Satan’s Most Destructive Device


Isn’t John 2:10 direct evidence that the wine Jesus made was alcoholic wine? The wedding host states that normally a better wine is served first, and then when the guests are drunk enough, a cheaper wine will do. But at this wedding it was vice versa.

Additionally, I recently spoke to an Adventist pastor who told me that alcohol abstinence cannot be proven from the Bible. It has just been accepted as church tradition. It is certainly a good tradition, but I remember that many Adventists believe that alcohol abstinence is actually a Biblical requirement for Christians.


Where to begin. Raised a Seventh-day Adventist, all my life I was taught that Seventh-day Adventists do not drink alcoholic beverages of any kind because the Bible says that we should not. It is true that the Bible does not say “Thou shalt not drink fermented wine or any alcoholic beverage.” However, I can quote many scriptures that describe what the Bible says we should not drink: Ephesians 5:18, Proverbs 20:1, Romans 14:21, Isaiah 5:11, 22, and Proverbs 21:17. And perhaps the most well-known scripture Proverbs 23:31–35, “Do not look on the wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it swirls around smoothly; at the last it bites like a serpent, and stings like a viper. Your eyes will see strange things, and your heart will utter perverse things. Yes, you will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea, or like one who lies at the top of the mast, saying: ‘They have struck me, but I was not hurt; they have beaten me, but I did not feel it. When shall I awake, that I may seek another drink?’ ” This is not an exhaustive list by any means.

Oinos (Greek) and Yayin (Hebrew) are the generic words used in the Bible for wine. Both words can mean either fermented or unfermented juice of the grape. And yet, it seems that it is assumed that these words always mean fermented wine. Why?

Proverbs 31:6 is often used to support the belief that the Bible allows the use of fermented beverages. The Scriptures do give permission to use fermented wine, but only in very specific situations. In Bible times, there was very little chemical means with which to control pain. God does not want anyone to suffer even an hour’s pain if there is a way it can be alleviated. The use of a strong alcoholic beverage was permitted in the case of someone in severe pain or to alleviate the pain of someone who was dying.

Another scripture used to support that the Bible allows the use of fermented beverages is 1 Timothy 5:23—“No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.”

Just as is still done today, grapes in Bible times were preserved many different ways—they were dried like raisins or the grape juice was boiled until most of the water evaporated leaving a thick grape syrup. Because of the dense concentration of this syrup, it would keep at room temperature without spoiling just as honey or sugar does. This syrup was often added to water when grapes were out of season and the resulting beverage was called wine, though it was not fermented.

Cities in Bible times had the same problem transporting water through a piping system as we do today. If the water is acidic, it will deteriorate the pipe, so either lye or some other alkaline compound must be added to the water. Two thousand years ago, most city water supplies were alkaline just as they are today. If a person had a sensitive stomach or weak digestion, this city water could cause stomach discomfort. This is almost certainly what Paul was talking about to Timothy in this scripture. Timothy was having problems with the drinking water because of its alkaline content. By adding some of this grape syrup, which was readily available, his drinking water would be changed to wine—grape juice with an acidic pH—and his stomach problems would be alleviated.

Now let’s consider this compelling scripture found in 1 Corinthians 6:19, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” How can a person, particularly a Christian, justify putting any substance into their body that causes harm to or destroys it and still claim to be a temple of the Holy Spirit? How can the Holy Spirit dwell in a temple polluted with alcohol?

Another compelling argument against intoxicating beverages can be found in what Jesus said in 1 Corinthians 11:25, “In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.’ ” How can we believe that any scripture in the Bible would condone the use of fermented wine as a representation of Jesus’ blood?

But what I find most compelling of all are the following quotations from the Spirit of Prophecy. Directly addressing John 2:10 and the miracle at the wedding feast, Mrs. White writes: “For the feast the best food that could be secured was provided. Unfermented wine was used as a beverage.” Christ Triumphant, 229

“The unfermented wine that He [Jesus] provided for the wedding guests was a wholesome and refreshing drink. This is the wine that was used by our Saviour and His disciples in the first Communion.” The Ministry of Healing, 333

“The wine created by Christ at this time was the best wine those present had ever tasted. But it was free from all fermentation. Christ Himself had forbidden the use of fermented drink, saying, ‘Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations: and that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean …’ (Leviticus 10:9–11).” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 10, 200

“We protest that Christ never made intoxicating wine; such an act would have been contrary to all the teachings and example of His life … . The wine which Christ manufactured from water by a miracle of His power, was the pure juice of the grape.” The Signs of the Times, August 29, 1878

In addition, Mrs. White says that Jesus meant this miracle as an illustration—actually more than one. “In this miracle, Jesus illustrates the truth that while the world presents its best gifts first, to fascinate the senses and please the eye, He [Jesus] gives good gifts, ever fresh and new unto the end. They never pall upon the taste, the heart never sickens and tires of them. The pleasures of the world are unsatisfying, its wine turns to bitterness, its gayety to gloom. … But Jesus provides a feast of the soul that never fails to give satisfaction and joy.” The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 2, 103, 104

“This donation of Christ to the marriage supper was a symbol of the means of salvation. The water represented baptism into His death, the wine, the shedding of His blood for the purifying of the sins of the world. The provision made for the wedding guests was ample, and not less abundant is the provision for blotting out the iniquities of men.” Ibid.

