Health – A Merry Heart

Your body was created for action, and each system of the body has a specific need to retain its health. The immune system is one of those internal systems that needs action to work properly.

Your immune system depends upon a good internal jog each day. How do you accomplish this? You laugh! Many of us have read or heard that a good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving our muscles relaxed. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving our resistance to disease. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow.

“A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.” Proverbs 15:13.

“The relation that exists between the mind and the body is very intimate. When one is affected the other sympathizes. The condition of the mind affects the health to a far greater degree than many realize. Many of the diseases from which men suffer are the result of mental depression. Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, all tend to break down the life forces and to invite decay and death.” My Life Today, 151.

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Proverbs 17:22.

So often we seem to overlook the simple things in life that can help to preserve or restore our immune systems, including internal jogging. The following excerpt is taken from the book, The Owner’s Manual for The Brain, Everyday Applications from Mind-Brain Research, Second Edition, Pierce J. Howard, Ph.D., Bard Press, Austin, Texas, 170, 171.

“Norman Cousins is known as the founder of phychoneuroimmunology (PNI). Originally he called the concept of mentally influencing the immune system “hardiness.” One of the four critical ingredients of hardiness is positive emotions, which Cousins defines as maintaining a sense of humor and general joyfulness. He refers to laughter as “internal jogging.” Laughter is healthy. Laughter appears to be an especially important ingredient in recovering from life-threatening illnesses. Cousins found that even a few moments of laughter can reduce the sedimentation rate, which is a measure of inflammation. Specifically, according to research by Lee S. Berk, a professor at the Schools of Medicine and Public Health at Loma Linda University in California (APA Monitor, September 1997, p. 18), laughter results in:

  • Enhanced respiration
  • An increased number of immune cells
  • An increase in immune-cell proliferation
  • A decrease in cortisol
  • An increase in endorphins
  • An increase in salivary immunoglobulin type A concentrations

“Tests of problem-solving ability yield better results when they are preceded by laughter. Laughter has a way of turning off posterior hypothalamic activity and allowing the cerebral cortex to carry on stress-free activity. Cousins reports that ten minutes of laughter can provide a person who is in pain with at least two hours of good sleep.

“Michelle G. Newman, a psychologist at Pennsylvania State University, reports from her research that people can learn to use humor as a coping device and that this learned humor has marked effects. Ibid.

Even the world is realizing that what our minds are thinking upon affects our health and that a merry heart is needed for our health. The Christian knows where to find that merry heart.

“The condition of the mind affects the health of the physical system. If the mind is free and happy, from a consciousness of rightdoing and a sense of satisfaction in causing happiness to others, it creates a cheerfulness that will react upon the whole system, causing a freer circulation of the blood and a toning up of the entire body.” Counsels on Health, 28.

Let’s put on those garments of rejoicing as stated in the following:

“Sorrow comes and goes; it is the lot of man; we should not seek to magnify it, but rather dwell upon that which is bright and pleasant. When winter spreads its icy covering over the earth, we do not let our gladness freeze up with the flowers and brooks and continually mourn because of the dismal days and the chilling winds. On the other hand, we reach forward in imagination to the coming summer, with its warmth and life and beauty. Meanwhile we enjoy all the sunshine that comes to us, and find much comfort, in spite of the cold and snow, while we are waiting for nature to put on her fresh, bright garments of rejoicing.” In Heavenly Places, 274.

Don’t think upon the negative, but look forward to our heavenly home and let some of that internal jogging take place right here and now; have a merry heart that will help to preserve our immune systems and keep them in good working order so that heaven’s influence may touch others.

Health – The Danger in Energy Drinks

It is amazing to see the popularity of energy drinks. So many people are looking for that extra jump-start or energy spurt and are turning to energy drinks, some of which are advertised and known as energy shots, often ignorant of the harm that these ingredients could do to their bodies. Some of these drinks have extreme levels of caffeine and sugar that could cause heart palpitations, anxiety and, in some cases, death.

The following excerpts are red flags that should alert you to the dangers.

Headlines: November 16, 2012. (CNN)—Thirteen deaths have been reported to the Food and Drug Administration as “adverse events” after the consumption of the dietary supplement 5-hour ENERGY, according to an FDA statement. … As a dietary supplement, 5-hour ENERGY is not required to disclose the amount of caffeine in its 2-ounce “energy shot.” Instead, the 5-hour ENERGY label lists 1,870 milligrams of an “Energy Blend,” which includes caffeine, taurine and other ingredients. … A analysis found about 207 milligrams of caffeine in one 5-hour ENERGY. Red Bull, by comparison, contains about 80 milligrams of caffeine in an 8.4-ounce can, while a 16-ounce grande Starbucks Pike Place brewed coffee contains about 330 milligrams of caffeine. … The distributor of 5-hour ENERGY, Living Essentials LLC, said in a statement: “We recommend on product labels and the 5-hour ENERGY website that individuals consume no more than two bottles of 5-hour ENERGY shots per day, spaced several hours apart. Consumers who have caffeine sensitivities should consult with a physician before taking and can consider the ‘decaf’ version.” … Last month, the parents of Anais Fournier, 14, filed a lawsuit alleging that she died after drinking two Monster Energy drinks in a 24-hour period. In her case, an underlying heart condition was complicated by caffeine toxicity, according to the death certificate.

In these so-called energy drinks, a tremendous overload of stimulation from a high dose of caffeine, guarana and taurine is received. Most people are familiar with the effects of caffeine, but what about the effects of the other two?

Guarana: How does it work? Guarana contains caffeine. Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system (CNS), heart, and muscles. Guarana also contains theophylline and theobromine, which are chemicals similar to caffeine.

Guarana is likely safe for most adults when used in typical food amounts or in medicinal amounts short-term. But it is likely unsafe and even deadly, due to its caffeine content, when taken in high doses or long-term. The fatal dose of caffeine is estimated to be 10–14 grams (150-200 mg per kilogram; the “typical” man weighs about 70 kilograms, so a lethal dose of caffeine for this man would be 10,500–14,000 mg). This is quite a high dose. Consider that one cup of brewed coffee provides from 95-200 mg of caffeine. However, serious poisoning can occur at doses lower than 150-200 mg per kilogram depending on an individual’s caffeine sensitivity or smoking behavior, age, and prior caffeine use.

Side effects depend on the dose. At typical doses, the caffeine in guarana can cause insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate and blood pressure, rapid breathing, tremors, delirium, dieresis, and other side effects. Large guarana doses might cause headache, anxiety, agitation, ringing in the ears, pain when urinating, stomach cramps, and irregular heartbeats. People who take guarana regularly may experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms if they reduce their usual amount.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, guarana should be taken with caution due to the caffeine content. Small amounts are probably not harmful; however, consuming more than 200 mg/day has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage and other negative effects. See the following for more information:

Taurine: The multi-billion dollar phenomenon of energy drinks has captured the attention of scientists and nutritionists across the country. One of the main reasons is taurine, a common ingredient found in the caffeine and sugar-laden concoctions. … Taurine is a free form amino acid contained in foods and manufactured in the body from the amino acid cysteine. It was first discovered in the bile of bulls, and now produced synthetically by the truckload. Since taurine is created naturally in the human body, a good diet supplies all you need.

