Thank You For Your Help For the Work in Ghana !

The plans to help our brothers and sisters in Ghana were entered into after prayer and communication with missionaries and local people who had worked there for years. Although the evidence indicated that at present this was the best place where we could help the work in Africa go forward, this work from the beginning faced much opposition from almost every quarter. (The reason that we believed Ghana was the best place to begin, was that God’s faithful people there had a church organization that was based on the New Testament model. This developed after much trouble and trial as well as Bible-study, over a twenty year period.) In fact, it was opposition to the work in Ghana that partially influenced a disruption with some staff right at Steps to Life. It was then predicted that the poor people in Ghana would be disappointed because promises had been made that would not be realized. Rumors have been sent all over the country and attempts have been made to get accusations against the orphans and the orphanage. This of course would stop support for the project. In the midst of all this opposition, we never knew from one month to the next where support would come for either the orphanage or for Steps to Life to continue sponsoring the project, since so many false accusations were being made.

At the same time we could not fail to see their desperate need for a means to communicate the gospel more effectively. We believed in spite of the frailty of our humanity it would be a dishonor to the Lord for us to quit as long as the Lord held the door open for us to help them with the work. What has happened, as you can see from the above article and picture, we believe to be a result of God’s great grace. It would never have happened with the amount of opposition against it, except that the Lord worked a miracle. We believe that there will be a multitude of these people in heaven and we want to have that unity and harmony with them for which Christ prayed in John 17. We also want to be in unity and harmony with God’s children all over the world and are praying for those who want to be our enemies —we want unity and harmony with them too. We want to have perfect unity and harmony with you too, brother or sister —we absolutely must have it if we are going to heaven together. Any and all wrongs must be made right and we must all be heart to heart together.

Many things have been learned from the work in Ghana. One thing is that great progress cannot occur for God’s work in any city or country until there is New Testament church organization. Is your home church organized according to the New Testament? (See Acts of the Apostles,

155–165, 188–200, 593–602.) New Testament church organization is not hierarchical and no hierarchical organization is in harmony with the New Testament. There are several other countries in Africa asking for help. We hope that Ghana will become a center for giving the Third Angels’ Message to all the English-speaking countries in Africa. If we can become unified, as the Lord is calling for, the work in Africa and in other countries could receive help and be finished quickly.

One of the ways that there has been an attempt to stop the Ghana projects is by false accusations that Steps to Life was in some way dishonest or not accountable with finances. We have had full financial audits for the last two years. We have also had accounting reviews by an independent accounting firm for the two years previous to that. Anyone who is supporting God’s work at Steps to Life is welcome to come to our office and look at either our audited statements or our books.

We are receiving increasing calls for help from many parts of the world. We have no way to help all these people except as the Lord through His Holy Spirit impresses His true and faithful people to help finish the work all over the world. Please join us in prayer for divine instruction and assistance that the work can be finished quickly. Don’t you want to go home soon too?

Reporting from Kumasi, W. Africa

Editors Note: September 10, 1996, witnessed many good-byes, as farewells were said to friends and loved ones. A total of seven people set to the air for Ghana, W. Africa. Most were to stay for three months and several more joined them mid-November. It is all a part of our mission to give the Third Angel’s Message to the world—of which the health message is the right arm. Those serving for 3 months are: Dr. Loeffler, a chiropractor from Hemet, California, Mike and Shari Casey, health workers from California, Amanda Clark and Benjamin Reeves. These people are working to establish a clinic based on our health message. Dr. Loeffler reports.

One of our top priorities in establishing a natural health clinic in Ghana was to see that we were within the laws of this nation. A visit to the office of the Minister of Health made us realize that not only was there a known need, but also a willingness on the part of the health officials to encourage “alternative medicine” practitioners. Next we visited regional and national offices to insure that there were no serious objections. They indicated their willingness to make a “special category” for us, making us the first clinic in the nation to use only natural medicine.

On October 22, 1996, we received permission from the government of Ghana to open a clinic. They stated the following: “The Ministry has no objection to the establishment of a clinic using natural remedies,” also, “The Historic Adventist Church can be allowed to establish their clinic. They will have to re-register the clinic with the private Hospitals and Maternity Homes Board when they are ready with the requisite staff to use allopathic drugs.”

It is my personal opinion that we should not use drugs, however when we go into the sanitarium phase of this plan with in-house patients, we should have the right to use any remedy for the protection of our patients.

The clinic is located on a busy street with easy access by auto and taxi. Our location provides us with good advertising. The sign we have posted on the building is all that is necessary to draw a good group of patients.

Our building is a remodeled multi-unit dwelling, constructed of solid concrete block and reinforced concrete. Adjacent to the building is another two story structure where the Historic Adventist Church has their headquarters. On the same upper level there are guest rooms, kitchen, dining room and bath. This is where we eat and sleep and are wonderfully taken care of. The lower floor has the potential of becoming our first sanitarium. We have already received several inquiries about using it as a place for a mid-wife to work. There is also a new structure attached to the clinic that will seat about 400 people. It is designed as a church, but could also serve for other purposes.

Our team consists of a chiropractor, a native herbologist, a naturopathic doctor, and a water therapist. We also call upon the Great Physician regularly and realize that without His help we could do nothing. This multiple discipline approach is a first in Ghana, and possibly a first anywhere.

By combining our knowledge of the natural healing arts, the end results are not just unique, but very effective. According to our records to date about one third of the patients have a treatable spinal problem; i.e., one that will respond to chiropractic manipulation. Two thirds of our patients will receive one or more medicinal herbs. There are other conditions that respond to deep massage and exercise, and still others that require the proper application of water in some form. Many cases receive a combination of therapies including the use of native and imported herbs.

