As We Near the End of Time, Part III

In this series we are studying about the fact that there is a ditch on both sides of the road of life on which we travel. One ditch is the ditch of Babylon. Ellen White wrote to then general conference president, G. I. Butler, stating that the ministers are “coveting their neighbors’ wives,” that there is fornication among us, and that if something is not done to cleanse the camp we are going to become a sister of Babylon. Manuscript Releases, vol. 21, 380. That is one ditch. The Babylonian churches will all tell you they are against fornication, adultery, divorce and remarriage without biblical grounds, but even though they are against it, they tolerate it. There are many people in these churches who have the highest moral standards, but the churches are in the same predicament as are Adventists. The devil has worked in our society so that the churches have become corrupted and defiled through the fall and seduction of their members.

The other ditch, on the opposite side, takes the same position that the Pharisees took. They say, Get those people out of the camp, so the camp can be cleansed, and then the Lord will be able to use the rest of us to finish the work. Jesus got in trouble, because He offered salvation to the people in the church who were fallen and outcasts. He said, “For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him. But the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. And you, seeing, did not repent later that you should believe in Him.” Matthew 21:32.

Remember the lady to whom Jesus offered salvation at the well? One of the reasons Jesus was crucified was because He went to the people in the church who had messed up—like this woman. Jesus told her, ” ‘You have said well that you do not have any husband, because you have had five husbands, and the one that you have now is not even your husband.’ ” (John 4:17, 18.) “You did not even go through the ceremony this time. You did not even sign the piece of paper; you just decided to give up.”

We are in a situation where there are unscriptural marriages throughout Adventism, even in the revival and reformation movement. This is something that we must study, even though it is delicate and sensitive.

A very sincere man once came to me and told me, “I divorced my wife, and I married the woman to whom I am married now. I know that I am unscripturally married. Now, here I am, and what do I do? I want to be saved! If you tell me that I have to leave my wife to be saved, I will do it.” That is not a desirable position for any pastor to be in, so you can understand that I have given this subject a great deal of study.

Understand Principles

How can the sinners in the church be saved without the church itself becoming part of Babylon? When can the church disfellowship sinners without the development of Phariseeism? Those are not the easiest questions to answer.

Seventh-day Adventists have an advantage over other churches in that we have the Spirit of Prophecy writings to help us come to wise decisions. What we want to understand is principles. If you have not read the book, Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce (The Ellen G. White Estate, 1989), you should. From the many private letters Ellen White wrote dealing with similar complicated situations that are now published in this book, principles are given for your understanding so you can make wise decisions.

Evil Results

Ellen White always warned people against unscriptural marriages. She taught, as does the Bible, that evil results would follow the people in unscriptural marriages for the rest of their lives. But after giving that warning, she said that when people go ahead and get involved in an unscriptural marriage, to leave them alone. That in no way condones what they have done, but there is not a single instance that I know of where she said to break up those people. (See Testimonies, vol. 4, 503–508.) I did not tell that man that he must divorce his second wife; I could not do that with a clear conscience. Mrs. White wrote concerning this exact thing.

People are married who have no right to be married—an unscriptural marriage. This is much more complicated than the person who has committed fornication or adultery. They can confess, say they are sorry, and stop. But in an unscriptural marriage, vows have been given for which there was no right to give. We should remember that a person in a situation like this has committed a grievous sin, and there is no salvation for any sinner if the sin is not confessed (to the individuals who have been wronged—in an unscriptural marriage there are always parties who have been wronged and hurt) with complete repentance. Mrs. White wrote, “You have asked my counsel in regard to this case. I would say that unless those who are burdened in reference to the matter have carefully studied a better arrangement, and can find places for these where they can be comfortable, they better not carry out their ideas of a separation. I hope to learn that this matter is not pressed, and that sympathy will not be withdrawn from the two whose interests have been united.

“I write this because I have seen so many cases of the kind, and persons would have great burden till everything was unsettled and uprooted, and then their interest and burden went no further. We should individually know that we have a zeal that is according to knowledge. We should not move hastily in such matters, but look on every side of the question. We should move very cautiously and with pitying tenderness, because we do not know all the circumstances which led to this course of action.

I advise that these unfortunate ones be left to God and their own consciences, and that the church shall not treat them as sinners until they have evidence that they are such in the sight of the holy God. He reads hearts as an open book. He will not judge as man judgeth.Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery and Divorce, 218, 219.

Those statements have helped me a great deal. In an unscriptural marriage, the parties have created for themselves a dilemma that no church or prophet can solve. Only the Lord can solve such a dilemma, and we must leave such with Him. I believe that we are on the border of the kingdom, and Satan has successfully attacked God’s people. These unscriptural marriages greatly weaken the church.


Everything that we do has consequences, and the unscriptural marriage will make it impossible for those involved to do what could otherwise have been done in God’s work.

Consider what is called “The Case of Brother G,” from which this principle is derived.

C. White wrote a letter explaining the situation: ” ‘Regarding Brother G, I can speak quite freely. About 1875 he married a very brilliant school teacher. . . . She was very talented, but after a number of years she became quarrelsome and made his life miserable. [That was probably according to his report.] At that time he was associated with a very brilliant young woman who was an accountant at X College, and formed a fondness for her. Sister White wrote him a very plain warning, which he promised to heed. Shortly after Sister White had gone to Europe, Brother G resigned his position at X College, went to Michigan to visit his sister, and offered no obstruction to his wife in getting a divorce.

” ‘Thus far, those who knew the case approved, but shortly after this he married the bookkeeper before mentioned; then all his friends were greatly grieved. He taught a while at _______, then settled near ________, and for many years worked very hard, his wife helping him to make a living on a little fruit and vegetable farm. They came to see the wickedness of the course they had taken. They repented of it very bitterly, and their brethren and sisters were satisfied that their repentance was genuine. They had three beautiful children growing up, and no one, as far as I know, encouraged them to separate. When the matter was put before Sister White, she did not encourage a separation, nor could she encourage any movement to exclude him from participation in the work of the third angel’s message. In his later life he labored in a humble way in self-supporting work in the South.

” ‘If persons living in the light of the third angel’s message purpose to leave one companion for the sake of uniting with someone else, it is our duty to warn and reprove and discipline.

” ‘If persons before embracing the message have entangled themselves, and afterward have repented, confessed their sins, received forgiveness of God, and won the confidence of their brethren, it is better for both ministers and laymen to leave them alone, enjoying the forgiveness and justification which have been wrought through Christ, without undertaking to tear up existing relations.’—February 21, 1927.” Ibid., 219–221.

Now we return to what Ellen White said about this man. Remember, he had married a schoolteacher, but he had developed a fondness for someone else. His wife got a divorce, and he immediately married the other person. “We had conversation after the meeting with Elder Starr. The question was in reference to a teacher of grammar for the advanced classes. There is no perplexity in regard to the first classes of grammar, but we need well-qualified teachers in all branches, and we hope Elder Olsen will find either a man or woman that can come to Australia as a thorough teacher. If only G had kept himself straight, he would be just the one to come. But the question is whether his record will not follow him. We scarcely dare venture the matter and run the risk. That the man has sincerely repented I have not a doubt, and I believe the Lord has forgiven him. But if obliged to make explanations it would not be an easy matter to do; so what shall we do with G? Leave him where he is, a prey to remorse, and to be useless the remainder of his life? I cannot see what can be done. [This is a prophet speaking.] Oh, for wisdom from on high! Oh, for the counsel of One who reads the heart as an open book! How Satan watches for souls to bind them with his hellish cords that they become lost to the work and almost helpless in his hands. ‘Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.’ [Mark 14:38.] —Letter 13, 1892. (Written five years after Brother G’s unscriptural marriage.)” Ibid., 221, 222.


Unfortunately, people try to excuse what they have done by referring to David or to Solomon, or someone like them. In Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce (pages 92–97), Ellen White goes into a long discussion about David. As a result of David’s sin, even though he later confessed it, was forgiven, and will be in the kingdom of heaven, there were consequences. In the remainder of his life, he was embittered; he found out that what he had done resulted in a wretched evil. It caused unhappiness in his family, in discord, rivalry and jealousy. Not only that, he received reproof and heavy denunciation, and God visited him with judgments. He lost four of his sons, and each one of those was harder for him than if he had to die himself. If you are a father, it is harder to watch your son die than to die yourself, and David had to go through that four times. Ellen White said he was “made to feel the full weight of the injustice done.” Ibid, 97.

Example of Principle

Here is an example of this principle. In the Spirit of Prophecy this man is simply called William E. He was born in Quebec, Canada, in 1856. He attended Battle Creek College, and he labored as a minister or colporteur in several different states. He was married, but his first marriage ended in divorce. After that, he fathered a child by a second woman, without marrying her, and then in 1892 he married a third woman. He stayed married to her until he died in 1934. In 1901 this man’s father and brother insisted, since he was in an unscriptural marriage, that he should leave his wife. In other words, he should make things right.

About this, Ellen White said:
“I would gladly do something to help poor Will E to make things right, but this cannot be done as matters are now situated [notice, a prophet cannot make it right, the church cannot make it right; you just have to leave it with the Lord], without someone’s being wronged.” Ibid., 227. If you do this you are wrong, if you do that, you are wrong—you are in a dilemma that only God can solve and heal.

A Hard One

Even though we follow the given principles, great and perplexing problems occur for the church when the person who is in an unscriptural marriage decides that he is called to be a minister. This is not uncommon. You would probably be shocked, if you knew the personal history of ministers with whom you are acquainted. Brother E moved to Birmingham, Alabama, to the largest church in that conference. He was quite personable, a very good speaker, and he became quite popular in this church. He was active in the church work; became an elder, and started giving Bible studies and holding evangelistic meetings. The time came when he was working so hard in evangelism that the church talked to the conference and said, “This man needs to have some support. He’s working almost full time in evangelism, and he is successful.” So the conference started paying him $8 a week. Of course, he could not live on $8 a week, even in 1900! He was really interested in the restoration of his credentials and recognition as a minister again. The conference president wrote to Ellen White. After talking about the things just mentioned, he states, ” ‘His wife is a nervous wreck and her confidence has been so shaken that while she wants him to preach, there is constant danger that as he becomes popular and mingles with the people that she will become jealous, whether [there] is any cause or not [that is easy to understand in this situation], and herself bring on a scandal by talking and telling of the past which she is prone to do when she becomes suspicious of him. All would be greatly relieved if there is any definite counsel from the Lord.’ ” Ibid., 229. The people often went to Ellen White for counsel, and although we cannot go to her personally anymore, we can seek counsel through her inspired writings. People still get into these complicated situations.

Brother E was being successful in evangelism, but the people said, look at his past. What are we going to do? They received a letter from W. C. White in which he said that he had talked the situation over with his mother. Notice all of the “ifs” in this letter. He wrote: ” ‘Mother says that those who have dealt with the perplexities arising from his many transgressions in the past should take the responsibility of advising regarding our present duty toward him. Mother does not wish to take large responsibility in this matter, but she says regarding Elder E as she has said regarding other men in a somewhat similar position, if they have thoroughly repented, if they are living such lives as convince their brethren that they are thoroughly in earnest, do not cut them off from fellowship, do not forbid their working for Christ in a humble capacity, but do not elevate them to positions of responsibility.’ ” Ibid., 230. So the conference decided not to issue Brother E ministerial credentials, but he was allowed to work in evangelism. At the close of this letter by W. C. White, his mother penned in the following words; ” ‘This is correct advice in such cases. Let him walk humbly before God. I see no light in giving him responsibilities.’ ” Ibid., 231.

Things went on, and a few years later, because of his success in the church in Birmingham, Alabama, and his success in evangelism, some people in the church said, “This man should be made a minister of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.” He still thought that he should be made a minister again, too. The conference president decided to write Ellen White again. This time he said, “The church is disagreed upon the point in question [this was causing problems in the church], and it is having a bad influence upon the work in the city and a more or less deleterious effect throughout the conference. [The whole conference was being affected by this situation.] The majority think, because of his capabilities and his late work in the city . . . that he should be made elder of the church and act as its pastor, or leader, while others do not favor it because of his life record . . . .” The conference men met together and told him that he could do evangelism, but that they did not feel right about ordaining him and giving him ministerial credentials. Brother William E had been so successful in evangelism, he thought that the Adventist ministers were just too hard-hearted. He said, I have repented, I have reformed, and I am not like that anymore. So he decided he would leave Birmingham, Alabama, and go to St. Helena, California, to talk with Ellen White himself. He thought that when he talked to Ellen White she would see the situation and help him get everything cleared up. However, when he got to St. Helena, California, Ellen White refused to see him. So the decision stayed the same.

Learn to Get Along

You see from this story just how complicated these situations can get. You may say that the mistake was made many years ago. That may be, but the unscriptural marriage has consequences. If there are young people reading this, and you are thinking that you cannot get along with your spouse, you had better do some fasting and praying before you decide to separate. Ask the Lord for direction.

Ellen White, in writing to a couple who was having terrible trouble because their dispositions just did not blend at all, advised that they had made some promises to each other, so they needed to pray and ask the Lord to help them change their dispositions. (See The Adventist Home, 345.) You see, that is God’s plan. If we are going to go to heaven someday, and we are all going to get along there, we have to learn to get along here. The first place we learn to get along with other people is in our homes. The second place where we learn to get along with others is in the church. Think this through in your mind, friends. If we cannot get along, what does that mean about our prospects of going to heaven? Whether it is in the home or in the church—it is something very serious.