Studies have implicated synthetic taurine in illnesses ranging from high blood pressure to strokes and seizures, to heart disease. For these reasons it has been banned in some Scandinavian countries after being linked to the deaths of three consumers.

Because taurine is utilized by the body during exercise and in times of stress, it has become a popular ingredient in energy drinks. But taurine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system that’s very unnatural. For more information see:

Excerpts from: Sandra A. Fryhofer, MD

Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia; Past President, American College of Physicians, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Caffeine Comparisons

A 6-ounce cup of homemade coffee has about 75-100 mg of caffeine. The brew at some coffeehouses can be a bit stronger with caffeine content as high as 150 mg in 6 ounces, but it is no more than 25 mg caffeine per ounce. Of course, you usually drink coffee hot, so you sip it, slowly, and with enjoyment.[1]

Energy drinks, on the other hand, are usually chugged cold. The caffeine content of energy drinks can be as high as 500 mg per serving. There are also “energy shots” that deliver a caffeine punch of 100–350 mg per ounce, 3–7 times the caffeine in a regular soda. A 12-ounce can of soda contains a total of approximately 35–50 mg of caffeine.[1]

Ingredients Beyond Caffeine

Energy drinks contain more than coffee-bean-derived caffeine and sugars. Hidden caffeine derivatives in the form of guarana, kola nut, yerba mate, and cocoa can also be found on the list of ingredients. Guarana (also known as Paullinia cupana) on a per-gram basis contains anywhere from 40 to 80 mg of caffeine. This means that the caffeine content listed could underestimate the caffeine punch delivered. These drinks often contain taurine, which has been shown to increase blood pressure and heart rate when combined with caffeine.[2] Ginseng is often added and can interfere with warfarin, estrogen, steroids, and digoxin. Other common ingredients include l-carnitine, and yohimbe. In 2008, German, Hong Kong, and Tawain authorities found trace amounts of cocaine in the energy drink Red Bull Cola.[3]

Hazards of Too Much Caffeine

Energy drinks contain too much caffeine. This can cause anxiety, nervousness, sleep problems, elevated blood pressure, and heart palpitations. Although healthy people can tolerate moderate amounts of caffeine, the content in energy drinks exceeds what could be considered moderate. Adverse health consequences of caffeine intoxication include seizures, mania, stroke, and even sudden death.[2,3] Energy drink-related health consequences reported in German studies include liver damage, kidney and respiratory problems, seizures, and agitation, as well as heart rhythm disturbances, heart failure, high blood pressure, and rhabdomyolysis.[3]

Caffeinated Concerns for Kids

A new study in the journal Pediatrics highlights caffeinated energy drink concerns for children with specific medical conditions, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eating disorders, diabetes, and cardiac conditions. It also points out concerns about the link between caffeine and reduced bone mineralization.[3]

Caffeine and Alcohol: A Dangerous Combination

An even more hazardous trend, college students are mixing energy drinks with alcohol. The consequences can be dangerous and deadly. Although these students may think that caffeine counteracts the alcohol, it doesn’t. You might not get as sleepy, but you’re still impaired and you don’t know it.[1,5,6] The high caffeine content has a stimulant effect that prevents you from feeling drunk. Judgment, reaction time, and motor skills, however, are still impaired. A recent JAMA report calls this “wide awake drunkenness,” and it can lead to bad choices, risky behaviors, and worse.[1]

Billion Dollar Business

But this phenomenon is not limited to college campuses. Non-college going adults are drinking these beverages too. Energy drinks are big business.[5] In 2006, at least $5.4 billion worth was sold in the United States alone.[1] Sales for 2011 are predicted to exceed 9 billion dollars.[3]

Fortunately, the FDA has put the kibosh on premixed alcoholic energy drinks. On November 17, 2010, the FDA warned 4 companies that caffeine added to malt alcohols is an “unsafe food additive.” The companies that got warning letters include Charge Beverages Corporations (makers of Core High Gravity®), New Century Brewing Company (maker of Moon Shot®), Phusion Products (maker of Four Loko®), and United Brands Company (maker of Joose® and Max®).[7]

Final Thoughts

The FDA limit for caffeine in cola drinks is set at two hundredths of a per cent (0.02%), a max of 71 mg per 12 ounce serving.[1] Scientists and many parents, including me, wonder why this doesn’t also apply to energy drinks. The JAMA report ends with a plea:

“Scientists and health professionals cannot wait for further FDA action; available scientific evidence indicates that action is needed—now!”[1]

The average energy drink sold in a can contains 6–7 times the amount of caffeine than a regular cup of coffee. It also far exceeds the maximum amount of caffeine that the United States government allows in a drink. The companies producing these energy drinks get around this limit by selling it as a supplement, not a drink. The government does not regulate nutritional supplements so the FDA cannot do much. But you can do much by turning away from these drinks and preserving your health and warning others.

By the way, a friend of mine made the following observation: “I have recently watched on CNN various stories on this subject, so I headed for the energy drink isle at my local store. It is a huge isle and during the 10 minutes I was hanging out in the isle studying all the drinks there, the only customers I saw loading the cans into their carts were 13–15 year olds. I guess it is because they cannot buy beer, so they drink those? I cannot believe the ignorant parents!”

“It is these hurtful stimulants that are surely undermining the constitution and preparing the system for acute diseases; by impairing nature’s fine machinery and battering down her fortifications erected against disease and premature decay.” Testimonies, vol. 1, 548, 549.


  • Arria A, O’Brien M. The “high” risk of energy drinks. JAMA. 2011;305:600-601. Abstract
  • Steinke L, Lanfear D, Dhanapal V, Kalus J. Effect of “energy drink” consumption on hemodynamic and electrocardiographic parameters in healthy young adults. Ann Pharmacother. 2009;43:596-602. Abstract
  • Seifert S, Schaichter J, Hershorin E, Lipshults S. Health effects of energy drinks on children, and adolescents, and young adults. Pediatrics. 2011;127:511-527. Abstract
  • Brody J. Scientists see dangers in energy drinks. The New York Times. January 31, 2011.
  • Howland J, Rohsenow D, Calise T, MacKillop J, Metrik J. Caffeinated alcoholic beverages: an emerging public health problem. Am J Prev Med. 2011;40:268-271. Abstract
  • Howland J, Rohsenow DJ, Arnedt JT, et al. The acute effects of caffeinated versus non-caffeinated alcoholic beverage on driving performance and attention/reaction time. Addiction. 2011;106:335-341. Abstract
  • FDA News release. FDA Warning Letters issued to four makers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages. November 17, 2010. Available at: Accessed January 27, 2011.