So far we have treated patients with conditions ranging from malaria to cancer, to arthritis, infertility, ulcers, parasites, and injuries, just to name a few. Ghana is not a wealthy nation, yet we see little actual hunger. The forests and farms provide plantain, corn, rice, beans, yams, bananas, pineapple, papaya, coconut and many other sources of inexpensive food. Yet, there are still many dietary problems here. Young children, who have been recently weaned, seem prone to B-vitamin and protein deficiencies. The adults have many problems that result from lifestyle preferences. Palm nut oil is abundant, inexpensive and palatable. Most of the traditional dishes are filled with this harmful product, and the results are evident in the typical degenerative diseases that we see frequently, such as: atherosclerosis, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and etc.

Many people in Ghana have a gross lack of knowledge in why and how to select wholesome foods. Over half of the patients we see are not eating as well as they should and could. Many are eating next to nothing that is raw.

This is where the Historic Adventist Clinic demonstrates one of its strong points. Not only do we believe in health reform, we strive to live the health reform. Every patient is told the importance of eating a well balanced, wholesome, yet simple diet and how these foods will help to bring about health. Most of the patients are very willing to cooperate with diet changes and are anxious to improve their health.

One patient who had a tumor removed from her liver some time ago, was told by the doctors to go home and die. She came to us for help, and was taught to use only wholesome foods and how to prepare them. She was also instructed in how to use water, nutritional supplements and some native herbs. We also had prayer with her on several occasions. Within a month’s time she walked by herself to the clinic, not cured, but very grateful, able to smile and full of hope.

Another patient came to us after being operated on by a drunk doctor, who, instead of removing her appendix like he was supposed to, operated on her naval. She had been experiencing severe pain at the sight of the operation. Now, by God’s grace, she is responding well to daily hydrotherapy treatments. Her pain is almost completely gone.

We are often visited by Moslem patients, and have had opportunities to witness to them. One man has started Bible studies with us, and he and several friends have promised to read a copy of Steps to Christ that we gave them. This is an excellent way to reach Moslem and other non-Christian religions, because they are wide open to natural medicine.

The people are very receptive to a natural, drugless approach to treating diseases. There has been a gradual reduction in the confidence of the average person in the effectiveness of drugs. If there has ever been an opportune time for the drugless practitioner to be accepted in Ghana it is now. This is the place, if someone is interested in using natural remedies in mission work. Many church members here are very interested in being trained as medical missionaries. I interviewed a young person today who was willing to work for nothing just for the opportunity of observing and learning the therapies. A Nigerian women is even here to observe and learn.

How long can we hold these people off? Is it not time for a teaching sanitarium to be established here? There needs to be a joint effort in establishing such an institution that can not only care for the sick but also train young people to become medical missionaries.

If you want your donation to go a long way, consider the exchange rate in Ghana of 1700 to one. Many people in the United States are living in houses that would bring enough money to establish or build a whole sanitarium. The way is wide open for this work here. I recently received a call from a chief who heard that we were starting up a clinic-sanitarium. He offered land in his village where an institution could be built.

The Lord is calling us to spread the gospel to all the world, and He has many means through which this can be done. Just imagine what a witness it would be if institutions like this could be set up in many locations. The harvest is truly ripe, but the laborers are few. Keep the work and the workers here in your prayers.

Witnessing to People At the State Fair

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14. Jesus said that this gospel would be preached to all nations before He returned to receive His people to Himself. How is this to be accomplished? The Lord has given you and me the privilege to work for Him. He has called us to “cry out with a loud voice,” to “plead with the people,” and to present the “Third Angel’s Message.” He has asked us to tell his people to “come out of Babylon.” How can we accomplish this most sacred work for the Lord?

There are many avenues of witnessing. We can travel, do door to door evangelism, give Bible studies, feed the poor, visit the sick, be hospitable, preach, print books, give literature and magazines and much more. If we take advantage of our opportunities, if we listen to the guiding voice of the Holy Spirit, if we love Jesus more than ourselves, and if we love people more than ourselves, we will be looking for any opportunities to do the Lord’s work. A member of our church recently had back surgery. Most would not think of this as a witnessing opportunity. But God can turn even the worst situations into an opportunity. This gentleman was able to witness and even give whole Bible studies to nurses and patients in the hospital. He was only there three days and gave out many Spirit of Prophecy books and signed up several people for Bible studies through the mail. Is there anything impossible for God?

God is raising up a people for Himself, and a group of people who want to finish the work of getting out His last day message. Ellen White says, “If you are in communion with Christ, you will place His estimate upon men; you will feel for others the same anxiety, the same deep love that He has felt for you. Then you will be able to win, not drive, to attract, not repulse, the souls for whom Christ died.” She goes on to say, “Not one soul would ever have been brought back to the fold, if Christ had not made a personal effort to save that which was lost; and it is by this personal effort that you can rescue souls. If they stray, you will not, cannot rest in quiet indifference and ease. You will leave the ninety and nine that are within the fold, and will go out to seek the lost.” General Conference Bulletin, 23.

Leaves of Autumn

Last year we were looking for new avenues of witnessing. It was suggested that we secure a booth at the Kansas State Fair. Ellen White tells us that we should be represented at these kinds of events so we can spread God’s literature like the “leaves of autumn.” We were truly blessed both last year and this year by witnessing at the fair. The fair here in Kansas is a ten day event and there are always many exhibitors showing off their products and competing for the attention of the people. We were on the second floor of the commercial building and as you walk in the door and look up, you saw Steps to Life’s bright blue exhibit. It was the most outstanding booth in the building. Unlike the other exhibitors, we were not competing for the business of the people. On the contrary, we were giving away free books! As people passed by our booth, we would hold out a book and ask them, “Would you like a free book?” Most people are astounded that anyone would be giving away free books. As they passed by, they would often take either a book or a pamphlet and sometimes more than one. Last year, we featured the National Sunday Law as our give away book. This year, we featured two books: Who are the Angels and What’s Behind the New World Order? Both of these books are excerpts from The Great Controversy.