Finally, let’s address the statement by the Adventist pastor who said that abstinence from alcoholic beverages could not be proved from the Bible. The only reason there is doubt is because man misinterprets the Scriptures for his own benefit. “Some who claim to be Christians clothe themselves with fig leaves and feel at liberty to use intoxicating drinks, and they claim to be in harmony with Christ in this particular. But Christ did not set the example they claim to imitate. Be assured that Christ would not have made intoxicating wine on the occasion of His first miracle. He gave to those present a safe drink to give to all humanity—the pure juice of the grape. …

Christ looked down the ages and saw in every generation what the use of wine would do for the users. Therefore at this [marriage] feast He set a right example.” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 10, 201

“There are those who call themselves advocates of temperance who will yet indulge in the use of wine and cider, claiming that these stimulants are harmless, and even healthful. It is thus that many take the first step in the downward path. Intoxication is just as really produced by wine and cider as by stronger drinks, and it is the worst kind of inebriation. … A few quarts of cider and wine may awaken a taste for stronger drinks. …

“Moderate drinking is the school in which men are receiving an education for the drunkard’s career. So gradually does Satan lead away from the strongholds of temperance, so insidiously do wine and cider exert their influence upon the taste, that the highway to drunkenness is entered upon all unsuspectingly.” Temperance, 277, 278

“With the awful results of indulgence in intoxicating drink before us, how is it that any man or woman who claims to believe in the word of God, can venture to touch, taste, or handle wine or strong drink? Such a practice is certainly out of harmony with their professed faith.” Ibid., 42

Neither Christ nor His prophets nor His word would ever give leave or even suggest that we are able to drink alcoholic beverages, consume anything or participate in any activity that would cause harm to our relationship with Him. It is only with a transformed, purified heart that we are able to truly serve Him and only from a pure heart are we able to provide for Him a fit dwelling place.

“In the estimation of God a pure heart is more precious than the gold of Ophir. A pure heart is the temple where God dwells, the sanctuary where Christ takes up His abode. A pure heart is above everything that is cheap or low; it is a shining light, a treasure house from which come uplifting, sanctified words. It is a place where the imagery of God is recognized, and where the highest delight is to behold His image. It is a heart that finds its whole and only pleasure and satisfaction in God, and whose thoughts and intents and purposes are alive with godliness. Such a heart is a sacred place; it is a treasury of all virtue. …” My Life Today, 263

Satan’s Most Destructive Device

Satan has at his disposal a vast arsenal of weaponry that he successfully uses against the people of this world, but Ellen White points to one particular device that he uses very effectively. I saw the effects of this device in my childhood home. And I can tell you from this first-hand experience that it is most devastating mainly because so many people do not see it for the danger it is.

Ellen White tells us how Satan went about the creation of this terrible weapon:

“Satan gathered the fallen angels together to devise some way of doing the most possible evil to the human family. One proposition after another was made, till finally Satan himself thought of a plan. He would take the fruit of the vine, also wheat, and other things given by God as food, and would convert them into poisons, which would ruin man’s physical, mental, and moral powers, and so overcome the senses that Satan should have full control. Under the influence of liquor, men would be led to commit crimes of all kinds. Through perverted appetite the world would be made corrupt. By leading men to drink alcohol, Satan would cause them to descend lower and lower in the scale.” Temperance, 12

“Satan is taking the world captive through the use of liquor and tobacco, tea and coffee. The God-given mind, which should be kept clear, is perverted by the use of narcotics. The brain is no longer able to distinguish correctly. The enemy has control. Man has sold his reason for that which makes him mad. He has no sense of what is right.” Evangelism, 529

My father was a quiet, handsome, introverted man. But when he drank, he became loud, sometimes funny, if he hadn’t yet had too much to drink. But if he drank too much, he was sloppy, unsteady and ugly. He was a hard worker, leaving the house early in the morning every day of the week. But each day after he closed up shop he went to his favorite bar and drank until closing time. Then, with little sleep, he would get up at his usual time the next morning and head to work, basically still drunk.

I’m not writing this article to tell you about my dad except to give you a personal perspective of what alcohol does. I want you to specifically note that this is a definitive does, not a may do or could possibly do, but what alcohol does to the human body and mind, to the family and society, and why it is such an effective tool of the devil against us. Now someone might say, “I can have a drink and that’s it. I don’t abuse alcohol.” That may be true, but whether a person drinks a little or a lot, alcohol always does harm to the body and the mind. And one man may have a drink once or twice a week and it never goes beyond that, while another takes one drink and cannot stop. The dangerous part is that no one can know which they will do until they take that first drink and then it may be too late.

Let’s look at some basic facts and statistics regarding alcohol use. Consumed in excess, alcohol is poisonous and considered to be a drug. Herein lies the danger with consuming alcohol: most people consider drinking alcohol to be just something they do. It’s fun. They get a buzz. There are people who shout that they would never smoke marijuana or take heroin and yet, alcohol is as addictive as any other narcotic drug taken in some other form. It is estimated that 18 million adults, 1 in 12 in the United States, are chronic alcoholics or abuse alcohol to some degree.

Nearly 100,000 Americans die every year as a result of alcohol abuse and it is a factor in more than half of the country’s homicides, suicides, and traffic accidents. It also plays a role in domestic problems, missed work, property crimes, and spousal and child abuse.

    • 1 in 10 children have one parent who abuses alcohol
    • 80% of college students use alcohol, and half of them binge drink
    • Alcohol is racist; minorities suffer disproportionately from alcohol diseases
    • Rape and sexual abuse are now widely discussed, but alcohol’s significant contribution to these abuses is often ignored
    • An astonishing 70% of children in America’s foster care system suffer from some form of prenatal alcohol damage

Source: Adventists and Alcohol by Jack Hoehn 12/1/2020

Alcohol abuse results in weight gain, depression, chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, high blood pressure, heart failure, and changes to the brain, just to name a few. It also can increase the risk of infection, lead to impotence, damage a fetus, and increase the risk of several types of cancer including cancer of the larynx, esophagus, liver, breast, stomach, pancreas, and the upper gastrointestinal tract.

It also impairs liver function, and as many as one out of five will develop cirrhosis of the liver. The liver actually has about 500 functions, but those we are most familiar with are the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body, metabolizing nutrients from food to make energy, making most of the protein needed by the body, helping fight infection, producing most of the substances that regulate blood clotting, and helping to digest fat and absorb needed vitamins such A and D among others.

Alcohol abuse injures the liver. In an effort to repair itself, scar tissue is formed. This is the cause of cirrhosis of the liver. As cirrhosis progresses and more and more scar tissue is formed, it becomes difficult for the liver to do its job. Advanced cirrhosis is life-threatening, and while early diagnosis and treatment can limit the damage, the damage done by cirrhosis generally cannot be undone.

How is it, then, that one person becomes an alcoholic, but another does not? It seems to be a blend of genetics, physical, psychological, environmental, and social factors. A person’s risk of becoming an alcoholic is three to four times greater if a parent is an alcoholic, although there are many children of alcoholics who do not develop a problem with alcohol or even drink at all.