Health – Instant Oatmeal

Everybody knows that oats are oats no matter what form they are in. This is true when it comes to nutrition. Whether the oats are instant, quick, regular or steel cut they all have the same nutrition. But there is something that changes when you choose to use the “instant” oatmeal. So what changes if the nutrition is the same?

In 1999, researchers at Boston’s Children’s Hospital [Boston, Massachusetts] experimented with teenage boys’ breakfasts. They fed them typical instant oatmeal and then tracked their snacking later in the day. As boys do, they dug into snacks a fair amount as the day went on. Then, the researchers repeated the experiment with one change: instead of instant oatmeal, they used the regular variety. Oatmeal is a very healthful food, rich in complex carbohydrates that, during the process of digestion, release natural sugars into the bloodstream for energy. When oatmeal is made “instant” the oats are chopped very finely. This not only makes it cook very quickly, but it also digests a bit too quickly, resulting in a rapid rise and fall of blood sugar and a fast return of appetite. Regular or “old-fashioned” oatmeal leaves the oats more or less intact, causing them to release their sugars into the bloodstream bit by bit, keeping the blood sugar steady and holding hunger at bay.

Researchers claim that oatmeal also makes an excellent breakfast for people who are trying to lose weight. Calorie for calorie, oatmeal wins out over sugary corn flakes by helping them feel more satisfied and full, therefore eating less as the day progresses. Ludwig DS, Majzoub JA, Al-Zahrani A, Dallal GE, Blanco I, Robert SB. High Glycemic Index, Overeating, and Obesity. Pediatrics. 1999; 103:656.

There you have it. A simple change in a simple food can make a big difference in keeping the blood sugar steady and keeping the snacking down. It seems that the more we refine our foods, the more our bodies react in ways that are not really normal. Instead of trying to quickly get breakfast on the table by buying the more refined grains, it would be much healthier for the body to take a few minutes longer and prepare the less refined grains so the body can be satisfied until the next meal.

Just as a side note, in Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss (Back to Eden Books, Lotus Press, P. O. Box 325, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin 53181, 580, 581), a story is told about oats: “The Great Northern Railroad had a very urgent piece of road to make. They hired a big crew of men and worked them fourteen hours a day. Instead of giving them ordinary water to drink, they gave them oatmeal water and the paper stated that not one man was laid off on account of sickness. It stated that never before had there been such a wonderful experience in the history of railroads.

“Oatmeal water should be more frequently used than it is. It is a very good medicine for the sick. To make oatmeal water, use the finely flaked oats and put two heaping teaspoonfuls in a pan with a quart of water. You can make it stronger or weaker to suit your taste. Put it on the stove and let it simmer for half-an-hour. Then beat it with a spoon or eggbeater and strain it through a fine sieve. This makes an excellent drink for anybody, especially the sick. If desired, you can add just a pinch of salt and a little soybean milk.

“Another recipe for making oatmeal water is: take a heaping tablespoonful of oatmeal to a quart of water and let it simmer for two or two and a half hours in a tightly covered pan, and then strain it. This makes a very refreshing, cooling drink after it is cooled off in the icebox.”

Oatmeal is very nourishing for the body whether instant, quick or regular. Just remember there are differences between instant oatmeal and old fashioned oatmeal and you need to choose the one best for your health and fits your lifestyle.

Health – Carrageenan–Is it Safe?

“Carrageenan has a long history of causing inflammation, specifically gastrointestinal inflammation. In fact, in the past, many scientists used carrageenan to CAUSE inflammation in order to study how specific drugs could reduce inflammation and to study the cells involved in the inflammatory response. Regular consumption of carrageenan also has a high correlation to different types of gastrointestinal cancers in rats. …”

The following information is taken from Total Health Magazine and provides understanding on just how important it is to read labels and understand how each ingredient may affect health. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) and Satan delights in causing illness and sorrow.

“Carrageenan Food Additive and Aircraft De-icer,” written by Gloria Gilbère, DAHom, PhD:

Carrageenan is a water-soluble polymer, a gum, used as a fat substitute in processed meats and also found in a multitude of food products for its thickening and gelatin-like qualities.

It is extracted from red seaweed by a powerful chemical alkali solvent—capable of removing skin as quick as any acid. In its natural state it is healthy; in its processed state, it is highly antagonistic to humans. It is the vegetarian equivalent of casein—protein isolated from milk to thicken foods. Carrageenan is the magic ingredient used to de-ice frozen airplanes sitting on tarmacs. … Oh great, and we are ingesting this stuff! If you don’t believe a food additive is also an aircraft de-icer, check out the “official” explanation for de-icing aircraft by the U. S. Patent Office website:

Why It Is Used

Besides food additive uses, carrageenan is in cosmetics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, toothpaste, room deodorizers, ulcer medications, petrolatum, and cod liver oil. Predominantly it is in food preparations as a substitute for fat—combining with milk proteins, increasing solubility and improves texture. Because of this, it is used in low-calorie formulations like beverages, infant formula, processed low-fat meats, whipped cream, cottage cheese, ice cream, yogurt, etc.—often combined with gums like locust bean or guar, to improve texture.

Dangers of Carrageenan

Carrageenan is a suspected factor linking it to varieties of gastrointestinal disorders including inflammatory bowel syndrome, colorectal malignancy, intestinal ulcerations, tumors and growths.

Health Effects

  • Research shows carrageenan coats the inside of the stomach like gooey honey—often causing digestive challenges. If a person consumes a soy product and reacts negatively, blaming soy for their stomach or lower gastrointestinal discomfort, it may be carrageenan they are actually reacting to.
  • High weight molecular carrageenans are considered safe by the FDA. Low weight carrageenans are considered dangerous—even soy milk manufacturer SILK™ admits this.
  • Another concern about carrageenan is that it stimulates glutamate in the body—similar to MSG or any sodium glutamate. Symptoms often associated with its consumption in products include excessive thirst, a “snappy” attitude, headache and that next day feeling of having one too many glasses of wine. In children it often manifests as anger, short-temper, hyperactivity and immediate need to empty bowels or literally diarrhea.

Scientifically Speaking

Research from Joanne Tobacman, M. D., professor at the University of Iowa College of Medicine, scientist and carrageenan expert, discusses valid concerns that digestive enzymes and bacterial action convert high weight carrageenans to dangerous low molecular weight carrageenans and poligeenans in the human gut—linked to human cancers and digestive disorders. Tobacman’s evidence and conclusions are based upon human tissue samples, not animal studies.