Friends, we need to understand the principles. We need to be sure that we do not become like the Pharisees and decide that we are going to tear everything up that is not right. If we tear it up, then how are we going to put it back together? On the other hand, we must not be like Babylon and just let anything happen, saying, We are against it, but you can be a member of this church no matter what you do. We cannot do that.

We are living in a time when the ministers, the teachers, the elders among God’s people have some very delicate and difficult questions with which to deal. These problems exist because the devil has been successful, just like he was with Israel before they entered the Promised Land, in getting God’s people involved in sensuous practices which have led to divorces and remarriages that are not scriptural. Friend, decide, before you get involved in an unscriptural marriage, that you are not going to get involved! Make a decision!

We are not saying that such people are lost. We want to see them saved. But they have gotten themselves in situations where they cannot do, in God’s work, what they could have done otherwise. We have young people, today, who have decided, just as did Daniel, Joseph, and Isaac, that they are going to follow God, no matter what the cost. We need more young people like this to finish God’s work. We need young people who will make the same decision, as did Timothy. Paul told him, “Do not be a partaker in other men’s sins, keep yourself pure.” 1 Timothy 5:22.

[All emphasis supplied. Bible texts quoted are literal translation.]

To be concluded . . .

Bible Study Guides – Hebrews 13:1–21

September 20, 2003 – September 26, 2003

Memory Verse

“Let brotherly love continue.” Hebrews 13:1.

Suggested Reading: Sons and Daughters of God, 80.


“The religion of Jesus Christ means something more than talk. The righteousness of Christ consists in right actions and good works from pure, unselfish motives. . . . Christ came to do His Father’s will. Are we following in His steps? All who have named the name of Christ should be constantly seeking for a more intimate acquaintance with Him, that they may walk even as He walked, and do the works of Christ. . . .” My Life Today, 217.

1 What is the first exhortation of Hebrews 13? Hebrews 13:1.

note: “[Hebrews 13:1 quoted.] Do not flatter yourselves that there is a time when this exhortation will not be needed; when brotherly love may cease. . . . [Verse 2 quoted.] Please read Matthew 25:31 and onward. Read it, brethren, the next time you take the Bible at your morning or evening family devotions. The good works performed by those who are to be welcomed to the kingdom were done to Christ in the person of His suffering people. Those who had done these good works did not see that they had done anything for Christ. They had done no more than their duty to suffering humanity. Those on the left hand could not see that they had abused Christ in neglecting the wants of His people. But they had neglected to do for Jesus in the person of His saints, and for this neglect they were to go away into everlasting punishment. And one definite point of their neglect is thus stated: ‘I was a stranger, and ye took Me not in.’ [Verse 43.]” Testimonies, vol. 1, 679, 680.

2 Of what must we not be forgetful? Hebrews 13:2; 1 Peter 4:9.

note: “Angels, as travelers, visited Abraham, and his courtesy to them, whom he supposed to be men like himself, was rewarded with the promise from God that Sarah should have a son. Lot, also, urging the strangers to abide with him because it was unsafe to remain in the street, entertained angels, and was blessed by being delivered from the city that was doomed to destruction.

“But there is a fulfillment of this scripture in a broader sense. No child of God, however poor or oppressed, is neglected or passed by; for heavenly angels minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation. As you open your doors to the children of God, whether high or low, rich or poor, and extend to them your hospitality, you invite these unseen visitors with them. Could your eyes be opened, you would see that you were not only entertaining the guests who needed the comforts and attentions you could bestow, but that guests from heaven were also partakers of your hospitality, you were entertaining angels unawares.” The Signs of the Times, August 3, 1891.

3 How should we remember them that are in bonds and them that suffer adversity? Hebrews 13:3.

note: “You are not controlled by the Spirit of Christ when you select a few associates congenial to your own mind, and lavish favors upon them, while you neglect those who most need the help you can give them. Yet how often the encouraging words, the kindly acts, are all given to a few whom you estimate by your finite judgment to be worthy of them; while the very ones whom the Lord would have you regard and bless receive no particular favor, no words of sympathy or compassion. These things need to be considered. The admonitions of God should be heeded in our everyday life.” The Signs of the Times, August 3, 1891.

4 How does the apostle Paul describe marriage? Hebrews 13:4.

note: “In this age of our world the marriage vows are often disregarded. God never designed that marriage should cover the multitude of sins that are practiced. Sensuality and base practices in a marriage relation are educating the mind and moral taste for demoralizing practices outside the marriage relation. God is purifying a people to have clean hands and pure hearts to stand before him in the Judgment. The standard must be elevated, the imagination purified; the infatuation clustering around debasing practices must be given up, and the soul uplifted to pure thoughts, holy practices. All who will stand the test and trial just before us, will be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped, not participated in, the corruptions that are in the world through lust. The works of Satan are not half discerned, because purity and holiness do not mark the life and character of those who claim to be ministers of Christ. Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, we are thus fortified against the temptations of Satan. Christ and his purity and his matchless charms should be the soul’s contemplation. There is spiritual power for all, which they may have if they will, that they may resist temptation, that duty may be done and the soul hold fast its integrity. Those who feel their need of being strengthened by might by God’s Spirit in the inner man, will not lose their integrity. Earnest prayer and watching thereunto will carry them through temptations. We must be united to Christ by living faith.” Review and Herald, May 24, 1887.

5 Why should we be free from covetousness? Hebrews 13:5, 6.

note: “The principle of worldlings is to get all they can of the perishable things of this life. Selfish love of gain is the ruling principle in their lives. But the purest joy is not found in riches nor where covetousness is always craving, but where contentment reigns and where self-sacrificing love is the ruling principle. There are thousands who are passing their lives in indulgence and whose hearts are filled with repining. They are victims of selfishness and discontent in the vain effort to satisfy their minds with indulgence. But unhappiness is stamped upon their very countenances, and behind them is a desert, because their course is not fruitful in good works.

“In proportion as the love of Christ fills our hearts and controls our lives, covetousness, selfishness, and love of ease will be overcome, and it will be our pleasure to do the will of Christ, whose servants we claim to be. Our happiness will then be proportionate to our unselfish works, prompted by the love of Christ.” Testimonies, vol. 3, 382.

6 Who are to be held in special reverence? Hebrews 13:7, 17. Compare 1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13.

note: “Reverence should be shown for God’s representatives—for ministers, teachers, and parents who are called to speak and act in His stead. In the respect shown to them He is honored.” Child Guidance, 544.

7 What comforting assurance have we in depending upon Christ? Hebrews 13:8.

note: “Christ’s love for His children is as tender as it is strong. And it is stronger than death; for He died to purchase our salvation, and to make us one with Him, mystically and eternally one. So strong is His love that it controls all His powers, and employs the vast resources of heaven in doing His people good. It is without variableness or shadow of turning—the same yesterday, today, and forever. Although sin has existed for ages, trying to counteract this love and obstruct its flowing earthward, it still flows in rich currents to those for whom Christ died.” Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 519.

8 What counsel is given concerning stability? Hebrews 12:9. Compare Ephesians 4:14; Colossians 2:8; 1 John 4:1.

note: “We should pray as earnestly for the descent of the Holy Spirit as the disciples prayed on the Day of Pentecost. If they needed it at that time, we need it more today. Moral darkness, like a funeral pall, covers the earth. All manner of false doctrines, heresies, and satanic deceptions are misleading the minds of men. Without the Spirit and power of God it will be in vain that we labor to present the truth.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 158.

“The days are fast approaching when there will be great perplexity and confusion. Satan, clothed in angel robes, will deceive, if possible, the very elect. There will be gods many and lords many. Every wind of doctrine will be blowing. Those who have rendered supreme homage to ‘science falsely so called’ will not be the leaders then. Those who have trusted to intellect, genius, or talent will not then stand at the head of rank and file. They did not keep pace with the light. Those who have proved themselves unfaithful will not then be entrusted with the flock. In the last solemn work few great men will be engaged. They are self-sufficient, independent of God, and He cannot use them. The Lord has faithful servants, who in the shaking, testing time will be disclosed to view. There are precious ones now hidden who have not bowed the knee to Baal. They have not had the light which has been shining in a concentrated blaze upon you. But it may be under a rough and uninviting exterior the pure brightness of a genuine Christian character will be revealed.” Ibid., 80, 81.

9 What contrast is made between Christians and those who hold to the old covenant? Hebrews 13:10.

note: “The reference [Hebrews 13:10] is undoubtedly to the feeding upon Christ, which is both the privilege and the duty of every Christian. (See John 6:51–57.) But the text must not be understood as implying that Christ is the altar. The priests in the earthly sanctuary did not eat the altar, but they ate the flesh of [the] victim offered upon it. Christ is not the altar, but the Lamb slain. Of him we eat.” International Sabbath School Quarterly, Pacific Press Publishing Co., Oakland, California, February 1890, 39.

10 What is the significance of the fact that the bodies of those beasts whose blood was brought into the sanctuary were burned without the camp? Hebrews 13:11–14.

note: “Christ suffered without the gates of Jerusalem, for Calvary was outside the city walls. This was to show that Christ did not die for the Hebrews alone, but for all mankind. He proclaims to a fallen world that He has come to be their Redeemer, and urges them to accept the salvation which He offers.” Review and Herald, January 9, 1883.

11 What sacrifices are we to render? Hebrews 13:15, 16. Compare Psalm 116:12–14.

note: “We need to offer praise and thanksgiving to God, not only in the congregation, but in the home life. Let the voices of His heritage be heard recounting the works of the Lord. Speak of His goodness, tell of His power. . . .” In Heavenly Places, 96.

“While in this world, men are tested by the society they choose, and by the attributes of character they develop. All who belong to the kingdom of Christ are of one family. They love God supremely, and their neighbors as themselves. ‘Therefore, as ye abound in everything, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also,’—the grace of Christian liberality. [11 Corinthians 8:7.] ‘To do good and to communicate forget not.’ [Hebrews 13:16.] By ‘communicate,’ the apostle does not here mean ‘to speak;’ for in the verse previous he has said, ‘By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.’ [Verse 15.] By this ‘communicating’ the apostle means Christian liberality. God desires that the bounties which he has freely given to his children shall be communicated to those who are in need. By this communication, by the utterance of kindly words, accompanied by deeds of love, those who work for God will find entrance to hearts, and will win others to Christ.” Review and Herald, December 14, 1897.

12 With what wonderful prayer does the apostle Paul conclude his letter? Hebrews 13:20, 21.

note: “Paul wrote to these brethren as ‘saints in Christ Jesus;’ but he was not writing to those who were perfect in character. He wrote to them as men and women who were striving against temptation and who were in danger of falling. He pointed them to ‘the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that Great Shepherd of the sheep.’ He assured them that ‘through the blood of the everlasting covenant’ He will ‘make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ.’ Hebrews 13:20, 21.” The Ministry of Healing, 167.

“It is Christ that loves the world with a love that is infinite. He gave His precious life. He was the Only Begotten of the Father. He is risen again from the dead, and is at the right hand of God, making intercession for us. That same Jesus, with His humanity glorified, with no cessation of His love, is our Saviour. He has enjoined upon us to love one another as He has loved us. Will we then cultivate this love? Shall we be like Jesus?” Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 157, 158.

The “Letter to the Hebrews” Bible Study Guide has been adapted from the International Sabbath School Quarterly, Pacific Press Publishing Co., Oakland, California, 1889 and 1890.

The Ten Commandments, Part XIV – ’Til Death Do us Part’

In this series, we have been studying the Ten Commandments as recorded in Deuteronomy 5, and we have discovered that there are some changes and some additions in comparison to Exodus 20. Deuteronomy 5 is a pastoral rendering of the law by Moses in one of his Sabbath sermons to the children of Israel, just before they crossed over the Jordan River.

In this article, we will be studying the seventh commandment as found in Deuteronomy 5:18. In this text, it contains one extra word from that which is recorded in Exodus 20:14. “Neither shalt thou commit adultery.” The additional word is neither, which connects this text to the commandment that is given in verse 17: “Thou shalt not kill.”

The first three commandments given in the second table are very specific in their order. They center around the home and on the lives of those who make up the home. The fifth commandment, you may recall, tells us how we are to relate to that place, to those people, where life begins and where relationships have their origin—the home. The sixth commandment unfolds the sacredness of human life.

Just as the sixth commandment points to the value of human life, the seventh commandment points to the place of sexuality in human life. Writing on this commandment, one biblical scholar stated that sexuality is enormously wondrous and enormously dangerous. The danger of sexuality is that it is capable of evoking desires that are destructive of persons and of communal relations.

When the ancient Israelites interpreted the commandment about adultery, they understood it in a very limited sense: it was a prohibition against sexual relations with the wife of another man. The violation of another man’s wife was viewed so seriously that it was a capital offense. Leviticus 20:10 reads, “And the man that committeth adultery with [another] man’s wife, [even he] that committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.”

A Sacred Gift

Human life centers in more than just one person; it centers in two people—the male and the female. Each is uniquely different, but when they are brought together, the Bible tells us, they become “one flesh.” Genesis 2:24. They form a beautifully composed unit of oneness. Human sexuality is a gift from God that is sacred and that is meant to be reserved for nurturing the lives of a man and a woman together into the bonds of an everlasting unity. The seventh commandment deals with the guarding of that relationship of oneness from any outside source of interference, so that the happiness and the perpetuity of the home and the family can be maintained on the earth.