The mental effects of alcohol abuse can include fear, aggression, guilt, discontent, loneliness, anxiety, decreased impulse control, hypomanic behavior, sadness, and suicide.

Alcohol use can also bring about poverty. In the United States alone, as of year-end 2018, consumers spent $253.8 billion on alcohol. While families struggle to survive, the alcohol abuser throws away the money needed for food and housing for one more drink. Too many today are suffering homelessness, poverty, and mental illness as a direct result of alcohol and drug abuse.

webMD/Understanding Alcohol Abuse Basics Use Disorder: Symptoms, Treatment & Screening Use and Cancer

Wikipedia/Alcoholism – Causes

The Mental and Physical Effects of Alcohol/Alo House Recovery Centers

As Seventh-day Adventists, we likely feel that alcoholism is a worldly disease, a problem that does not apply to us. After all, we are instructed by Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy that we are to turn away from the consumption of alcohol and other drugs.

“What account will fathers [and mothers] have to give in the judgment? What account for the habits of liquor drinking? What accounts for the habit of tobacco using, the money consumed in lessening physical, mental, and moral power that belongs to God? All of it has been purchased by an infinite price, the price of the Son of God. You do not realize the necessity of sending light to those that are in darkness because your eye is not single to the glory of God. Your whole body is full of darkness, and you treat yourself as a slave, a slave to grant to taste and appetite that which is unwholesome and unhealthy, and which is destroying vitality.” Sermons and Talks, Vol. 1, 259

As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we should be able to say that alcohol is not a problem for us and I would imagine that would be true for many, probably most. However, alcohol consumption is not a problem confined strictly to the world. Alcohol may not be a temptation for most of us, but it is for some, maybe someone you know, someone you love.

While attending academy and college, many of my friends, as often as they could sneak away to do it, would drink alcohol and take drugs. Some of those same friends today no longer indulge, but for some, these habits persisted into adulthood until their bodies and minds were so permanently affected by the use of these substances that they suffer and struggle still with debilitating illnesses, both physical and mental.

The devil spends a great deal of time and effort preparing us to rationalize doing many things we know are not right. And each time we do something wrong and justify it, it becomes easier to do it again and to find a justification for it.

“The drunkard sells his reason for a cup of poison. Satan takes control of his reason, affections, conscience. Such a man is destroying the temple of God. …” Manuscript 130

The Sanctified Life, 33, tells us that the use of stimulants “deadens the natural sensibilities of both body and mind and renders him [the user] less susceptible to the influence of the Holy Spirit.” He will hunger for what pleases the body, his cherished idol, rather than for righteousness and holiness, making it impossible to glorify God.

As bad as all the above consequences of alcohol use may be, herein lies the real destructiveness of this insidious weapon of Satan: the more a person drinks, the less interest he or she will have in spiritual matters and a greater inability to respond to the pleading of the Holy Spirit.

“There is in the world a multitude of degraded human beings, who have, by yielding in their youth to the temptation to use tobacco and alcohol, poisoned the tissues of the human structure, and perverted their reasoning powers, until the result is just as Satan meant it to be. The faculties of thought are clouded. The victims yield to the temptation for alcohol, and they sell what reason they have for a glass of liquor.

“See that man bereft of reason. What is he? He is a slave to the will of Satan. The arch apostate imbues him with his own attributes. He is a slave to licentiousness and violence. There is no crime that he will not commit; for he has put into his mouth that which has intoxicated him, and made him, while under its influence, a demon.” Temperance, 36

Continued consumption of stimulating substances prepares the body for disease, affects the quality and circulation of the blood, and wears out the mind from excited and undue activity. It also affects a person’s moral qualities, and worst of all it creates unsound judgment and the inability to appreciate the value of spiritual things. The “sensibilities are blunted, and sin does not appear very sinful.” Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 4a, 129

As Christians we have two commissions in this life. The first is the preparation of our own lives to be fit to enjoy heaven and the association of heavenly beings; to strive to attain that perfection of character that God requires and so lovingly provides the ability to achieve.

“The body is the only medium through which the mind and the soul are developed for the upbuilding of character. Hence it is that the adversary of souls directs his temptations to the enfeebling and degrading of the physical powers. His success here means the surrender to evil of the whole being. The tendencies of our physical nature, unless under the dominion of a higher power, will surely work ruin and death.” The Ministry of Healing, 130

“Your part is to put your will on the side of Christ. When you yield your will to His, He immediately takes possession of you, and works in you to will and to do of His good pleasure. … If you cannot control your impulses, your emotions, as you may desire, you can control the will, and thus an entire change will be wrought in your life. … You have a strength from God that holds you fast to His strength; and a new life, even the life of faith, is possible to you.” Temperance, 113

The second commission is to give the hope of salvation to a dying world.

“Your neighbor may be yielding to the temptation to destroy himself by liquor drinking and tobacco using. He may be burning up his vital organs by fiery stimulant. He is pursuing this course to the ruination of himself and his wife and children, who have no success in trying to stay the feet that are traveling the road to perdition. God calls upon you to work in His vineyard, to do all in your power to save your fellow creatures.” Manuscript 87, 1898

“As we face these things, and see the terrible consequences of liquor drinking, shall we not do all in our power to rally to the help of God in fighting against this great evil?” Evangelism, 265

“When the members of the church of God do their appointed work in the needy fields at home and abroad, in fulfilment of the gospel commission, the whole world will soon be warned, and the Lord Jesus will return to this earth with power and great glory.

“God will do the work if we will furnish Him the instruments.” Sons and Daughters of God, 280

It is our responsibility and must be our determined effort to preserve our bodies “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is [our] reasonable service.” Romans 12:1. It is also our responsibility, for we truly are our brother’s keeper, to bring the hope of a transformed life through Jesus Christ to those for whom He died.

[Emphasis supplied.]

Judy Rebarchek is a member of the LandMarks team. She may be contacted by email at:

Restoring the Temple – Decreasing Your Risk of Disease

God, the great governor of the universe, has put everything under law. The tiny flower and the towering oak, the grain of sand and the mighty ocean, sunshine and shower, wind and rain, all obey nature’s laws. But man has been placed under a higher law. He has been given an intellect to see, and a conscience to feel, the powerful claims of God’s great moral law, the expression of what He desires His children to be.” The Signs of the Times, July 31, 1901.