Tobacman studied effects of carrageenan on growth of cultured human mammary epithelial cells for two weeks. She found that extremely low doses of carrageenan disrupted the internal cellular architecture of healthy breast tissue, leading her to conclude: “The food additive, carrageenan, has marked effects on growth and characteristics of human mammary cells in tissue cultures at concentrations much less than those frequently used in food products—carrageenan destroys human cells in tissue cultures, including epithelial intestinal and prostate cells.” To further her research, Tobacman published an extensive review of 45 investigations on the harmful gastrointestinal effects of carrageenan in animal experiments. Her article was published in the October, 2001 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, the journal of the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences. Her conclusion, “There seems to be enough evidence associating carrageenan with significant gastrointestinal lesions, including malignancies, to avoid ingesting it—carrageenans are dangerous for human consumption, period! I believe the first consideration is to inform people about the risks associated with carrageenan. There was evidence back in the 1970s that carrageenan has harmful effects, and I think we’ve waited too long to act on that information.”

Some products known to contain carrageenan are: non-dairy puddings, liquid coffee creamers, processed cheeses, frosting mixes, ice cream and sherbets, jams and jellies, processed meat or fish, cottage cheese/yogurt, prepared pie fillings. These are just a few. Read your labels.

Immediate and Delayed Responses

If you experience any symptoms, especially gastrointestinal, go back and see if what you consumed contained carrageenan. Listen to your body language; it never steers you wrong. Remember, symptoms may be immediate or as delayed as 48 hours.

Carrageenan Allergy—Case History

“Our son had an as-of-yet undiagnosed metabolic disorder as an infant and was not growing. The doctors surgically installed a g-tube in his belly and force-fed him formula containing high amounts of carrageenan (not that they cared; it was the scientifically engineered nutrient content they wanted).

“The more they insisted we pump through him, the sicker he became, the more mucous his body produced, and he nearly died. Rapid improvement occurred when we stopped feeding him the formula under a new doctor’s care, who wanted him breastfed and self-selecting his diet (all whole foods) while his gut healed. It was then we started looking into food additives, most of which trigger our son’s gastro-reflex issues. After complete avoidance of food containing carrageenan, he quickly recovered.” Total Health Magazine:

Health – Keep Your Brain Alive – Go Neurobic

Get ready to exercise your brain! The brain needs to be exercised or it will get stuck in a rut. Neurobic exercises use all five senses in a very unique way to enhance the brain’s natural drive to form associations between different information. It is possible to grow your own brain food without any pills. You will keep your brain alive!

“Neurobics is a scientifically based program that helps you modify your behavior by introducing the unexpected to your brain and enlisting the aid of all your senses as you go through your day. An active brain is a healthy brain, while inaction leads to reduced brain fitness. Or, in simpler words, ‘Use it or lose it.’ ” Keep Your Brain Alive, Lawrence C. Katz, Ph.D. and Manning Rubin, Workman Publishing Company, New York, 1999.

“Simply by making small changes in your daily habits, you can turn everyday routines into ‘mind-building’ exercises.” Ibid., 32

So what makes an exercise neurobic? “If you are right-handed, controlling a pen is normally the responsibility of the cortex on the left side of your brain. When you change to writing left-handed, the large network of connections, circuits, and brain areas involved in writing with your left hand, which are normally rarely used, are now activated on the right side of your brain. Suddenly your brain is confronted with a new task that’s engaging, challenging, and potentially frustrating.” Ibid., 33.

Try it now; take a pen or a pencil and write a sentence or two with the hand you do not normally use to write. This is very challenging, but it is great for the brain. I have been attempting to use my other hand in writing numbers in my Sudoku games and find it is a real challenge—it feels like it is totally backward.

Also, try getting dressed with your eyes closed or take a completely new route to work. Do not try to use neurobic exercises for every activity all day, but just choose one or two things. And don’t give up the crossword puzzles, reading, learning a new language and other activities. Here are a few more suggestions for neurobics:

  • Take a shower with your eyes closed—this can be very interesting!
  • Lay out your wardrobe the night before and then, with your eyes closed, put your clothes on by feel only.
  • Using the opposite hand, put toothpaste on your toothbrush and brush your teeth with the wrong hand. (This is very challenging, and you will definitely laugh at yourself.)
  • Try shaving, applying makeup, buttoning clothes, eating with the wrong hand—the opposite hand(s).

These exercises require you to use the opposite side of your brain instead of the side you normally use. “Consequently, all those circuits, connections, and brain areas involved in using your dominant hand are inactive, while their counterparts on the other side of your brain are suddenly required to direct a set of behaviors in which they usually don’t participate. Research has shown that this type of exercise can result in a rapid and substantial expansion of circuits in the parts of the cortex that control and process tactile information from the hand.” Ibid., 45.

Some variations would be to “use only one hand to do tasks like buttoning a shirt, tying a shoe, or getting dressed. For a real workout, try using just your non-dominant hand. … Another exercise that associates unusual sensory and motor pathways in your cortex with a routine activity is to use your feet to put your socks and underwear in the laundry basket or pick out your shoes for the day.” Ibid.

Try musical chairs: “At dinnertime, have everyone switch seats. In most families, everyone has his or her ‘own’ seat, and it’s remarkable how permanent these arrangements become. Switching seats changes whose ‘position’ you occupy, who you relate to, your view of the room, and even how you reach for salt and pepper.” Ibid., 103. This is good brain workout!

Exercise your brain and give it some challenges. Neurobics is a unique brain exercise program based on the latest neuroscience research. These deceptively simple exercises help stimulate the production of nutrients that grow brain cells to keep the brain younger and stronger. Neurobics uses the five senses in unexpected ways and shakes up everyday routines. The result is a mind fit to meet any challenge and the ability to stay creative in your life and work.

Don’t get stuck in a rut. Go neurobic and keep your brain alive!

Health – Is Popular Culture Healthy?

Our young people are growing up in an age where they are exposed to hundreds of television channels showing all manner of programs on different subjects. They also have immediate access to an unlimited amount of information to people near and far through e-mail and instant messaging. Besides the computer, there are DVDs, video games, magazines, advertising and malls to fill each young person’s life. Most young people between 2 years old and 18 years old will spend at least, if not more than, 5 hours a day absorbing this so-called popular culture. This popular culture is a very destructive force in their lives because of the values at its foundation. The culture of past generations in the Western world used to reflect Christian values, but the popular culture today reflects different values. We are now in serious danger physically, mentally and spiritually.

Instead of benefitting from our Christian cultures and background, the popular media is now implanting bad values, attitudes, and beliefs in our young people. They are being brainwashed as to what they need, and the majority of the time, their wants have no redeeming value. Anything that may be emotionally, socially or spiritually unhealthy is impressed upon the young people and is very destructive. Some examples include advertising that connects certain toys, clothes, food, or drinks with being popular or cool, or music that encourages racism, sexism, drug use, or violence.

