This experience is valuable to us.

I have thought for years that I was dependent upon a meat diet for strength. I have eaten three meals a day until within a few months. It has been very difficult for me to go from one meal to another without suffering from faintness at the stomach, and dizziness of the head. Eating would remove these feelings. I seldom allowed myself to eat anything between my regular meals, and have made it a practice to often retire without supper. But I have suffered greatly for want of food from breakfast to dinner, and have frequently fainted. Eating meat removed for the time these faint feelings. I therefore decided that meat was indispensable in my case.

But since the Lord presented before me, in June, 1863, the subject of meat-eating in relation to health, I have left the use of meat. For a while it was rather difficult to bring my appetite to bread, for which, formerly, I have had but little relish. But by persevering, I have been able to do this. I have lived for nearly one year without meat. For about six months most of the bread upon our table has been unleavened cakes, made of unbolted wheat-meal and water, and a very little salt. We use fruits and vegetables liberally. I have lived for eight months upon two meals a day. I have applied myself to writing the most of the time for above a year. For eight months have been confined closely to writing. My brain has been constantly taxed, and I have had but little exercise. Yet my health has never been better than for the past six months. My former faint and dizzy feelings have left me. I have been troubled every spring with loss of appetite. The last spring I had no trouble in this respect. Our plain food, eaten twice a day, is enjoyed with a keen relish. We have no meat, cake, or any rich food upon our table. We use no lard, but in its place, milk, cream, and some butter. We have our food prepared with but little salt, and have dispensed with spices of all kinds. We breakfast at seven, and take our dinner at one. It is seldom I have a faint feeling. My appetite is satisfied. My food is eaten with a greater relish than ever before.

I have, since a child, been afflicted with dropsy and heart disease, occasioned by my misfortune when about nine years old. For several years, in the spring, I have had a shock of paralysis which has nearly cost me my life. But, in answer to prayer, I have recovered from its effects. The last spring I had no symptoms of this much-dreaded affliction. I have no trouble with dropsy or heart disease. I have within eight months lost twenty-five pounds of flesh. I am better without it. I have more strength than I have realized for years.

Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4a, 151–153.

*An obsolete term for elevated core temperature resulting from an infection in the respiratory system.