“In the beginning God placed man under law, as an indispensable condition of his very existence. He was a subject of the divine government, and there can be no government without law.” Ibid., July 23, 1902.

In outline form, we will look first at those factors that weaken the body’s ability to ward off disease. These are the habits we want to overcome or avoid. Next we will look at those factors which help the body ward off disease.

Factors Associated with Increased Risk of Disease

1 Certain nutritional supplements.

We do not have complete information on all of the nutritional supplements that might increase the risk of disease, but a few include beta-carotene supplements and large supplements of vitamin A. Beta-carotene supplements have actually been shown to increase cancer risk. It can also cause depletion of vitamin E. Large amounts of vitamin C and vitamin E supplements can actually favor the development of free radicals in the body.

2 Cow’s milk formula for infants.

Infants given cow’s milk formula are over 50 percent more likely to develop diarrhea and ear infections than infants who are breast-fed. With the development of antibiotics, we have become unaware of the dangers of cow’s milk for infants. In a 1930 study of 20,000 infants, before the development of antibiotics, the death rate for infants fed cow’s milk during the first nine months after birth was over 50 times the death rate of infants who were breast-fed. The breast-fed infant receives antibodies and white blood cells from the mother. Human breast milk is usually sterile which is never the case with cow’s milk. The mother’s milk can also help the infant avoid a deadly build-up of E. Coli bacteria in its intestine.

3 Use of cow’s milk by adults.

Cow’s milk has been shown to have a relationship to many serious and deadly diseases, including coronary artery disease, cancer, neurological diseases, allergies, and even Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis.

4 Use of tobacco.

Smokers have twice the risk of colon cancer as non-smokers. Smoking one “joint” of marijuana does the equivalent damage to the lungs as a full pack of 20 regular cigarettes.

5 Use of alcohol.

Even moderate consumption of alcohol can significantly damage the immune system, making the person more susceptible to cancer and other serious diseases. As few as two drinks can reduce antibody production by two-thirds.

6 Excessive exercise.

Exercise to the point of exhaustion, as in competitive sports, can result in a decreased immune response by the body.

7 Meat eating.

Animal protein has been shown to be a cancer-producing substance. Women who eat meat every day have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than those who do not eat meat at all (over eight times in one study). Regular meat eaters have a colon cancer risk of about three to four times those not eating meat at all.

8 Stress.

People who are not coping with major stressors in their lives have a greater chance of developing life-threatening diseases.

9 Use of refined sugar.

Refined sugar reduces the ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria. For example, one study showed that one white blood cell could destroy 14 bacteria before sugar had been consumed, but after consumption of 24 teaspoons of sugar, only one bacterium could be destroyed.

Factors Associated with Decreased Risk of Disease

1 Sunshine.

One researcher has estimated that regular, moderate exposure to sunshine could prevent 30,000 deaths caused by cancer per year in America.

2 Regular, moderate exercise.

Cancer deaths are significantly lower in those who exercise regularly.

3 Foods rich in carotene (pro-vitamin A).

The high-level carotene foods are those that are deep orange in color—such as carrots, yams, pumpkin, cantaloupe, apricots, mangos, persimmons, sweet potatoes—and those that are dark green, such as spinach, kale, turnip greens, broccoli, collard greens, and beet greens.

4 Foods rich in vitamin E

The high-level vitamin E foods are nuts, seeds, and the germ of grains—wheat germ, sunflower seeds, and almonds and the dark greens as mentioned above in the rich carotene foods.

5 Foods rich in vitamin C.

These vegetable foods include bell peppers, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, and cabbage. Fruits such as kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and citrus fruits are also

6 Foods containing natural chemicals.

Only a few of these phyto-chemicals are presently known, but if you use a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains, you will get all of these chemicals—even the ones that are not well-known. The secret to helping the body resist disease is not in finding the protective elements in a food and mega-dosing on those through supplements, but consuming foods that contain a balanced form of many compounds. This balance will help the body, but the artificial use of supplements often unbalances the chemistry of the body.

7 Trust in God.

It has been statistically demonstrated that unresolved stress can both cause and exacerbate some of our most serious health problems, such as cardio vascular disease, cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, ulcers, and, of course, depression. God has given the answer to stress in Matthew 11:28–30.

8 Adequate water drinking.

Adults generally need eight glasses or more of water per day, depending on their activity and the climate conditions.

9 Cleanliness of person, clothes, and living environment.

About 100 years ago, Ellen White published the following counsel, which, if heeded, would decrease infectious diseases throughout the world approximately 85 percent (according to the estimates of some researchers)!

“Every form of uncleanliness tends to disease. Death-producing germs abound in dark, neglected corners, in decaying refuse, in dampness and mold and must. . . . Nothing unclean or decaying should be tolerated within the home. In towns or cities regarded perfectly healthful, many an epidemic of fever has been traced to decaying matter about the dwelling of some careless householder.” The Ministry of Healing, 276.

10 Adequate rest.

The exact amount of needed rest varies with different individuals, but the vast majority of human beings need between seven and nine hours of sleep per day.

Many people are looking for the miracle food or the miracle vitamin, mineral supplement, or herb that will cleanse the body of all problems and disease. “Miracle foods” come in and out of vogue. The secret of health and long life does not reside in finding the miracle potion, medicine, or herbal supplement but in following, in moderation and with good judgment, all the laws of health that the Creator has made and provided for our use.

Survival in the 21st Century

God’s moral law not only involves spiritual and mental health but also physical health. The sixth commandment states, “You shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:13.) This means not to commit homicide, which is to kill somebody else. It also means not to commit suicide, which is to kill yourself.

There are two basic ways a person can commit suicide: with an overdose of sleeping pills, a knife, a gun, etc., or a much slower way that might take twenty or thirty years, but nonetheless, suicide.

Every cigarette a person smokes shortens the life an average of six to ten minutes. If a person smokes forty a day for twenty years, his/her life is shortened by 3 ½ to 5 ½ years on average. This does not include extra sicknesses the person could suffer during his/her lifetime from cigarette smoking.