We must remember that even “good” popular culture sometimes is not very good for young people. Many of the daily activities which include television, computers, ipods and cell phones teach children bad habits which include:

  1. Teaching them to be observers and not participants.
  2. Experiencing life vicariously instead of directly. In other words, the experience is felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of another.
  3. Sedentary games instead of physical activity.
  4. Indirect social contact with others rather than real contact. Many people today have lost the ability to interact positively with others. Even in families there is no interaction; many do not talk with each other because they have nothing to say.
  5. Preventing them from participating in activities that will support their intellectual, emotional, cultural, spiritual, and physical development.

Julius Gilbert White explains as follows:

It is a matter of common knowledge that human existence consists essentially of the exercise of three sets of powers: (1) the physical, (2) the mental, (3) the spiritual.

The physical body and life provide the habitation for the mental powers, which give life to them and so make their function possible.

Likewise, the physical life and the mental powers combined make it possible for men to meditate upon and conceive spiritual things, accept spiritual ideals and truths, and render a spiritual service, and so have a spiritual experience. Without the physical life there can be neither mental powers nor spiritual experience.

Everything depends, then, upon the physical life, which is the foundation of the entire structure of human existence, including the spiritual life, which is the highest object of man’s existence.

“The physical life consists essentially of the use of five senses—abilities to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. If the foundation be destroyed the entire structure is ruined.” Julius Gilbert White, The Christian’s Experience, (Northwestern Publishing Association, Sacramento, California) 37, 38.

The devil wants to destroy the foundation of our young people. He knows that if he destroys the physical life, then the mental powers and spiritual experience will also be destroyed.

The following is taken from an article in the magazine Parenting.

Television, movies, and video games glamorize violence, sexuality, wealth, celebrity, and the use of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes. Fashion and celebrity magazines affect how girls think about their bodies, the amount they diet and exercise, and the occurrence of eating disorders. The internet gives your children limitless access to a universe of inappropriate information. In sum, popular culture in excess and without guidance is destroying your children psychologically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and physically.

Popular culture is like a network of saboteurs that infiltrate your family’s lives with stealth and deception, hiding behind entertaining characters, bright images, and fun music. You probably don’t notice half of the unhealthy messages being conveyed to your children. It is also an invading army that overwhelms your children with these destructive messages. It attempts to control every aspect of your children’s lives: their values, attitudes, and beliefs about themselves and the world that they live in; their thoughts, emotions, and behavior; their needs, wants, goals, hopes, and dreams; their interests and avocations; their choices and their decisions. With this control, popular culture can tell children what to eat and drink, what to wear, what to listen to and watch, and children have little ability to resist.

The mere presence of popular culture shouldn’t be your greatest worry. Rather, your greatest concern should be the influence that this presence has on your children. Few people really understand how popular culture affects children’s lives. Even fewer people realize how truly harmful it is to children, families, communities, and to our society as a whole. Popular culture attacks children at their most basic level, the values that guide their lives.

Popular culture promotes the worst values in children and disguises them all as entertainment. Reality TV, for example, has made the “seven deadly sins”—pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth—attributes to be admired. Throw in selfishness, deceit, spite, humiliation, cruelty, and vengeance—all qualities seen and revered in popular culture—and you have the personification of the worst kind of person. Popular culture makes heroic decidedly unheroic values, characters, and behavior. Source: (look in the index for “Know your Children’s enemy”).

Remember the family unit. “Let parents seek, in their own character and in their home life, to exemplify the love and beneficence of the heavenly Father. Let the home be full of sunshine. This will be worth far more to your children than lands or money. Let the home love be kept alive in their hearts, that they may look back upon the home of their childhood as a place of peace and happiness next to heaven. The members of the family do not all have the same stamp of character, and there will be frequent occasion for the exercise of patience and forbearance; but through love and self-discipline all may be bound together in the closest union.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 176.

So, shut down the computers and turn off the TV and cell phones and spend some time doing things together as a family. You could put on your running shoes and take your children for a walk out in the sunshine or dig a vegetable garden. Be creative and choose activities that are physically, mentally and spiritually healthy that will build tight family bonds and happy memories.

Do your best to keep your family healthy!

Health – The Brain and the Nerves

There is a strange relation between the mind and the body. Diseases of each affect each. Involuntary actions of the heart, digestion, etc., are affected by the mind. Certain nerve-cells in the brain restrain other nerve-cells. One center causes contraction of the small blood-vessels: If this continued, the contraction would be too severe and prolonged. Another center therefore restrains the action of the first, thus balancing up the work of contraction, so that the proper supply of blood goes to all the body. This principle is called “inhibition.” Coughing and sneezing may be controlled by opposite nerve-cells. Cells that inhibit action of other cells lie in the front part of the large brain, or cerebrum. Here lies the power to exercise the will. 

We can inhibit wrong desires and curb evil inclinations. At first self-indulgence is a moral sin; then it becomes a physical disease. If we allow certain cells to act daily, always in certain ways, – that is, in our thoughts – this action becomes easier the oftener done; in other words, habit is formed. When we do a wrong act once, it is easier the next time, and becomes easier with each repetition. So with right ways. If we conquer evil and do right, it will become habitual. God gives us power if the will is submitted to him to overcome habit. While we cannot understand the will wholly, we know it is that which makes character, and character is what we are. This will live forever if the individual believes in Jesus Christ, and lives with the will submitted to Him. 

As one accustoms himself to think along certain lines, so the brain-cells become set, and thought runs in a certain groove, or channel. Think pure, sweet, happy thoughts, in harmony with the love of God and Christ’s example, and the brain and mind are thus attuned to heaven’s music. Philippians 4:8 is a good mental exercise. Proverbs 23:7 states a fact. A man once confessed to a Christian worker that it was impossible for him to think pure thoughts. Even Scriptures read in his hearing were, in his evil mind, associated with impurity in some form. He said that he had allowed his mind so to develop that it was impossible for him to be saved, for he could not think of anything but sin. God hates sin, and he will pour out his wrath upon it; but he does not destroy men: this they do themselves. How? – By thinking on evil, and then acting it out. In this way it becomes ingrained in them, a part of them; in fact, it is they themselves, SIN! This God will consume in the last day, because it has already consumed the man. If we heed the invitation of mercy before this condition of mind becomes fixed, there is hope. God wrought miracles in the past, and healed the lesions of the brain-cells, so that it was possible for pure thoughts to travel their course, and thus affect the character; and where a heart is now truly desirous of such a change, God freely gives it. 

The Youth’s Instructor, December 13, 1900.

Stress, part 3

In our last article, we noted that there are basically two ways of combating stress:

To strengthen oneself as a person in order to more readily resist the destructive effects of stress.
To resolve the actual cause of stress at its source.