We found that more women liked the book on angels, and more men liked the book on the New World Order. We also found out that less people came to the fair this year than last, yet we were able to give away more books. Praise God. Let me give you a list of the books we gave away. You will be amazed. First, there were 7500 What’s Behind the New World Order and over 6000 Who are the Angels. We also gave out 600 National Sunday Law books, 1210 Steps to Christ for a Sanctified Life, 200 Why Protestants, Why Catholic (which is the same book as the New World Order book with a different title), 200 How to Quit Smoking, 100 How to Keep the Sabbath, 100 Uncertainty of Life, 400 8 Laws of Good Health, 1500 Wake Up to Wellness, 2000 Eat for Strength. (These three pamphlets were about God’s 8 laws of health and the harm that meat, caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco can have on the body.)

Health—Entering Wedge

Many people today are interested in good health. They are hungering for anything that will help them take off weight, avoid illnesses, and give them a better quality of life. We see in today’s world that God is able to use our health message to reach people for Christ. It is truly the right arm of the gospel. Many people want to quit smoking but are just not strong enough to overcome. Can you relate to not being strong enough of yourself to overcome sin? Jesus is strong enough, though. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Philippians 4:13. Through our love for others, we can help them to find God’s answers to the dilemmas they face. The theme of our booth was the 8 Laws of Health. We listed them on our blue background in an easy to remember order. It spelled NEW START; Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, Trust, in Divine Power. We even talked to many people about vegetarianism. Some were so interested that they bought Country Life cookbooks. Of course, as we presented healthy living to them, we also talked to them about God’s plan for their lives.

We saw many people at the fair this year that we saw last year. One was an exhibitor who was very interested in the National Sunday Law book. When she saw that we were back out at the fair again this year, she rushed down to our booth to see if she could acquire three more National Sunday Law books. She said she had people who had to read this book. Her name was Virginia. Virginia also told us that she had been talking to her daughter about the Sabbath and on what day the Sabbath fell upon. Her daughter said it wasn’t Saturday, so Virginia told her to read the National Sunday Law book. After reading this book, her daughter decided to do some investigative work to prove it all wrong or right. She later came back and told her mother, “You know, Mom, you were right!” Then she went to work and started telling all her coworkers about the Sabbath. Praise God!

We also met another lady who had been at the fair last year and she also had read the National Sunday Law book. She was convicted on the truth and when she saw us at the fair this year, she came over to get more of our books. She told us that she believed the truth and wanted to keep the Sabbath. She said that when she had read the book, she went to talk to her pastor to get some answers, but her pastor could not give her any good rebuttals to the truth she had learned. The devil can not do anything against the truth of God. She told us that she had recently moved to Iowa and wanted to know if we knew of any home churches. Do we ever! We are setting her up with a home church in Iowa so that she can worship with God’s true Seventh-day Adventist people.

Our very first day at the fair was very exciting. We were passing out books left and right. Suddenly, two gentlemen came up to me and started talking to us about God. They were very enthusiastic about following Jesus the way He said to follow Him. We talked about overcoming sin and that this is why we need the Holy Spirit in our lives. They agreed and said today most people do not believe you can overcome sin. Then one of the men asked me to tell him on what day the Sabbath fell.

I said, “What does the Bible say?”

He said, “The Bible tells me it is the seventh day, which would be Saturday.”

“That’s right,” I said. He was amazed.

He said that we were the first people he has met that agree with him. He then asked “When does it start and end?”

I said, “What does the Bible say?”

He said, “The Bible tells me that it starts from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.”

“That is correct,” I said.

“You mean you believe that too?” he said.

“Yes, we believe in only what the Bible says. We go by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God,” I said.

As we talked further, I found that he had learned all this from studying his Bible and searching for the truth. He told me that they had no where to worship God and did not know of anyone who believed as he did. I discussed starting a home church in his area. He is very excited about the home church idea and wants to learn how to keep the Sabbath properly. He has even offered to let us use a small warehouse which he is building for his company to worship in. God is wonderful!

High School Students

We had many high school students at the fair and some were there not solely for fun. Some had school projects, and they were working on customer service. We found this out as they came by our booth and loaded up on books and pamphlets. They said they were looking for bad customer service and we were not it. As they went from booth to booth, we saw one student earnestly reading What’s Behind the New World Order. He was sitting directly opposite our booth at a rest area. We continued to pass out books and talk to people, periodically looking over to where this young man was sitting. He must have read half that book before he moved on, because he sat there for a very long time. We could tell that this young man was going to have more than customer service stories to share with friends and family.

Of course, there is always a down side to every effort to do Gods’ work. Satan is out to discourage and destroy the people of God and all who would listen to them. This should not dishearten us, though. God’s people triumph in the face of adversity. When you pass out free literature, you must expect some people to take the books and throw them away. Pastor Marcussen calls his National Sunday Law books little preachers. I agree with this analogy when speaking of literature that leads people to the truth. When people threw these books at the fair, it was like shooting these poor little preachers. But God is merciful. Periodically, we would send out our medics and nurses to check the trash cans and retrieve the wounded little preachers.

Some had been destroyed, but a lot were just wounded and after retrieval and revival, we sent these little books back out to fight the battle against the powers of darkness. One man read the New World Order book and was furious. We watched as he climbed the stairs, rounded the corner, then the second corner, then to our booth and said “This is what I think of you and your book.” He ripped it in half and threw it in the trash can in front of our booth. He then stormed off looking very pleased with himself. But I think we had more people take the books after his big show. They probably were interested to find out why he was so upset. The children who helped at our booth were a big help handing out literature and checking trash cans. These little helpers of God were not too proud to go and retrieve these little books. Remember Virginia that I told you about earlier? Her booth was at a very strategic corner where people would throw away their books. She was helping with our booth by retrieving books thrown away in her trash can. Does God have everything planned out?