God made provision for everything that would affect the human family so as to promote the greatest safety and harmony. The most intimate, the most binding, the most sacred of all human relationships is marriage, and it is upon this relationship that the very existence and the perpetuity of the human race depend. Marriage is a divine ordinance, older than any other human institution. Marriage is older than man’s fall and sin. Marriage is as old as Eden and the creation of man and woman.

After God had finished the creation of all animal life on the sixth day, He saw that “it was very good.” Genesis 1:31. When God said that “it was very good,” this included everything about the human creation. It included the very fact that God has placed in His Law a commandment that deals with sexuality. Sexuality is very good, as far as God’s pronouncement is concerned. What has happened, however, is that sexuality, as a result of sin, has become something nasty and bad in the minds of many people, and it is taught and perpetuated that way.


In Genesis 1:28, God commands the first man and woman whom He created to “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth.” The process of obeying this command is a sexual process—man and woman, sperm and egg, coming together in union form a new creature, ordained by God, blessed by God through the sanctity of marriage. No problem was considered that would affect this process, until sin came on the scene. When sin entered the Garden of Eden, almost immediately a shame came upon Adam and Eve, the Bible says, because “they were naked.” Genesis 3:7. Selfishness set in, and the divine plan that God had ordained turned into human purpose and was driven by human emotions. Adultery is the supreme example of selfishness—I need this for me; my wife or my husband does not meet my needs.

Great changes began to take place in that which God had pronounced as “very good.” One of the human family became subjugated by the other. Man held the rule, and woman became subjugated by man. God’s plan was distorted. The earth became wicked and violent, and, as a result of that violence, God destroyed everything upon the earth except that which was contained in the ark.

God designed the commandment that forbids adultery for the human family to protect husband and wife and to safeguard the rearing of children who had respect for God and for the human race. The seventh commandment is in God’s Law for this purpose.

A Sensitive Subject

Sex is a very sensitive subject because we have been subjected to unbalanced and false information. Very early on, in the Christian church, tampering began to take place, as far as sexuality was concerned, in the human mind. The church began to tamper with other commandments, and we know the result of that as far as the Sabbath/Sunday issue is concerned. We, as Seventh-day Adventists, have focused on that aspect of the tampering of the commandments. But, in reality, even though the wording of the seventh commandment was not tampered with, the understanding and the application of sexuality in the human family was.

By the fifth century, a monk in the Catholic Church by the name of Augustine began to set the tone for Christian thinking that would continue for centuries. Orders of monks came into being as well as convents for nuns and a distorted view of what God had pronounced “very good.” They began to teach and believe that chastity was the most favored position that the human race could hold. Such beliefs were taught in the schools of the church. The leaders began to destroy any and all documents and arts that had any reference to sexual matters. This is why, to a large extent in the European areas where Catholic influence has been felt, we have very little understanding of sexuality in earlier centuries. We have to go into areas where the Catholic influence was not felt to really understand the teachings that were going on at that time.

Out of this period came the Victorian era. The Victorian era is responsible for negatively impacting more people psychologically than perhaps any other era that has come to pass in this earth’s history. Today, we are still feeling the results of the Victorian era concerning sexuality. Generally, the first references children hear regarding their sexual organs are terms such as icky pooh and nasty. That comes from the Victorian mentality, and such thoughts have messed up innumerable people.

So, sex is indeed a very sensitive subject, because we have never fully understood what the Bible has to say about sex. We have never been able to come completely out of the Victorian era, which contended that sex is wrong, that it should not be preached about or discussed.

In Your Heart

Jesus said, “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery. But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Matthew 5:27, 28.

Jesus expands on these verses from the Sermon on the Mount telling what this commandment is prohibiting. It is not just the overt behavior of adultery that is being prohibited, but also the very disposition within us that underlies such behavior—the lust within us that gives rise to the kind of leers that veritably “undress” another person in order to feed the fires of our fantasized desires.

If you admire something long enough, you will soon want it. And if you want something long enough and bad enough, you will probably find a way to get it. We need to be careful, because sin starts in the mind. So the sin begins in looking and in thinking about that which is forbidden. The mind is the incubator of almost every deed that is done.

Ellen White counsels: “Our meditations should be such as will elevate the mind. ‘Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.’ [Philippians 4:8.] Here is a wide field in which the mind can safely range. If Satan seeks to turn it to low and sensual things, bring it back. When corrupt imaginings seek to gain possession of your mind, flee to the throne of grace, and pray for strength from heaven. By the grace of Christ it is possible for us to reject impure thoughts. Jesus will attract the mind, purify the thoughts, and cleanse the heart from every secret sin. ‘The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God; . . . casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.’ [11 Corinthians 10:4, 5.]” Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 136.

Adultery Lifestyles

Adultery is more than living a Clinton lifestyle. There is long distance adultery; the Internet opens up the possibilities for cyber adultery. This is a sin. Imagine spending hours tantalizing and playing with another human. And how do you even know if you are talking to a male or a female? If a married person allows his or her mind to fantasize about another person, they are playing with a fire that might just burn up their marriage. Your marriage gets torched when you are in the chat room dabbling with another person. Do not play with fire unless you want to spend some time in the burn unit. You know, I am sure, when the burn unit will occur. The New Testament is just as clear as the Old Testament when it says that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; Galatians 5:21.) Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers will be in the kingdom of heaven. The Bible is very plain on this.

Another kind of adultery is pornographic adultery. You get burned when you allow your mind to feast on pornographic images, which come onto your computer screen or into your mailbox. You need to avoid these temptations. Job had it figured out, when he said, “I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?” Job 31:1. That is a good covenant to make.

We need to eliminate anything that stirs us up with this type of temptation. Maybe we need to clean out the magazines in our houses. Maybe we need to get rid of some of the videos in our houses. Maybe we need to call the cable company and cancel certain channels, or, better yet, get rid of the television! We need to get our Bibles and read them.

Heed the counsel given in 1 Corinthians 7:2, 3: “Let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.”

And then there’s another type of adultery. We would call it premarital adultery, or fornication or cohabitation. Did you know that individuals who cohabit and then marry are 33 percent more likely to divorce than if they had not?

Purity is also expected if you are unmarried. Fornication includes those who live together before marriage. A girl who is shacked up with her boyfriend is very likely to suffer physical abuse. A child who lives in such a home with his or her mother’s boyfriend is 73 times more vulnerable to experience fatal abuse than a normal child. (See Maggie Gallagher, The Abolition of Marriage, Regnery Publishing, Washington, D.C., 1996, 31.)


Adultery does have consequences that are not usually shown in the fictitious world of movies, television soaps, or make-believe stories and books. Those things teach us that adultery is all love and fun, and everything is fine. But, I will tell you that eternal life is certainly jeopardized. Health is endangered. Happiness is squandered. Your reputation is cheapened. Your marriage is often irreparably destroyed. Your children suffer the consequences for generations to come. Your family name will be dragged into the dirt. Can you really afford adultery?

Breaking the seventh commandment produces broken homes and poverty. Almost 75 percent of American children living in fatherless households will experience poverty before the age of 11, compared to only 20 percent of those raised by two parents. Such children tend to drop out of school and develop emotional or behavioral problems, commit suicide and fall victim to child abuse or neglect. Males from such households are more likely to become violent criminals. In fact, men who have grown up without dads currently represent 70 percent of the prison population serving long-term sentences. (See Michael G. Moriarty, The Perfect 10, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1999, 113.)

Consider as well the other commandments that are broken when adultery occurs. Adultery is stealing; it steals the love from another; it steals someone’s spouse away. Adultery destroys trust, and jeopardizes the family. Adultery is a living lie. It is done without the knowledge of the spouse. Adultery is coveting someone who does not belong to you.

A Symbol

In faithful, lifelong committed relationships—those in which the partners say, and really mean, “ ’til death do us part”—we have the opportunity to mirror something that is divine. We have the opportunity to mirror in our own relationships that same quality of faithfulness with which, throughout our lives, God relates to us.

By being faithful to your spouse, you are enhancing your ability to be faithful to God. The purpose of the seventh commandment is to build an atmosphere where two people can experience the highest joy and deepest intimacy as they both grow more and more into the fullness of the image of Jesus Christ. God’s commitment and fidelity to us is eternal. He created us, too, for fidelity. God wants to protect that bond, but Satan works overtime to destroy the Christian home, because it represents that connection.

This seventh commandment is about chastity, faithfulness, and the overcoming of lust. Yet the truth of the matter is that these qualities in our relationships are too difficult for us to accomplish all on our own. You see, the rest of society is just too heavily invested in tempting us away from these. So to come anywhere near succeeding at them, we need to understand the value and worth of chastity, faithfulness, and the overcoming of lust, and ask God to help us obtain and maintain His virtue in our lives each day.

“Let every one who desires to be a partaker of the divine nature, appreciate the fact that he must escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. There must be a constant, earnest struggling of the soul against the evil imaginings of the mind. There must be a steadfast resistance of temptation to sin in thought or act.” Review and Herald, June 12, 1888.

The apostle Paul writes, in 1 Thessalonians 4:3: “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality.”

To be continued . . .

A retired minister of the gospel, Pastor Mike Baugher may be contacted by e-mail at:

Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh, Part I

Matthew 25:1–13 gives a parable of the ten virgins, which Jesus gave to his disciples in the evening. Of this parable Ellen White wrote, “Christ with His disciples is seated upon the Mount of Olives. The sun has set behind the mountains, and the heavens are curtained with the shades of evening. In full view is a dwelling house lighted up brilliantly as if for some festive scene. The light streams from the openings, and an expectant company wait around, indicating that a marriage procession is soon to appear. . . . In the scene upon which Christ looks, a company are awaiting the appearance of the bridal party, intending to join the procession.

“Lingering near the bride’s house are ten young women robed in white. Each carries a lighted lamp and a small flagon for oil. All are anxiously watching for the appearance of the bridegroom.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 405, 406.

Matthew 24 and 25 contain the instruction that Jesus gave to His disciples after they asked Him, “What shall be the sign of Your coming? When will these things [the destruction of Jerusalem] be, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and the end of the world?” Matthew 24:3. In answer, He gave this dual prophecy, a prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and also concerning the end of the world.

Unexpected Delay

The story of the ten virgins is a parable that applies particularly to the time of the end, to those people who are waiting expectantly and watching the eastern sky, waiting for Jesus to come. In this parable of the ten virgins, there was an unexpected delay. Has that happened? Yes.

In the 1980s, I served for a time as the Health Ministries Director for the Texas Conference. One Sabbath I was the guest speaker in a church, and a gentleman came to me and said, “My grandfather expected to live until Jesus came. My grandfather died. My father expected to live until Jesus came, but my father died. I have been expecting Jesus to come ever since I was a young man, and now I am 70 years of age.” The generations of his family had experienced the delay that is spoken of in the parable. This delay has had a terrible effect on Adventists.

The delay in the parable was so long; what did they do? The last time you attended a wedding, did you go to sleep? These ten young ladies were not expecting, originally, to go to sleep, but they slumbered and slept. The Lord included all of this detail in His story—the unexpected delay and the devastating effect that it would have upon those who were waiting.

The long-anticipated cry, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh,” came at midnight, the darkest time of the night hours. It is predicted in this story that Jesus will return again in the darkest period of earth’s history. It is my personal conviction that we are just about at that midnight hour; we are just about at the darkest period of earth’s history.

The Midnight Hour

In Luke 17:28–30, it says, “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.”

If you have studied history, you should be aware that never before in the history of man has homosexuality become socially acceptable all over the world. It was socially acceptable in Sodom, and it was socially accepted later on among the ten tribes. It became socially acceptable in the Roman government, and it became socially acceptable in France. But Jesus said that at the end of time it was going to be like the days of Lot in the world, not just in one geographic area. Friends, we are there! We live in a world that is so full of slime that we cannot allow ourselves to think about it. If we think about it too much, it is defiling for our own minds.

God foresaw all the different conditions that we would have to face and meet as we approach the last years of earth’s history. Are we living in the last years now? Yes, we are in the last years of earth’s history. We are approaching midnight.

At midnight a cry goes forth, “Behold, the bridegroom comes.”

Indulgence of Appetite

While traveling recently, I saw a billboard that was, to me, a fulfillment of prophecy. The billboard was an advertisement for International House of Pancakes (IHOP). It had a picture of about six pancakes with butter and syrup flowing over them. Then, in fairly large print, off to the right and bottom of the billboard it said, “Open 24 hours.” Shortly after that I saw another billboard advertising steaks and burgers. It also stated that this establishment is “Open 24 hours.” As I passed these signs, I thought, Do people really need to be eating syrup-smothered pancakes or steaks and burgers at 1:00 or 3:00 in the morning, or even at 11:00 at night? I thought that surely this is a fulfillment of prophecy.

Ellen White wrote about what will happen as the end of the world approaches: “As we draw near the close of time, Satan’s temptations to indulge appetite will be more powerful, and more difficult to resist.” Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 154. We are living in that time. When Ellen White wrote this statement, there were no International House of Pancakes restaurants that were open 24 hours.

There is a reason that we are constantly tempted on the point of appetite. The devil is trying to cause our eternal destruction through the indulgence of our appetite.