Bearing in mind that there are many different causes of stress, it may be that a person’s stress problem will not be dealt with by simply dropping it into just one of the above areas. There may well be considerable overlapping. It is hoped, however, that a person of average intelligence should be able to prayerfully evaluate his situation and determine what measures need to be adopted to meet his case.

Previously we began to explore the first aspect of strengthening oneself as a person in order to better handle the stressors of life. In so doing, we dwell at length upon the importance of getting an adequate amount of rest and not overworking. To continue, we now need to consider several other modalities that relate to stress control and life-style in general:


It has been rightly said that action is the law of our being. We all need to be physically active, but the sedentary type person who is under stress needs to be especially sure that he makes time for physical activity at some time in his day. Those in need of exercise should bear in mind that while stretching and twisting exercises and some form of moderate weight lifting may have their place, the best exercise for stress is aerobic activity, such as walking, swimming, or cycling. In addition to helping to dissipate stress and tension, this type of exercise also strengthens the heart and lungs and tones up the body’s oxygen delivery system. An efficient circulatory system is much better able to convey waste materials and impurities from the cells to the excretory organs. This will not only result in a clearer mind but, in conjunction with other factors, contributes to an increased energy level, which is helpful in combating stress.

The cells of the body contain minute structures called mitochondria, which produce a special energy substance called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). People who exercise regularly and sufficiently have been shown to have more mitochondria in their muscle cells than people who do not exercise. Often a person who feels chronically tired wrongly supposes that exercise will further deplete his energy level. This is not true. The best way to increase his vitality is to get up and start working out! The more he does, the more he will increase the number of mitochondria producing the ATP, turning his yawns and sluggishness into pep and energy.

It is not unusual for an overworked, under-exercised, and stressed-out individual to suffer from hypertonic muscle tension. This is a condition in which certain muscle groups become tense and wound up like a clockwork spring. Even when a person in this state tries to relax, his muscles in the scalp, neck, and shoulders, for example, remains taut and unable to fully relax. The best remedy for this situation is to go outside and engage in some physical activity, followed by a relaxing, warm bath. Another type of maneuver for dealing with muscle tension is to lie flat on the bed and physically contract the muscles in the arms and legs and then let them relax. Though this procedure is never as good as engaging in a more complete body exercise, it may be of benefit for someone who is trying to relax in bed before going to sleep.

The best and safest type of exercise is brisk walking, several times per week, for about thirty minutes per session. Gardening, weather permitting, is an excellent form of exercise and stress alleviator. These forms of exercise are very helpful as mood elevators, helping to overcome depressions.

Fresh Air

Fresh air is a vital weapon in overcoming stress. Deep, rhythmic breathing has a calming effect upon jittery and shattered nerves. People in the stressful throws of quitting cigarettes have often been advised to begin deep, rhythmic breathing when the craving starts hitting them hard. Coupled with prayer, this is a powerful means of getting them through an intense peak of craving. It has been shown that brain cells require about five times more oxygen than cells elsewhere in the body. A nervous system deficient in the vital element of oxygen is more vulnerable to the onslaughts of stress.


By far the best kind of diet for anyone, and especially those who seek to increase their stress resistance, is that which is prescribed in Counsels on Diet and Foods, 92; “grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.” Such a diet will provide all of the nutritional elements necessary for life and the challenges of living. Unfortunately, many subsist today on highly refined junk foods that do not provide the vital nutrition that their bodies require.

In addition to a deficient diet, the majority of people do not eat at the times best suited to meet the stressors of each day. For example, the most challenging part of the work day has been shown to be the morning, up until lunch time. Many individuals, however, go off to work in the morning with very little, if any, breakfast and with the false expectation that they will produce at their optimum. Regardless of how well they my think they have done, it is a fact that people who go to work on a good breakfast generally do better than those who do not. In the case of school children, it was shown in the now classic, Iowa breakfast studies of several years ago, that children who face school after an adequate breakfast did better academically and emotionally than those who ate little or no breakfast. Adults who eat breakfast have been shown to have better concentration and dexterity and are less accident prone than those who skip breakfast. It goes without saying that those who ate breakfast had much better resistance to stress.

One of the key factors in all of this is the blood glucose level. People who eat little or no breakfast, other than possibly some other type of sugary junk food, may have difficulty maintaining an adequate level of glucose in their bloodstream throughout the morning. Because junk foods are highly refined and usually contain a lot of sugar, they are very quickly digested. Their carbohydrate content is rapidly converted into glucose and released into the blood stream. This quick source of energy is soon spent, often leaving the individual as deficient in vitality as before. The rapid surge of large amounts of sugar into the circulation can cause an overreaction in some people as their bodies seek to restore homeostasis. The pancreas becomes over stimulated because of the sudden, rapid rise in circulating glucose and responds by secreting an excess of insulin, in turn causing the blood sugar to rapidly drop below its normal range. Such episodes of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) leave a person feeling weak, nervous, jittery, and hollow inside. Apart from all of the other classical symptoms associated with hypoglycemia, the person is rendered much less capable of handling stress.

A number of years ago a study was conducted among a group of young women who had been placed on a diet deficient in vitamin B-1. The experiment finally had to be abandoned because they became nervous, irritable, intolerant to noise, and started having a hard time getting along with one another. While a person’s low stress threshold may not be due to a nutritional deficiency, it certainly does no harm to examine one’s dietary practices and especially ensure that he starts each day with a hearty breakfast.

Chemical Stimulants

Chemical stimulants never serve to strengthen the nervous system and fortify it against stress, even though they may give the impression of being beneficial. A degree of stimulation may come as a consequence of eating a flesh diet or ingesting a large amount of sugar, as is sometimes seen in hyperactive children. The greatest culprit by far, however, is caffeine. This chemical rapidly whips up the nervous system, only to produce greater debilitation once its stimulation has worn off. The usual response to this ultimate “let down” is to ingest more caffeine, continuing the vicious cycle of addiction and depletion of vital energy reserves. A physician friend of mine once described a very nervous and stressed out lady who visited his office. No significant cause could be found for her severe agitation until the doctor discovered that she was drinking a very large amount of coffee every day. His prescription was for her to go home and get rid of the coffee pot! She returned home doubting the credibility of his advice; but under the admonition of her husband, whom she had almost driven to despair, she quit the caffeine. Several weeks later she returned to the doctor’s office so completely relaxed and unwound that he hardly recognized her!

Not all stress problems, however, are related to lifestyle.


Some of the worst kinds of stress are the result of strained relationships. In such cases, efforts must be made to facilitate communication between both parties in as unconfrontational way as possible in order to address the underlying issues. It may even be necessary to involve a neutral party to mediate between them.