The Lord wants to use each one of us to complete His work, but we need to listen to that still small voice which is the Holy Spirit. One morning as I was getting the booth ready, I had sat down to d o some morning devotions. As I was reading, I was impressed by the Holy Spirit. I looked downstairs and saw a girl who was running a horoscope booth. I was impressed that I should go down and give her a book. So I picked out a book and some pamphlets, and I went downstairs, walked up to her and said, “Hi. I was upstairs doing my devotions and the Lord impressed me that I should give these books to you. I hope you will enjoy them.” She said thank you, and I walked off. That was the last time I saw her at the booth. I do not know if she read the books or what the Lord is doing in her life. I do know that she did not sell horoscopes anymore. God knows the hearts of the people. We need to just follow his guiding hand and listen to the urging of His Spirit.

Call Now for Next Year

“The harvest truly, is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2. God wants all to be laborers for His harvest. There are many people who will be saved if we love them enough to give them this message. The state fair in your area is a great way to reach people with His last day message. You will need to get in contact with your state fair as soon as possible. They fill up booth spaces very quickly. Remember, time is growing short. Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:2-5: “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrines, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned away to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” There will come a time when people will no longer listen to God’s last day messages. We are responsible for the people we know and will have to answer for those who we did not love enough to give them the message. The fair is a great way to meet people and to present God’s message. I encourage you, reader, and your church to actively get involved in witnessing. We at Steps to Life want to help you to get God’s Three Angels’ Messages out to the world. Let us know how we can help.

A Letter from Papua New Guinea

Dear Pastor and Mrs. John Grosboll,

Greetings to you in the name of the Lord. I’d like to take this time to thank you for the hearty and God inspiring message that you left it with us.

Your presence and the ordination of Evan Sadler into the Gospel ministry is a greatest blessing to us, you know what happened after you left us is that many thinking people responded positively to the Present Truth. I thank God that wise people are beginning to understand what is about to happen soon.

You left us around 3:30 pm on the Sabbath for Goroka, and you know what happened in the afternoon? I’ll tell you. A Lutheran pastor came and shared his testimonies in the closing of the Sabbath day worship. This is what he say: “I heard from my house the very truth that I am looking for. (His house is located 5-6 kilometers away from the camp site.) This SDA is backed up by God. And this SDA will finish God’s work on the earth. Many people from Sunday keeping churches who practiced holiness or promote holy living will come and join this movement.”

We were spellbound as we heard him spoke to us from the pulpit. One thing that enthrilled us was that his house is located 5-6 kilometers, but he got the message clear, just like a friend sitting next to him talking.

Finally may God bless you in His service from him.

With Christian Love,

Bisho Begorah

Papua New Ginea

A Call to Prayer – India

India is the world’s second most populous country, with 1.2 billion people. It prides itself to be one of the oldest civilizations with the world’s oldest religion – Hinduism. Ever since Great Britain colonized that part of the world in the nineteenth century, the Christian world has been sending missionaries to India. After two hundred years of mission efforts, only two percent of India is Christian – really Catholic. Protestantism is nearly nonexistent. We have to admit that the efforts to evangelize India have been unsuccessful.

What is the cause? What do we know about the Indian culture and religion? After all, other Asian countries have been successfully made Christian. Hinduism, deeply intertwined with the Indian culture and traditions, is a way of life that believes in nonviolence and sanctity of life. This reaches to the extent of not killing animals. Therefore, the majority of the Indian population is vegetarian. This has been the Indian way of life for centuries.

How do we appear to them? As blood thirsty and cruel Westerners. We don’t even have to mention the violent history of Christianity. Our meat-eating culture is outright disgusting to any Hindu. For centuries, there has been nothing that our Western culture could offer to Hindu India, nothing that would be appealing to the Indian eyes.


Today, we live in a global world and India can’t escape it. Under the weight of globalization, Hinduism suffers serious wounds, and there is nothing to replace it. Retail outlets such as McDonald’s and KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) are mushrooming in large Indian cities. These establishments serve mostly a vegetarian cuisine, but chicken products are also offered. Only very few Western fast food chains, at selected locations frequented by tourists, dare to sell beef burgers. This is still a taboo in the Indian society that believes in the sanctity of the cow. Children from well-to-do families are discovering these Western fast food outlets and beg their parents to buy them a treat. By the time they are in high school, they go there alone and taste chicken for the first time in their lives. When mom asks at home, “What did you have for lunch today?” teenagers reply, “Oh, I ate at the school cafeteria” (always vegetarian). The reality is that the student stopped by McDonald’s for chicken nuggets. This is such a taboo in the Indian society that young people would not dare to tell the truth at home. They could be literally disowned by their families.

There has been a significant Indian immigration to the United States in the past 20 years. These new immigrants are young, educated, and successful. Mingling with them, you find out that some of them eat meat. When questioned about it, they answer: “Yes, I started eating meat when I came to the United States because the vegetarian options were so limited. I could never tell my parents; they would be devastated and could disown me.” Meat eating, even in today’s Indian society, is a taboo that a Westerner cannot imagine.

India’s young people are discovering other lures of the Western world as well, and are starting to question their Hindu traditions. What missionaries could not achieve in centuries, globalization has achieved in one single generation. As a result, India’s young and educated population in large metro areas is no longer traditionally Hindu, at least not to the same extent as their parents. Young people hold so many secrets from their parents that Western teenagers pale in comparison. Indian young people do have deep, culturally ingrained respect for their parents, which causes their parents to be even more in the dark, simply because their children would not tell them about any of their new Western vices. The worst and most offensive vice of all? Meat consumption.