When attending the School of Health at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California, over 30 years ago, we were told, in a nutrition class, that in the third world countries only 10 percent of the people were overweight. In Western Europe, however, 25 percent of the people were overweight. That is one in four! But in the United States, we were having an epidemic of overweight. In this country, 41 percent of the people were overweight!

If you have read a newspaper or any of the national newsmagazines recently, it is being reported that over 60 percent of our population is significantly overweight. If you have studied health, physiology, epidemiology, or biostatistics, you know how ominous this is. You see, if there is an epidemic of obesity, the scene is being set up to have an epidemic of diabetes. That is already happening. When there is an epidemic of diabetes, then there is going to be an avalanche of trouble with the eyes and with the kidneys of diabetics. There will also be an increase of heart attacks.

These severe health issues as a result of indulged appetite are not just happening in the world. They are occurring throughout our churches. The devil is after us. Ellen White said that, “As we near the close of time, we must rise higher and still higher upon the question of health reform and Christian temperance, presenting it in a more positive and decided manner.” Counsels on Diet and Foods, 443.

She wrote also, “As our first parents lost Eden through the indulgence of appetite, our only hope of regaining Eden is through the firm denial of appetite and passion.” Ibid., 59.

About this problem Jesus said, “Pay attention to yourselves, lest you burden down your hearts with surfeiting.” Luke 21:34. Do you know what surfeiting is? It is what we call feasting or eating. When Jesus warns us to pay attention to our condition in the last days, the first thing he talks about is feasting, surfeiting. The verse continues, “. . . and drunkenness and the anxieties of every day living.”

Do we have anxieties of everyday living? Did you have any anxious moments when the price of gasoline escalated about 75 cents a gallon within a few days? We each have a number of anxieties of everyday living. So Jesus said, “Watch out, lest because of these things that they come upon you suddenly [when you are not aware].”

We must learn to practice self-denial in regard to appetite and passions. Ellen White did not say we are to quit eating, but we must learn how to be in control of our eating.

There will not be any gluttons in heaven, so the devil is trying to lead us into a life of self-indulgence. Not only does it wreck our health, but it becomes the means of us forfeiting eternal life. This is one of the great temptations of the last days.


“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, [it is] because [there is] no light in them.” Isaiah 8:19, 20. (See also Revelation 16:13, 14; 1 Samuel 28; Deuteronomy 18:9–12; 11 Corinthians 11:13–15.)

Ellen White wrote: “Satan is a cunning foe. And it is not difficult for the evil angels to represent both saints and sinners who have died, and make these representations visible to human eyes. These manifestations will be more frequent, and developments of a more startling character will appear as we near the close of time.” Review and Herald, April 1, 1875.

We are living in the time when more of these startling developments are taking place. Since Ellen White wrote the above statement, there has been a crescendo, a tremendous increase in the number of apparitions that are appearing to members of the human family, especially to the leaders of the world.

In Revelation 16:14, it says that these unclean spirits are going to “go out to the kings of the earth and the whole world, to gather them together for the battle of the great God Almighty.”

After Princess Diana died in a car accident in 1997, a big point was made on the news that she had been seeking advice from a spiritualist medium. If you listen carefully to the news, from time to time information such as this tidbit will be given. You will find out that the leaders of the nations are getting advice from people who are in contact with spiritists or from spiritists themselves.

More and more apparitions are appearing, and when they appear, they have a tremendous influence on people who do not know their Bible or from where these apparitions are coming. They think they are talking to the spirits of their dead loved ones. Any preacher or evangelist, any Bible worker, any man or woman who is in contact with many people, giving Bible studies to the public, can tell you stories of people with whom they have come in contact who have been in contact with some spirit.

I was told about a man in Wichita, Kansas, whose father had died. As he was driving along a road one day, he saw his father standing by the road, so he stopped, and they had a conversation. He thought he was talking to the spirit of his father. Things like this are happening more and more frequently, much more than in Ellen White’s day. We are living in the last years of earth’s history.

As we approach the end of time, if you have children, be sure that they are instructed and understand what to do if they should meet with somebody that looks just like one of their dead relatives. The devil is going to come to our children. He is going to come to us.

Ellen White said, “They [the saints] must understand the state of the dead; for the spirits of devils will yet appear to them, professing to be beloved relatives or friends, who will declare to them unscriptural doctrines. They will do all in their power to excite sympathy and will work miracles before them to confirm what they declare. The people of God must be prepared to withstand these spirits with the Bible truth that the dead know not anything, and that they who thus appear are the spirits of devils.” Early Writings, 262. (See Ecclesiastes 9:5.)

Apparitions are appearing more and more in the world. Before it is over, the devil and his angels are going to impersonate, Ellen White says, the apostles. “He who is the father of lies, blinds and deceives the world by sending forth his angels to speak for the apostles, and to make it appear that they contradict what they wrote by the dictation of the Holy Ghost when on earth. These lying angels make the apostles to corrupt their own teachings and to declare them to be adulterated. By so doing Satan delights to throw professed Christians and all the world into uncertainty about the Word of God.” Ibid., 90. Can you imagine? The world is being prepared for this through all manner of spiritistic programming on television.

Several years ago, I was flying to Australia to preach in a number of different places there. On those long overnight flights, the airlines always have movies playing. I was trying to rest with my eyes shut, but I opened my eyes for a moment, and I was shocked by what was on the movie screen. It was showing experiences with spirits after people had died. This is everywhere in our society.

Society is being educated to believe in spirits. Already they believe that when an apparition of the Virgin Mary appears, it is really Mary. In Wichita, somebody reported a shadow on a window of a medical clinic that looked like a shadow of the Virgin Mary. It seemed as though people in the town went crazy. They had to go there and see this shadow.

The world is open for this today. What will happen when the apostle Paul or the apostle Peter is impersonated, and then we are told by these apparitions things that contradict what these apostles wrote in the Scriptures? Are your children educated what to do when they meet up with something like this? This is what is going to happen in the last years of this world’s history.


In 1 Corinthians 10, the apostle Paul mentions a number of different things that happened to the children of Israel in the wilderness, and he says, “You do not murmur like they murmured. All of these things happened to them for ensamples [or examples] for us, upon whom the ends of the ages are come.” Verses 10, 11. What was this murmuring that Paul speaks of here? If you look back to Numbers 16:11–35, you will understand that he is referring to the experience of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. This experience is a special warning to those living in the last years of earth’s history. Speaking of the rebellion of these men, Ellen White wrote: “The facts relative to Korah and his company, who rebelled against Moses and Aaron, and against Jehovah, are recorded for a warning to God’s people, especially those who live upon the earth near the close of time. Satan has led persons to imitate the example of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, in raising insurrection among the people of God. Those who permit themselves to rise in opposition to the plain testimony, become self-deceived. Such have really thought that those upon whom God has laid the burden of his work were exalted above the people of God, and that their counsels and reproofs were uncalled for. They have risen in opposition to the plain testimony which God would have his servants bear in rebuking the wrongs among God’s people. . . . The straight testimonies borne were in their way, and caused them great uneasiness; and they found relief in warring against them, and striving to make themselves and others believe that they were untrue. They said that the people were all right, but it was the reproving testimonies which made the trouble.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1, 306, 307.

See, this is what Korah said! He said, “The people are all right; the problem is just this Moses who is too hard on us. The people are all holy.”

Ellen White wrote: “The repeated murmurings of the Israelites, and the visitations of God’s wrath because of their transgressions, are recorded in sacred history for the benefit of God’s people who should afterward live upon the earth; but more especially to prove a warning to those who should live near the close of time.” Ibid., 270.

One of the biggest problems today is the disunity and insurrection being raised among God’s people. This was the problem that the children of Israel had, and it was so serious that they were murmuring and complaining against their leaders, sometimes only Moses, sometimes both Moses and Aaron. This was one of the major reasons that all but two did not get to enter the Promised Land.

The devil knows that if we get to murmuring or complaining because of the providences of God that we do not understand or if we are unhappy with the leadership, we are murmuring because of the straight testimony; the preachers are preaching too straight.

This was the trouble with Moses. Moses was reproving the children of Israel often. That was not pleasurable for him to do, but that was his responsibility. It became even more unpleasant because they were murmuring, and one time they even wanted to stone him.

We are living in a time now when the majority of the professed people of God will not listen to plain preaching from the Word of God. That is one of the signs of the times, the fulfillment of this prophecy. We are doing exactly what the children of Israel did.

Straight Testimony

In 1993, the pastor of the Keene, Texas, Seventh-day Adventist Church, of which I was a member, sent me a letter. I had been an elder of this church for many years, as well as a Sabbath School teacher. In his letter, he stated that on a certain date there would be a church meeting and my name would be brought up for disfellowshipping. I thought this was very interesting, and I responded in writing that I would like to be there, if I was going to be disfellowshipped, but that I was scheduled to be in Europe on that date.

Well, they decided to disfellowship me anyway, while I was in Europe. When I returned from Europe, they sent a letter to me stating four reasons why I had been disfellowshipped. All four reasons were true! One of the four reasons they gave for my disfellowshipping was that I had stated that they were in apostasy. I had said that; I had even put it in print. It was the truth, and I could not retract it, because it was the truth.

I had published a booklet entitled, None Dare Call it Apostasy. In this booklet, I included quotations from denominational newspapers and college newspapers that documented what was being done in the church. Also included were some Bible texts and Spirit of Prophecy quotations, which made it very evident that there was apostasy in the church. We cannot take such reproof any more. If we are in apostasy, but nobody can say anything about it, how can we ever get out of that condition? You see, if a church or a group of people is in apostasy, there is no hope for them unless somebody gives them a warning of their condition, and unless they accept it, there is no hope.

Walls of Separation

We are living in the last years of time. During this time, there is going to be a polarization of all the people in the world. At the very end, there will only be two groups. These two groups will be so different from one another! One group will be an exact replica or image of the character of Satan. The other group will be an exact replica or image of the character of Jesus.

In 1 John 3:2, we are told that when Jesus comes, we are going to be like Him. The same writer, in Revelation 19:19, talks about these different worldly powers and how they are going to be gathered together to fight the Lord, the One that is on the horse.

Writing of the development of these two groups, Ellen White says, “As we near the close of time the demarcation between the children of light and the children of darkness will be more and more decided. They will be more and more at variance.” Last Day Events, 215. Why are they more and more at variance? Because one of the groups is becoming more and more like Jesus. They will not look at sin. They will not listen to sin. They will not be around sin. They will not eat like the world. They will not indulge in the entertainment of the world. They will not dress like the world.

The worldly are saying to us now, “Well, just what in the world do you do? You do not do anything that we do.” This experience repeatedly occurs when people accept God’s truth. All of a sudden they have to make new friends, because their worldly friends say, “You do not go to the movies with us anymore. You do not go to the drinking parties anymore. You do not play cards, gamble, or dance anymore. You do not do anything that we do.” So they lose all of their former friends; they have to develop all new friendships.

Perhaps the devil is tempting you with the fact that since you have chosen to follow Jesus, you are a loser. Maybe you have lost your spouse or other family members or dear friends have deserted you. You feel all alone in the world. Let me tell you something. When everyone forsakes you because you are following Jesus, you are going to gain more friends, and the friends you gain are going to be of a much better quality than the ones you have lost.

“As we near the close of time the demarcation between the children of light and the children of darkness will be more and more decided. They will be more and more at variance. This difference is expressed in the words of Christ, ‘born again’—created anew in Christ, dead to the world, and alive unto God. These are the walls of separation that divide the heavenly from the earthly and describe the difference between those who belong to the world and those who are chosen out of it, who are elect, precious in the sight of God.” Ibid., 215, 216.

The difference between the two groups is going to become more and more evident, because we are attempting to imitate the life of Christ. It is the goal, if you are a Christian, to imitate, to copy the Pattern. The Bible says, “He that is in Him, it is necessary for him to walk as He walked.” 1 John 2:6.

To be continued . . .

[Bible texts quoted are literal translation.]

Pastor John Grosboll is Director of Steps to Life and pastors the Prairie Meadows Church in Wichita, Kansas. He may be contacted by e-mail at:, or by telephone at: 316-788-5559

Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh, Part II

A key text for people who are living in the last years of time, approaching the end of everything in this world as we know it, is Revelation 12:12: “On account of this, rejoice, O heavens, and those who dwell in them! Woe to the earth and the sea! Because the devil has come down to you having great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time.”

Among different Bible students and scholars, there is a difference of opinion as to what exact time this text in Revelation 12 applies. I am not interested in getting into a controversy about it. I will mention the two positions, and you can study this whole chapter and try to figure it out for yourselves. Some people believe that this applies particularly to 31 a.d., after the resurrection of Jesus. I have no real argument with those people. I personally believe that this Scripture has more particular application to 1798, the end of the 1260 day period. Study it out for yourself and make your own decision. Whichever way it is, we are living in that time now.

With a Whisper

“The devil has come down to you having great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time.” What does this text predict? This text predicts that as we approach the last years of earth’s history, the controversy between Christ and Satan is going to become more fierce and intense.

Ellen White wrote: “The Lord Jesus Christ came to dispute the usurpation of Satan in the kingdoms of the world. The conflict is not yet ended; and as we draw near the close of time, the battle waxes more intense.” Review and Herald, April 14, 1896. Then she discussed how Satan will personate Jesus Christ and how he will work upon the human imagination. The devil is cunning; even though he has great wrath, sometimes he comes with a whisper.