It is important to know how to survive in the 21st century and to find the path to real health. It seems to many that health comes in a bottle or by making sufficient visits to a physician. Our greatest need is for a new lifestyle. Health is not a matter of chance and does not come out of a bottle or a pill. Everybody wants health, but few people have it.

How can we find health? The Bible is the greatest book that has ever been written about health. It shows the path to good mental, spiritual, and physical health.

Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.” John 10:10.

There is a startling message sent to the people living in the last days. This message involves a message about health. Revelation 14:6, 7 says, “And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.”

The people of earth are called to worship God because He is the Creator. The crowning work of creation was man. “And God said, Let us make man in our own image, and in our own likeness.” Genesis 1:26.

The Bible is very clear that we did not evolve from some lower creature. We were created at the beginning in the image of God.

David said in Psalm 139:14, “I will praise you; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made: marvelous [are] your works; and [that] my soul knows very well.”

It is very serious to destroy the most wonderful thing God made in this world.

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and [that] the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him; for the temple of God is holy, which [temple] you are.” I Corinthians 3:16, 17. (Literal translation.)

In I Corinthians 6:19, 20, He asks, “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit [who is] in you, who you have from God, and you are not your own?”

Why are you not your own? “For you were bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

The Bible says that you were bought with a price so, “Whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31.

Our lifestyle is killing us slowly. The devil’s plan is to get us into habits that will destroy us. He has a counterfeit for everything God has made and a plan to destroy our health.

When God made air it was fresh, but all kinds of ways have been invented to pollute the air. At Slone-Kettering Institute for cancer research, substances are extracted directly out of cigarettes, painted on the skin of white mice which then develop skin cancers. Some of the diseases that cigarette smoking contributes to are:

  • Heart diseases—three times as many heart attacks among smokers
  • Strokes
  • Various forms of cancer—twenty times as much lung cancer
  • Emphysema
  • Premature births
  • Poor circulation
  • Shortness of breath

Smoking affects your health, and also that of your loved ones. New evidence links smoking to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). God doesn’t want us to kill somebody else or ourselves. He says, “You shall not kill.”

Some think smoking is a hard habit and impossible to get over. However, the Bible says in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Many have been delivered from all sorts of bad habits. The Lord wants you to have better health. Proverbs 20:1 says, “Wine [is] a mocker, strong drink [is] a brawler: and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.”

Alcohol is deceptive, addictive, and destroys brain cells. When I was in Graduate School, a visiting lecturer said, “If you were to watch an autopsy, you would easily tell by looking at the human brain with your naked eye, without a microscope, if that person was an alcoholic.” Alcohol destroys so many brain cells that the brain smoothes out and you can tell the difference between a normal brain and the brain of an alcoholic.

Every drink destroys brain cells and dramatically affects the ability to reason. The Bible says, “Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it gives its colour in the cup, [when] it moves itself. At the last it bites like a serpent, and stings like an adder. Your eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things.” Proverbs 23:31–33.

The Bible says it is best to abstain.

“Well,” somebody says, “aren’t there places in the Bible where we are advised to drink some wine?”

The Bible uses the word “wine” to refer to two distinct grape beverages. One is unfermented and the other fermented. The Hebrew word in the Old Testament and the Greek word in the New Testament can mean either the fresh unfermented juice of the grape, or the fermented intoxicating drink. You have to look at the context to see which it is talking about.

Actually, the Bible says in no uncertain terms, not to use alcoholic beverages, but it does condone the use of unfermented grape juice which it calls wine, fresh wine.

The Lord said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in his sight, give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you, which I have brought on the Egyptians: for I [am] the Lord God who heals you.” Exodus 15:26.

What kinds of diseases were these people suffering from in ancient Egypt? We know from studying mummies that they had a problem with atherosclerosis and their arteries were clogged up just like people today. They suffered heart disease, strokes, obesity, cancer, tooth decay, and stress.

When God created the world He gave to Adam and Eve a diet. He told them what they were to eat. “And God said, Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of the tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat (or for food).” Genesis 1:29.

Unfortunately, our first parents not only ate these things, but they ate from the forbidden fruit and were sent out of the Garden of Eden. When man sinned, God made an addition to His diet. Unfortunately, many of our children today do not like this addition to our diet but by its omission, millions of people have developed osteoporosis and other afflictions.

What was this addition? “You shall eat the green herb of the field.” Genesis 3:18. Things like spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens, mustard greens, and all those things are not our children’s favorite food, but the literal translation of Genesis 3:18 is, the Lord told our first parents they were to eat the green herb of the field. At first, the people lived on this diet and they lived many years. “And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred and sixty nine years: and he died.” Genesis 5:27.

During the first ten generations before the flood, people lived between 750 and 950 or so years. The Lord told Noah, “You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, a male and his female: and two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female.” Genesis 7:2.

Prior to the flood the people knew the difference between clean and unclean animals. After the flood, God gave His people permission to eat some flesh foods. However, in the book of Leviticus, it is made very clear that there are some things that should never be eaten. “It [shall] be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.” Leviticus 3:7.

My grandparents did not know about that verse in the Bible for a long time, so they ate things like blood pudding. The very things that God said not to eat, is what the devil wants you to eat. The devil has a counterfeit diet. God told the children of Israel that there were certain things they were free to eat. God said, “Speak to the children of Israel saying, These [are] the animals which you may eat among all the animals that [are] on the earth. Among the animals, whatever divides the hoof, have cloven hoofs [and] chewing the cud, that you may eat.” Leviticus 11:2, 3.

Some animals they were told not to eat. The Bible says, “Nevertheless of those that chew the cud or have cloven hoofs, you shall not eat such as these, the camel, the hare, for they chew the cud, but do not have cloven hoofs; they are unclean for you. Also the swine is unclean for you, because it has cloven hoofs, yet does not chew the cud: you shall not eat their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.” Deuteronomy 14:7, 8.

The devil wants everybody in the human race to eat exactly what God said not to eat. But remember what the Bible says: “No good [thing] will he withhold from those that walk uprightly.” Psalm 84:11.

If God tells you not to do something, there is always a very good reason for it. Every instruction given by God is for the benefit of man.

There are many health related problems with eating pork. It is loaded with saturated fats and cholesterol. Cancer in the pig’s skin, kidneys, lymphatic system, and other internal organs is common. Pork products are regularly preserved with nitrates which are known to produce cancer producing compounds. Pork also contributes to numerous digestive and stomach problems.