All this has been happening because young people in India want to be like Westerners. They admire fast food outlets on television, and now in their own backyards. They want to watch the same movies, live the Western way of life. Once they are college age, they question everything else, including their Indian values and religion. When I talk to India’s young and educated, they want to know why America has been such a successful country, especially when America is such a young country. I explain to them that America has been founded on the principles of Christian Protestantism. They are curious and want to know more. Many of their parents have never even spoken to a Westerner. Yet, these Indian young people in the United States are the brains of today’s American software companies. These young people are open minded and hungry to learn. Most of them don’t know much about Christianity, but they want to learn, they want to know. This is in sharp contrast to their parents who shun everything Western. Because we live in a global world, the young people in India are not any different from their Indian peers in the United States. They also travel, are globally minded and want to know who Christians are. Moreover, they want to be like them.

What do we do about it? It is now or never that we have the chance to explain the gospel to them. Such opportunities happen only once in centuries, and the Christian world has the chance of a lifetime. As other Asian countries became Christian, such as South Korea, for example, the result was a sharp increase in development, because people adopted Protestant work ethics. As Christian values will be adopted by the Indian young generation, India will flourish as well. But someone has to tell them about the gospel, about Protestantism, about Adventism. The vineyard is ripe, but the workers so few. Make it a matter of your prayer; the time to reach India is now.

Extra bonus

As Adventist Christians, we have an extra bonus up our sleeve—the health message. Imagine, for someone from the vegetarian society of India, what version of Christianity can possibly be more appealing than Adventism with its health message? This health message can bring down walls even with the older conservative generation, as the worst thing about Christians is that they eat meat. Becoming a Christian equals becoming a carnivore in the Indian eyes. And that puts up a big wall. The Seventh-day Adventists have more respect for the Indian diet than any other Christian religion. Every Hindu will shake our hand with no fear. The time to bring our message, including the health message, to India is now. Are we up to the task?

We all have special burdens on our hearts, most of which are common to many people. Let us share one another’s burdens and pray together for those things that are applicable to a whole group of people.

Please contact us with your requests by writing or emailing to:, so we can pray together to hasten the coming of Jesus and help others to be ready for that day.

The Bible Only

Editors Note: This is a report from the Hungarian Adventist Community “The Bible Only”. The first section of this report is extracts from the official registration document of their organization, which was sent to us in this form. We have done no editing.

“We do not consider ourselves a separate church or movement. We regard ourselves merely as a fellowship of churches. As far as our religious beliefs are concerned, we are Seventh-day Adventists. We feel and profess ourselves to belong to the worldwide Adventist Community and wish to avoid even the appearance of being an alternative church or movement.

“There arose a discord between the policy and the leadership of the Hungarian SDA Church and a large protesting group of pastors and church members during the Communist era, since we adhered to the original beliefs and norms for which, the leaders of the Hungarian Church departed. They did not admit our protest but removed us from the church by illegal disciplinary action or by the pressure of conscience. Unfortunately the dispute could not be settled satisfactorily even after the years of encroachment by the State on church affairs had past, although we did make every effort to between 1975 and 1990.

“We cannot see any hope for the situation to change within a reasonable time. The maintenance of our churches thus being a necessity, in the interest of their development we ask for the registration of our group as a legal personality, i.e. the bearer of legal rights and duties to be recognized by the law.

“On formulating our constitution and asking for registration, we state the following:

“We consider all SDA churches in Hungary and abroad our fellow-churches as well as all SDA believers our brethren.

“We also maintain readiness to consider a merger at any later time when its conditions are fulfilled.”


Report of Churches

Membership: 1410
(Number of church members and visitors regularly attending our services: approximately 220.)

Number of pastors: 36

Number of further employees: 38



“Sola Scriptura” A Pastor’s Training and Theological College

Number of full-time students, Pastors Training School: 22

Number of correspondence students Bible Teacher’s School: 256

(Number of students, Extension School: 261)

“Fellowship of Bible Schools” Publishing House

Number of regular publications (journals, Sabbath School lessons for children and adults): 5

Number of books published since 1990:27

Old People’s Home, Lovasbereny

Number of residents: 16

Old People’s Home, Elek

Number of residents: 34

Youth Camp, Bozsva

Capacity: 300

Youth Camp, Torokkoppany

Capacity: 240

“Hope” Children’s Village, Nagoes

Number of adoptive families: 4

Number of adopted children: 19


PART TWO – Sola Scriptura (The Bible Only)

“Pastor’s Training and Theological College”

Our mission: The name of the college “Sola Scriptura” (the Bible only) refers to the vital principal of the XVIth century Reformation, namely the sole authority of the Scriptures. It signifies the trend of theology we follow and consider our commitment to represent in the world. We claim to be accurate and demanding in the study of the Bible consulting the related disciplines, such as linguistics, history, archeology, etc. But our main objective is to explore the very essence of the Bible, that is the divine thoughts of their own context or system. In summary, we want to promote the accomplishment of the Word-growing program, so that Acts 19:20 may come true again: “Mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.” We strongly believe that, by doing so, we prepare the way for Christ’s glorious second coming, which is at hand. We want to prepare young men and women to be heralds of the authentic gospel, giving the knowledge of salvation (Luke 1:77) to the people of this world.


About the Schools

The Pastor’s Training School educates full time SDA students for qualified pastors, publishers, and Bible teachers. (Length of study: Four years. Graduates will be holders of a Pastor’s Diploma.)

The correspondence course Bible Teacher’s School provides academic study for those SDA and non SDA adults—regardless of their denomination—who want regular education in Biblical theology for college credit. (Length of study: Three years. Graduates will be holders of a Bible Teacher’s Diploma.) As the students of this school are of different denominations, the freedom of conscience is held in respect. The teaching being informative, the students are not called to account for their identification with the syllabus. Nevertheless, we believe and experience, too, that God’s Word shall not return void. Isaiah 55:11. The education given by this school sows the seeds of the Word in a wide territory, which will bear fruits in good time and at the right places.

The students of Extension School are given the opportunity to follow the correspondence course without sitting for exams and getting a credit.

By taking mainly full-time students from abroad, especially from the neighboring countries we wish to help God’s worldwide work.


The History of the College

It was established as early as 1975, but was forced underground until the election of the first democratic government after the collapse of Communism in 1990. Reorganized in 1992, it became recognized by the state. Full-time education was started in the same year.