How does the devil get to your imagination? He can get to it through billboards, magazines, radio, television, novels, plays, videos—all of those are ways the devil can use to introduce things into your imagination and to start working on it. You need to be careful what you are looking at, what you are listening to, and what your imagination is dwelling upon.

After Ellen White says that the battle will wax more intense, she continues: “He will exercise his power, and work upon the human imagination.” Ibid. The devil wants to work on your imagination and on my imagination. We sometimes may not even know we are being tempted. We may think that we are just daydreaming, that we are just enjoying a little reverie, but the devil is working on the imagination.

A special warning is given for the young people: “Through the pleasures and ambitions of the world, the enemy is working to draw the youth into his ranks, and he has much success. As we approach nearer to the close of time, he will invent every possible attraction to draw their minds into worldly channels.” Ibid., February 1, 1912.

Attack upon Marriage

Another sign that the end of this earth is near is the severe attack we see upon marriage. Divorce seems to be used as the solution to a myriad of issues.

A young lady who was contemplating divorce once asked me for counsel. In her situation, I could only tell her, “Jesus said that if you divorce your spouse and marry somebody else, for some reason other than adultery, you are in adultery.” She did not like my answer. She divorced her husband and married somebody else anyway. That is one of the signs of the times.

Ellen White wrote, “A woman may be legally divorced from her husband by the laws of the land, and yet not divorced in the sight of God and according to the higher law. There is only one sin, which is adultery, which can place the husband or wife in a position where they can be free from the marriage vow in the sight of God.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 1, 159.

When Jesus comes again, there will be many people who have remarried after divorce, with no biblical grounds. It is a problem that we are facing all over the world. It is one of the signs of the times.

Fashionable Sins

Speaking about a certain class of people, Ellen White said, “Those who cannot sustain their position by the Scriptures are stubbornly determined that it shall be sustained at all hazards, and with a malicious spirit they attack the character and motives of those who stand in defense of unpopular truth. Though very unbelieving in regard to the sure word of prophecy, they manifest the utmost credulity in accepting anything detrimental to the Christian integrity of those who dare to reprove fashionable sins. This spirit will increase more and more as we near the close of time.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, 292.

If you study history, you will learn that in every period of history in this world there have been certain sins in different cultures that have been acceptable. There are sins today that are acceptable in Adventism. When some of us have decided that we have to write, preach, teach, and say what God says about these fashionable sins, people get angry. There is hatred of those who reprove fashionable sins.

There are sins that were fashionable in other periods of time that are not fashionable today. People fall into fashionable sins because they are looking around at other people, and they may not even realize something is sin, because everybody is doing it.

When we lived in Keene, Texas, my son attended the Keene Adventist Elementary School. One evening when we were talking, I was admonishing him about certain things that he should not do, and he said to me, “But dad, everybody is doing it.”

I was ready for that! I said, “Son, what if all those people who are doing that burn up some day? Would you like to burn up with them?”

There was a time, during Old Testament times, when one of the fashionable sins was the practice of polygamy. Was it a sin? Of course it was a sin. That is not fashionable right now, although today we have consecutive polygamy—we marry and divorce, marry and divorce. We have multiple spouses; we just have them one at a time.

One of the fashionable sins in Adventism today is lewdness. Do you know what lewdness is? Maybe I should use a simpler word: immodesty. Ellen White says that lewdness defiles the conscience. (Patriarchs and Prophets, 454.) Concealed Sin

“As we near the close of time, Satan will work with masterly activity to undermine principle, and corrupt moral character. Sin is committed by many who think their crime is effectually concealed. But there is One who says, ‘I know thy works.’ ‘There is nothing covered, which shall not be revealed; and hid, which shall not be known.’ [Revelation 2:2; Matthew 10:26.] When the mind is infatuated with the idea of sin, there will be deception practiced; lies will be told; for those who commit such sins will not be slow to lie as well. But all sin shall be revealed.” Review and Herald, May 24, 1887.

“The small sins will swell into the greater sins. Impure thoughts, private, impure actions, unrefined, low, and sensual thoughts and actions in the marriage life, the giving loose reins to the baser passions under the marriage vow will lead to every other sin, the transgression of all the commandments of God.” Ibid.

We need to face up to the divine counsel in the Spirit of Prophecy. Impure thoughts lead to impure actions. God has given you the right to eat. He gave Adam and Eve the right to eat, but did He give them the right to eat anything they pleased at any time? No. There was one tree of which God said, “Do not eat.” (Genesis 2:17.)

Whether you are a man or a woman, God has given you the right to get married. That is honorable. The Bible says that marriage is honorable, but just as it is not right for a person to eat anything, any time, any way, so the marriage privileges can be abused.

If you are concerned as to whether or not you and your spouse are living in a way that is honorable and glorifying to God, obtain the book, Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce, by Ellen White. In it her counsel and advice is very, very specific.

Lose to Win

Matthew 24:10, 11 has some specific counsel as to what will happen as we approach the end of time: “And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many.” These verses say, “many.” How many are these many? Ellen White states very specifically that the majority will forsake us. (Testimonies, vol. 5, 136.)

What is going to happen? She says, “We are living in these last days, when lukewarmness and apostasy abound.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, 171. “The development of those who are not of the truth, will become of more frequent occurrence, as we near the close of time. Many will show that they are not one with Christ, that they are not dead to the world, that they may live with him; and frequent will be the apostasies of men who have occupied responsible positions. To be dead with Christ, means to be dead to all sin,—dead to the pleasures, the enjoyments, the profits, the honors, of the world; and, if we are partakers of Christ’s self-denial and suffering, we shall lose nothing by it, for we shall be partakers with him of his glory. It is at the peril of our souls that we prove unfaithful.” Review and Herald, September 11, 1888.

Remember that whatever we lose when we follow Jesus is not really a loss. As we approach the end, we are going to lose everything, from a worldly standpoint. But if we have faith, that is going to be a very exciting time. When it seems as though everyone around us has forsaken us and we lose everything for Jesus’ sake, then we know, if we have faith, that we are going to gain everything.

The day that we lose everything and the day that we gain everything is not the same day. There will be some time when it will appear, from a worldly point of view, that we have lost out on everything completely. Our friends or our relatives who are not in the faith, who are not walking up the narrow road, will think we are absolutely crazy. Some of us have had some experiences like that already.

Accuser of the Brethren

Revelation 12:12 says that as we approach the end of time, “On account of this, rejoice, O heavens, and those who dwell in them! Woe to the earth and the sea! Because the devil has come down to you having great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time.”

Verse 10 says, “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Now has come salvation and power, the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ, because the accuser of our brethren has been cast out, the one accusing them before our God day and night.”

The devil is the accuser of the brethren. You can study about that in Zechariah 3. He stood at the right hand of Joshua to oppose him. Ellen White writes, “Satan studies every indication of the frailty of human nature, he marks the sins which each individual is inclined to commit, and then he takes care that opportunities shall not be wanting to gratify the tendency to evil.” The Great Controversy, 555.

As we approach the close of time, she writes that, “Satan commenced his work as an accuser in heaven. This has been his work ever since the fall, and it will be his work in a special sense as we approach nearer to the close of time.” Review and Herald, September 22, 1896. We are going through this right now.

What To Do

What should we do since we are in this situation? Divine counsel has been given. I do not see God’s people doing this very much, but we should start doing it: “Now and onward till the close of time the people of God should be more earnest, more wide-awake, not trusting in their own wisdom, but in the wisdom of their Leader. They should set aside days for fasting and prayer. Entire abstinence from food may not be required, but they should eat sparingly of the most simple food.” Ibid., February 11, 1904.

This is a very interesting statement. If Ellen White were not inspired, she would not have known to write this. But, you see, we are living in a time when we are the weakest generation there has ever been. There are people all around us who have diabetes and various other health problems, which make it difficult to easily fast. They have to be very careful. I have friends who are on insulin, and they cannot just decide that they are not going to eat anything for a day. They have to be careful.

We are facing a crisis in the church and in the world that we have never before faced. We are not going to make it through these last years successfully unless we have special divine help. I believe that because, as I have prayed, I have been impressed that unless I have special divine help from the Lord, I am not going to make it. Jesus said to the disciples, when they could not cast out the devil, “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” Matthew 17:21.

We will be opposed, in a very short time, by a monolithic worldwide church led by the antichrist. How are we going to make that? It is written in The Great Controversy, 384, that, “The Protestant churches have much of antichrist in them, and are far from being wholly reformed from . . . corruptions and wickedness.” The Seventh-day Adventist church is a Protestant church, and many Adventists will be right along with this worldwide church. We are not going to make it through this time unless we devote some days to fasting and prayer.

What is Happening

A most startling statement is given in Manuscript Releases, vol. 13, 379. This is a prediction of what is going to happen in the last years. I believe that we are living in the last years, and I believe this is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes. This quotation explains to me why Adventists are exclaiming, “What is going on? I cannot believe that this is happening.” But it is happening.

“In His Word the Lord declared what He would do for Israel if they would obey His voice. But the leaders of the people yielded to the temptations of Satan, and God could not give them the blessings He designed them to have, because they did not obey His voice but listened to the voice and policy of Lucifer.”

What was the problem? God promised His people, “If you obey My voice, I will do these things for you.” But she continued, “God could not give them the blessings He designed them to have, because they did not obey His voice but listened to the voice and policy of Lucifer.”

That is the setting for the statement that applies to us: “This experience will be repeated in the last years of the history of the people of God, who have been established by His grace and power. Men whom He has greatly honored will in the closing scenes of this earth’s history pattern after ancient Israel.” Ibid.

Who are the people of God in the last years of earth’s history that have been established by God’s grace and power? Seventh-day Adventists.

What happened to Israel? God said, “If you obey My voice, I will do this for you.” They did not obey His voice but listened to the voice and policy of Lucifer. This is why so many things are happening today. People wonder why the Vatican flag was in the Parade of Nations at the General Conference Session. What is happening? Why are Catholic priests giving testimony and monsignors addressing the leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church? What is happening?

What did Ellen White say would happen in the last years? The experience of leaders of God’s people not obeying His voice but listening to the voice of Lucifer, she said, would be repeated. Just like it happened in ancient Israel, she said, “Men whom He has greatly honored will in the closing scenes of this earth’s history pattern after ancient Israel.”

We are in the closing scenes of this earth’s history, and that is why we see things happening in the church that cause us to say, “What is happening?” We cannot understand it. We cannot believe it. It is so confusing that we cannot make any sense out of anything. That is what is happening.

True or False

One more thing that is going to happen as we approach the end is:

“Falsehood will be so mingled with truth, that only those who have the guidance of the Holy Spirit will be able to distinguish truth from error.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, 359.

This statement is an excellent one to follow after the quotation about listening to the voice of Lucifer. You see, when you listen to the voice of Lucifer, that does not mean that you are not going to hear truth. The devil knows what the truth is, and the devil can teach you a lot of truth. By the way, everything that the antichrist believes is not a lie. Much of what the antichrist teaches is the truth.

Does the antichrist power believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sin? They teach it. Do they believe that you should pray? Yes. They are even teaching now—they did not teach this in the Dark Ages—that you should read your Bible. They believe in missions.

I was given an official Catechism of the Catholic Church. I have looked through it, and it is actually quite amazing, the tremendous amount of truth it contains. But, of course, it is mixed up; it is the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The Book of Revelation predicts that the whole world is going to be deceived by the devil at the end of time. Do not think that all they will believe are lies. A lot of what they believe will be the truth. That is what will make it so deceptive. There will be truth mingled with error, and you will not be able to figure it out unless you have the help of the Holy Spirit.

This perhaps helps you to understand why we need to be praying every day. This is why we pray before we preach. This is why we pray before we study God’s Word. This is why we pray, “Lord, help us to understand the truth,” before we study our Bibles at home.

The devil stands beside some people when they are studying the Bible. He teaches them lots of things—a lot of truth mixed up with error. We cannot tell the error unless the Holy Spirit is working in our mind s. When we understand this, we no longer have self-confidence. Instead, we ask the Lord to keep us. We surrender our lives totally to Him because we recognize that only He can keep us from being deceived.

Lust of the Flesh

What is happening as we approach the end of time, the last years of earth’s history? Ellen White wrote, in the January 2, 1900, Review and Herald, “Many who profess to believe the word of God do not seem to understand the deceptive working of the enemy. They do not realize that the end of time is near; but Satan knows it; and while men sleep, he works. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life are controlling men and women. Satan is at work even among the people of God, to cause disunion. Selfishness, corruption, and evil of every kind are taking a firm hold upon hearts.”

The day of probation is not over yet. If selfishness, corruption, the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life has a firm hold on your heart, if you cry out to the Lord Jesus, He can set you free from the devil’s firm hold.

From the few things we have addressed in this article, you know that the Lord Jesus can save you if you make a complete surrender and dedication to Him. I hope you understand that it is necessary to make a total surrender to the Lord, because if you do not, the devil is going to get you.

We are living in the shaking period, in the last years of earth’s history. There is going to be a group of people that will be ready when Christ returns. I want to be one of those people. If you want to be one of those people also, make a covenant with the Lord right now; pray, “Lord, I want to make a covenant with You. Whatever I lose in this world, whatever opposition I have, I want to be one of the people that is ready when Jesus comes. Lord, if there is anything in my life that is wrong, please point it out to me. I want every wrinkle, every spot, to come out of my character. Lord, I am really serious about being saved.”