Looking under the microscope at the flesh of pork, we find things like worms. People who eat a lot of pork will often get these little worms, trichina worms which embed themselves in the human muscle causing neuralgia, and different kinds of muscular problems.

The Lord said there are other foods that “you shall not eat.” Some fish they were told were clean and could eat and others that were unclean and not to be eaten. “These you may eat of all that [are] in the water: whatever in the water has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the river, that you may eat. But all in the seas, or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water, or any living thing which [is] in the water, they [are] an abomination to you.” Leviticus 11:9–10.

In 1988 nearly 300,000 Chinese of Shanghai developed Hepatitis A from clams which the Bible describes as unclean seafood. In addition to fish, the Lord told the people that there were some things that flew in the air that were scavengers, or birds of prey that were also an abomination to eat: “The eagle, the vulture, and the buzzard.” (Leviticus 11:13–20.)

The Bible talks about three different kinds of diets. First, is the ideal diet given to man when he was created. Then an acceptable diet with the use of clean flesh foods from clean animals, birds, or fish and also a diet that is unacceptable, one using unclean meats.

Some though may question that the health laws of Leviticus were nailed to the cross allowing the freedom to eat and drink anything you please. Some quote the story where God told Peter to not call any meat unclean.

A closer look at that story in Acts 10 sees Peter in a trance or dream seeing a sheet let down from heaven, tied at the four corners. In this sheet were snakes and all kinds of four footed creatures, and birds, and as he was looking at this, he was told to arise and to kill and to eat.

Peter, while in this trance told the Lord, “I’ve never eaten anything common or unclean.” Verse 14. He had never heard from Jesus, either before or after the resurrection, that it was all right to eat unclean animals, and he remonstrated with the Lord and said, “Look, I’ve never done anything like that.”

An angel appeared to a Roman centurion named Cornelius and said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up before God. And you are to send to Joppa, to a man by the name of Simon Peter, and he is going to come, and he’s going to tell you what you need to do.” Verses 31, 32. So he sent his servants to Joppa to get Peter. And as they were approaching the house where Peter was living, God gave Peter this dream and Peter was wondering what in the world does this dream mean?

Then the voice spoke the second time and said, “What God has cleansed, don’t call common.” Verse 15. And this was done three times and then the sheet was taken back up to heaven again.

And while that happened, the men from Cornelius came before the gate. The Holy Spirit spoke to Peter and said, “There’s three men seeking you, go with them. Don’t doubt anything because I’ve sent them.” Verses 19, 20.

They told him about what had happened with Cornelius and so Peter is going to go with them. It says, “And then he invited them in and they lodged with him, and on the next day Peter went away with them and some brethren from Joppa went with him.” Verse 23.

It says the following day they came to Caesarea and Cornelius was waiting for them and he had called his friends and relatives. Verse 24.

“Then he said to them, You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with anybody of another nation; but, God has shown me that I should not call any man uncommon or unclean.” Verse 28.

Peter did not start eating unclean foods at this point. He understood that God was trying to teach him to not call any man common or unclean.

Jesus said that it is not what goes into a man that defiles him; but what comes out. (Matthew 15:11.) Those things that come out are, “evil thoughts and murders, and adulteries, and thefts, and blasphemies.” Verse 19.

Everybody has some habits that are undesirable, that cause discouragement, realizing they are hooked and are slaves to those habits. So how can a person have victory over their undesirable habits?

Mark Twaine said, “It is not hard to quit smoking, I’ve quit a thousand times.”

We become slaves to these habits. The Bible says that people become bound, or enslaved, by their sinful habits. But God can deliver you from your evil habits. The Bible says, “But as many as received him, (that is, Jesus) to them gave he power to become the sons of God.” John 1:12.

Some people think it doesn’t matter what the food is, as long as you have prayed over it. A clergyman one time took this position and there was a young lady who said, “All right, I’m going to test this out.” This lady fixed a dish, and invited the clergyman to dinner. She said, “Before you eat this food I need to tell you something. I have put some strychnine into the entree, but pray over it and bless it, and you will be able to eat it.”

The clergyman decided not to eat that day. God wants you to have good health, but He needs your cooperation and to remember the reason He said to stay away from certain foods and chemicals. It is so you will not suffer the consequences of using them, and get the diseases that go with their use.

Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.” John 10:10.

He wants to give you eternal life, and very soon He is going to come in the clouds of heaven to give you eternal life. But right now, before He comes, He would like you to have good health.

Maybe there is somebody saying, “I’m such a slave to my evil habits, I cannot get free.” You may not be able to get free, but God can set you free. The Bible says, “The things which are impossible with man are possible with God.” Matthew 19:26.

God wants to set you free. “Beloved,” John wrote, “I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health.” III John 1:2.

You can be delivered from evil habits, and have better health if you can believe that “all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23. Jesus wants to set you free from every habit. He wants you to have health right now and if He is going to give you health right now, you need to choose to cooperate, to obey, and to live according to what is written in His word.

An evangelist was having some meetings. He presented in one meeting what the Bible said about food and drink and different things like that.

After the meeting a man came to him and said, “I have to talk to you.”

“I’m in trouble for what you said tonight, because there is almost no food that I can eat. Any kind of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, anything, even beef, I can’t eat without breaking out in allergic reactions. There is only one kind of food that I can eat, and not get sick.”

The evangelist enquired what food that was.

“Well,” the man said, “it is pork. That is the only food I can eat. If I eat anything else, I get sick and you just showed me from the Bible that God said not to eat it. Now what am I going to do?”

The evangelist told him he was willing to go to this man’s house and take some elders with him. They would pray over him and ask the Lord to deliver him so that he could eat other kinds of food that the Lord allowed to be eaten.

The man was willing to try it so they came to his house. It was in the evening and they knelt around this man who could not eat anything but pork, and prayed to the God of heaven. “Lord, You have said in Your word that You do not want Your children to eat pork. You have said it over and over again in Your book, both in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. This man can’t eat anything except pork. We pray that You will deliver him from whatever his bodily affliction is that keeps him from eating anything besides pork without getting sick.”

When they finished the prayer, they got up and went home. The evangelist was very nervous that night. He wondered what would happen.