Present date:

Number of teachers: 9

Number of full-time students, Pastor’s Training School: 22 (The students of this School are from Hungary, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and Romania)

Number of correspondence students, Bible Teacher’s School: 376

Number of students Extension School: 243

It is registered as a legal personality and as an independent institution, forms part of the organization of the Christian Adventist Community regularly subsidized by the same. It does not take any financial support from the State.

From Persecutor to Persecuted, Part II

The story up to this point:

Growing up in a large, traditional Hindu family in South India, Philip was like millions of other young boys until he joined the radical political organization called the RSS in his teens. This faction was dedicated to eradicating all western influences, including Christianity, from India. He took delight in harassing the local Christian community until one day he fell ill to a polio-like disease which left him crippled in all four limbs. Leaving no stone unturned his family searched all over for a cure, but in vain. He was devastated and even contemplated suicide. Then six years later he relented and decided to give the Christians one last try before ending it all. So one Sunday he hobbled over to the same Pentecostal church he had damaged before. The congregation prayed for him. However, nothing happened until three months later when, as he was praying in great agony of spirit, an audible voice instructed him to let his hands down. He was terror-stricken, but obeyed and was instantly cured! Getting on a bicycle he jubilantly pedaled to his father’s house, then on to 25 surrounding villages proclaiming that Jesus was the true God. The impact of his testimony was electric, and many rank Hindus acknowledged Jesus. But the ire of the devil was roused. He began mustering his diabolical forces.

The news of Philip ’s cure spread like fire through a parched prairie. Everywhere he went there was sure to be a crowd of curious villagers to whom he could witness, and he lost no time in declaring that Christianity was the true religion. For a time no one dared oppose him whom the gods appeared to have favored so highly. But the novelty of his cure dissipated soon enough from the hearts of the RSS leadership, his erstwhile comrades-in-arms. The significance of a former cripple going about winning converts to the hated western religion was not lost on them. Their movement was taking a beating in the public mind. The situation was becoming intolerable. The rage within their breasts reflected on their countenances as dark, ominous scowls. An emergency council was convened with one item dominating the agenda: How to stop the renegade. The decision that ensued was unanimous: An ultimatum would be delivered. If Philip did not immediately stop preaching Christianity, he would be eliminated. The last of the last iota of sympathy for him had evaporated. His life could now be counted in days, if not hours.

“You traitor,” the ruffians thundered one day, cornering him in the street, “How dare you’ve joined with the Christians? You must be getting money from the States. Hinduism is the most glorious of religions. We have all we can desire in our religion. If you don’t stop spreading this foreign religion we will kill you.”

Philip’s response was a dignified, eloquent silence. If he was afraid, he did not show it. But the real proof of his courage came with the passing days as he boldly continued preaching to the villagers. He had tasted the ambrosia of the gospel, and nothing—not even dire threats against his life—would be allowed to keep him from sharing the Jesus he had come to love. How could he deny the One who had mercy enough to cure him of his terrible malady? From the depths of hopeless despair he had been lifted to the heights of joy and hope. Far rather would he risk losing his life than chance making his Savior sad by bowing to the edicts of men. And, besides, had he not pledged, in the days of his affliction, to spread the name of the god who could heal him? No, he could never let intimidation cow him.

Rising up early he would take off for the villages around. As might be expected of a newborn Christian, his knowledge of the Scriptures was very limited. He could not give a Bible study on the 2,300 days yet, but he had a testimony which was as powerful as it was simple. Soon he would have an eager crowd of villagers milling around. To them he would relate the story of his incredible healing, and taking out his Bible would begin reading aloud from the gospels. Then, raising the pitch of his voice he would plead earnestly, “Jesus is the true God. He is superior to all our Hindu gods. If you want joy and peace and power in your lives, I invite you to come and bow before him.” The effect frequently would be dramatic. Many would come forward and acknowledge this great God who had cured him.

It quickly became apparent that Philip was not going to be brow beaten into submission by the RSS. He realized he was signing his own death warrant by flouting their wishes, but he could not bring himself to stop. While his obvious fearlessness further irked his enemies to new heights of hatred. Seething with uncontrollable fury they posted his name on the blackboard of the RSS offices and swore to kill him on a certain date. Philip, however, was not informed of this last decision. Nobody leaked the news to him. Thus, unknown to him, his last day on earth came hurrying on apace, while the hands of the clock ticked steadily toward the decisive hour. The fateful countdown had begun.

The day set for Philip’s execution dawned bright and cheerful, no different from countless others before. As always, he had breakfast, then set out boldly, yet unassumingly, on his mission for the kingdom of heaven. He was blissfully unaware that even at that moment grim hands were sharpening knives to plunge into his chest that night. Nor was he aware of the deadly serious, supernatural struggle being waged over him. The mighty angels of heaven had been commissioned to protect this saint of the Most High, while the demonic forces of hell vainly tried to obstruct access to him. A cosmic showdown, worthy of the nail-biting attention of the universe, was in the offing, and he didn’t even know he was on center stage in the spotlight.

Arriving at the fist village, Philip made contact with his interests as usual. Nothing seemed amiss as he prayed and studied with them. Then bidding them farewell, and promising to see them again soon, he continued on to the next village where the same scenario was repeated. Thus he made the rounds of the villages before setting a homeward course late in the day. The sun was westering low by the time he started back. It would be quite dark before he reached home, but he thought nothing of it. He had been over the same dirt road since childhood and knew every dip and curve like the back of his hands. However, there was just one thought which caused him a little apprehension: The road home led past the RSS offices which were somewhat isolated. There were not many houses in the area. With the threats emanating thence it was not the most congenial place in the world to be near at night. But stifling his uneasiness, and sending up a prayer, he reminded himself that he had been that way after dark before. Today would likely be another routine, uneventful passage. How greatly mistaken he was!