During these types of situation, when discouragement threatens to break one’s hold upon God, it is crucial to cling tenaciously to the divine promises, believing that all things can work together for good to them that love Him and that God will not permit us to endure more than we are able to bear. (See Romans 8:18; I Corinthians 10:13.) If it yields nothing else, being locked into a stressful, hostile relationship is an opportunity for spiritual growth that may not have been possible on the sunny side of the street.

When subject to the stress of relationship problems, we should prayerfully search our hearts and honestly ask if the problem is not of our own creating. We may have to search our hearts to ensure that what we have said or done for the right has been done properly. It is also appropriate to ask if we are causing stress because of our lack of necessary action.

Quietly stewing inside over what others may have said or done to us is not healthy. This is not said to encourage anyone to passionately rise up in anger and defend a selfish interest. It is said, however, within the context of what Jesus Himself said, “If thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.” Matthew 18:15. If we are genuine Christians, we will not treat such occasions as opportunities to get things “off our chest” in an attempt to dissipate our stress; but we will ask God to give us the courage and compassion to not only redeem our relationship with the individual and resolve the stress, but to redeem them from a wrong course of action which can affect their eternal interests.

A lot of unnecessary stress and anguish might be resolved if such individuals were willing to honestly enquire as did the psalmist: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me.” Psalm 139:23, 24. In the book, Early Writings, 113, Ellen White states that, “Many who profess the name of Christ . . . are not subdued by grace, and they are not dead to self, as is often shown in various ways. At the same time they are talking of having trials. But the principal cause of their trials is an unsubdued heart, which makes self so sensitive it is often crossed.” Individuals in this category experience tremendous stress which could be decidedly resolved if they were broken upon the Rock and were dead to self.

Learning To Be Content

While we should strive to do our best in life to the glory of God, the good of others, and the wholesome betterment of ourselves, we should ever remain thankful for what we have and for who we are and not allow covetousness to dictate our actions. Many people have pierced themselves through with many sorrows and burdened themselves with stress because they begin coveting the possessions and achievements of others. They get into the rat race of keeping up with the Jones’s and soon find themselves living beyond their means. The only way to resolve the stress that often overwhelms those who have trod this well-worn path is to stop seeking that which God has not called them to seek. Depending on the circumstances, it may require them to change their job, or to be content with less.

When we choose to cut from our lives the things contrary to God’s will that have stressed them out and robbed them of happiness, we may do so with God’s help. He understands each situation far better than we know it ourselves. “’Come unto Me,’ is His invitation. Whatever your anxieties and trials, spread out your case before the Lord. Your spirit will be braced for endurance. The way will be opened for you to disentangle yourself from embarrassment and difficulty. The weaker and more helpless you know yourself to be, the stronger will you become in His strength. The heavier your burdens, the more blessed the rest in casting them upon the Burden-bearer. The rest that Christ offers depends upon conditions, but these conditions are plainly specified. They are those with which all can comply.” The Desire of Ages, 329. We need never fear of doing the right and accepting God’s plan for our lives. “In every difficulty He has His way prepared to bring relief. Our Heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us, of which we now nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service and honor of God supreme will find perplexities vanish and a plain path before their feet.” Ibid., 330. As we make whatever changes are necessary in accepting that plan, we can become joyfully content with such things as we have (see Hebrews 13:5) and by faith rest in the assurance that all things needful will be ours. (See Matthew 6:25–34.)

Resolving the Stress of Guilt

In conclusion, we must never overlook the fact that many are stressed with a burden of guilt which they never can resolve in themselves. To all, Jesus extends the hand of mercy, presenting Himself as the only One able to lift the burden from their shoulders and their anxious minds. He alone is able to resolve the stress and inner turmoil caused by sin and exchange it for heaven’s sweet and lovely peace. Those who submit their lives into His keeping may know, even in the midst of a troubled world, the peace of God that passes all understanding. They can also rejoice in the sure hope of one day dwelling with Christ in glory, never again to know the distress of stress!

Health – Practical Suggestions

In 1863, through His chosen messenger, God gave health reform principles to the early Adventist church. Some of those principles seemed quite radical, but were, in time, proven scientifically to be accurate.

More than one hundred and fifty years later, based on endless scientific studies on what he saw work best in his patients, James L. Marcum, M.D. in his book, The Ultimate Prescription, M.D., Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (2010), Carol Stream, Illinois, sets out a number of simple principles that if followed result in good health.

Practical Suggestions

  1. Eat a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and seeds. This would include soy, rice, beans, and whole-grain pastas. Fad diets can be harmful.
  2. Drink more water, and avoid soft drinks. Stay away from anything that contains corn syrup.
  3. Avoid foods with a high fat content. These are basically fried foods, meats, French fries, cheese, eggs, margarine and butter, ice cream, doughnuts, cookies, gravy, potato chips, and so on. These are high in trans-saturated fats (trans fats), which cause all sorts of stress and chemical problems in the body.
  4. Sparingly use monounsaturated fats like olive oil and canola oil. You might learn how to leave them out completely. The body doesn’t process such fats. It stores them. I don’t have to tell you where.
  5. Reduce salt intake by diminishing your use of table salt and processed foods. Remember, too much salt can increase blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, osteoporosis, and kidney stones. In fact, half the people on dialysis are there because of high blood pressure. Try Bragg Liquid Aminos instead of salt to enhance taste without loading your body down with sodium.
  6. Avoid eating only for pleasure. Eat when you are hungry; stop when you are full. Eat small portions slowly. By the way, foods high in fiber (plant-based foods) send a clear “I’m full” signal to the brain, which switches off the hunger sensation at just the right moment. Non-fiber foods (animal products and highly processed foods) do not. Something to think about!
  7. Eat most of your calories in the morning. Not hungry when you get up? Simply eat a smaller supper and nothing after seven in the evening. The chemical reactions that result from skipping breakfast make it very hard for you to make good food choices later in the day.
  8. Become a vegetarian. Even most animals are vegetarians. When you eat meat, you’re getting your calories secondhand. In addition, the diseases the animals might have, the steroids used to promote growth, and chemicals added to the animals’ foods are passed on to you. Animal products are also absolutely loaded with fat. “But I’ll just eat fish or only organic animal products,” many patients say. While this is certainly a step in the right direction, meat is meat, and we weren’t designed to process it in any form.
  9. Avoid processed foods and the chemical additives found in them. Here’s a simple rule: look for packaged foods with the fewest ingredients. Again, if you can’t pronounce an ingredient, you probably can’t digest it.
  10. Eliminate caffeine and alcohol from your diet. These are two powerful toxins that do much more harm than good.
  11. Be careful with supplements and herbs. Take the time to learn about them from a reliable source. Some herbs interfere with cardiac medications. It’s always best to get your nutritional needs from whole foods—foods as they were grown.
  12. Eat plenty of antioxidants. These amazing micronutrients have the incredible ability to fight the development and spread of cancer cells. Where do we find these antioxidants? In plant-based foods like fruits and legumes.
  13. Find foods with omega-3, -6, -9 fatty acids—the healthy fats. Again, choose plant-based foods—like flaxseed for omega-3. Grind flaxseed before adding it to your diet.