[Bible texts quoted are literal translation.]

Pastor John Grosboll is Director of Steps to Life and pastors the Prairie Meadows Church in Wichita, Kansas. He may be contacted by e-mail at:, or by telephone at: 316-788-5559.


Several years ago, a fellow ministerial colleague and I conducted a fiftieth wedding anniversary remarriage ceremony. As we went through the ceremony, I could not help but notice the happiness, joy, and love that radiated from the countenances of the husband and wife. They were positive with their attitudes toward each other, and they clung to each other as though they were just getting married for the first time! Truly, I must say, I was wonderfully amazed and pleasantly proud of both persons. Their actions, love, and respect for each other outshone couples that have come before me at the altar for the first time to get married.

After the ceremony concluded, I decided to ask the celebrants what had kept them together for 50 long years, and, at the same time, be still experiencing that love and intimacy which all true, healthy, and strong marriages experience. As I approached the beaming couple, they looked to me invitingly with pleasant smiles, and I quickly, yet privately, posed my question: “What kept you both happily married for 50 years?”

Their answer was simple, yet powerful in application: “You have to learn to give and to take.” A rather interesting answer indeed! This philosophy, practiced by this husband and wife, has kept them together for 50 years of their lives. Of course, I must mention that they are committed Seventh-day Adventist Christians, and their spiritual commitment to Christ enabled them to learn to give to and to take from each other.

Some time ago, my wife and I were invited to my hometown church reunion, and I knew that I would be seeing and getting reacquainted with longtime friends and contemporaries whom I had not seen for years! I was surprised to discover, upon meeting some of them, that they were divorced and had remarried. I distinctly remember one of my acquaintances asking me, “Are you still married?”

To which I responded, “Yes!”

The question that followed was rather interesting. It was, “To the same person?”

I again answered, “Yes!”

Changing Times

It seems quite strange in these days that there exists a private notion, even among Seventh-day Adventist Christians, that assumes that marriage between a man and a woman is not “until death do us part.” The thought prevails that lifelong, happy marriage relationships can no longer exist; things, times, and people have changed. But, may I ask, have not things, times, and people always been changing?

Yet, in years past, marriages have survived the storms and tempests, so what is the difference now? I would hasten to answer that the issue is a human problem. In our contemporary age, it is said that 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. In the year 1900, the number of marriages that were conducted were 709,000. In that same year, the number of divorces that took place were 55,751, giving us a marriage/divorce ratio of 12.7/1. However, by the year 1980, the number of marriages that were performed had risen to 2,413,000, and the number of divorces was 1,182,000, giving a marriage/divorce ratio of 2.01/1. (Alanzo H. Smith, When Loving You Is Destroying Me, Brentwood Christian Press, Columbus, Georgia, 1996, 49.)

Amazingly, it is said that, since the beginning of the year 2000, for every three marriages, both in the world as well as in the church, two end in divorce! Why is this so? Why are marriages, in these contemporary days, experiences of such major destruction? Again, I say, it is a human problem.

The majority of us human beings has rejected God and His wisdom and has been building on our own wisdom. In past years, the Word of God was the foundation of the home, the school, the church, and society. Prayer was prized as a chief weapon for success and prosperity. In this contemporary age, man’s wisdom, and man’s wisdom only, is recognized by the majority of earth’s population; consequently, deterioration has occurred! It would do us good to remember and to apply the words of the Psalmist ourselves: “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” Psalm 127:1.

So, in spite of all that is happening to marriage, how can the Christian remain happily married in a contemporary world such as ours, which is so anti the traditional, biblical marriage?

Answer for Survival

In Matthew 7:24–27, Jesus presents the answer for the survival of the marriage institution, the home, the church, the school, and society: “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.”

Christ expanded upon this answer in Luke 6:47–49: “Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.”

It is important for us to note what Jesus is not saying. Jesus, here, is not saying that there will not be any storms or tempests in a Christian marriage.

He is saying that when the storms come, there will not be any permanent damage, because, in the Christian home, His words are heeded, and He is made the foundation upon which the marriage is built.

I have heard it said that the biggest problem with the American family is that they think marriage should not have any problems. What we all need to remember is that Jesus has not promised that there will not be any problems in marriage, but He has pointed out that the marriage that stands is the one built on the Word of God.

You see, the strong marriage and the weak marriage look alike from the outside, but it is when the tests of storms and tempests come that the truth is thereby revealed. Therefore, we should pay strict attention to the apostle Paul’s counsel and warning as given in 1 Corinthians 7:27, 28: “Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you.”

Note carefully what Paul says: “But and if thou marry . . . such shall have trouble in the flesh.” Understandably, then, there is no marriage that is storm proof, trouble proof, or that will never experience trials and difficulties. Troubles are the lot of all marriages! Yes, the troubles may vary from marriage to marriage, but troubles of all sizes and intensities must be expected in every marriage. The survival secret is to build upon Christ!

The Foundation

Ellen White counseled: “Affection may be as clear as crystal and beauteous in its purity, yet it may be shallow because it has not been tested and tried. Make Christ first and last and best in everything. Constantly behold Him, and your love for Him will daily become deeper and stronger as it is submitted to the test of trial. And as your love for Him increases, your love for each other will grow deeper and stronger.

“Though difficulties, perplexities, and discouragements may arise, let neither husband nor wife harbor the thought that their union is a mistake or a disappointment. Determine to be all that it is possible to be to each other. Continue the early attentions. In every way encourage each other in fighting the battles of life. Study to advance the happiness of each other. Let there be mutual love, mutual forbearance. Then marriage, instead of being the end of love, will be as it were the very beginning of love. The warmth of true friendship, the love that binds heart to heart, is a foretaste of the joys of heaven.” The Adventist Home, 105, 106.

Jesus, speaking of what it truly means to build upon Him, explains: “It is not enough, He says, for you to hear My words. By obedience you must make them the foundation of your character. Self is but shifting sand. If you build upon human theories and inventions, your house will fall. By the winds of temptation, the tempests of trial, it will be swept away. But these principles that I have given will endure. Receive Me; build on My words.” The Desire of Ages, 314.

The apostle James understood Christ’s words fully. That is why he wrote, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” James 1:22.

The Rock

“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.” Matthew 7:24, 25.

The psalmist David identifies the rock to be the Lord. He states: “The Lord [is] my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, [and] my high tower.” Psalm 18:2.

Also, in Psalm 62:2, David maintains that, “[God] only [is] my rock and my salvation; [he is] my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.” And, in Psalm 31:3, David’s prayer is, “For thou,” speaking of the Lord, “[art] my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me.”

The prophet Isaiah speaks of Christ as “a great rock in a weary land”! “Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment. And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.” Isaiah 32:1, 2.

The apostle Paul affirmed that Christ was the Rock that went with His people in ancient times: “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:4.

Upon what must a storm-proof marriage be built? As Dr. S. M. Davis put it, in the recorded presentation, “How to Build a Storm-Proof Marriage,” the foundation must be the:

1) Rock of a covenant instead of the sand of a contract;
2) Rock of humility instead of the sand of pride;
3) Rock of communication instead of the sand of silence;
4) Rock of unconditional love instead of the sand of emotion;
5) Rock of acceptance and praise instead of the sand of anger and putdowns;
6) Rock of building each other instead of the sand of inactivity;
7) Rock of changing instead of the sand of stubbornness;
8) Rock of salvation instead of the sand of religion. (

Only Hope

The only hope for the survival of every marriage in this era is to build upon Christ the Rock. The sentiment of every Christian husband and wife, as well as those who are contemplating marriage, should be like that of the hymn writer, Edward Mote:

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

When darkness seems to veil His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, and blood,
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
O may I then in Him be found;
Clad in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

The Church Hymnal, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington, D. C., 1941, 581.

Let us build marriages that will last not only for time but also for eternity!

Man, Marriage, and God

The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made [them] at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Matthew 19:3–6.

Some years ago my daughter implored me to attend a bridal fashion show with her that was being given at Pacific Union College in Angwin, California. It was not my practice to go to fashion shows, but I went to this one with her. There were a number of young ladies present, as you would expect, and there were some beautiful wedding gowns displayed, as the ladies who still had their wedding gowns—and were still able to wear them—modeled them for us on the platform.

At the end of the program all of the young ladies who were planning matrimony in the near future were asked to stand. To my astonishment, about 100 young ladies promptly stood. As I looked at them, I was saddened by the thought that, according to the statistical evidence, only about half of those marriages would survive. And this led to the next thought: Why?


There has never before been a time in the history of the human race when there has been as much counsel on marriage as there is available right now. A small, personal library could probably be filled with books on the subject, but what is wrong with this counsel that is not working? I would suggest that the problem is the philosophy of humanism.

What is meant by humanism? Some humanistic thought would include: there is no God; there has never been a fall of man from a perfect condition to an imperfect condition; there is no standard of right or wrong—except what people think about right or wrong; “socially acceptable” means that other people around you think it should be this way; there is no such thing as sin; whatever most people are doing is called “normal.”

As it pertains to marriage, humanists would see marriage as nothing more or less than a relationship of convenience between two animals—two highly intelligent animals, but animals nonetheless. And they pose the question, Why would you condemn an animal for being an animal? Would you condemn a cat for chasing a mouse? Would you condemn a dog for chasing a rabbit? Would you condemn a man for what he does? That is the way they reason.

Much counsel is being given on the topic of marriage by people who believe such things. How can such beliefs be beneficial to marriage? If marriage is nothing more than a relationship of convenience between two animals, when it ceases to be convenient, one animal walks away. What else would be expected? Why would you blame an animal for being an animal? That is the way they reason. Well, we do not believe that; I am just pointing out why we have to go a different pathway.

Our concept is the Christian concept. Marriage is not a relationship of convenience between two animals. In the first place, humans are not animals. In the second place, marriage is a relationship between Creator God and two of His subjects.

God created marriage. As Jesus said, He made them male and female; He ordained and performed the first marriage, and His involvement does not stop there. He is involved in every marriage that occurs on this earth; if it is entered into properly, it is a covenant between a man, a woman, and the Creator God.

In this article, seven principles regarding marriage will be given.


Spouses are responsible to one another, but even more so are they responsible to the third party in the marriage contract, the Creator God. He is watching and taking notice of everything. He is holding the marriage partners strictly accountable, because nothing is more important or has more potential for benefiting or injuring any human being on this earth than a marriage relationship.

The agony of a divorce or a separation is something that individuals never overcome. It is a lifelong injury that will never be totally healed as long as they live upon this earth. The Lord is fully aware of the tremendous potential for injury—not only to the husband and the wife, but to the children, to all the extended family members, and to all society—when the home breaks down. We should be very careful about the principle of responsibility.


Second is the principle of identity—that which distinguishes and identifies one from another, that sets apart, is separate from others. A man shall leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife. The sovereignty of the new home must be respected by all. A new unit is being established—a new unit of life, a new societal unit, a new unit in the community. This unit has a peculiar unchallengeable sovereignty that no one must invade—that means fathers and mothers.

The mother and father of both spouses should be welcome in the newly established home. But the mother and father are guests in this home, and as guests, they are not to enter into decision-making in any way, shape, or form. Guests do not come into your home and tell you how to raise your children. Guests do not come into your home and tell you how to arrange your furniture or how to manage your finances. Guests are guests, and they must never forget their status as such. Let the sovereignty of the home be carefully recognized by all.


The next principle is the principle of unity. “They twain shall be one.” A certain bride, I am told, was startled when she heard the minister talking like that in a wedding ceremony, and she interrupted to ask, “Which one?”

The best answer, of course, is neither. In the marriage, a new oneness is being established. It is not the husband one or the wife one; it is a new we that is a totally new one. This leads directly to the question of dominance and leadership. There is one verse in the Bible that practically every man in the whole world knows, and that is the verse that says the man is supposed to be the boss. Well, they need to know a little more than that.

Ephesians 5:22–25 says, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands.” That is where most men stop reading. But read the rest of this passage: “… as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church.” Now, gentlemen, read this carefully: “… and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so [let] the wives [be] to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” I suggest that in any home where the wife understands that, should the occasion require, her husband would without hesitation lay down his life for her, there will not be very many problems of leadership.

The oneness, the leadership that is called oneness, is a unique, special kind of leadership. It is different from all other leaderships in the world. We would not call the leadership of an employer to an employee oneness. Nor would we use the word oneness when referring to the relationship of a king to his subject or the leadership of a teacher to a student. But the leadership of Christ to the church is special. It is unique; it is not like anything else on earth or in heaven. This is a very special kind of leadership which has to be based on sacrificial love.


In the Garden of Eden, the dominance of man over woman was not an element in Adam and Eve’s relationship. As two unfallen beings, neither had to be boss; they could work things out together and get along fine. The dominance of male over female is strictly a result of sin, and we who are trying to get rid of sin should also get rid of that which results from sin. Our goal should be to have total equality.

Ellen White wrote: “Woman should fill the position which God originally designed for her, as her husband’s equal.” The Adventist Home, 231.

“Neither husband nor wife is to make a plea for rulership. …

“Do not try to compel each other to do as you wish. You cannot do this and retain each other’s love.” Ibid., 106, 107.

This is the plan of God. We who respect the words, the teachings, and the counsels of God should make it very clear that we are striving to reach that goal.


The fourth principle is privacy.