The man went to bed at about 10:00 at night and as he was lying in bed he was thinking, “If there is a God in heaven, and He said in His book that I am not to eat pork, and He is going to deliver me so that I don’t have to eat pork, that means that I don’t have to eat pork now and I can eat whatever I want to.”

He decided he was going to find out, so he got up. It was late at night but he went to a fast food place. He hadn’t been able to eat any dairy products for a long, long time. But he thought, “The Lord has delivered me. They prayed that the Lord would deliver me; I believe that He did and I’m just going to take God at His word. The Bible says not to eat pork so I am going to eat something else.”

He went to a Dairy Queen and he said, “I want you to fix me a banana split sundae and I want you to put everything on it; all the fixings.” They even put a maraschino cherry on top. Here it was late at night, he had a big banana split and he ate the whole thing. Then he thought, “Well, I don’t feel bad; I am going to go back to bed.”

So he went back to bed and slept all night. The next morning he was so excited. He hadn’t had any indigestion or any problem at all. He was so excited, he got up and got dressed and went straight to see the minister and told him his story.

He said, “The Lord delivered me.” And from that time on, he never ate any pork again and he wasn’t sick either. The Lord delivered him that night.

God will deliver anybody from whatever their affliction or slavery to habit is that is contrary to His word, when they want to do His will and simply ask Him for victory.

I have seen God deliver people over and over again, both men and women from their old habits. God wants you to have good health, and if you are willing to cooperate, God will work. Don’t let the devil discourage you over anything we have studied here.

Remember what God told the Israelites that, “if you will keep my laws, you are not going to get the diseases the Egyptians are getting.” What were those diseases? Heart disease, cancer, atherosclerosis, tooth decay, and all those kinds of things.

The Lord said, “You are not going to have to get those diseases if you will keep My laws, and do what I want you to do.”

Pastor John Grosboll is Director of Steps to Life and pastors the Prairie Meadows Church in Wichita, Kansas. He may be contacted by e-mail at:, or by telephone at: 316–788–5559.

Q&A – Can I Continue to smoke while claiming to be a Christian?

There are many “good” people in this world who will not make it to heaven, because once being aware of a different lifestyle, they refuse to walk or live to a heavenly standard right here on earth. By the worldly standard they are considered “good” because the world agrees with their lifestyle. In heaven, there will be nothing that will cause either sorrow or death.

Smoking is not the only thing that pollutes the body, but also drinking alcohol. There is much information today revealing the deleterious effects of tobacco and alcohol. When shown that something is so harmful to your health, whether it be physical, mental or spiritual and you persist in its use, to turn away from the will of God to retain health and choose to walk in your own ways is a very serious matter. God has said, “Thou shalt not kill” and “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” Exodus 20:13; I Corinthians 10:31.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made and live in a time where there is a feast of information available to make healthy choices and avoid certain foods or substances that cause harm. Willfully continuing to do harmful things will cost you the gift of salvation unless you repent and turn away from those things that destroy your body, that amazing piece of machinery in which you live. (See Sermons and Talks, vol. 2, 286.)

We are told to “ ‘Make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way’ [Hebrews 12:13]. We cannot realize how powerful for good or for evil is our influence upon those with whom we associate. Let us be careful that there be not found on our garments in the day of judgment the blood of precious souls.” Ibid., 287.

To continue in these harmful habits while professing to be a Christian is a bad witness to others. It lowers the standard of behavior and can cause others also to sin by the bad example.

Health – Is Popular Culture Healthy?

Our young people are growing up in an age where they are exposed to hundreds of television channels showing all manner of programs on different subjects. They also have immediate access to an unlimited amount of information to people near and far through e-mail and instant messaging. Besides the computer, there are DVDs, video games, magazines, advertising and malls to fill each young person’s life. Most young people between 2 years old and 18 years old will spend at least, if not more than, 5 hours a day absorbing this so-called popular culture. This popular culture is a very destructive force in their lives because of the values at its foundation. The culture of past generations in the Western world used to reflect Christian values, but the popular culture today reflects different values. We are now in serious danger physically, mentally and spiritually.

Instead of benefitting from our Christian cultures and background, the popular media is now implanting bad values, attitudes, and beliefs in our young people. They are being brainwashed as to what they need, and the majority of the time, their wants have no redeeming value. Anything that may be emotionally, socially or spiritually unhealthy is impressed upon the young people and is very destructive. Some examples include advertising that connects certain toys, clothes, food, or drinks with being popular or cool, or music that encourages racism, sexism, drug use, or violence.

We must remember that even “good” popular culture sometimes is not very good for young people. Many of the daily activities which include television, computers, ipods and cell phones teach children bad habits which include:

  1. Teaching them to be observers and not participants.
  2. Experiencing life vicariously instead of directly. In other words, the experience is felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of another.
  3. Sedentary games instead of physical activity.
  4. Indirect social contact with others rather than real contact. Many people today have lost the ability to interact positively with others. Even in families there is no interaction; many do not talk with each other because they have nothing to say.
  5. Preventing them from participating in activities that will support their intellectual, emotional, cultural, spiritual, and physical development.

Julius Gilbert White explains as follows:

It is a matter of common knowledge that human existence consists essentially of the exercise of three sets of powers: (1) the physical, (2) the mental, (3) the spiritual.

The physical body and life provide the habitation for the mental powers, which give life to them and so make their function possible.

Likewise, the physical life and the mental powers combined make it possible for men to meditate upon and conceive spiritual things, accept spiritual ideals and truths, and render a spiritual service, and so have a spiritual experience. Without the physical life there can be neither mental powers nor spiritual experience.

Everything depends, then, upon the physical life, which is the foundation of the entire structure of human existence, including the spiritual life, which is the highest object of man’s existence.

“The physical life consists essentially of the use of five senses—abilities to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. If the foundation be destroyed the entire structure is ruined.” Julius Gilbert White, The Christian’s Experience, (Northwestern Publishing Association, Sacramento, California) 37, 38.

The devil wants to destroy the foundation of our young people. He knows that if he destroys the physical life, then the mental powers and spiritual experience will also be destroyed.

The following is taken from an article in the magazine Parenting.