It was around nine o’clock when Philip finally came around the bend and saw the dim kerosene lights of his village in the distance. He felt relieved to be so close to home. The RSS offices in the foreground appeared deserted. No lights shone through the cracks in the wooden windows and doors. Everything was quiet except for the chirping of a few crickets in the grass. The huge tamarind trees lining the road were as silent sentinels keeping watch over weary travelers. Silhouetted against the starry heavens they were comforting in their massive permanence, but the shades of night assumed a somewhat eerier blackness beneath their large overhanging branches. A gentle breeze blew through their leaves and rustled in the bushes beside the path. It was a picture of peace. Even the mangy dogs, lying on the cowdung-paved yards of the mud houses, barely twitched their noses as his familiar footsteps approached. After all, the village was getting ready to bed down for the night. Nothing seemed to suggest that danger lurked in the shadows, as Philip unconsciously picked up his pace to go past the dreaded offices of his enemies.

Suddenly, like a thunderclap, the peace was shattered. “Stop!” a gruff voice boomed. Philip froze in his tracks, heart pounding madly in his chest. As if out of nowhere, more than a hundred dark forms quickly materialized from the shadows, completely surrounding him. Escape was impossible. Breaking into a cold sweat, Philip realized his utter predicament. He had walked into an ambush. The time had come for him to bear his last testimony, and seal it with his blood. Breathing a desperate prayer he watched as the figures drew closer, making the circle tighter about him. And now in the dim light of the stars he recognized his former friends. Something glinted in the hands of several—daggers! Others had stout sticks and stones. The leader stepped forward, “You have disobeyed our orders to stop preaching Christianity,” he yelled.” “For this you must die!”

If ever he needed presence of mind, Philip needed it now. He could see no ray of hope, but a strange calmness took possession of him. Heaven seemed near. Turning to the leader he replied, “You wish to kill me. That’s fine. But before you do, please allow me five minutes to say something. At the end of five minutes you can go ahead and kill me, I won’t mind.”

“All right, all right,” retorted the leader impatiently, “Go ahead and say what your problem is. Hurry up!”

This is all the break Philip needed. Seizing the opportunity he looked about earnestly at them and began: “For many years we were friends together in the RSS as we harassed the Christians and destroyed their churches. Then I fell sick and became a cripple. For six years I was among you, a destitute, but not one of you even came near to help me. You did not speak one word of encouragement when I was at the point of despair. Now Jesus has shown mercy and healed me, and you wish to kill me for preaching His name.” Then waxing bolder and more eloquent as the Holy Spirit took control, he continued, “Christianity is not merely a religion, it is the way of truth. Jesus is not only for the Christians, but for all of us too. . .”

For a few minutes there was pin drop silence as Philip’s words burned their way into the hardened hearts of his detractors. But soon, catching himself, the leader realized what was going on—he was the audience at a powerful evangelistic sermon! “That’s enough,” he cried, “Something strange is happening to our hearts as you’re speaking.” He drew imaginary circles over the left side of his chest. “If you keep this up you’ll convince all of us to become Christians too!” Then casting his weapon aside he turned and strode away.

A murmur rippled over the mob. It didn’t sound threatening. Now soft thuds could be heard as those carrying rocks dropped them harmlessly to the ground. The murmur grew fainter. More people were leaving the malicious ranks, their thirst for blood completely gone. A few more moments, and all was still again. Philip was left standing alone under the stars, punctuating the happy silence under his breath with praises to the God of heaven.

It would be wonderful if it could be reported that Philip was never persecuted for his faith again. But unfortunately, this was not the case. Just as the devil left Jesus alone “for a season” following his defeat at the hands of our Lord in the wilderness, so he left Philip for awhile while he licked his wounds and regrouped his forces. He was not about to give up without a fierce struggle. His next strategy was to employ his (Philip’s) parents against him, and the cosmic contest entered a new, more perplexing phase. The plan was to capitalize on an old, proven tactic—fear and human pride. But the God of heaven had His counterplans carefully laid too. The enemy of souls was about to suffer another crushing blow. However, the story must wait until we can meet you again in these pages.

God bless.

The End

Reporting from Zambia, Central Africa – In God’s Vineyard

“Because they are not connected with some directly religious work, many feel that their lives are useless; that they are doing nothing for the advancement of God’s kingdom. If they could do some great thing how gladly they would undertake it! But because they can serve only in little things, they think themselves justified in doing nothing. In this they err. A man may be in the active service of God while engaged in ordinary, everyday duties—while felling trees, clearing the ground, or following the plow. The mother who trains her children for Christ is as truly working for God as is the minister in the pulpit.” Prophets and Kings, 219.

As a missionary in a foreign land what is the work the Lord has given me to do? The ignorance and gross darkness in the world, and even among the professed people of God calls for perseverance in educating. I do this through teaching from my home, in public halls, in home studies, outdoors, and occasionally in churches. What is the main emphasis in the teaching? 1) Bible prophecy and current events, 2) The everlasting gospel and the Christian experience, 3) Showing my people their sins, and pointing people to the Word of God as the basis of faith and practice instead of the traditions of the church or the culture.

To further the work of education God has given me a video and audio tape ministry where I loan tapes and provide tapes for sale at cost. Everything from creation to current events, from prophecy to child training, from the practical gospel to Daniel and Revelation, Bible doctrines and health and temperance are all taught through this means. This has challenged people to walk in the law of the Lord. It has caused some to reconsider how they are raising their children. It has awakened some as if from a dream to the realities of the duties and privileges of the remnant people of God.

As funds allow me to do so, I print and purchase books to make available at or near cost, or on occasion when books are donated, then they are sold at a subsidized rate. I find selling books at an affordable rate is better than just giving them away indiscriminately. For when people have to buy a book they are more serious. A consignment of historical SDA magazines which are received monthly are distributed to numerous groups of laymen and have opened the eyes of many, and helped establish the sincere upon Biblical Adventism.