“There is a sacred circle around every family which should be preserved. No other one has any right in that sacred circle. The husband and wife should be all to each other.” Ibid., 177.

I once was acquainted with some young married ladies who made the unfortunate mistake of comparing the adequacy of their husbands as lovers, and pretty soon all of them knew about everything. It was demoralizing. As this is such a frank, plain- spoken generation, we hear people brazenly and boldly talking about things that were better said in private if at all. Such discussion is cheapening and vulgarizing. That is the way we as Christians should feel when we see the tawdry display of sex all about us.

The “sacred circle” does not mean that those who need counseling should not seek counseling. But it does mean that things that are personal and private between a husband and a wife should not be casually talked about with other acquaintances.


The fifth principle is love. The simple application of the golden rule would solve most of the problems that occur in relationships, but we have specific help also from the God of love. “Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except [it be] with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.” I Corinthians 7:3–5. Incontinency means lack of self-control. The Greek word dia could be translated to as well as for. Verse 5 perhaps makes more sense when read, “Satan tempt you not to your incontinency.”

What about the aberrations, these strange things we are told are just alternate lifestyles in our time? I Corinthians 6:9, 10 reads: “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” But that should not discourage anyone. Look at the next verse: “And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”

The humanists are wrong who tell us that the lifestyle some are living is normal, that nobody can do anything about it. The word of God tells us that some were like that, but they are not like that now. People can change.

Those who turn away from the word of God flounder. There are enormous debates going on in high places as to whether the courts should permit same-sex marriages. There are arguments about having women on male football teams, having male attendants in ladies’ restrooms, and what to do with those who claim to be transgender. The word of the Lord solves all problems.


“Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32.

This verse is important to the principle of harmony, the sixth principle.

I was once called into a house where a home had broken up. The husband and wife had already decided what to do with all the furniture and with the children, and then, as a last resort, they sent for me. It would have been nice if I could have been involved earlier, but the evening I arrived, I could feel the tension, and I realized that if I said one wrong word, the situation would blow up. So, I was afraid to say anything. I sat down at the head of a table, asked the husband and wife to sit on either side of the table, and for a full 30 minutes I did nothing at all except read from the New Testament about the forgiveness of Jesus.

Gradually, the two necks began to bend a little bit; the eyes began to go down. Finally I finished reading, and I asked, “Now, with that object lesson before you, which one of you can refuse to forgive the other?” They both shook their heads, not me, not me. That is one home that was saved.


The last principle is fidelity. “Love is a precious gift, which we receive from Jesus. Pure and holy affection is not a feeling, but a principle. Those who are actuated by true love are neither unreasonable nor blind.” Ibid., 50.

True love is not possible unless there is a true man and a true woman. If you want to have true love, you must find a true man or a true woman, a man or a woman who lives by principle. His or her love will be true, because he or she is true.

To illustrate, young man, beware of the girl who lies to her mother and father to go out with you, but says she would never lie to you. When the occasion requires, she will lie to you, because a liar is a liar. Young woman, beware of the boy who cheats in class to get a better grade but says he would never cheat on you. He will, when the occasion arises, because a cheat is a cheat.

Feeling is the flower and fruit; principle is the trunk and the roots of the tree. Feeling is the high-spirited horse; principle is the firm hand on the bridle reins. Feeling is the high-powered automobile; principle is the hand on the steering wheel. Feelings change. Feelings come, and feelings go. That is why we are told so often to not rely on feelings.

“Love is patient and kind. Love knows neither envy nor jealousy. Love is not forward and self-assertive, nor boastful and conceited. She does not behave unbecomingly, nor seek to aggrandize herself, nor blaze out in passionate anger, nor brood over wrongs. She finds no pleasure in injustice done to others, but joyfully sides with the truth. She knows how to be silent. She is full of trust, full of hope, full of patient endurance. Love never fails.” I Corinthians 13:4–8 (Weymouth’s New Testament).

May God bless you all in your homes that they may be the little bits of heaven on earth that God intends for them to be.

Often regarded as the patriarch of historic Adventism, Dr. Ralph Larson completed forty years of service to the Seventh-day Adventist church, as pastor, evangelist, departmental secretary, and college and seminary teacher. Upon retirement, he continued his service, diligently working with and giving counsel to those within the historic movement until his passing on August 19, 2007.

The Filthy Garments

Many people believe that in the end we are all going to the same place, but the Bible does not teach that. Revelation 20:15 says, “And if anyone was not found with his name written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire.”

Revelation 21:27 identifies the ones who will be allowed into the holy city: “There shall in no case enter into it anything or the one doing abomination or making a lie. Rather those having been written in the book of life of the Lamb.”

How do you get your name written in this book? How do you keep your name from being taken out of this book? The tragedy is that in this modern world there are so many in the last generation who will think they are going to be saved, but they will learn at the end that they are lost.

A Prophecy

In this article we will study about our eternal destiny. We will begin with a prophecy concerning the spiritual condition of God’s people just before Jesus comes.

In Matthew 22, we read about the man who did not have on the wedding garment; he was not allowed into the wedding. The prophecy in Zechariah 3 shows that we do not have on the wedding garment. It is a most startling prophecy, because nobody can go to the wedding feast without having on the wedding garment, a garment of character that has no spot or wrinkle.

“And he showed me Joshua the great priest standing before the messenger of Jehovah, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him.” Zechariah 3:1. The word Satan is one of the few words in the English language that is a direct transliteration from the Hebrew word satan. The Hebrew name Satan, which means “the adversary,” was given to Lucifer after he fell. He is God’s adversary, and if you are a follower of God, he is your adversary. The different names Satan has in the Bible are significant.

Jesus said that the devil was a liar, but when the devil came to the angels in heaven and to Adam and Eve, he mixed error and truth together. To really be effective at deception, one must tell the truth most of the time. What we see in Zechariah is that the accusation the devil brought was true! “And Jehovah said to Satan, Jehovah gives a rebuke to you, Satan. Jehovah, the one who is choosing among Jerusalem, rebukes you. Is not this a brand that is plucked from the fire?” Verse 2.

Who is this brand that is plucked from the fire? It is you and me. What does it mean when it says that it is “a brand that is plucked from the fire”? That means this is a person who, because of his or her sins, is about to be destroyed, but the Lord says, “I am going to pull you out of the fire.”

Filthy Garments

Joshua had been pulled out of the fire, but notice his condition in verse 3: “And Joshua was clothed in filthy garments.” Now, stop right there. Can you go to the wedding feast in filthy garments? No, you cannot, but this is a description of God’s people. Ellen White wrote much about this. (See Testimonies, vol. 5, 467–476, “Joshua and the Angel.”) Those in filthy garments apply with particular force to God’s people at the end of time, right before probation closes.

We can cover ourselves any way we choose; we can make ourselves look as nice as possible, but God knows what is in the heart, and He tells us that our garments are filthy. You see, all through Scripture, from the fig leaves to the Book of Revelation, garments symbolize character. (See Revelation 19:7, 8.)

This is the crux of what is known as the shaking. The shaking occurs when we realize that we have on filthy garments, and if a miracle does not happen in our lives, we are lost.

“And he answered and said to those standing by him, Take away the filthy garments from him. And he said to him, ‘See I have caused to pass away from you your iniquity, and you shall be clothed in a royal robe.’ ” Verse 4. Taking away the filthy garments means that our iniquity is taken away. (Continue to read through Zechariah 3:7.) God’s children are to have their filthy garments taken away.

Cause of Defilement

What is it that causes God’s people to be clothed in filthy garments? Obviously, a garment that is filthy is a garment that is not pure. It is a garment that is polluted, defiled. In the law of God is spelled out the cause for a man or a woman to become defiled or polluted. That is the first thing that is done in the Bible. The first five books of the Bible explain that explicitly, so we will not make a mistake.

If we are clothed in filthy garments when probation closes, we will be lost. In Revelation 22:11, 12, it says that the one who is filthy is going to stay that way, but those that are saved will have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. Revelation 7:14.


We can be clothed in filthy garments because of the way we eat. Leviticus 11 details the clean and unclean foods, and in verse 44, the Lord said to the children of Israel, “You are not to defile yourselves by eating these things. I am holy so you are to be holy.”

Our Protestant friends may say that this is not in the Ten Commandments, and the law was nailed to the cross. Well, the clean and unclean foods in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 have nothing to do with the ceremonial system of the sanctuary. It has nothing to do with the Levitical priesthood.

Isaiah 66:15–17 talks about the time when the Lord is going to come to this world with wrath to judge the people because of their wickedness. It talks about different classes of people that are going to receive God’s wrath, and it mentions that those who are eating swine’s flesh and the mouse are going to receive the wrath of God.

We need to understand that we can be clothed in filthy garments because of what we eat.


Leviticus 18 talks about lewdness, immodesty; it takes in everything having to do with pornography in all its forms—whether dress, music, reading, or whatever it is. Leviticus 18:24 says, “Do not defile yourselves in any of these things, because in all these things the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you.”

We are living in a time which has become more and more deeply involved in lewdness and immodesty and pornography of all kinds. All such things cause a person to wear filthy garments.


There was a time when Seventh-day Adventists did not believe in going to the movies.

There are several things wrong with watching drama—whether it is movies in the theater, on the television, or on the video or DVD, or attending a live dramatization in a theater or elsewhere.

Dramatization involves people acting a part. The person who is acting is actually telling a lie. If we watch movies or other drama presentations, we are watching somebody act out a lie. It has become so bad that men take parts where they are acting the part of Jesus Christ. Think about the blasphemy! They take parts as well where they are acting the part of evil spirits.

The movie industry has played a significant part in our society in introducing more and more immodesty of every kind. The people who watch this and who listen to the music with immoral lyrics are clothed in filthy garments.


In Exodus 32, God said to Moses, “Your people have corrupted themselves.” “Moses saw the people, that restraint was removed, because Aaron had removed the restraint.” Verses 7, 25.

What restraint was removed? It was the restraint that God ordained should exist between men and women. Men are to keep their hands off women. Ellen White wrote that it is permissible for a preacher, or anyone else, to shake a woman’s hand. But, she cautioned that a woman’s hand should not be held too long or she could be caused to sin. Even the minister or other individuals could sin. (See Testimonies, vol. 5, 598.)

The restraint that God ordained should exist between men and women was removed in the experience in Exodus when they were dancing around the golden calf. It is removed in the dancing that is done today.

Familiarity in speech and in touching is causing God’s people to be clothed in filthy garments.


In the Bible, the Lord talks about the stones that we have in our bags. (See Deuteronomy 25:13–15; Leviticus 19:36; Proverbs 16:11; 20:10, 23; Micah 6:11.) In ancient times, when individuals went to buy something, there would be a scale; upon one side of the scale the seller would place his or her weight, and the buyer, on the other side, would place whatever was being bought so the scale would balance. Of course, people who did a lot of buying and selling learned how to work things to their advantage. They had two bags of stones—the heavy bag was used for buying; the bag filled with stones that were light was used for selling.

The Lord counseled that we are not to have two kinds of stones in our bags—a heavy bag and a light bag. We are to have a just weight and a just balance. In other words, we are to be strictly honest.

If we take advantage of one another, we are clothed in filthy garments.

Seven Abominations

Revelation 21:27 tells us that no one will enter into the holy city who works an abomination. An abomination is something that is hated, especially something that God hates. In Proverbs 6:16–19, Solomon identifies seven things God hates: a proud look, a haughty look; a deceitful tongue; hands that shed innocent blood; a heart devising wicked plots or plans; feet that hurry to do evil; a deceitful mouth, a false witness; and one who brings about strife among brethren.

The people involved in these kinds of things have on filthy garments.

Anger, Lust, Hatred

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus showed that the filthy garment begins in the heart. Even if we do not say or do anything, we have hearts that are filthy and polluted.

For example, in Matthew 5:21, 22, we are told, “You have heard that it was said by them of old time, you shall not murder, but I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment.” Jesus was not telling us that we could be angry if we have a cause, but if we do not have a cause we cannot be angry, because almost everybody who gets angry has a cause! (See Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, 55–57.)

In Matthew 5:27, 28, we are cautioned against lust. Lust has to do with the mind. That is where sin begins. I have heard some people say that we can think whatever we want, just do not do it. That is one of the devil’s lies. Jesus tells us that if we are lusting in our minds, but we do not ever take action, we are still in filthy garments.

Then, in verse 43, Jesus spoke specifically of hatred: “You have heard that it is said of them in old time to love your neighbor and hate your enemies.” Hatred comes from the heart.

If we have a problem with anger, lust, or hatred, we are in filthy garments.

Take Them Away

What does it mean to take the filthy garments away? It means to have our iniquity taken away. It happens at the end of the Day of Atonement.

The Lord says, “In my ways you will go. If my charge you will keep, you will govern my house and keep my courts. You will be men wondered at.” Zechariah 3:8. Those who will be wondering are the people who are not saved, who do not have on the wedding garment.

You see, some of the people who are not saved are claiming today that having on a garment without spot or wrinkle is not possible. But, according to the Bible, there will be some people who have on a garment or character without spot or wrinkle, and they are the only ones going to heaven.

“To the marriage supper of the Lamb will come many who have not on the wedding garment—the robe [Christ] purchased for them with His lifeblood. From lips that never make a mistake come the words, ‘Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment?’ Matthew 22:12. Those [thus] addressed are speechless. They know that words would be useless. The truth, with its sanctifying power, has not been brought into the soul, and the tongue that once spoke so readily of the truth is now silent. The words are then spoken, ‘Take them out of My presence. They are not worthy to taste of My supper’ (cf. Luke 14:24).