Television, movies, and video games glamorize violence, sexuality, wealth, celebrity, and the use of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes. Fashion and celebrity magazines affect how girls think about their bodies, the amount they diet and exercise, and the occurrence of eating disorders. The internet gives your children limitless access to a universe of inappropriate information. In sum, popular culture in excess and without guidance is destroying your children psychologically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and physically.

Popular culture is like a network of saboteurs that infiltrate your family’s lives with stealth and deception, hiding behind entertaining characters, bright images, and fun music. You probably don’t notice half of the unhealthy messages being conveyed to your children. It is also an invading army that overwhelms your children with these destructive messages. It attempts to control every aspect of your children’s lives: their values, attitudes, and beliefs about themselves and the world that they live in; their thoughts, emotions, and behavior; their needs, wants, goals, hopes, and dreams; their interests and avocations; their choices and their decisions. With this control, popular culture can tell children what to eat and drink, what to wear, what to listen to and watch, and children have little ability to resist.

The mere presence of popular culture shouldn’t be your greatest worry. Rather, your greatest concern should be the influence that this presence has on your children. Few people really understand how popular culture affects children’s lives. Even fewer people realize how truly harmful it is to children, families, communities, and to our society as a whole. Popular culture attacks children at their most basic level, the values that guide their lives.

Popular culture promotes the worst values in children and disguises them all as entertainment. Reality TV, for example, has made the “seven deadly sins”—pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth—attributes to be admired. Throw in selfishness, deceit, spite, humiliation, cruelty, and vengeance—all qualities seen and revered in popular culture—and you have the personification of the worst kind of person. Popular culture makes heroic decidedly unheroic values, characters, and behavior. Source: (look in the index for “Know your Children’s enemy”).

Remember the family unit. “Let parents seek, in their own character and in their home life, to exemplify the love and beneficence of the heavenly Father. Let the home be full of sunshine. This will be worth far more to your children than lands or money. Let the home love be kept alive in their hearts, that they may look back upon the home of their childhood as a place of peace and happiness next to heaven. The members of the family do not all have the same stamp of character, and there will be frequent occasion for the exercise of patience and forbearance; but through love and self-discipline all may be bound together in the closest union.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 176.

So, shut down the computers and turn off the TV and cell phones and spend some time doing things together as a family. You could put on your running shoes and take your children for a walk out in the sunshine or dig a vegetable garden. Be creative and choose activities that are physically, mentally and spiritually healthy that will build tight family bonds and happy memories.

Do your best to keep your family healthy!

Health – Practical Suggestions

In 1863, through His chosen messenger, God gave health reform principles to the early Adventist church. Some of those principles seemed quite radical, but were, in time, proven scientifically to be accurate.

More than one hundred and fifty years later, based on endless scientific studies on what he saw work best in his patients, James L. Marcum, M.D. in his book, The Ultimate Prescription, M.D., Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (2010), Carol Stream, Illinois, sets out a number of simple principles that if followed result in good health.

Practical Suggestions

  1. Eat a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and seeds. This would include soy, rice, beans, and whole-grain pastas. Fad diets can be harmful.
  2. Drink more water, and avoid soft drinks. Stay away from anything that contains corn syrup.
  3. Avoid foods with a high fat content. These are basically fried foods, meats, French fries, cheese, eggs, margarine and butter, ice cream, doughnuts, cookies, gravy, potato chips, and so on. These are high in trans-saturated fats (trans fats), which cause all sorts of stress and chemical problems in the body.
  4. Sparingly use monounsaturated fats like olive oil and canola oil. You might learn how to leave them out completely. The body doesn’t process such fats. It stores them. I don’t have to tell you where.
  5. Reduce salt intake by diminishing your use of table salt and processed foods. Remember, too much salt can increase blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, osteoporosis, and kidney stones. In fact, half the people on dialysis are there because of high blood pressure. Try Bragg Liquid Aminos instead of salt to enhance taste without loading your body down with sodium.
  6. Avoid eating only for pleasure. Eat when you are hungry; stop when you are full. Eat small portions slowly. By the way, foods high in fiber (plant-based foods) send a clear “I’m full” signal to the brain, which switches off the hunger sensation at just the right moment. Non-fiber foods (animal products and highly processed foods) do not. Something to think about!
  7. Eat most of your calories in the morning. Not hungry when you get up? Simply eat a smaller supper and nothing after seven in the evening. The chemical reactions that result from skipping breakfast make it very hard for you to make good food choices later in the day.
  8. Become a vegetarian. Even most animals are vegetarians. When you eat meat, you’re getting your calories secondhand. In addition, the diseases the animals might have, the steroids used to promote growth, and chemicals added to the animals’ foods are passed on to you. Animal products are also absolutely loaded with fat. “But I’ll just eat fish or only organic animal products,” many patients say. While this is certainly a step in the right direction, meat is meat, and we weren’t designed to process it in any form.
  9. Avoid processed foods and the chemical additives found in them. Here’s a simple rule: look for packaged foods with the fewest ingredients. Again, if you can’t pronounce an ingredient, you probably can’t digest it.
  10. Eliminate caffeine and alcohol from your diet. These are two powerful toxins that do much more harm than good.
  11. Be careful with supplements and herbs. Take the time to learn about them from a reliable source. Some herbs interfere with cardiac medications. It’s always best to get your nutritional needs from whole foods—foods as they were grown.
  12. Eat plenty of antioxidants. These amazing micronutrients have the incredible ability to fight the development and spread of cancer cells. Where do we find these antioxidants? In plant-based foods like fruits and legumes.
  13. Find foods with omega-3, -6, -9 fatty acids—the healthy fats. Again, choose plant-based foods—like flaxseed for omega-3. Grind flaxseed before adding it to your diet.

I hope you’re not overwhelmed after reading the list. Instead, I hope you’re encouraged. There is hope for you and your family. There is a plan you can follow to bypass the bypass, to reduce the risk of contracting cancer, to shield yourself from the diseases that are filling doctors’ offices and hospital beds.

Choose a couple of items from the list and try to follow those suggestions for a month. I guarantee you will feel better. Once those become habits, pick another suggestion from the list and work on it as well. After all, you only have one body and one life to live. You are in charge of your choices. When it comes to lifestyle diseases, you decide how sick—or how healthy—you want to be.