My work is not glamorous or popular but it is unquestionably the work God has given me to do. God also has a work for you to do. For as truly as Christ has gone to prepare the mansions for the saved, just as truly there is a place prepared for you to work in His vineyard. May each one of us be faithful to our calling and to our work, and not bury our talents, thinking the Lord has no need of them. God’s army requires all to be found faithful. Will that include you?

Reporting from Montana, USA – We Can Go Forward

Montana Missions with Bob Vun Kannon is actively engaged in spreading the messages of the three angels into Satan’s strongholds of darkness. The meeting room in the public library of Kalispell, Montana is being used to give these messages in the form of Bible studies and Bible seminars. At our first series of Bible studies 100 percent of the non-Adventists who attended accepted the seventh-day Sabbath. When we Adventists go to work God can and does bless our feeble efforts.

Five-day stop smoking programs are being held up and down the Flathead Lake from Kalispell to Polson. The five-day plan ends with a vegetarian banquet and an information card giving the people the opportunity to indicate an interest in vegetarian cooking classes, Bible studies, or Bible seminars. People are also being drawn to these seminars by organized distribution of the Silent Messenger flyers and by newspaper advertisements. The Silent Messenger is a series of five flyers which end in an invitation to a Bible seminar (or other activity). Passing out these flyers is a non-confrontational way of leading non-Adventists into the Three Angels’ Messages. The flyers contain basic, Christian messages from the first four chapters of Steps to Christ. What makes the program work is the follow-up activity, such as Daniel or Revelation seminars or Bible studies. Masters for printing of the Silent Messenger flyers, customized with your own address or logo, are available from Montana Missions.

Montana Missions is also actively engaged in helping to spread the message in the former Soviet Union. Bob has been very active in helping to promote the translation of the Spirit of Prophecy into Russian (about 40 volumes translated to date by brethren in the former U.S.S.R.) and to establishing an underground press there, which is expected to be operational late this summer. Steps to Life and Bob worked together to distribute 6000 volumes of Sister White’s books to Adventist leaders in the Ukraine.

Bob also helps historic Adventists of the English language persuasion by producing and selling Whitespeed, the fastest and most comprehensive computer concordance to the Spirit of Prophecy available. Montana Missions publishes the Montana Missions Report, a monthly newsletter designed to feed, encourage, and stimulate historic Adventists. Montana Missions also holds monthly meetings in the Kalispell-Proctor area, with interesting guest speakers for historic Seventh-day Adventists.

When we go to work God can and will bless our efforts.

Reporting from New Zealand – The Work in the South Pacific

To the south in the vast rolling Pacific Ocean, there is a work that has blossomed and grown over the last ten years in the spreading of God’s Word in the South Pacific region.
Based in New Zealand, the ministry of Hope International New Zealand is producing material for the souls in our home country, as well as in Australia, the Pacific Islands, and Indonesia and Malaysia, where our work is just beginning.

New Zealand lies to the South East of Australia approximately 3500 km (2300 miles), and is made up of two main islands, North and South island. Each island is about 1600 km (1000 miles) long. The rest of the country consists of a quantity of small islands. New Zealand has a population of 3.4 million.

Our ministry has been functioning for 10 years, having its roots in our home here in Rangiora, South Island. We started when a couple leaving for Australia, gave us about six cartons of books, two cartons contained inexpensive Great Controversy books. Having no idea what to do with them at this stage, we left them in a closet under the stairs. About a year later, Elder Ron Spear came through New Zealand on one of his first preaching tours and stirred us into action, recommending that we get more of these inexpensive books from Vance Ferrel and make them available to our people here in our country. We duly pulled our two cartons out from under the stairs, plus shipped in more sets from overseas and typed out a one page newsletter to let people know that we had these books available. This letter was sent to 47 people that we were sending the Anchor magazine to at that time. From here, the ministry started to grow, now 650 people receive the newsletter in New Zealand and that number swells to 1000 when we send it overseas.

The ministry still functions from our home as a home-base. We now have seven staff working here full-time:

Peter Hitchens and Damon Hurley work on the computers preparing material for printing.

Keith Stirling operates our printing press and other equipment.

Jason Cooper manages the stocking of shelves, and the receiving of stock from overseas. He also prepares catalogues, and manages the production of material from the computers/press.

Madelene Hurley is our receptionist/secretary, her job includes processing incoming and outgoing mail, copying video and audio tapes, taking incoming phone calls, and keeping the accounts current

Peter Henham is out on the doors and on the streets doing medical missionary literature work and open air street preaching. He also gives Bible studies in the evenings and where he can during the day.

My duties involve planning for camp-meetings and outreach meetings, plus the general running of home-base. I also travel throughout New Zealand, visiting homechurch groups, taking a few meetings, arranging speakers for homechurch group meetings, and generally encouraging our brothers and sisters in the faith.

Evan Sadler is part of the team here too, not so much in the physical working aspect here at home-base, but more in the evangelistic side, traveling abroad and throughout our own country.

The main thrust of our ministry is to supply literature both for Seventh-day Adventists and the general public. As well as Bibles, we have literature on many different topics including: health, homeschooling, video and audio tapes, and books by SDA authors.

We also prepare and print tracts and booklets for outreach in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Currently we are producing one sheet tri-fold tracts on many subjects including: health, prophecy, conversion, and Protestant history. We are also printing booklets on various topics. These booklets and tracts are prepared in English and several Pacific Island languages, so that we can reach into the village areas as well as main cities.

The ministry continues to grow. It is hard to keep up with the demand for materials, but the work is rewarding and encouraging as we see souls touched, both inside and outside the church, as a result of our efforts. God has richly blessed the small work here in this country and our prayer is that souls will be saved for His wonderful Kingdom, soon to become a reality.

We encourage all to keep the vision of a finished work. “Be ye also patient, stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” James 5:8.