“As they are separated from the loyal ones, Christ looks upon them with deep sorrow. They occupied high positions of trust in God’s work, but they have not the life insurance policy that would have entitled them to eternal life. From the quivering lips of Christ come the mournful words of regret, ‘I loved them; I gave My life for them; but they persisted in rejecting My pleadings, and continued in sin.’ ” The Upward Look, 301.

Friends, the filthy garments must be removed.

Pastor John Grosboll is Director of Steps to Life and pastors the Prairie Meadows Church in Wichita, Kansas. He may be contacted by e-mail at:, or by telephone at: 316-788-5559.

Bible Study Guides – Human Nature

August 24, 2008 – August 30, 2008

Key Text

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. … So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:26, 27.

Study Help: Patriarchs and Prophets, 52–62.


“Man was to bear God’s image, both in outward resemblance and in character. … Man was formed in the likeness of God. His nature was in harmony with the will of God.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 45.

1 What was the condition of man at creation? Genesis 1:27.

Note: “All heaven took a deep and joyful interest in the creation of the world and of man. Human beings were a new and distinct order. They were made ‘in the image of God,’ and it was the Creator’s design that they should populate the earth.” Review and Herald, February 11, 1902.

“When Adam came from the Creator’s hand, he bore, in his physical, mental, and spiritual nature, a likeness to his Maker. ‘God created man in His own image’ (Genesis 1:27), and it was His purpose that the longer man lived the more fully he should reveal this image—the more fully reflect the glory of the Creator.” Education, 15.

2 What kind of garment did Adam and Eve wear? Genesis 2:25.

Note: “The white robe of innocence was worn by our first parents when they were placed by God in holy Eden. They lived in perfect conformity to the will of God. All the strength of their affections was given to their heavenly Father. A beautiful soft light, the light of God, enshrouded the holy pair.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 310, 311.

3 What did God say about man on the sixth day? Genesis 1:26–28, 31.

Note: “Man came from the hand of God perfect in every faculty of mind and body; in perfect soundness, therefore in perfect health.” My Life Today, 126.

4 What kind of food was provided for our first parents? Genesis 1:29.

Note: “In order to know what are the best foods, we must study God’s original plan for man’s diet. He who created man and who understands his needs appointed Adam his food. ‘Behold,’ He said, ‘I have given you every herb yielding seed, … and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.’ Genesis 1:29, A.R.V. Upon leaving Eden to gain his livelihood by tilling the earth under the curse of sin, man received permission to eat also ‘the herb of the field.’ Genesis 3:18.

“Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing. They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect that are not afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet.” The Ministry of Healing, 295, 296.

5 How can we best describe the Eden lifestyle? Genesis 2:8–10, 15.

Note: “In this garden [the garden of Eden] were trees of every variety, many of them laden with fragrant and delicious fruit. There were lovely vines, growing upright, yet presenting a most graceful appearance, with their branches drooping under their load of tempting fruit of the richest and most varied hues. It was the work of Adam and Eve to train the branches of the vine to form bowers, thus making for themselves a dwelling from living trees covered with foliage and fruit.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 47.

6 What else was provided for man’s happiness on the sixth day? Genesis 1:27; 2:18, 21–24.

Note: “He [Jesus] referred them [the Pharisees] to the blessed days of Eden, when God pronounced all things ‘very good.’ Then marriage and the Sabbath had their origin, twin institutions for the glory of God in the benefit of humanity. Then, … the Creator joined the hands of the holy pair in wedlock, saying, A man shall ‘leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one’ (Genesis 2:24).’ ” Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, 63.

7 What is God’s purpose in the marriage institution? Genesis 1:28; 2:18.

Note: “He [the Creator] enunciated the law of marriage for all the children of Adam to the close of time. That which the Eternal Father Himself had pronounced good was the law of highest blessing and development for man.” Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, 63, 64.

“God made from the man a woman, to be a companion and helpmeet for him, to be one with him, to cheer, encourage, and bless him, he in his turn to be her strong helper. All who enter into matrimonial relations with a holy purpose—the husband to obtain the pure affections of a woman’s heart, the wife to soften and improve her husband’s character and give it completeness—fulfill God’s purpose for them.

“Christ came not to destroy this institution, but to restore it to its original sanctity and elevation. He came to restore the moral image of God in man, and He began His work by sanctioning the marriage relation.

“He who gave Eve to Adam as a helpmeet performed His first miracle at a marriage festival. In the festal hall where friends and kindred rejoiced together, Christ began His public ministry. Thus He sanctioned marriage, recognizing it as an institution that He Himself had established. He ordained that men and women should be united in holy wedlock, to rear families whose members, crowned with honor, should be recognized as members of the family above.

“The divine love emanating from Christ never destroys human love, but includes it. By it human love is refined and purified, elevated and ennobled. Human love can never bear its precious fruit until it is united with the divine nature and trained to grow heavenward. Jesus wants to see happy marriages, happy firesides.” The Adventist Home, 99.

8 As a result of Adam’s and Eve’s disobedience, what happened to human nature? Romans 5:12, 17, 19.

Note: “After their sin Adam and Eve were no longer to dwell in Eden. They earnestly entreated that they might remain in the home of their innocence and joy. They confessed that they had forfeited all right to that happy abode, but pledged themselves for the future to yield strict obedience to God. But they were told that their nature had become depraved by sin; they had lessened their strength to resist evil and had opened the way for Satan to gain more ready access to them. In their innocence they had yielded to temptation; and now, in a state of conscious guilt, they would have less power to maintain their integrity.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 61.

9 What is the condition of humanity today? Psalm 51:5; Romans 7:14–20.

Note: “A perception of right, a desire for goodness, exists in every heart. But against these principles there is struggling an antagonistic power. The result of the eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is manifest in every man’s experience. There is in his nature a bent to evil, a force which, unaided, he cannot resist. To withstand this force, to attain that ideal which in his inmost soul he accepts as alone worthy, he can find help in but one power. That power is Christ. Co-operation with that power is man’s greatest need.” Education, 29.

“The strongest evidence of man’s fall from a higher state is the fact that it costs so much to return. The way of return can be gained only by hard fighting, inch by inch, hour by hour. In one moment, by a hasty, unguarded act, we may place ourselves in the power of evil; but it requires more than a moment to break the fetters and attain to a holier life. The purpose may be formed, the work begun; but its accomplishment will require toil, time, perseverance, patience, and sacrifice. …

“The life of the apostle Paul was a constant conflict with self. He said, ‘I die daily.’ II Corinthians 15:31. His will and his desires every day conflicted with duty and the will of God. Instead of following inclination, he did God’s will, however crucifying to his nature.” The Ministry of Healing, 452, 453.

10 What is the final consequence of sin? Romans 6:21, 23.

Note: “Adam, in transgressing the law of Jehovah, had opened the door for Satan, who had planted his banner in the midst of the first family. He was made to feel, indeed, that the wages of sin was death.” Confrontation, 23.

“He who chooses a course of disobedience to God’s law is deciding his future destiny; he is sowing to the flesh, earning the wages of sin, even eternal destruction, the opposite of life eternal. Submission to God and obedience to His holy law bring the sure result. ‘This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.’ John 17:3.” The Faith I Live By, 71.

11 Since man is free to choose either eternal life or eternal death, what advice does the Lord give us? Deuteronomy 30:15–19.

Note: “We need to be active, working Christians, unselfish in heart and life, having an eye single to the glory of God. Oh, what wrecks we meet everywhere! what silent lips and fruitless lives! ‘This,’ said the angel, ‘is because of falling under temptation. Nothing mars the peace of the soul like sinful unbelief.’

“You should not give up in despair, thinking you must live and die in the bondage of doubt and unbelief. In the Lord we have righteousness and strength. Lean upon Him; and through His power you may quench all the fiery darts of the adversary and come off more than conqueror. You may yet become sanctified through the truth; or you may, if you choose, walk in the darkness of unbelief, lose heaven, and lose all. By walking in the light and working out the will of God, you may overcome your selfish nature.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 213, 214.

Additional Reading

“God Himself gave Adam a companion. He provided ‘an help meet for him’—a helper corresponding to him—one who was fitted to be his companion, and who could be one with him in love and sympathy. Eve was created from a rib taken from the side of Adam, signifying that she was not to control him as the head, nor to be trampled under his feet as an inferior, but to stand by his side as an equal, to be loved and protected by him. A part of man, bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, she was his second self; showing the close union and the affectionate attachment that should exist in this relation. ‘For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it.’ [Ephesians 5:29.]

“God celebrated the first marriage. Thus the institution has for its originator the Creator of the universe. ‘Marriage is honourable’ [Hebrews 13:4, first part]; it was one of the first gifts of God to man, and it is one of the two institutions that, after the fall, Adam brought with him beyond the gates of Paradise. When the divine principles are recognized and obeyed in this relation, marriage is a blessing; it guards the purity and happiness of the race, it provides for man’s social needs, it elevates the physical, the intellectual, and the moral nature.” The Adventist Home, 25, 26.

“The strongest evidence of man’s fall from a higher state is the fact that it costs so much to return. The way of return can be gained only by hard fighting, inch by inch, hour by hour. In one moment, by a hasty, unguarded act, we may place ourselves in the power of evil; but it requires more than a moment to break the fetters and attain to a holier life. The purpose may be formed, the work begun; but its accomplishment will require toil, time, perseverance, patience, and sacrifice.” The Ministry of Healing, 452.

“ ‘The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ Romans 6:23. While life is the inheritance of the righteous, death is the portion of the wicked. Moses declared to Israel: ‘I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil.’ Deuteronomy 30:15.” The Great Controversy, 544.

“Obedience and submission to God’s requirements are the conditions given by the inspired apostle by which we become children of God, members of the royal family. Every child and youth, every man and woman, has Jesus rescued by His own blood from the abyss of ruin to which Satan was compelling them to go. Because sinners will not accept of the salvation freely offered them, are they released from their obligations? Their choosing to remain in sin and bold transgression does not lessen their guilt. Jesus paid a price for them, and they belong to Him. They are His property; and if they will not yield obedience to Him who has given His life for them, but devote their time and strength and talents to the service of Satan, they are earning their wages, which is death. Immortal glory and eternal life is the reward that our Redeemer offers to those who will be obedient to Him. He has made it possible for them to perfect Christian character through His name and to overcome on their own account as He overcame in their behalf. He has given them an example in His own life, showing them how they may overcome. ‘The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ [Romans 6:23.]” Testimonies, vol. 3, 365.

©2005 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Youth to Youth: Just Wait

Through our youth, we are faced with many different decisions—some with long-lasting effects and some with a lot less. The decision of a life partner is one of the biggest decisions we will ever make. This, sadly, may give us the most heartache we will ever experience. So what is the best way to sail around the rocks into the sunshine? I am certainly no expert in this, but I do have a few guidelines to offer.

Just wait!

When we are young, we always think that we are ready to make our own decisions, ready to go out into life, find our true love, and start things off. When I was 16, this is what I wanted to do, but I thank God He allowed things not to work out as I intended.

It is best to wait for God’s timing. But what is God’s timing? Obviously, this depends on the person, but we do have two areas of counsel to follow.

  1. Are we old enough? A decision as important as marriage should be postponed until we have fully developed both physically and mentally.

“A youth not out of his teens is a poor judge of the fitness of a person as young as himself to be his companion for life.” The Adventist Home, 79.

  1. Have we finished our education? This may be a weird question, but we do not want to divert brainpower from our studies for something that requires so much emotional and psychological energy.

“Young people are sent to school by their parents to obtain an education, not to flirt with the opposite sex. The good of society, as well as the highest interest of the students, demands that they shall not attempt to select a life partner while their own character is yet undeveloped, their judgment immature, and while they are at the same time deprived of parental care and guidance.” Fundamentals of Christian Education, 62.

“Gather all the efficiency you can, making the most of your opportunities for the education and training of the character to fill any position which the Lord may assign you. You need so much a balance-wheel in judicious counsel. Do not despise advice. Bear in mind that the school is not a place to form attachments for courting or entering into marriage relations.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 10, 74.

Even when we are old enough and out of our studies, we may want to rush on before God, but my first instruction is to wait. Consider whether the person with whom you want to unite your life has the traits that are worthy of your attention. Take time to analyze this person to see if he or she has what you really need in a life partner as per the instruction we have been given in The Adventist Home, 211–224 and 231–273. I would encourage you to read this first from the angle of how should I be, and then read it from the angle of for what should I be looking.

Ask yourself, Am I ready to play my part in the family role? Have I come close to God? Am I willing to take up my fair share of life’s burdens? Am I willing to be that perfect husband or wife? Am I willing to work at a relationship, accept someone for who they are, and, with God’s help, have a happy home? Or will I be the sort who will want everything my way? These are hard questions, if you answer them honestly.

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to wait upon the Lord, but if we will trust God, then He will work things out for us—maybe not in the way we think we want them to be, but in the way that He knows is best for us. When we learn this lesson and let God rule supremely in our lives, then we are ready to progress in finding a life partner.

Let us make sure we wait for the right time in our lives and also that we do the preparation work before we enter into such a relationship.

Jeff Samuels is a pseudonym