I hope you’re not overwhelmed after reading the list. Instead, I hope you’re encouraged. There is hope for you and your family. There is a plan you can follow to bypass the bypass, to reduce the risk of contracting cancer, to shield yourself from the diseases that are filling doctors’ offices and hospital beds.

Choose a couple of items from the list and try to follow those suggestions for a month. I guarantee you will feel better. Once those become habits, pick another suggestion from the list and work on it as well. After all, you only have one body and one life to live. You are in charge of your choices. When it comes to lifestyle diseases, you decide how sick—or how healthy—you want to be.

Health – Flavonoids

The Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates famously advised people to “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” (This of course is the same physician/philosopher who gave us the Hippocratic Oath, the central theme of which is “First do no harm.”) Unfortunately, we have strayed from this good advice in modern times. Today, orthodox medicine is less about food as medicine and more about the rapid development of (often harmful) medications to treat symptoms. Rarely does conventional medicine actually address prevention or correction of the underlying health problem that is creating the symptoms.

We can get back to the Hippocratic philosophy of making food our medicine.

Flavonoids: Powerhouses of Prevention

A number of recent studies have shown that a class of compounds called flavonoids, which are found in commonly eaten plants, can not only slow the age-related degeneration of the brain, but can actually reverse it. (Lau, F.C., et. al., Subcell Biochem 2007; 42: 299-318; Barros, D., et. al., Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2006; 84: 299-234) These studies used blueberries in the form of a concentrated extract, which provides very high levels of the beneficial flavonoids, such as anthrocyanadins, that the fruit contains. You can buy this extract in most grocery stores.

Studies have shown that blueberries improved memory in older mice, including spatial memory, long-term reference memory, and object recognition memory. (Goyarzu, P., et. al., Nutr Neurosci 2004; 7: 75-83; Casadesus, G., et. al., Nutr Neurosci 2004; 7(5-6): 309-316)

Researchers have also found that feeding blueberry extracts to rodents greatly improved their ability to navigate mazes. (Williams, C.M., et. al., Free Rad Biol Med 2008; 45: 295-305)

In another series of studies, James Joseph and his co-workers at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston [Massachusetts] found that concentrated extracts of blueberries, spinach, and strawberries could prevent changes in the aging brains of animals.

These changes, such as calcium accumulation in synapses (the connections between brain cells) are also commonly seen in aging human brains. Blueberry extract had the most potent effect in correcting high synaptic calcium levels.

Accumulation of calcium in the area of the brain called the hippocampus (essential for learning, memory, and behavior) is another common finding in brain-aging studies. This calcium can interfere with memory and cause depression, as well as other behavioral changes. Therefore, a substance that can return hippocampus calcium levels to that of younger animals is a real breakthrough.

Another part of this study examined the cognitive function (thinking) of the animals that were fed these extracts. The researchers found significant improvement of learning ability in animals that were fed the plant extracts. In tests of the ability of the extracts to reduce oxidative stress in the animals’ brains, the researchers found that only the blueberry and strawberry extracts were effective.

Interestingly, these extracts increase vitamin E levels in the hippocampus, but not other parts of the brain. Aging is associated with a progressive increase of oxidative stress (free radical creation and lipid peroxidation) in the brain, especially in the hippocampus.

Of great importance was the finding that only the blueberry extract improved psychomotor function in the aged animals. This refers to skills that have been performed so often that you don’t have to consciously think about them to perform the action (such as tying your shoes).

This benefit would be particularly important for elderly people, because weakness and a loss of coordination are common ailments that make life difficult for seniors.

Besides acting as an antioxidant, these plant extracts improve the fluid-like quality of brain neurons, reduce brain inflammation, and reduce activation of microglia (the brain’s immune cells) and the release of brain-destructive chemicals from the microglia. (Lau, F.C., et. al., J Neurosci Res 2007; 85: 1010-1017)

One way blueberries repair the brain is by stimulating the production of the brain growth factors BDNF and IGF-1. These chemicals repair damaged brain cell connections and stimulate brain plasticity (growth of new circuits).

If we apply the animal study findings to humans, it would require three years of consuming these plant extracts to attain the same effects. That is why it is important to make these dietary changes now and not wait for a neurodegenerative disease to make its appearance.

Flavonoids Enhance Brain Performance

There are thousands of plant chemicals that have been shown to have beneficial health effects. Over 5,000 flavonoids alone have been identified.

Human studies have shown that people who eat a large daily portion of fruits and vegetables develop improved brain function and are significantly less likely to suffer brain degeneration as they age.

One fairly recent study, called the PAQUID Study, examined the flavonoid intake of 1,640 people age 65 or older and assessed their brain function using sophisticated tests, including the Mini-Mental State Exam, the Benton Visual Retention Test, and the Isaacs Set Test. (Letenneur, L., et. al., Am J Epidemiol 2007; 165: 1364-1371)

What is especially interesting about this study is that the researchers followed these subjects for 10 years and repeated the tests four times during this period. Most such studies follow test subjects for only a few years.

The study was adjusted for age, sex, and education level to rule out confounding factors. Those who ate the most flavonoid-containing foods had the best cognitive performance. Even more important, they had the highest level of evolution of performance — that is, an increasingly better performance on the tests over time.

This study provides us with powerful evidence that eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables can improve our ability to think and learn.

But one of the best sources of concentrated mixtures of flavonoids is fruits and vegetables themselves. I have often recommended consuming blenderized vegetables and selected fruits to get the most nutrients from the diet. It is absolutely critical to clean all vegetables thoroughly with a vegetable wash before blenderizing to remove pesticides and herbicides, as well as bacteria.

Contaminated plants have become a major cause of illness. Organically grown vegetables are best, as long as they are healthy and without spots and damaged areas. The most nutrient- dense vegetables and fruits include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, spinach, berries, celery, kale, and greens.

For more powerful health benefits, add blueberry concentrate, along with two cups of purified water and blenderize the vegetables. It’s best to use cold water to protect the vitamins in the vegetables.

One should drink 8 ounces of the mix once or twice a day. This provides a very high concentration of vitamins, fiber, and flavonoids in a highly absorbable form. In fact, the body absorbs only 20 to 30 percent of the flavonoids by eating raw fruits and vegetables, but 90 percent if you drink blenderized fruits and vegetables.

As for the omega-3 oils, I prefer taking pure DHA oils rather than a blend of high EPA and low DHA, as is found in many products. EPA is associated with increased bleeding, as well as disrupting diabetes and suppression of cell-mediated immunity.

Source: Excerpts from Blaylock Wellness Report, November 2011.